
Started by Xeighter, Jan 28, 2009, 07:28 AM

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How much dex or hit do I need to hit the emperium?
Also, Which does more damage to the emp? Orc Skeletons or TGs? Mind you, there will be 4 in this weapon if that helps.

Much appreciated.


Oh snap, look what I found from The Actual Site To These Forums?!
Hit(100%)   127
Flee(95%)   191

Race   Angel
Property   Holy 1
Size   Small

Quote from: Orc Skeleton Card
Increase damage on Holy Property enemies by 20%.
Script : { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,20; },{},{}

Quote from: Turtle General Card
Increases damage inflicted on all enemies by 20%.
3% chance of automatically casting Level 10 Magnum Break on the enemy when attacking.
Script : { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,20; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,20; bonus2 bAddRace2,5,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{}

Now, you tell me which seems better to use.

Pro Tip : Use this wisely.

Ever heard of testing instead of just asking us the simplest questions?


A good mix of TG, OS and Desert Wolf cards is what you're going for. Thana card or Ice pick helps a lot, Emp has high def.


Quote from: Azurene on Jan 28, 2009, 07:35 AM
Oh snap, look what I found from The Actual Site To These Forums?!
Hit(100%)   127
Flee(95%)   191

Race   Angel
Property   Holy 1
Size   Small

Quote from: Orc Skeleton Card
Increase damage on Holy Property enemies by 20%.
Script : { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,20; },{},{}

Quote from: Turtle General Card
Increases damage inflicted on all enemies by 20%.
3% chance of automatically casting Level 10 Magnum Break on the enemy when attacking.
Script : { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,20; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,20; bonus2 bAddRace2,5,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{}

Now, you tell me which seems better to use.

Pro Tip : Use this wisely.

Ever heard of testing instead of just asking us the simplest questions?

Ever thought of simply answering a simple question?
Oh, wait... you prefer to try and sound witty and sarcastic through a series of hoops to jump through. I could've searched, but now I get to see you throw a tantrum.
Kudos, you wasted more breath trying to make a point instead of forming an answer.

Read Below, then try not to sound so temperamental.


Sarin: Does it? I thought it just had a lot HP.
Because I have a max lvl. 255 LK and I am going to make a +10 Mace [4], but which cards gives the most output damage on the Emp.? Triple TGs, that despite changing my element to fire, gives a nice bonus, or Orc Skeleton cards that don't get an attack bonus, but hit the Emp. without any trouble of changing the element to fire.

And I dunno about Desert Wolf Cards, OS does 20% and DW only does 15%. Is there some form of game mechanic that makes them even out or is OS just simply inferior...


Question. Why a mace? Aren't one handed swords better?


Why will your element change to fire? Get cursed water to change to shadow.

As for % cards, well it's usually best to have 3/1 or 2/2 than to have 4 of the same card, cards that are the same are added together and then the multiplier, but cards that are different are multiplied separately.

1000 damage with [20% x4]  = 1800
1000 damage with [20% x3 + 15%x1] = 1840
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Quote from: ChemicalW on Jan 28, 2009, 08:41 AM
Question. Why a mace? Aren't one handed swords better?

They do more damage to small monsters I believe.

Because that's what the Magnum Break ability does?

Effect:  5x5 cells, Fire property splash attack with ATK of 100%+20%*SkillLV and a +10*SkillLV bonus to HIT. Enemies hit by the attack are pushed back 2 cells. Drains 15 HP per use, but cannot kill character. After usage, it adds a 20% Fire-elemental bonus to ATK that lasts for 10 seconds. After the cast the attack sequence is not interrupted.


It was clarified here, but I think I misunderstood it.

So which would you suggest? Triple TG + OS?
Thanatos + Triple TG?
Triple OS + DW?


thana+2TG+OS. TG does not change element of weapon, magnum break ADDS some fire dmage atop of your normal damage. And use cursed waters for empbreak, halves your break time. Best weapons for empbreak are daggers, for they have max damage against small and have very fast attack speed.


Quote from: Sarin on Jan 28, 2009, 09:26 AM
thana+2TG+OS. TG does not change element of weapon, magnum break ADDS some fire dmage atop of your normal damage. And use cursed waters for empbreak, halves your break time. Best weapons for empbreak are daggers, for they have max damage against small and have very fast attack speed.

+ the fact that sword mastery adds extra damage to your daggers.


I don't think magnum break works on the emp, most skills don't. Best use normal attack with a cursed water. ^_^

I would use +10 main gauche with Thana + 2 TG + 1 Desert Wolf, if your STR is not too high, and Thana+2 TG+1 OS if your STR is high (which is likely to be the case).
[color=darkblue]heRO is a great friendly, pre-renweal, unique and fun server with a great community, give it a try![/color]

[color=darkblue]Click here to find out more about heRO![/color]


Quote from: Xeighter on Jan 28, 2009, 08:37 AM
Ever thought of simply answering a simple question?
Oh, wait... you prefer to try and sound witty and sarcastic through a series of hoops to jump through. I could've searched, but now I get to see you throw a tantrum.
Kudos, you wasted more breath trying to make a point instead of forming an answer.

You didn't search for the easiest question in the universe and you cop an attitude when somebody makes a sarcastic response

what server do you play again so I can go troll it thanks in advance


Quote from: You on Jan 28, 2009, 10:28 AM
Quote from: Xeighter on Jan 28, 2009, 08:37 AM
Ever thought of simply answering a simple question?
Oh, wait... you prefer to try and sound witty and sarcastic through a series of hoops to jump through. I could've searched, but now I get to see you throw a tantrum.
Kudos, you wasted more breath trying to make a point instead of forming an answer.

You didn't search for the easiest question in the universe and you cop an attitude when somebody makes a sarcastic response

what server do you play again so I can go troll it thanks in advance

InfamousRO, it says so right next to my username.

Why search it when I can simply ask it and there are plenty of people willing to answer in a very simple fashion. Ignorance is bliss and it's apparent in the sarcastic reply I was given above, I guess what comes around, goes around. If he wishes to feel fulfilled by attempting to sound witty, power to him. But I'm not one to stand idly by and not point out the irony or at least what is clearly evident.

Just stay on-topic and the question goes away like all the others.


P.s For such an easy question, I'm getting different replies ranging from different tactics and builds.
Might want to ponder on that one while you type so furiously at your keyboard to sound so aggressive.


Save your TG's for something else.  The magnum break will get in your way since it changes your element to fire (though it does give you bonus hit).  I'd say you should stick with orc skeletons and thana.
One hand would deal the most damage overtime as well as give you a shield (Thara, keep in mind you need to be soul linked though).  Two hand is safer and easier to use.
As for a mace... don't you lose a lot of your skills since you don't have "mace quicken up" and all those other things?

Emphasizing each button I press as it sends a large amount of hate to the keyboard!


Quote from: Xeighter on Jan 28, 2009, 11:09 AM
Why search it when I can simply ask it and there are plenty of people willing to answer in a very simple fashion. Ignorance is bliss and it's apparent in the sarcastic reply I was given above, I guess what comes around, goes around. If he wishes to feel fulfilled by attempting to sound witty, power to him. But I'm not one to stand idly by and not point out the irony or at least what is clearly evident.

P.s For such an easy question, I'm getting different replies ranging from different tactics and builds.
Might want to ponder on that one while you type so furiously at your keyboard to sound so aggressive.

why help myself when i can be spoon fed

and yes you are the puppet master look at them all squirm hmm yes *lights pipe* *strokes neckbeard*


Quote from: Poki on Jan 28, 2009, 12:13 PM
The magnum break will get in your way since it changes your element to fire (though it does give you bonus hit).
It doesn't. It adds fire damage on top of your normal damage rather then endowing your weapon with an element. But I would save the cards anyway.
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