Looking for a upcoming server

Started by cauyao615, Apr 07, 2014, 09:55 PM

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Perhaps you can then try out ElariaRO. It's a low rate (7/7/5x (1x MVP drops/MVP cards)) pre-renewal server. It doesn't have all your requirements, but has a good number of them.

There is anti-cheating protection on the server, it has some headgear quests (more will prob be added later), and headgears purchasable in the item shop, there is daily rewards however, not much custom items (no wings), no gold/mvp rooms (I don't even know what a gold room is lol), and I believe GMs has very limited power. Normal players could become GMs, but they're not allowed to play their legit chars if that's the case. I'd recommend giving it a try, as the population's been steadily increasing.



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==================== [ ABOUT US ] ====================

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