Rate settings

Started by arthur1501, Apr 22, 2007, 11:57 AM

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That part in the RateMyServer.net, you can change the Base exp, Job exp and the Iten drop. How can I change it in the game? ???
thanks ;D


lol...i sure wish you can change it in game sometimes.

No, you can't change it in game.  You change your rate in ratemyserver.net based on your rate in game whichever your server rate is.


Ah that statement easily made my day. I <3 new people.
-- Ragna-Retired --


the only way is to change server that run at a different rate.



Well, actually that's quite easy. You go into DOS mode and there type 'format c:' (or something like that).


Thats kinda mean Emmie!
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lol yea that is mean, i once actualy type that when i was 9 when my Q is how to install sakray n stuff...
yea pretty stupid

n to change rate myb u can make u r own server. the rate is up to you ;)


I think there are actually a couple of servers that let you do that... Not any good ones to my knowledge though.


what server r those? cuz i never actually heard of 1
wanna "check those out"


Quote from: Emmie on Apr 25, 2007, 03:48 PM
Well, actually that's quite easy. You go into DOS mode and there type 'format c:' (or something like that).

That won't work if it's currently being read  ::)


Also, considering they asked this question. Lets assume they don't know what DOS mode is, or how to get into it. Lol.
-- Ragna-Retired --