Can't help but notice my account hasn't been deleted

Started by Melchyor, Apr 01, 2011, 08:28 AM

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I have been called a troublemaker and malcontent by your administrators. They have even admitted that their rating system does not work and is severely server-biased. Imma tell you a story of two servers...

The first server is called BoR...just about every new member gets accused of being a hacker because they supposedly have a hacker problem... this "hacker" does unimaginably evil things like disguising player's characters as mobs (oh! the humanity!)

Back when dinosaurs roamed RO there was another server (one of my first) ...they had a problem with a hacker/troublemaker/malcontent...this troublemaker played with the server for a while...created GM accounts, deleted accounts, general sadistic fun...then the troublemaker got bored :( and shortly after that the server was gone never to be seen again.

I am saying I am a dinosaur and you are an under-sexed pinoy kid on an shr. Now that I have highlighted our different perspectives on what constitutes a "troublemaker" I think you do not want one in your midst (And you did officially label me a troublemaker).

Kindly delete my forum account because I find you morally and ethically reprehensible and even loose association with you soulless meat puppets makes me wanna retch. Z/Z


You need to learn that you're not the end of all things and sadly the world doesn't revolve around you. Your review was deleted for a legitimate reason, if you do not agree with this then do not review here, it is your own decision.

If you want to delete your account, click your profile;u=26842 and click the "Delete this account" button on the left side under 'Actions'. This sends a request for account removal.


Awesome!!! I'll be gone momentarily and on the very rare chance you actually see this...I am the be all and end all...I mould reality as I see fit...I never error nor succeed, I merely do as I was and am meant to. Anyone who does different is encouraging themselves to become meaningless.Z/Z


QQ much

Just because many people don't side with you doesn't mean they're piece of s***