
Started by crap, Dec 29, 2007, 11:06 AM

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Yay, my next bad server report :D

My friend and i were server hopping as we always do (average 1 server a day :P ; we never seem to find a server thats balanced, has good GMs and pleases the two of us). And tada! We find esperRO!

Let me give my ratings first:

Stability - 6
Availability - 9
I got disconnected once and experienced moderate lag. Nothing too bad. My friend however, said his lag was insane (and his connection and comp are better than mine...) and had to wait for about an hour for things to get better

Community Rating-
Friendliness - 7
Eventfulness - 2
Community first. Sure, everyone is nice friendly and talks to you in a good way and everything - everyone active that is. There are about 8 vends (ppl online is around 13, u MAY see 5 active players) which serve no purpose than to drive you mad (vends explained later)
About the events. Ok, so the GM hosts an event. He calls for people to join. 2 people turn up; one being me. Hide and seek, everything goes on fine and the other guy finds the GM and asks for a SinX card (the rates for the server are 10% for mvps. So you guys can guess how hard it is getting a SinX card). "Sure" says the GM and gives him the card. Did i mention the person already had an LK card from an earlier event? Hell with the events i say, im here for fun and i wont let this small thing let me down. So, i continue. Another event, says the GM - another hide and seek. Now three guesses to who won this time. Im not suggesting any foul play on the GMs part, but here comes that guy. Already having won two events, he goes on and gets another biolabs card. And the GM finds this fair. I guess it is fair, since he won and everything...but then, with 2 people participating? That too a biolabs card? On a 10% drop server?? I dont really know...

Game Masters -
Friendliness - 4
Availability - 6
Helpfulness - 6
I would have given friendlines and helpfulness 9 if I hadnt heard about what they did to my friend. I told him about the biolabs cards being with that guy and my friend got pretty pissed - he is the pvp kinda guy and was irritated that such a strong advantage would be given for an event with minimal participation. So he brought it up with the GM whose simple reply was 'If youre not happy, leave the server. We have many more people that can replace you'. Now thats not what I expect a GM to say. My sister (who also plays RO)  had got pretty friendly with one of them too but i felt really bad about the way my friend was treated. And about the availability, the event GM was sleeping for a good one hour in the main city while the admin (though he showed up on the @who list) was inaccessible.

Gameplay rating -
Economy - 1
Guild competition - Unrated (i didnt participate in WoE)
Class Balance - 2
I have one word for the economy - trash. You log in and see 13 people online. 8 are vends. And what do they sell? MVP cards. Its a 10% drop server and you see like 8 valkyrie randgris, 7 tao gunka, 6 thana on sale. So we just need to get money and buy them right? Sure, just figure out a way to get 1 bil on a sale. Its quite obvious that these vendors have no motive for these vends other than to show that they have the cards - which you dont, and cannot get all too easily.
Let me elaborate a bit - When the server started (which was less than a month back), there were a few raises for the new players - higher drop rates, everyone gets the cards. Later, there was also a christmas event. So most of the people on the server have all the cards needed. You, on the other hand, watch and suffer or get around 10 of each MVP to spawn and get all the cards necessary (thankfully, they have bloody branches on sale. Sadly, they also have acid demo requirements and EDPs as well). And lets not forget the event prizes when you come first in a race of two - whatever you want (thankfully, some sanity left in them denied god items).
Next, class balance. As i just mentioned, acid and grenade bottles are sold. It may be a good thing if youre a creator but not all too flowery if you are a paladin sac build fan. And then, the EDPs. SinXs PWN. Period.

Now that quite covers everything i have to say. The server was fine. Even with the acid demo and EDP. But then the MVP cards? Maybe not. And the GM's behaviour? Great! You've got other players. Please do be nice to them. Heck, it was fun while it lasted.
Posted on: Dec 29, 2007, 03:03 am
And here a few excerpts from the main RMS site

Me said
QuoteWell, its all easy to download and everything but things get crappy when you have bio labs cards being given out on a 10% drop server (which has max stats at 180) for events where 2 PPL PARTICIPATE. Did i mention the earlier 100% rates? All the old members have everything. And you can get nothing. Have fun.

Reply from owner
QuoteAll your hate comments will do what? It's obvious you're just jealous how the first group of players get the benefits of what the server had to offer during holidays' event. It's too bad that the event was over and it was too hard for you.

Whoah there...hate comments? Writing a review is hatred? And jealous?? They're flipping overpowered man, open your eyes!! Too bad, indeed
Boo. Scared yet? o_o


well...the frend was ME.....
i said:
well firstly there was a 1st advantage of perma drop cards for few pple now its 10 % and no mvp room ofcourse..secondly event prizes are biolab cards...then edp adn acid demo bottles are sold ....GMs hardly but "AFK".u can imagine how "BALANCED"it is..-_-*
See Detailed Rating    Rating: 16    Report This Comment    Comment #2
Stability: 3
Availability: 5    Community
Friendliness: 1
Eventfulness: 1    Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1    Game-play
Economy: 1
Guild Competition: 1
Class Balance: 1
Owner's reply to this review:    Edit    Delete    2007-12-28
"Well 1st advantage of perma drop cards" what? It was an event. First week during holiday the rates were increased; when the event was over, you joined; cried about how hard it was then. But, it's okay

there is some proof for the 100% drop advantage for starters and later it bcame 10% drop...i didnt consider this a big deal cuz i actually found out abt this the 1st day but i continued..its just the event prizes that annoyed me for a event which had 2 pple on it...and with drop rates at 10% for cards...biolabs mvps arent killed every other second by everyother player ^^....newaiz have fun if u still join....


1. How long were you playing?

@server owner:

If the mvps aren't killed every other minute, why the heck would you be giving out some of the most over powered cards in the game, that is just complete stupidity.
They are some of the hardest MVPs for a reason.


Both of us played for two days. Btw, i just noticed something. See the reviews on RMS for esper? The top two are by smoking and me. The three below are from the GM/staff. Take a little look at the duration they spent on the server - 2 months, 6 months, over 1 year??????
The owner just confessed that it started right before the holiday season. So, its kinda obvious that those duration values are framed :). I just thought i might point that out...
Boo. Scared yet? o_o


Okay, so you are making a review about the gm's helpfulness, eventfulness, and such others that you have to play for at least a month or so to know.
Events aren't supposed to be every day things, and people do have lives outside this game.
Those reviews are false, I will be posting to get them removed.
I will also use this topic as a reference.


Agreed, events may not be everyday things, but thats not what im saying. Im saying events are everyday. And they happen at least twice. Its the event prizes that worried me. As i mentioned, my sister and i had no problem with the server. Its only the rude behaviour that the GM showed towards my friend that made me want to leave - and of course, the amazing event prizes. I guess our reviews were trollish, but there was nothing fictionalized (other than our server community ratings :P) which is why i made a separate post here and gave my actual ratings with reasons. 2 days is not enough to find out how good a server is but i must say its enough to let you know where you dont want to be :)
Boo. Scared yet? o_o


2 Events a day, that is rather eventful....that should have been a 7 or higher...
At any rate, I posted the report, you can view it [Here].


Boo. Scared yet? o_o


You are very much welcome.
Now, what I would like to do is see this server admin log in and defend himself.
And as for those reviews, they should be deleted.


He should be coming here soon shouldnt he? He replied to the reviews the day after we posted them.
Boo. Scared yet? o_o


Well, hopefully he will reply soon.
Lest he revives this once it is a month old.


*claps* I'm here.

I find it funny for you to constantly crying about the server.  I still don't know how it started, but it's funny to see jealousy amongst you.  I'm pretty sure I mentioned how the rates got increased.  It was increased because of holidays?  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas?  I'm sure you've heard of though.  Nevertheless you cried because of how the rates dropped when holidays are over?  That's pretty sad. 

For the MVP cards, I did not hand any of them out.  I couldn't care less if other GMs passed them out in their events; it's their events.  That's not the only way to get "powerful" cards.  Ever heard of Bloody Branch?  Not Dead Branch.  By the way, if you happen to mention about how "it's hard to get bloody branch".  Well guess what?  It was in the mall for 10k.  Biolab MVPs' cards was given out depending on players' choices.  Sometimes, we do events and the price was item of choice; they chose whatever they wanted.  Of course, no god items.  It's your opinion how "stupid" we are.  But damn, you're smart enough to say that they should be given to donors as "donation items".

About the GMs part, Did I even see you in-game?  I don't think so.  Other than that, I don't know what you babies are ranting on about.  It's funny to see someone who reports about "false" ratings coming here to support these 2 lovers. :).

The server didn't "start" a month ago.  We started more than a year ago under the name of VengeanceRO for about a month then renamed it to EsperRO. <- proof.  Nuff' said.

I'll just wait til your next tears fest. /sob

Just quit; don't play the server if you don't like it.  No one asks you to keep on playing it.  We thank your for coming all this way to talk about us ^_^.

My first time visiting here by the way.  I'm not a type of a person who seeks for more attention.  And about the hate comments, it's obviously you :).


Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 02:47 AM
*claps* I'm here.

I find it funny for you to constantly crying about the server.  I still don't know how it started, but it's funny to see jealousy amongst you.  I'm pretty sure I mentioned how the rates got increased.  It was increased because of holidays?  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas?  I'm sure you've heard of though.  Nevertheless you cried because of how the rates dropped when holidays are over?  That's pretty sad.  There is no crying between us two, you seem to be the only one making a big deal about it. It is started with false reviews.

For the MVP cards, I did not hand any of them out.  I couldn't care less if other GMs passed them out in their events; it's their events.  That's not the only way to get "powerful" cards.  Ever heard of Bloody Branch?  Not Dead Branch.  By the way, if you happen to mention "it's hard to get bloody branch".  Well guess what?  It was in the mall for 10k.  Biolab MVPs was given out depending on players' choices.  Sometimes, we do item of choice; they choose whatever they wanted.  Of course, no god items.  It's your opinion how "stupid" we are.  But damn, you're smart enough to say that they should be given to donors "donation items". Your rates are high enough where nothing is hard to get.

About the GMs part, Did I even see you in-game?  I don't think so.  Other than that, I don't know what you babies are ranting on about.  It's funny to see someone who reports about "false" ratings coming here to support these 2 lovers. :).
Lol, babies, you are complaining because I had one of your reviews removed? That is babyish. Honestly, it is 1 review. And yes, they are false reviews.
The server didn't "start" a month ago.  We started more than a year ago under the name of VengeanceRO for about a month then renamed it to EsperRO. <- proof.  Nuff' said.
Ok, so all reviews about VengeanceRO don't matter, that is not considered EsperRO.
I'll just wait til your next tears fest. /sob
lol, my my, you are quite a child, making such comments about crying, like I said earlier, you are the only one crying. Trying to insult only makes you look more childish, but go ahead, you are entertaining me.

Just quit; don't play the server if you don't like it.  No one asks you to keep on playing it.  We thank your for coming all this way to talk about us ^_^.
One doesn't have to play your server to report false reviews. I never played it, and many servers that are reported have never been played by reporters. They take the info you show on your site, and your RMS listing.

My first time visiting here by the way.  I'm not a type of a person who seeks for more attention.  And about the hate comments, it's obviously you :).
Hate comments?


It is frankly naive to say "crying" is an insult.  Crying on the internet is considered bragging about something you can't get; and they did.  The way you mentioned "we" you're talking about you, crap, and smokingspaceman?  Oh wait, you said "us two".  That gave away didn't it?

I'm sure I'm old enough to not pay attention to a server I don't even play; you on the other hand did AND talked about it :). are the one to defend the topic creator aka yourself?

As I said, the items aren't hard to get; We gave the MVP cards during event because it's easy to get.  You said something earlier about how "stupid" we are to give them away during events, but now you said it's easy to get with the "high" rates.

Those are comments to defend "myself" like you said earlier.  If you actually read their "reviews" you'll see that they only mentioned about Item-related topics.  That includes cards and event prizes.  That is not crying or what?

For the VengeanceRO part, he said EsperRO started a month ago.  Didn't I just say we started a year ago EVEN with the name of EsperRO until now?  It's the same old server.  I only mentioned VengeanceRO just to show that we aren't new.  If you count Vengeance's time, we are about 1 and a half year old; not 1 year.

Also, you said I cried about 1 review got deleted?  When was that?  I didn't even said a thing about any reviews.  All I said was it's the players' opinions and we didn't asked them to rate it good.  Honestly, you're the one who's crying about how I said they were crying.

And yep, I made a "big deal" about it by replying to their topics.  Way to defend your friends.


Lol, I did not make this topic, I make a topic in the proper section so it would be dealt with.
I have no connection with Crap, or whoever that other person is, if you haven't noticed yet, I am a regular here, so I post everywhere. Infact, I didn't even notice the other person said anything, being that you revived a month old topic.

These two posted about this, I responded and posted it in the proper place. You are obviously child-minded. I post here about everything, I go and search reviews for false reviews, and there is no rule saying you must play a server to report a review as false. I can discuss a server and the reviews as I please, it is in server discussion for a reason.

Yes, it is stupid, there is no point in having the cards even drop if you just give them away freely.
QuoteCrying on the internet is considered bragging about something you can't get; and they did.
They mentioned cards and things, why would they be bragging about something they cannot get, when your staff gives them out freely? How is that something they cannot get?

And yes, you are complaining about how these reviews were reported and one was deleted.
Reviews get deleted all the time. I am simply replying to your childish remarks.

These people aren't my friends.
The only people I have as my friends on here are yC, Pow, and Ambrose Merle.
Like I said, I am one of the most common people here, so no one I talk to in posts are friends of mine, simply more replies, more entertainment. People I talk to on MSN from here, that is who actually my friends.
Check the members and who has the max posts, I am 2nd only to yC, and I have been here far less than her, being that she actually started the forums and website. That is how common I am here.

As for making a big deal about it, yes, you did. Making a big deal about someone reporting 3 reviews, saying it is someone's opinion, so what? They get deleted often, so why reply a month after the fact that they were deleted to complain that they were deleted? I already said it, if someone says 'omgzorz dis srver is teh awsmz' and gives you any score, we would report it and it would be deleted, same goes for 'corrupt gms' and gives you any score, and the same goes for reports that have false information in them. Like playing that server for longer than it has been up.


Quote from: Zone on Jan 24, 2008, 04:18 AM
Lol, I did not make this topic, I make a topic in the proper section so it would be dealt with.
I have no connection with Crap, or whoever that other person is, if you haven't noticed yet, I am a regular here, so I post everywhere. Infact, I didn't even notice the other person said anything, being that you revived a month old topic.

These two posted about this, I responded and posted it in the proper place. You are obviously child-minded. I post here about everything, I go and search reviews for false reviews, and there is no rule saying you must play a server to report a review as false. I can discuss a server and the reviews as I please, it is in server discussion for a reason.

Yes, it is stupid, there is no point in having the cards even drop if you just give them away freely.
QuoteCrying on the internet is considered bragging about something you can't get; and they did.
They mentioned cards and things, why would they be bragging about something they cannot get, when your staff gives them out freely? How is that something they cannot get? 

And yes, you are complaining about how these reviews were reported and one was deleted.
Reviews get deleted all the time. I am simply replying to your childish remarks.

These people aren't my friends.
The only people I have as my friends on here are yC, Pow, and Ambrose Merle.
Like I said, I am one of the most common people here, so no one I talk to in posts are friends of mine, simply more replies, more entertainment. People I talk to on MSN from here, that is who actually my friends.
Check the members and who has the max posts, I am 2nd only to yC, and I have been here far less than her, being that she actually started the forums and website. That is how common I am here.

As for making a big deal about it, yes, you did. Making a big deal about someone reporting 3 reviews, saying it is someone's opinion, so what? They get deleted often, so why reply a month after the fact that they were deleted to complain that they were deleted? I already said it, if someone says 'omgzorz dis srver is teh awsmz' and gives you any score, we would report it and it would be deleted, same goes for 'corrupt gms' and gives you any score, and the same goes for reports that have false information in them. Like playing that server for longer than it has been up.

You are the one who's childish here.  You said you report "false" reviews.  Where's crap and aswath/smokingspaceman in this? 

Again, We did not give the cards away freely.  We gave them away sometimes during our events.  You just don't get it do you?  Now, you should know who's stupid.  Defending something you have no idea of.  You rely on their informations too much there.

And yes they did brag about the items.  After they rated the server, some players told me those 2 consantly saying we abused our powers as GMs, which we didn't do.  We constantly give away free items, which we didn't do.  We give advantages to other players, which we didn't do.  Wait, is that not bragging?  They did it throughout their lifetime in the server. Even when they quitted, they talked about on ratemyserver website, and then its forums.  Is that not bragging or what?

They couldn't get the items at all.  They even mentioned about 100% rates during the holiday events.  They said it was HARD.  They're still bragging about it; scroll up kid.  It is humorous to see someone post about stuffs they have no idea of and they're wrong about it most of the time.

I don't care if you have connection to them or whatsoever.  I didn't cry about how reviews got deleted.  I only pointed out how you cried about how others rated, and not cried about how crap and aswath rated.  Child, you should stop posting.  Your posts have no meanings.  You just said that you don't have to play a server to review?  Wow. Amazing.  Your point of view is obviously "rating high on a server that YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered false information while rating of 10 on a server YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered a true information.  I suggest you go test your IQs.

I don't care how popular you are.  Is that gonna make any differences?  Matter of fact, no one asked for the history of you or anything related to that.

Once again, on your other topic, all I did was pointed out how the server wasn't new while you said it was.  Hmm....seems like someone's putting words in my mouth.  And if you considered "They rated the server however they wanted.  It's their opinions and not yours." is crying, then I'm sure you're using "crying" as a defending statement.  I did not bragged about it.  Sad, but true.  Afterall, I didn't say a single thing about how reviews got deleted yet you kept on talking about it so I had to reply to it.

Again, I'd love to see me "crying/bragging" about how reviews got deleted.

Quote from: Acrued on Jan 24, 2008, 02:59 AM

But you see, what zone is saying is that you might have a few friends that you asked to give very good reviews in order to boost your ratemyserver rating, and that is what you call a false review.
If they were Random People, then they might have at least seen something bad about your server and put down an 8 or 9...

Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 03:12 AM
We don't ask people to rate it.  They rated by themselves.  Most of those whom rated the server are old players from way back.  It doesn't matter if they rate it "falsely"; it's their opinion and not our doings; you just gotta understand that fact.

I just started the website again, because it got deleted awhile ago.

And I'm sure you attacked us because "crap" and "smokingspaceman" was talking about how "corrupted/unbalanced/unfair/inserthere" we are.  Thats their opinion.  They're friends; friends support each other no matter what the other one was doing.  I didn't even see them in-game once yet they were talking about me and other GMs right before my eyes; it's obviously "false" informations.


Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 04:36 AMAnd yes they did brag about the items.  After they rated the server, some players told me those 2 consantly saying we abused our powers as GMs, which we didn't do.  We constantly give away free items, which we didn't do.  We give advantages to other players, which we didn't do.  Wait, is that not bragging?  They did it throughout their lifetime in the server. Even when they quitted, they talked about on ratemyserver website, and then its forums.  Is that not bragging or what?

A small correction here, your understanding of the word "bragging" is totally off. You mean "whining" or "ranting", bragging is when someone has an overly inflated ego. You don't "brag" about how you can't get the cards you want, you "brag" about how leet you are thanks to the donation item you got that no one else has.

(RMS reviews)


Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 04:36 AM
You are the one who's childish here.  You said you report "false" reviews.  Where's crap and aswath/smokingspaceman in this?  Where is what? How is reporting false reviews childish?

Again, We did not give the cards away freely.  We gave them away sometimes during our events.  You just don't get it do you?  Now, you should know who's stupid.  Defending something you have no idea of.  You rely on their informations too much there.You said your GMs give them away in events and you don't care what they give out, so yes, that is freely. Your only problem would be if they give out god items.

And yes they did brag about the items.  After they rated the server, some players told me those 2 consantly saying we abused our powers as GMs, which we didn't do.  We constantly give away free items, which we didn't do.  We give advantages to other players, which we didn't do.  Wait, is that not bragging?  They did it throughout their lifetime in the server. Even when they quitted, they talked about on ratemyserver website, and then its forums.  Is that not bragging or what?Bragging about what? Bragging
Quoteintransitive verb: to talk boastfully
And didn't you just say that you never saw them on your server? You can talk about a server all you want on the RMS forums, that is what it is for, and if you don't like it, then you can leave the forums. All they did was give you a review, which is allowed since they were on your server, and if you don't like them posting reviews on your server, have your server removed from listing. They broke no rules.

They couldn't get the items at all.  They even mentioned about 100% rates during the holiday events.  They said it was HARD.  They're still bragging about it; scroll up kid.  It is humorous to see someone post about stuffs they have no idea of and they're wrong about it most of the time. Bragging, again, that isn't bragging. Learn some English before you post, like 'quitted'.
Quotethe rates for the server are 10% for mvps. So you guys can guess how hard it is getting a SinX card
10% is easier than it is on iRO, but is is hard because of the actual MVPs.

I don't care if you have connection to them or whatsoever.  I didn't cry about how reviews got deleted.  I only pointed out how you cried about how others rated, and not cried about how crap and aswath rated.  Child, you should stop posting.  Your posts have no meanings.  You just said that you don't have to play a server to review?  Wow. Amazing.  Your point of view is obviously "rating high on a server that YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered false information while rating of 10 on a server YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered a true information.  I suggest you go test your IQs.
Crying, 'bragging', no. Read what I said, we report false reviews. I have no reason to dislike a server, I am banned from ScytheRO, and the admin and I had a long arguement, and yet I have not once reported a review on his server BUT HE REPORTED A 'GOOD' REVIEW FOR HIS SERVER HIMSELF I just said if it is false, like saying 'corrupt gm'  and ANY rate, that is against the rules, it gets reported and deleted. Saying best server there is join it, and a high score, that gets reported and deleted. Why? Because nothing is supporting their review. Writing a review about the server saying you have played longer than the server is actually up is against the rules, thus it is reported and deleted.
Lol, 'IQs'? I am the only one posting in this topic other than you, so I assume you don't know what you are talking about. I wouldn't have gotten the highest ASVAB score in military school, nor would I not have gotten into college at the age of 16 if my IQ was low.

I don't care how popular you are.  Is that gonna make any differences?  Matter of fact, no one asked for the history of you or anything related to that.Ah yes, but I still posted it, regardless if you asked.

Once again, on your other topic, all I did was pointed out how the server wasn't new while you said it was.  Hmm....seems like someone's putting words in my mouth.  And if you considered "They rated the server however they wanted.  It's their opinions and not yours." is crying, then I'm sure you're using "crying" as a defending statement.  I did not bragged about it.  Sad, but true.  Afterall, I didn't say a single thing about how reviews got deleted yet you kept on talking about it so I had to reply to it.Then what were you posting for in the first place? You said the server is over a year old, and that it was VengeanceRO and you changed the server over to a new name, which makes it entirely different. New client, new site, new forums. If you did it right at least. I say they were deleted and keep saying it because of your posts saying they should be able to post their opinions, they have to follow the rules like everyone else does. Do you even remember what you are posting in the other topic?

Again, I'd love to see me "crying/bragging" about how reviews got deleted.
Check the other topic here.


Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 04:36 AM
I don't care if you have connection to them or whatsoever.  I didn't cry about how reviews got deleted.  I only pointed out how you cried about how others rated, and not cried about how crap and aswath rated.  Child, you should stop posting.  Your posts have no meanings.  You just said that you don't have to play a server to review?  Wow. Amazing.  Your point of view is obviously "rating high on a server that YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered false information while rating of 10 on a server YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered a true information.  I suggest you go test your IQs.

I don't care how popular you are.  Is that gonna make any differences?  Matter of fact, no one asked for the history of you or anything related to that.

Once again, on your other topic, all I did was pointed out how the server wasn't new while you said it was.  Hmm....seems like someone's putting words in my mouth.  And if you considered "They rated the server however they wanted.  It's their opinions and not yours." is crying, then I'm sure you're using "crying" as a defending statement.  I did not bragged about it.  Sad, but true.  Afterall, I didn't say a single thing about how reviews got deleted yet you kept on talking about it so I had to reply to it.

Again, I'd love to see me "crying/bragging" about how reviews got deleted.

Quote from: Acrued on Jan 24, 2008, 02:59 AM

But you see, what zone is saying is that you might have a few friends that you asked to give very good reviews in order to boost your ratemyserver rating, and that is what you call a false review.
If they were Random People, then they might have at least seen something bad about your server and put down an 8 or 9...

Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 03:12 AM
We don't ask people to rate it.  They rated by themselves.  Most of those whom rated the server are old players from way back.  It doesn't matter if they rate it "falsely"; it's their opinion and not our doings; you just gotta understand that fact.

I just started the website again, because it got deleted awhile ago.

And I'm sure you attacked us because "crap" and "smokingspaceman" was talking about how "corrupted/unbalanced/unfair/inserthere" we are.  Thats their opinion.  They're friends; friends support each other no matter what the other one was doing.  I didn't even see them in-game once yet they were talking about me and other GMs right before my eyes; it's obviously "false" informations.

Using the word 'child' in a demeaning matter is borderline flaming - I would tread lightly on your next post. You can argue all you like to the context it was in, but it isn't used in another way other than to insult in that sentence.

Consider this your official Pre-Warning Warning.

Divided we stand, together we fall.
There isn't any god that can save us all
So don't pray on your knees, just beg on your hands
There is no belief in this promised land


Quote from: Zone on Jan 24, 2008, 07:10 AM
Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 04:36 AM
You are the one who's childish here.  You said you report "false" reviews.  Where's crap and aswath/smokingspaceman in this?  Where is what? How is reporting false reviews childish?

Again, We did not give the cards away freely.  We gave them away sometimes during our events.  You just don't get it do you?  Now, you should know who's stupid.  Defending something you have no idea of.  You rely on their informations too much there.You said your GMs give them away in events and you don't care what they give out, so yes, that is freely. Your only problem would be if they give out god items.

And yes they did brag about the items.  After they rated the server, some players told me those 2 consantly saying we abused our powers as GMs, which we didn't do.  We constantly give away free items, which we didn't do.  We give advantages to other players, which we didn't do.  Wait, is that not bragging?  They did it throughout their lifetime in the server. Even when they quitted, they talked about on ratemyserver website, and then its forums.  Is that not bragging or what?Bragging about what? Bragging
Quoteintransitive verb: to talk boastfully
And didn't you just say that you never saw them on your server? You can talk about a server all you want on the RMS forums, that is what it is for, and if you don't like it, then you can leave the forums. All they did was give you a review, which is allowed since they were on your server, and if you don't like them posting reviews on your server, have your server removed from listing. They broke no rules.

They couldn't get the items at all.  They even mentioned about 100% rates during the holiday events.  They said it was HARD.  They're still bragging about it; scroll up kid.  It is humorous to see someone post about stuffs they have no idea of and they're wrong about it most of the time. Bragging, again, that isn't bragging. Learn some English before you post, like 'quitted'.
Quotethe rates for the server are 10% for mvps. So you guys can guess how hard it is getting a SinX card
10% is easier than it is on iRO, but is is hard because of the actual MVPs.

I don't care if you have connection to them or whatsoever.  I didn't cry about how reviews got deleted.  I only pointed out how you cried about how others rated, and not cried about how crap and aswath rated.  Child, you should stop posting.  Your posts have no meanings.  You just said that you don't have to play a server to review?  Wow. Amazing.  Your point of view is obviously "rating high on a server that YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered false information while rating of 10 on a server YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered a true information.  I suggest you go test your IQs.
Crying, 'bragging', no. Read what I said, we report false reviews. I have no reason to dislike a server, I am banned from ScytheRO, and the admin and I had a long arguement, and yet I have not once reported a review on his server BUT HE REPORTED A 'GOOD' REVIEW FOR HIS SERVER HIMSELF I just said if it is false, like saying 'corrupt gm'  and ANY rate, that is against the rules, it gets reported and deleted. Saying best server there is join it, and a high score, that gets reported and deleted. Why? Because nothing is supporting their review. Writing a review about the server saying you have played longer than the server is actually up is against the rules, thus it is reported and deleted.
Lol, 'IQs'? I am the only one posting in this topic other than you, so I assume you don't know what you are talking about. I wouldn't have gotten the highest ASVAB score in military school, nor would I not have gotten into college at the age of 16 if my IQ was low.

I don't care how popular you are.  Is that gonna make any differences?  Matter of fact, no one asked for the history of you or anything related to that.Ah yes, but I still posted it, regardless if you asked.

Once again, on your other topic, all I did was pointed out how the server wasn't new while you said it was.  Hmm....seems like someone's putting words in my mouth.  And if you considered "They rated the server however they wanted.  It's their opinions and not yours." is crying, then I'm sure you're using "crying" as a defending statement.  I did not bragged about it.  Sad, but true.  Afterall, I didn't say a single thing about how reviews got deleted yet you kept on talking about it so I had to reply to it.Then what were you posting for in the first place? You said the server is over a year old, and that it was VengeanceRO and you changed the server over to a new name, which makes it entirely different. New client, new site, new forums. If you did it right at least. I say they were deleted and keep saying it because of your posts saying they should be able to post their opinions, they have to follow the rules like everyone else does. Do you even remember what you are posting in the other topic?

Again, I'd love to see me "crying/bragging" about how reviews got deleted.
Check the other topic here.

Again, you said you report false informations.  Where's crap and ashwath in this?  crap is the topic creator; aswath is spokingspaceman. 

I said I couldn't care less what other GMs give out during their events; it's their events.  That doesn't mean give items away randomly; only happened sometimes during event and if its happen to be item of choice, they can give away whatever they want.  Don't you get what's item of choice is?

First off, you said you reported false informations.  crap and aswath violated the TOS by rating as low as they could without real information.  Second, I never said anything about the 100 raters.  Acrued accused us of cheating by saying that we told others to rate it high, which we didn't. Go read your other topic.

I replied because those 2, crap and smokingspaceman, are obviously giving out false informations yet you helped them by creating another topic.  Now I didn't whine how you created; I replied because you reported the other players and not those 2.  Does that tell you something?

Wait you're telling me to learn english?  Is that suppose to be a joke?  "I am the most common people around here" do not make any sense.  "Quitted" is a word.  I'm assuming you're a foreigner.
Now, you're the one who should go learn english.  I said we started off under the name of VeangenceRO for about a MONTH THEN we changed it to EsperRO.  Go read my post again.

On the other topic, pay attention to Acrued and my reply to his'.  Go review your reading and writing skills before replying to my posts.


Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 03:40 PM
Quote from: Zone on Jan 24, 2008, 07:10 AM
Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 24, 2008, 04:36 AM
You are the one who's childish here.  You said you report "false" reviews.  Where's crap and aswath/smokingspaceman in this?  Where is what? How is reporting false reviews childish?

Again, We did not give the cards away freely.  We gave them away sometimes during our events.  You just don't get it do you?  Now, you should know who's stupid.  Defending something you have no idea of.  You rely on their informations too much there.You said your GMs give them away in events and you don't care what they give out, so yes, that is freely. Your only problem would be if they give out god items.

And yes they did brag about the items.  After they rated the server, some players told me those 2 consantly saying we abused our powers as GMs, which we didn't do.  We constantly give away free items, which we didn't do.  We give advantages to other players, which we didn't do.  Wait, is that not bragging?  They did it throughout their lifetime in the server. Even when they quitted, they talked about on ratemyserver website, and then its forums.  Is that not bragging or what?Bragging about what? Bragging
Quoteintransitive verb: to talk boastfully
And didn't you just say that you never saw them on your server? You can talk about a server all you want on the RMS forums, that is what it is for, and if you don't like it, then you can leave the forums. All they did was give you a review, which is allowed since they were on your server, and if you don't like them posting reviews on your server, have your server removed from listing. They broke no rules.

They couldn't get the items at all.  They even mentioned about 100% rates during the holiday events.  They said it was HARD.  They're still bragging about it; scroll up kid.  It is humorous to see someone post about stuffs they have no idea of and they're wrong about it most of the time. Bragging, again, that isn't bragging. Learn some English before you post, like 'quitted'.
Quotethe rates for the server are 10% for mvps. So you guys can guess how hard it is getting a SinX card
10% is easier than it is on iRO, but is is hard because of the actual MVPs.

I don't care if you have connection to them or whatsoever.  I didn't cry about how reviews got deleted.  I only pointed out how you cried about how others rated, and not cried about how crap and aswath rated.  Child, you should stop posting.  Your posts have no meanings.  You just said that you don't have to play a server to review?  Wow. Amazing.  Your point of view is obviously "rating high on a server that YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered false information while rating of 10 on a server YOU, that means Zone, doesn't like is considered a true information.  I suggest you go test your IQs.
Crying, 'bragging', no. Read what I said, we report false reviews. I have no reason to dislike a server, I am banned from ScytheRO, and the admin and I had a long arguement, and yet I have not once reported a review on his server BUT HE REPORTED A 'GOOD' REVIEW FOR HIS SERVER HIMSELF I just said if it is false, like saying 'corrupt gm'  and ANY rate, that is against the rules, it gets reported and deleted. Saying best server there is join it, and a high score, that gets reported and deleted. Why? Because nothing is supporting their review. Writing a review about the server saying you have played longer than the server is actually up is against the rules, thus it is reported and deleted.
Lol, 'IQs'? I am the only one posting in this topic other than you, so I assume you don't know what you are talking about. I wouldn't have gotten the highest ASVAB score in military school, nor would I not have gotten into college at the age of 16 if my IQ was low.

I don't care how popular you are.  Is that gonna make any differences?  Matter of fact, no one asked for the history of you or anything related to that.Ah yes, but I still posted it, regardless if you asked.

Once again, on your other topic, all I did was pointed out how the server wasn't new while you said it was.  Hmm....seems like someone's putting words in my mouth.  And if you considered "They rated the server however they wanted.  It's their opinions and not yours." is crying, then I'm sure you're using "crying" as a defending statement.  I did not bragged about it.  Sad, but true.  Afterall, I didn't say a single thing about how reviews got deleted yet you kept on talking about it so I had to reply to it.Then what were you posting for in the first place? You said the server is over a year old, and that it was VengeanceRO and you changed the server over to a new name, which makes it entirely different. New client, new site, new forums. If you did it right at least. I say they were deleted and keep saying it because of your posts saying they should be able to post their opinions, they have to follow the rules like everyone else does. Do you even remember what you are posting in the other topic?

Again, I'd love to see me "crying/bragging" about how reviews got deleted.
Check the other topic here.

Again, you said you report false informations.  Where's crap and ashwath in this?  crap is the topic creator; aswath is spokingspaceman.  Like I said, Crap is in college. spacewhoever hasn't been on since. I report false reviews, yes, but I didn't report yours, simply put it in the proper place.

I said I couldn't care less what other GMs give out during their events; it's their events.  That doesn't mean give items away randomly; only happened sometimes during event and if its happen to be item of choice, they can give away whatever they want.  Don't you get what's item of choice is?Item of choice being someone could just ask for a sinx card and they say 'sure' and give it to him. freely
QuoteGiven, made, or done of one's own accord
They can give what they want.

First off, you said you reported false informations.  crap and aswath violated the TOS by rating as low as they could without real information.  Second, I never said anything about the 100 raters.  Acrued accused us of cheating by saying that we told others to rate it high, which we didn't. Go read your other topic.Where is Acrued saying that you cheated? He said that I was saying you could have asked your friends to give reviews, which I said nothing of the sort. For the gazillionth time, yes, I report false reviews. Their reviews don't break any rules, they made reviews in here to excogitate on those reviews.
QuoteI have one word for the economy - trash. You log in and see 13 people online. 8 are vends. And what do they sell? MVP cards. Its a 10% drop server and you see like 8 valkyrie randgris, 7 tao gunka, 6 thana on sale.

I replied because those 2, crap and smokingspaceman, are obviously giving out false informations yet you helped them by creating another topic.  Now I didn't whine how you created; I replied because you reported the other players and not those 2.  Does that tell you something?
Read the rules for reviews before you complain about other's reviews. Unless you can prove them otherwise, you are wasting your time.

Wait you're telling me to learn english?  Is that suppose to be a joke?  "I am the most common people around here"
Quote from: Zone on Jan 24, 2008, 04:18 AMI am one of the most common people here
do not make any sense.  "Quitted" is a word.  I'm assuming you're a foreigner.Quitted is the british irregular verb form, being that is it never used. We are using standard English, not British. Standard being the language of commerce which is American English.
Now, you're the one who should go learn english.  I said we started off under the name of VeangenceRO for about a MONTH THEN we changed it to EsperRO.  Go read my post again.I know you said that, by the way you still spelled it wrong, 'Vengeance'. It doesn't matter how long it was VengeanceRO, as soon as you change the server, all reviews for it become void. You can change it to whatever you want, it is a different server. Like how AnimaRO is now AnthemRO. Same accounts, same everything, new client, new reviews. Not a thing about AnimaRO in their reviews.
QuoteMost of those whom rated the server are old players from way back.
Back when it was Vengeance.

On the other topic, pay attention to Acrued and my reply to his'.  Go review your reading and writing skills before replying to my posts.I saw your response. He said that I was saying you might have. He wasn't saying that himself.


You're wrong there.  You didn't just put in a proper place.  You reported other rates in the server, but not crap's and aswath's.  When I said "where's crap and aswath in this?", it means that why didn't you report them as well if you said you report false reviews.  You just don't get that part.

Crap and smoking spaceman are not reporting false ratings in server; they're reviewing the server; therefore, you're the one who's reporting unfairly.  Go read the TOS.

And by freely, that means giving items to others unconditionally.  If you win an event, the prize is an item of choice, you can get whatever you want; that doesn't mean we gave that prize in all of our events.  The GMs don't just go around and randomly giving what other people want.  Seriously, go read my posts.  If you want something, you have to work for it; that's doesn't mean the GMs can "freely" give it to them unconditionally.  Matter of fact, they're not giving items away "freely", they're only allowed to give certain items that they are allowed to; unfortunately, MVP Cards are allowed.  Those 2 were mad because they didn't win the event.  What's up with all the vocabs?  I'm pretty sure you're the one who needs to read them.

Once again, I'm not complaining.  Go to your dictionary website and look up what's complaining is; look up every single term there is by the way. 

And I replied to Acrued.  Was that even a complaint?  Again, go read your dictionaries.  And wait, you said nothing about it?  Earlier, you said I was whining about raters.  You pointed to the other topic; I still don't see it.  I didn't point out Acrued's post for nothing; mine was a simple reply to his'.

Wow, you're slow.  Most of the players are from ESPERRO, not Veangeance.  Seriously, you really need to learn how to read.  I've never said anything about EsperRO was Vengeance for a year.  ESPPERRO was on it's own for a whole year.  It was never changed.  The ratings got removed a few months back because it was inactive since whoever made it never logged in. go there and look at the name of the server and date it was posted.  I believe I posted the link in several posts before.  VEANGEANCE has nothing to do with anything; I mentioned it for the fact that you said "there's no way this server could have been around for a year".  Nevertheless, ESPER was ESPER since January 2007; most players were from ESPER, and only ESPER.


Quote from: Reiatsu on Jan 25, 2008, 05:15 AM
You're wrong there.  You didn't just put in a proper place.  You reported other rates in the server, but not crap's and aswath's.  When I said "where's crap and aswath in this?", it means that why didn't you report them as well if you said you report false reviews.  You just don't get that part.They quoted the review responses, I looked them up and quoted others that should have been removed, I look through there on my free time (in reviews). Crap and spaceman didn't break any rules. If you are just going to keep saying that, I will ignore this topic, there is no sense in going in circles.

Crap and smoking spaceman are not reporting false ratings in server; they're reviewing the server; therefore, you're the one who's reporting unfairly.  Go read the TOS.
If I was reporting unfairly, why did yC delete a review? I don't report unfairly, I am stricter than others when it comes to server reviews.

And by freely, that means giving items to others unconditionally.  If you win an event, the prize is an item of choice, you can get whatever you want; that doesn't mean we gave that prize in all of our events.  The GMs don't just go around and randomly giving what other people want.  Seriously, go read my posts.  If you want something, you have to work for it; that's doesn't mean the GMs can "freely" give it to them unconditionally.  Matter of fact, they're not giving items away "freely", they're only allowed to give certain items that they are allowed to; unfortunately, MVP Cards are allowed.  Those 2 were mad because they didn't win the event.  What's up with all the vocabs?  I'm pretty sure you're the one who needs to read them.
Obviously you need to read them seeing how you are using British English when the forums are in American English. I used the word freely, and I defined how I used it. Not how you use it.
Once again, I'm not complaining.  Go to your dictionary website and look up what's complaining is; look up every single term there is by the way.
Quote1.   To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.You are upset that I did not report reviews that don't break rules
2. To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge.Accusing me that I am reporting unfairly.

And I replied to Acrued.  Was that even a complaint?  Again, go read your dictionaries.  And wait, you said nothing about it?  Earlier, you said I was whining about raters.  You pointed to the other topic; I still don't see it.  I didn't point out Acrued's post for nothing; mine was a simple reply to his'.

Wow, you're slow.  Most of the players are from ESPERRO, not Veangeance.I said nothing about most players, only the older players that you brought to the topic.  Seriously, you really need to learn how to read.  I've never said anything about EsperRO was Vengeance for a year.I never said it was vengeance for a year.  ESPPERRO was on it's own for a whole year.  It was never changed.Except when it changed from VengeanceRO to EsperRO right? That is never?  The ratings got removed a few months back because it was inactive since whoever made it never logged in.  Whoever made YOUR server? go there and look at the name of the server and date it was posted.  I believe I posted the link in several posts before.  VEANGEANCE has nothing to do with anythingexcept that it is what EsperRO was right?; I mentioned it for the fact that you said "there's no way this server could have been around for a year".  Nevertheless, ESPER was ESPER since January 2007; most players were from ESPER, and only ESPER.I said it couldn't have been a year old because look at your site, it is trash.

I am done, your ignorance is painful. If you want their reviews removed, then post why they should be removed in a new topic.


QuoteUpon registration as a Server Player, you agree to the following:

You will not do any of the following when rating a server:

Give fake scores - Giving a score that is not within reason
Write libel - Writing fake information out of hatred for the server
Spam - Advertising or writing nonsense
Troll - Posting to solely annoy people
Flame - Writing fighting words to start fights with other commenters or server

Read that then look at crap and aswath's informations about the server.  You even said 2 events a day should be considered 7 or around there.  Nevertheless, you're avoiding the fact that you didn't report theirs' as well.  You said they didn't break any rules?  They broke Give fake scores and Write libel.

QuoteWell, its all easy to download and everything but things get crappy when you have bio labs cards being given out on a 10% drop server (which has max stats at 180) for events where 2 PPL PARTICIPATE. Did i mention the earlier 100% rates? All the old members have everything. And you can get nothing. Have fun. 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 14  Report This Comment  Comment #8
Stability: 3
Availability: 3  Community
Friendliness: 1
Eventfulness: 1  Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1  Game-play
Economy: 1
Guild Competition: 1
Class Balance: 1 

Owner's reply to this review: Edit  Delete  2007-12-28
All your hate comments will do what? It's obvious you're just jealous how the first group of players get the benefits of what the server had to offer during holidays' event. It's too bad that the event was over and it was too hard for you.

well firstly there was a 1st advantage of perma drop cards for few pple now its 10 % and no mvp room ofcourse..secondly event prizes are biolab cards...then edp adn acid demo bottles are sold ....GMs hardly but "AFK".u can imagine how "BALANCED"it is..-_-* 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 16  Report This Comment  Comment #9
Stability: 3
Availability: 5  Community
Friendliness: 1
Eventfulness: 1  Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1  Game-play
Economy: 1
Guild Competition: 1
Class Balance: 1 

Owner's reply to this review: Edit  Delete  2007-12-28
"Well 1st advantage of perma drop cards" what? It was an event. First week during holiday the rates were increased; when the event was over, you joined; cried about how hard it was then. But, it's okay.

Again, I'm not making stuffs up.  I'm sure I've mentioned why they broke the rules before.  Matter of fact, you can see the explanation in the replies.

On the freely part, I'm sure I've replied to its definition and the way you used it.  The GMs were stricted to give certain items.

Again, on your vocabulary words, you didn't report reviews that broke rules.  Scroll up to see why.  It's good to use dictionaries though since you need an extra boost on vocabs.

And I didn't accuse you of reporting unfairly.  It's a fact.  It's something you did do.

QuoteI said nothing about most players, only the older players that you brought to the topic.
Oh yes you did.  I'm not quite sure why you said it but you said "most players are from Vengeance".  Read your older posts and might as well read mine again.  I don't just reply for no reason.

QuoteI never said it was vengeance for a year
Again, you did.  VeangeanceRO was a complete different server.  Different GMs, different players, different features etc.  You keep on saying EsperRO is just a change in the name; it's not.  Your own sentence will prove it. 
QuoteESPPERRO was on it's own for a whole year.  It was never changed.
Except when it changed from VengeanceRO to EsperRO right? That is never?
Now you can clearly see who's being ignorance here.  ESPERRO was a BRAND NEW server AFTER we dropped VengeanceRO.  VEANGEANCERO was a completely different server as I said earlier.  I'm the same hoster, but those 2 servers AREN'T the same.  Go flip your dictionaries again and please look up every single word that I've said.

QuoteWhoever made YOUR server?
What?  Whoever made my server?  It was me.  I, however, was not the person added to the server to the list on ratemyserver's page.  As I said, you just don't get anything.  The server was removed from the list because whoever added it never logged in.  Get it?  No?

QuoteI said it couldn't have been a year old because look at your site, it is trash.
This was the same reason that I replied why we were up for a year and we're still running; it's the same reason I mentioned Vengeance just to show the fact that I've been hosting for over a year and I'm still hosting.  That sentence is considered flaming as well.  I don't get why the mods aren't doing their jobs; they warned me when I used the word "child" though.  Ironic huh?


If you have a problem, report it.


Quote from: crap on Dec 29, 2007, 11:06 AM
Yay, my next bad server report :D

My friend and i were server hopping as we always do (average 1 server a day :P ; we never seem to find a server thats balanced, has good GMs and pleases the two of us). And tada! We find esperRO!

u can try OdinRO if u want, u won't be sad XD



The community on EsperRO is quite friendly but slightly on the small side. The majority of the people spend his/her time in Amatsu (the main town) and PVP. The server during my time had only crashed twice. [Not in relation to occurring Events.] Although, the server had always been available.

The GMs as promised are indeed friendly, and I have spent one on one time with two of them asking various questions about the server.  Ranging from game play, economic status, and everything in-between.

The Community itself like I said is a little bit on the small side. Due to that, the economic status of the server is heavily effected.  In markets, the user holds too much power, and getting items on your own is a better alternative.
The way Zeny flows into the economy is based on Monster Drops, [MVP Cards] and a special Gambler NPC that is accessible through the main town.  You can also achieve other items from this NPC such as special tickets for other items, yggs, dead branches and many more!  The tickets can be exchanged at another NPC for usable items, and equips, regular and custom.
That is also how custom equips are pushed into the server.  Unless created otherwise by a GM.
There is NOT a Gold Room of any sort on this server.

GMs too spend their time within the community talking to its players.  Not sitting somewhere with other GMs doing who knows what.  They try to get involved into the community much as possible.  And I like that factor in a server.  They also, are willing and patient enough to ask any questions a person or new player may have, and do take the time to answer them calmly.

The Guild Competition in EsperRO is quite out of the ordinary for your average server.  During times of WoE, they only allow an "X" number of castles available that all guilds must battle for.  So, competition between guilds is quite high.

The Max ASPD on this server is 192.  For some people that may cause an issue for it may make it difficult to kill MVPs and other difficult monsters.  But in turn, many items are available via NPC that are not usually purchasable. (Authoritative badges, EDP bottles etc.)
Some card effects ARE NOT boosted to accommodate the high levels.  But can be corrected with the adjustment of skills.

Short Term Vs. Long Term
EsperRO provides a very entertaining Short Term game play.  Although in a projected long term relationship,  obtaining Zeny and having to rely on NPCs for major income I see may be a fault for some people.