First-time Champ: I need a lot of advice. Leveling, Stats, Equips, MVPs and more

Started by Leamee, Mar 13, 2011, 08:55 PM

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Hey guys,

I've finally decided to play champ. I grew to like MVPing with my Sniper so why not?
I'm a complete newbie when it comes to the class though. I've always avoided it like the plague but I tested champ on RMS test serv and I'm starting to like it A LOT  :)
I already have 2 incubus cards which I believe is a start, and I bought the morpheus combo. I know it's outdated and sucky and all but it only cost me 5M and it's kind of useful for asura right?
I'm not aiming for crazy equips like variant shoes - however I'd appreciate it if someone explained the skills to me and how to improve asura damage.
Also, is luna kaleet the best weapon for champ? I sold all my luna kaleets (bad I know) but I can drop some more if I need to, and again, a +4 one is a good start.
Just how painful can asura be? My friend has figured out a build that allows him to OS one of the inca morrocs (IMO that's quite good) but I was wondering about regular leveling.
Where could I farm effectively? I'd be using Orlean's uniform and that's it, the rest would be filled by the morpheus combo I guess.

Leveling spots as a monk? Advice on how to play champ? Please speak your mind  :)


+10 triple Peco2 egg card and BSB for sleepers OHKO levelling (high str, 75 total dex, rest int -> this build allows you to asura properly too)

as for high end equips, get a  +10 luna kaleet with 3 AK cards, put 1 incubus in a slotted mid, another in a +7 maiden's hat (a.k.a. dress hat) if it's available, or use whatever upper custom headgear that gives most def and/or atk or str to get you to the next /10.

get the best lower gear that gives damage and/or SP available to you.

get a porcellio armor for damage output, or whatever helps you land an asura in safely in regards to the mob itself.

hodremlin stone buckler and alice stone buckler should be sufficient for most situations. For glass cannons, invest in the new world mobs +20% resist +5% damage cards (tatacho, water elemental, cornus, etc).

get a sohee shoes or +9 firelock shoes or variants

use the 2 morph accs or mantis diab rings.

really, get a diab robe if possible, and slot a porc in it for most damage...



Thanks a lot. I can get most equips easily, not alice card and diablos robe though but I'll work on that. Does that build allow me to OS sleepers with FO? Also, I already have cornus and draco. We have a healer so I won't be potting like crazy, I'll just asura/heal/asura like the others.


Quote from: Leamee on Mar 14, 2011, 06:49 AM
Thanks a lot. I can get most equips easily, not alice card and diablos robe though but I'll work on that. Does that build allow me to OS sleepers with FO? Also, I already have cornus and draco. We have a healer so I won't be potting like crazy, I'll just asura/heal/asura like the others.

You can hunt alice yourself at kiel dungeon. If you need to do the quest, it's long but worth it imo.

And you kill sleepers with investigate, not FO.

Check with your server/GM if new world mob cards already have their effects implemented, or test them yourself. Last I played they weren't... but that was quite some time ago. :]

Depending on what you plan to kill, I wouldn't really recommend relying too much on asura/town/heal/asura. Especially since you say you want to learn how to play the class o:


Thank you so much, that's very helpful! And you're right, I do want to learn how to play the class. So, how do investigate and FO work and where could I level with those skills? What kind of equips would I need and which monsters are easily farmable when you don't have asura yet? Thanks again!
Posted on: Mar 14, 2011, 07:50 am
I managed to drop the 2 diablos rings so I'll make my champ tomorrow or Friday after work. I bought spiritual ring to help me heal bomb more efficiently during my acolyte/ early monk life, but I'm still confused when it comes to FO and investigate. On my serv, a lot of people level off of scarabas once their level is high enough but I know I can't do that as a low-level monk.
Moreover I don't know if leveling at dimensional gorge is a good option. Does it mean that I'll be stuck killing sleepers and hill winds, or possibly AKs since I need the card? Btw AK isn't a good choice for me as my WS 3-shots AKs and doesn't need to asu and heal so she can chain them but if I need to level off of them I don't see how I could avoid using asura.
My equips would be:
Luna kaleet (need to drop one, I sold mine)
diablos ring x 2 + mantis x2
orle uniform (probably with ed or bathory, have both)
morpheus shawl
verit shoes for the moment, will drop sohee
morpheus hood/ ribbon/ any stupid hat to put incubus in (we can deslot) before I can get red minstrel hat or dress hat
(which one is better by the way? we also have blue night cap)
sunnies w/ incubus
well-chewed pencil till I get gangster scarf/ pirate dagger
garment with porcellio or raydric
I already have all that stuff. I dropped almost everything but porcellio card (3M in shop, it wouldn't drop)

I plan on heal-bombing removers and ed's till I can do exp quests to reach lv 86 painlessly so I'll max int.
Then I'll reset and that's when I'll probably be lost.
Where could I go at level 85 with this stuff?
Also I may leech myself with my sniper to rebirth if I can't find a good spot to level up but as a champ it should be easier (more stat points, more experienced)