Ivory's Review - LegacyRO

Started by IvoryMouse, May 06, 2015, 11:57 AM

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I'm just going to give a typical review. Nothing fancy. This is me logging in as a Newbie Player and taking in a first look and getting a first impression/last impression of the server. Since they actually matter, they either make or break whether or not you stay there and enjoy the server or just bounce.

1. Stability - 8/10
The server is a tiny bit laggy. But it might be where I am from, I didn't use WTFast when I joined the server. But overall the lag wasn't atrocious.

2. Availibility - 10/10
Has a wonderful uptime from what I've seen. I scoped the server out for a few days before actually logging in myself. I had no issues logging in either.

3. Friendliness - -3/10
So I logged in and I walked around a bit and I went "Hellooo." Ya know, typical newbie thing to do to catch someone's attention. A gentlemen comes up to me named f l a s h b a c k and says something to me in tagalog. I don't understand him, and I go "What?" he then goes "Nvm" and warps off. That didn't exactly feel friendly, and the guy seemed less approachable. Not to mention the server has a LOT of people AFK. About 76 players were online and I visited the vending area, mistaking it for the mall and a good 30-40 people were in there just AFK selling stuff. Which I'm guessing were people's alts, so I'm gonna give a rough count of the server actually having 20 or so active people.

4. Eventfulness - 10/10
Can't go wrong with automated events.

Game Play Rating

1.Customization - 5/10
I saw a lot of the typical donation gear that you see from other servers, I didn't see many custom items even when I visited the vending area. A lot of the players had on the same gear sets, nobody really "stuck out" to me. Not to mention the Stylist was the typical stylist you see on every server, no real new hair styles.

2. Economy 6/10
Economy doesn't seem TOO bad, there's easy way to make money, farming MvPs seems to be the easiest way. Not gonna gripe too hard about it. But new players starting with little next to 0 Zenny irks me. At least give them enough to get a bit of starting gear. Not to mention I got a weird towel which I didn't know what to do with...wasn't sure if it was going to help me later on so I left it alone.

3. Class Balance - N/A
Didn't see anyone in PvP at all, so I can't say anything on the classes being balanced.

Closing Statement: The server has a lot of potential to be good for a Pre-renewal. But the lack of a community and the social awkwardness as a new person makes it really hard to get INTO the server itself, I couldn't get my foot in the door and I hit the ground running so I honestly felt lost and unsure what I should do to actually start building into the class I wanted. I'm willing to try it again later on today and I'll probably give a more updated review. But overall the server feels quite empty and the people are like statues, always AFK or non-responsive. I would understand if it's not at peak hours since I logged in at around 11:30 PM EST.  But logging in and not being greeted by anyone kinda hurts and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it says a lot about your community and whether or not you take the time to make new players feel welcomed, because ya know people spend their time downloading your server and then patching to play it. The least you could do is say "Hello, Welcome to the server. Thanks for choosing us." Or something. The automated "Welcome to (Server Name)RO" doesn't cut it.
Looking for: English/NA RO Server. 255/50 Pre-Renewal (Non-Kiel Based) Server OR Highly Custom 2nd Job Renewal Server. No Pay To Win.