Why you should try Crossworld 2 Reborn

Started by Satos, Dec 14, 2015, 11:36 PM

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I recently tried playing on something different than what I'm used to, and it has been a lot of fun.   /ok

Crossworld 2 Reborn is a fairly new high rate server.  And I really appreciate what the owner is trying to do.
It's a high rate that plays like a low/mid rate.

Experience Rates are Base 6000x/ Job 6000x  /omg  (keep reading...)

The drop rates are what makes it play like a low/mid rate.  /??

Normal drop rates are Common 1x/ Healing 1x/ Usable 1x/ Equipment 1x/ Card 500x
Boss drop rates are Common 1000x/ Healing 1000x/ Usable 1000x/ Equipment 1000x/ Card 200x
Other drop rates are MVP Rewards 100x/ Card Based 100x/ Treasure 100x

This is a pretty fair drop setup.  If you kill an MVP, you're going to get its equipment drops (unless it's a normally 0.01% drop at 1x).
This is a huge draw for me.  If you need that Fire Katar, you're not going to have to kill Eddga 20 times to get it.  But if you need that slotted Icepick; you're gonna have to try a few times...or try slotting the unslotted one you just found.

Where as, if you need that Comp Bow [4], you're going to have to do some serious farming.
In pre-renewal, when the most widely used weapons are lvl 1 drops from common monsters; this adds back the value of these weapons in the economy.
Having a +10 Comp Bow [4] takes dedication and effort.

This balances out the time involved in making the best weapons, across the classes.
Where a SinX might use over upgraded lvl 4 MVP weapon drops, that Sniper is going to be using a weapon that he can find from a low level spawning Goblin Archer.
With this drop rate setup, the SinX will have to put in about the same amount of time as the Sniper, to complete his weapon.  /kis2

Something I think is particularly balancing, is that all of the donate-able items can be purchased in game with zeny; not gold coins, or etickets, or another form of alternate currency.
This works really well because of the 1x common loot drop rates.  Zeny isn't readily avaliable from low level mobs that drop Witherless Roses and Royal Jellies.
If you want to farm zeny, you're going to have to go into a high level dungeon and kill mini-bosses.
This adds excitement to the game that is lost on most servers.  This adds purpose back to the high level dungeons.
This is what I remember and loved about RO.  /lv

With RO increasingly becoming a single player game, for the majority of your farming life; the increased level cap gives you the ability to do what we've all needed to do at sometime...solo high end dungeons.
My character still dies, because I'll accidently turn into huge mob of monsters that I can't possibly take on all at once.  But it adds that tension and excitement of exploring that used to only exist in parties.

If you have a group, you'll be able to take on the higher end MVPs.
If you're solo, and find yourself unable to kill those end game MVPs, there's still hope for you.  The end game equips are sold in store for zeny.
You'll still have to farm the high end dungeons to get that zeny.  But you won't be out geared just because you don't have a party that can monopolize an MVP.

Diabolus Mants and Nid Garbs sell for 50mil at the NPC, and Valk Mants sell for 100mil.
It's not going to be a breeze to farm that much zeny quickly.  But it's not an unreasonable task, in exchange for not having to kill more difficult MVPs.
And it acts as a built in zeny-sink to keep the economy from getting over inflated with billions of zeny. (There are other items, but I'll let you look at them yourself when you log in.)  /no1

From what I have seen, the whole idea behind the server has been about balance.  Not just between the classes; but between the player types.
It has been set up well for long term sustainability.  Allowing players to come in fresh, months from now, and still be able to get into the action without feeling like they are never going to catch up.

I hope you'll give it a try.
I'm not the owner.  I'm not staff.  I'm just a player that stumbled across a server, and really appreciate the life they are trying to breath back into RO.
Hope to see you in game.
