Started by Brilon, Jun 08, 2008, 04:07 PM

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Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:09 PM
you have no right, I played the server and i'm stating my expierence, personally worst server i ever played. read it, comment it, say its because im a desperate man trying to ruin an alrdy dead server or im jealous lol go ahead, i just want my review to be heard without you f*** moderation and denoucing the servers past, which was terrible that dozens of people left. Its true, you dont have to explain why, how, or deny it. Its just true, Half the server quit because of drama about players that still play there, dominating in WoE and then taunting about it.

This, ladies and gentlemen is the part of the program where we repeat everything. You know, just in case you missed last week's episode.

I do have a right, and saying that I don't isn't going to stop me. And I absolutely love how your experience at pcRO is getting worse as this thread goes on - it really tells me a lot of things.

And yeah, there was drama. People left. But it was their fault, and it's something that every Ragnarok server sees in its lifetime.

Oh yeah, and you're desperate... and jealous.


well you dug up some old skeletons and now i'd prefer to leave no stone unturned lets just find em all.

Lets state the facts again then.

PcRO- Unactive GMs, Dead Forums, Player base 10~20, No Ventrilo, No mIRC. Most Players are 90+ Trans fully geared, so no need to join if you are looking for a fresh start.


Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:17 PM
well you dug up some old skeletons and now i'd prefer to leave no stone unturned lets just find em all.

Desperation has a stench - even online.

Old skeletons? People leave servers. That's what they do. I'm surprised that you and your guild didn't leave sooner - the largest group of whiners I've seen. Ever.

I love your random, desperate comments, though, it keeps me awake.

QuotePcRO- Unactive GMs, Dead Forums, Player base 10~20, No Ventrilo, No mIRC. Most Players are 90+ Trans fully geared, so no need to join if you are looking for a fresh start.

And remember, kids: this coming from.. well.. him.


My point is your very unproffesional GMs did nothing about it. Hey, we asked multiple times but they never changed thier chat filters to include f***" and s***." they didn't do it. I would like to also state, that most members of Void were persuaded not to curse back by that 'overly religious guild leader' and everyone thinks we were the problem there. We asked for them to take action against players making rude comments against us, they did nothing. They didn't even /b or mute, or try to end arguements with punishments threats. Throughout that entire 4 months of drama 1 person got jailed for a seriously screwed up comment. To have faith and beleive in your GMs to do whats best for PcRO is liking Trusting George Bush to do whats best for the US.


Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:32 PM
My point is your very unproffesional GMs did nothing about it. Hey, we asked multiple times but they never changed thier chat filters to include f***" and s***." they didn't do it. I would like to also state, that most members of Void were persuaded not to curse back by that 'overly religious guild leader' and everyone thinks we were the problem there. We asked for them to take action against players making rude comments against us, they did nothing. Throughout that entire 4 months of drama 1 person got jailed for a seriously screwed up comment.

Wow...I was sort of joking about you repeating things. Can't say that I'm surprised, though. Your intelligence level has taken a fall, for failure to come up with a new point.

Unprofessionally GMs.. You raise an interesting point, considering you, (a GM), coming here and carrying out this argument. Though you're not on your server's forums, this reflects on you, and your server. Smart move, champ.

And wow, you're still whining about things from that server. But that's kind of the whole thread.. Haha.


nope now its mostly you. My server is fine, all thats left to do after finding the appropriate advertising opportunities is to sit back and wait. We broke 40 our first WoE and our goal for August 1st is to break 100 :)


Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:39 PM
nope now its mostly you.

Oh really? Which thread are you reading? You're slowly disappointing me, Thorin.

You've posted a lot of struggle, desperation, sadness, envy, and plain ol' stupidity. Where to next? All because you didn't like my little comment? Guess what, I have the right to defend whatever I please.


you're first comment was an attack on me personally and you claim it to be defending your server. I should have said "I quit because of GM Helpfulness and People Skills or all around GM Inexpierence and Stupidity


Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:45 PM
you're first comment was an attack on me personally and you claim it to be defending your server. I should have said "I quit because of GM Helpfulness and People Skills

Wrong. I attacked your comment, which was wrong in the first place. You're so sensitive. And I'm defending a server.


my comment was perfectly fine. that is the main reason i quit, you're lucky i decided not to write a list of reasons but since you hasily shot down my comment and attacked me and my credibility by saying that im the only one who disliked your server and GMs when in reality you losted dozens of players. we started a great long debate. Now people will see how other players expierenced this server.... and about the people who still play it.


Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:53 PM
my comment was perfectly fine. that is the main reason i quit, you're lucky i decided not to write a list of reasons but since you hasily shot down my comment and attacked me and my credibility we started a great long debate. Now people will see how other players expierenced this server....

I'm lucky? Your list of reasons would have been shot down, like everything else you've said.

You've got nothing left - you're repeating the same argument like an old (desperate) man.


You just confirmed what i said lol....
Posted on: Jun 18, 2008, 03:58 pm
Plus you shot down my comments of fact with opinions and false tales.


@ Whole thread.


Quote from: GM Thorin on Jun 18, 2008, 11:58 PM
You just confirmed what i said lol....

Right. Or so you think. So, you've completely run out of things to say? One might say that's worse than repeating yourself.

QuotePlus you shot down my comments of fact with opinions and false tales.


Speaks the truth:

@ Whole thread.

Ansuz Isaz

So T says it first. =P I was going to let this drag out until it reached the fifth page before saying anything, but... Really.

I'm more surprised than anything that you two haven't resorted to complete flaming by this point. o.o; However, let's face it: In both cases, you two are equally as stubborn. Neither of you are willing to budge, and both are more devoutly supporting their argument than religious fanatics at a crusade.

I can't completely say that you should accept that you have different views, because that's not the kind of argument this seems to be. o.o

However, when it comes down to it, this isn't getting either of you anywhere.