Looking for a low rate to low mid rate server.

Started by ShadesOfDusk, Jan 11, 2013, 01:01 AM

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Quote from: Kensei on May 31, 2013, 09:21 PM
If you want to troll, do it right.

One person can invite another one, or even his guild.

what tough guy ?? im not trolling, just stating facts.

if you wanna 1v1 pvp me, name the server, name the time. I'll own u


Greetings ShadesOfDusk. Based on your requirements, NymphRO suits you best.


Renewal System
Base XP Rate: 1x
Drop Rate: Around 1x
MVP Drop Rate: 1x
Normal Card Drop Rate: 1x
Boss & Mini-boss Card Rates: .1
Maximum Level / Job Level: 160/50
Main Language: English.
Customs: No Customs as of this post
Donations: No Donation shop as of this post
Population: 10+ (20 players during peak hours, with no autotraders)
Hosted in USA

We have a friendly community, being active in-game and in the forums as well. We have only one admin, but he's very dedicated and makes sure that everyone's problem will be solved. Join us and help us grow so we would become the best low-rate renewal server.


@To the 2 guys arguing: This is still ShadesOfDusk's topic searching for a server!! Let's not jump into that as much as part of what was said is true - anyone can invite anyone to play at a server being or not part of the staff of a server.
If you guys want to help ShadesOfDusk, go for it, if not, refrain to start drama around here.


@BloodVerge I've been playing NymphRO on and off, but the server is too laggy and not many players are on when I am.