RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Server Reviews => Topic started by: Kenshino on Feb 23, 2010, 07:18 PM

Title: Symphonic Ro
Post by: Kenshino on Feb 23, 2010, 07:18 PM
A very good Community bunch lots of nice people most of the time people are talking on main chat lots of girls and boys on the server still not a lot of high lvls due to a semi new server cool people from all over the world Ventrilo and Teamspeak active

So many Features on this server Healing pool Space Rift Walking Npc's Monster of the day which gives double exp and drops they also have a ton of custom drops and vote able items and a rental system very balanced donation system you can change the BGM of the pvp room to a bunch of different badasss songs and stuff you can vote for resets or u can use zeni also the job changer u can just use the easy job changer to change fast without doing the quest but if u do the quest u get battle manuel 1st job 100 % 2nd job 200 % and trans 300 %

The server has a cash shop which provides a few services such as name changing, sex changing etc. There are alot of balanced hats and supplies on the donation list also NEWWWW rental items very cool and balanced just because u donate doesnt mean u will own in pvp the GM team is coming up with new ideas every day for balanced donations!

The server is pretty new Around 4-5 months old now population between 75-130 just 3 guilds still not a lot of 99 trans yet only a few select handful of 99's Partys around most of the time peopling looking for partys needs more new guilds SO IF U ARE LOOKING FOR A SERVER THAT IS SEMI NEW THEN JOIN WITH UR GUILD!!

The staff is alright But the Main GM GM Valaris Know's what he's doing he's no idiot he was an ex Developer for EAthena he persnaily trains the GM Team very active a bunch of events fun to talk with very helpful they know a bunch about Ragnaork and just a very mellow GM Team

ALWAYS ON 24/7 A VERY STABLE Host always online never lags not bad delay

This is my review of Symphonic Ro i hope u give it a try!