ForgottenRO review

Started by Mamimi, Sep 22, 2008, 12:08 AM

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I've seen many topics about this server, and I thought to myself; "This server can't be that bad, can it?" So I thought I'd try it out and give an un-biased review.

There was just one main problem. I couldn't connect to the server, and the patcher only stated:
Server Status
Login Server : Offline
Char Server : Offline
Map Server : Offline

In order to view why the server was down, I'd have to register for the forums.
I register for the forums, and the "News" forum is empty! In fact, most of the forum is empty. :x

So I guess my rating for this server is 0/10; There is no server to rate! :x



I think I'll make this a hobby; reviewing random servers! :o


Do it. :3

I love reading server reviews for some reason. Especially bad ones.



Yes the server is down for a very short time.

SIP did not take the last payment I made for a unknown reason.

I emailed them about this and am waiting for a reply.

Feel free to join as soon as SIP reinstates my acct.

And I am truly sorry for any inconveniences this has caused.

In Regards


Quote from: corpsechan on Sep 22, 2008, 12:15 AM
I think I'll make this a hobby; reviewing random servers! :o
XD hey thats my hobby

either way once its up, make a proper review so i don't delete this XD


Hello Comunity,

i took a look on this server an i was confused badly.
"useless skills are erased".....
i guess,everyone,who loves the balance of RO,get a cold shower over his back.

In fact, to call a skill useless, lays on each player himself.
To enforce a way of playin a char i CANT accept. The second point i cant accept,
is the "modificated cards" for example, "High Wizard" card give super-novies an hp-bonus.
Expect the point,that it lolish its name -HW an not SN!!-it marred the last chance
to play mage-classes in pvp,
against imba MDEF-bomber with full-Lucky-dodge and godlike flee,going hand-in-hand with amazing hp...,
as a mage-class-lover the hell in form of a RO-server.

To the comunity just few sentence: FSK 18.
Unbelivable,which chat i had 2 wrote there, i would punish my child a whole week, if i would hear somelike from it.
See,i KNOW, that even EVERYWHERE are some guys with a pretty poor culture, but nowhere had seen so many on one bunch.

To the accesibility, perhaps i had the "lucky month", but i had just 1 time a server-down in 1 month for 5 minutes,a good average.

And at last,the economity:buy,whatever u want on,easy an pretty quick anoying,cause nothing to work for.

A LOT of work for the Admin, if he wanna build it up to a serios server,they should make serios thoughts about theyr balance.
AND theyr comunity...,perhaps so few players there,cause they banished the rest?

Im sure, server has positive parts, too, i just was unable to find them.


P.S.:Statement by Admin desirable.
Even the best start as a fool


Quote from: Jin-Rho on Oct 04, 2008, 07:18 PM
Hello Comunity,

i took a look on this server an i was confused badly.
"useless skills are erased".....
i guess,everyone,who loves the balance of RO,get a cold shower over his back.

In fact, to call a skill useless, lays on each player himself.
To enforce a way of playin a char i CANT accept. The second point i cant accept,
is the "modificated cards" for example, "High Wizard" card give super-novies an hp-bonus.
Expect the point,that it lolish its name -HW an not SN!!-it marred the last chance
to play mage-classes in pvp,
against imba MDEF-bomber with full-Lucky-dodge and godlike flee,going hand-in-hand with amazing hp...,
as a mage-class-lover the hell in form of a RO-server.

To the comunity just few sentence: FSK 18.
Unbelivable,which chat i had 2 wrote there, i would punish my child a whole week, if i would hear somelike from it.
See,i KNOW, that even EVERYWHERE are some guys with a pretty poor culture, but nowhere had seen so many on one bunch.

To the accesibility, perhaps i had the "lucky month", but i had just 1 time a server-down in 1 month for 5 minutes,a good average.

And at last,the economity:buy,whatever u want on,easy an pretty quick anoying,cause nothing to work for.

A LOT of work for the Admin, if he wanna build it up to a serios server,they should make serios thoughts about theyr balance.
AND theyr comunity...,perhaps so few players there,cause they banished the rest?

Im sure, server has positive parts, too, i just was unable to find them.


P.S.:Statement by Admin desirable.

Dude where to start?
First High Wizard card adds no hp bonus.

Tao Gunka adds Hp bonus for Non Transcended classes.

My server is a SHR PVP deal with it it is made so every thing is easy and fast pvp.

If my server sucks so much how come it is the Top SHR take a look at my competition.

ShockwaveRo = Max players 50ish

ScytheRO = Max Players 40ish

ForgottenRo = Max players 172 atm

Next is the skill changes Back Slide,Snap,High Jump,and Shadow jump are all skills used to run when you have instant cast.

Learn to play a SHR it is totally diff from 99/70 255/120 500/170 I have to balance out skills and equips.

If you was a SHR PvP player you would see that my server is almost 100% perfect for PvP and WoE.

I do not like to play Super High Rate Servers I play Low Rate Servers.

It is not hard to make class balance and skills balance play the server for more than 1 hour and see it is awesome.

Now for the community I will tell you that it is terrible.Most players are under the age of 15 and are immature.Others do not speak English.But the faithful players are nice and help out new players.
There are about 50 active players that are nice and helpful along with the gms.

Last but not least All ranged Classes Get Bash.Thus if a class goes 100% ranged which since card effects were changed you lose all demi/melee/elemental def thus bash deals a lot of dammage.

Remember if you are used to Low/Mid rate servers do not play a SHR and you have No Right to do a review on something you do not understand.


Just adding in here, the quality of your server is not determined by the quantity of your players.

Also, @Random: Balancing a server is not easy, at all. I know this, because I'm currently working on one, and I've worked with plenty of people in the past who tried to balance the server for the players, in the long run. If you're balancing it for yourself, yeah, it's pretty easy. Going on to the 100% perfect? No server is 100% perfect when it comes to PvP/WoE, not even close. Some are better than others in those areas of the game, but no server has ever come close to being perfectly balanced and put together.

ALSO. Just because people are more used to playing LRs/MRs over HRs/SHRs, or vice versa, does not mean they cannot make reviews. The quality of a server is based off of balance, professionalism, friendliness and competition via WoE/PvP (when it comes down to it, anyways.) You do not have to be used to any kind of server to be able to judge these things.

Just my two cents.

» Coming Soon! «


No I am just sayin if you are used to low rates,mid rates,and reg high rates.

The have no say so in SHR game play.

No One

I'm not sure what being used to one type of server has to do with someones review. He played on your server and that is based on his experiences with your server, not a Lowrate, midrate or highrate so why even bring it up? Being a SHR player or a Low rate player that decided to try out a SHR doesn't change whether or not your server is balanced. I'm pretty sure the definition of 'Balanced' doesn't change based on what kind of server you usually play on. You have no right to tell a person who played on your server that he has no right to post a review about it.

Also what does the quantity of players you can have on at once have to do with the quality of your server?

Last point, you tell him to play for more than one hour but he clearly says in his post that he played for a month with his comment about server up-time.


Well If you have played a reg 99/70 server you will notice a big dif.

Its like this you guys do not know how to run a server,so do not tell me what needs done on mine.

I have a staff that I work with, they are the staff because they know what is going on you don't end of story.


The differences between rates and levels have nothing to do with how a server is run.

Also, you don't have to know how to run a server to be able to make a review on one. Long story short, anyone is capable of jumping onto a server, playing for a week to a month, and making a valid review on the server. You don't have to know about all of the inner workings to understand a server, I'm living proof of that, seeing as I was a major server hopper back in the day, and could understand the important workings of a server in under a few days.

No offense, Random, but just because you're the admin of a server, that doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about RO, nor does that give you the right to criticize the knowledge of others, especially when it's an admin running an ill-legit server.

» Coming Soon! «


are you sure you are on the right server?

the rms link is here:

and if you click on their register link, which links to their cp, it has 100+ ppl.


I tried this server awhile ago but after an hour i found it very annoying trying to navigate around.


Quote from: BluSnow on Oct 06, 2008, 08:22 PM
I tried this server awhile ago but after an hour i found it very annoying trying to navigate around.

Hmm that is weird all the npcs are organized well sorry you had problems.I will look into the npc locations.


Forgotten is an okay server but we all know it wouldn't be there today if it didnt copy shockwaveRo.

Some players on forgottenRo are dodge, I remember seeing a so called "GM" cleaning out PVP with his bard and saying oh its my new build.. my donkey lol.

But whatever.. PVP is pretty fun on there.


Well no server would be here today if they did not copy gravitys data.I just used ideas and made them better.If it was a copy people would stay on shockwave not come to me.Shockwave SHR is gone because the admin is not a very smart person.Next time back up your files.Also we are just plain better than Shockwave get over it and get a life.


There's a lot I could say to that, but I won't, just to prevent more drama starting over something that ended a long time ago.

You people really need to stop trying to start fights where it's not needed. Could JJJ or yC close this, please? Way off topic, anyhow.

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