Early RO review

Started by willc86, Apr 30, 2009, 04:51 PM

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Hello! Ok, well I hope I get this right. I am a player at Early-ro! Put it this way, it is one of the most balanced servers I have ever seen!! It is also non-trans server! Just like how iRO used to be! So if you miss the good ol lvl till 99 party days, you will love it here! There is also a 1 click full install download!! rates are 7 7 5 wait there is more!! NO MVP cards!! so there is no way a server can get ruined! Also, GMs are always active! the best part, they always reply to your suggestions! I believe that is very important, whether they agree or not! WOE is once a week, every sat 4-5 est. so every 1 keeps track of woe with out no problem!! Makes it super exciting since we have to wait such a long time! Worried about the healers? there are healers, but they only heal for you once every hour!! I highly recommend this server for anyone that can not stand imbalanced sin-x and bio chems in the servers! bc there is no trans!


it's not too "in-depth", but it won't fit on the site's review char box.  Pass. 

hmm no mvp card? interesting.


The No-MVP Card part sounds interesting, but I'm curious as to how "no MVP Cards means your server won't get ruined!".

I always saw MVP Cards ruining a server if they were obtainable via donation.


A review is a review, I spoke my opinions.

For the rest that care, it is pretty simple, there are no mvp card drops. That is actually what made me join at 1st; no mvp cards at all. There are mini boss drops, so you still got the "all almighty" peeps, there is none yet lol.

I been playing for about.... 2 weeks now? and I usually end up looking for another server, but this 1 is pretty darn balanced.



ETA: Why are there no MVP cards, but still mini-boss cards? o.o


ive talked to the early ro gms once they they tryed to punk me. i dont see this server being under proper mannagement.
plus they are what i call a "purest" server meaning they dont do anykind of real work that i can see. also thier population is dismal at best thier are plenty of other already existant "purist" private server. what im tring to point at is that they have nothng new to offer to the ragnarok comunity that doesnt already exist.


Funaho, it's good for people that are too lazy/busy to learn new build/patch/item/mob that keep releasing.  For example, I haven't seriously played RO for a year and I am guessing my build that i used to have are outdated ...

Is that mean there is no new dungeons too?  such as Thanatos, endless tower etc? since the mobs take couple of trans to kill and hmm some good item drops are equitable by trans only.


lazy is one thing but being a "pure" server is like... doesnt take too much work eathena pritty much comes premade as a "pure" server script. thus it doesnt need much modifacations for people lookign to be "pure" i give it to them they did remove mvp drops that took time as for updates they just load new eathena scripts. the work is evey easy no real learnined needed.


Actually, EarlyRO has a lot of modifications. But none that would take away the "old-school" feeling or mess up balance.
I don't really know who you are Funaho, but if you played on EarlyRO then you should of seen a lot of changes. Prontera for one.
Not only that, most of the custom scripts we use don't come with eAthena. The "Early Girl" npc is one we've made ourselves, same with the warp npc.
I don't really know what you've been looking at.
But sure, if we want a new feature and that feature happens to already exist in the eAthena package then of course we would use that. Maybe we would add/change something in it for it to match our needs.

As for MVP cards vs Miniboss cards. We just wanted to draw the line somewhere, so we took out the MVP cards and the god items such as megingjard.
We also took out miniboss cards from OCA's. So you can only get them from the monster itself.

Also, our donations are only cosmetic things.
Hats are 3 def, 3mdef and 1 slot. It's the same as a slotted circlet.


Will is a really nice players who joined us recently,he invited a lot of his friend to our server because he truly appreciates it and he is really enthusiastic about Early and trying to help it how he can. We apologize if his review seems like an advertisement,he means well.^^


You say we tried to "punk you"? Can you elaborate on this because I have no idea what you're talking about. Myself and the other GMs are really professional and mature.

We're also very active and caring. Adding a billion of new npc,random non-ro content or changing skills is not the only way to take care and nurture a server,we're there for our players,we do events,we answer their questions. I scripted our main npcs myself (the early girl,our warper too and 5 quests I added just last week) I also added an item called Future Branch that can summon monsters that aren't available otherwise because they are from newer episodes,those are used for events mostly.

The server is close to official,but not due to laziness,that's simply the mindset we're going for,trying to offer a balanced environment to our players with the good old RO they knew and miss. We're professional and organised,every player suggestion is answered,if we decline it we explain why. I've made some source modifications and recompiled already to add some commands that weren't available in our SVN and to fix bugs,I know my way around a SVN and around scripting as well,just because we're close to official doesn't mean we don't know what we're doing.

And our population is not that "dismal" we have about 50 players on average I think it's decent we just started last month and people keep joining so we're growing,there's also no dual client. If Early is not for you by all means find the server that is,if you play on our server and think it could be improved we welcome feedback,when it's constructive,but if you're only going to throw assumptions with no proof please refrain. You don't know me and you don't know the work I put into my server,maybe other "pure" server just use that word to disguise being lazy and inexperienced but don't assume every server is like that. Lastly,there may be a lot of pure servers out there because setting eAthena is very easy yes (anyone can do it really),but non-trans servers are few and far between,it's a rare breed!


Yes no new dungeons either,we're using an old school svn,we got towns up to the Amatsu/Gonryun/Louyang/Ayothaya and their respective field/dungeon and that's it,we're sticking to the old content for monsters,maps and items and old ro mechanic for skills/monster ai.

Customless pre-trans low rate: EarlyRO - Opened March 6th 2009! - Join the good old days!


Wouldn't it take a lot of work to modify the monsters in the database to be like the old school versions of them?  Skill fixes so they also work how they useta wouldn't be easy either.  It would require a lot of researching and things I would imagine considering that the team there I believe used a newer client and edited it heavily?

I haven't played EarlyRO, but as far as "pure" RO goes, I do think the GM's of the server have put a lot of work into it to actually make it an oldschool experience.  I actually considered playing Early but to be honest I wish there was special created content for a server like that.  Newly designed dungeons for non trans and things could make for a unique experience on top of that old school feel.


EarlyRO is nothing compared to 2003 iRO

43 players (from their CP as i post this) compared to the thousands of players in one castle alone back then?  yeah, theres classic for you!

also, no mvp cards doesn't balance a server, lol


Actually, 1 MVP card on a server with less than 100 players do make a difference. While 1 MVP card on a server with 3000~ players doesn't make that much of a difference.

That's why it balances things out.
And really, you can't be expecting thousands of players on any private server these days.


it's not like garm, turtle general, incantation, etc etc make people invincible.

true, but don't say a server "is like iRO in the good old days!"


I didn't find Early to my liking, but I did appreciate the amount of effort that went into creating it. While I may not agree with every rule, the GMs have their reasons and they back them adamantly. I would rather have someone firmly disagree than just tipping over because I said I didn't like it.

The population, in context of pserver RO, is not dismal, but more so average.

Overall, it is a nice server, and I encourage people to give it a try. Especially if you have ever been curious about the pre-rebirth experience.


Goddamnit, Martinet, the forums are boring without your incessant bickering!

The server can get laggy during WoE, the population is on the lower side of average and in-game GM presence is rather rare, but other than that I find myself enjoying it immensely. Suggestions and reports are quickly reviewed, forums are lively, and while I'd prefer a bit better guild-balance I suppose that'll fix itself when or if the server grows further. Also with monks being the only insta-kill wankers around, WoE suddenly became a lot more tolerable.


@both Early ro 1 and 2.

when I make comments about "purest servers" I don't mean to necessarily single you out. npc are easy to make if u know what ur doing. I can make a donor npc and item quest npc within an hour np. no one thing in a server usually takes long if you know what ur doing.

in your reply you mention 1 npc. compare the list of work you do with void or a major custom server. their work will dwarf yours. any true and active customs will.

frankly, I'm not on review you are. please do not direct your comments at me for I am entitled to my opinion, that purest servers are lazy and that I didn't like you when I talked to you. compared to lots of other servers your population is dismal. I have worked plenty with eathena doing a "pure" server is easy like I said and you agreed for the most part you are a non-custom server aka "pure". give me the 30$ and I can pretty accurately replicate most of your server in a couple days. the 30$ is for the hosting for 50 people and website. voidro and others would take me months just from the item_db2.txt allow.
Frankly I would mind ur server if you were the only "pure server" (other than iro of course).


Bumping this to point out there are "Early" quests which give you statted donation hats. They clearly wrote on here and elsewhere that all donation hats have the stats of a slotted circlet. This is a lie.


Hat of the Sun God
- You must have donated at least once to make this one.
1x Emperium
2x Oridecon
3x Golden Token
4x amulet
5x Gold


For the REAL game experience =D


to be fair, those aren't too good except for sun god helmet, not sure why they choose that for donators.


So you'll donate your money for power, but they make it a quest..a quest you need to have donated for. This allows them to advertise themselves as having only cosmetic donation items.

For the REAL game experience =D


We never claimed to have official server's population :(,what we have is a server set in an old era which some consider to be the good days of RO before trans arrived.

Funaho it did sound like you were singling us out,but my bad if I was mistaken. While I agree that an npc is not necessarily long or hard to make I can assure you a lot of time and effort went into creating EarlyRO and it has more than 1 npc that I created. We also have Alpha Prontera which is a very old version of the town,all the Prontera NPC had to be moved to it and if you ever check with @mapinfo you'll see Prontera has a lot. Same for Payon which we use Old Payon. A lot of monsters were modified also including all mvp and all the "future branch" monster to ensure they do not drop any items that do not belong in our era,tokens were also added to them and to mvp/boss and obb/opb. We got added haircuts and palettes,and we're making a custom dungeon. I'm not saying our server has more work than extremly customed servers but saying it has no work or that we are lazy would be false,an old school server requires a lot of work and tweaking. We have "custom" items that we're adding to our old svn but contrary to other servers we use Gravity's sprite,it still takes the same work to add them client and server side (item_db2) that it would to add wings or all those ugly naturo headbands.

You say you didn't like me when you talked to me, but haven't actually given the context to that or said who you were,if you're going to critize,I think it would only be fair. You said we tried to "punk" you,well myself and all my GMs are in their 20s we're polite and mature individuals,we're there for our players to talk be it in game or in forums so I don't know what you're talking about.

As for the SGH *sigh* when the server started we only had the original 8 token hats with circlet stats, it's the players that asked that we add more token heagears and even some donation-exclusive headgear because they want the server to receive donation to help it. It was only much after the start of the server that we added those new quests,and now we also got the "hat of the month" which is a synthesizing system (example give 1 token + poopoo hat for an alice doll and it has the stats of a poopoo hat).

No one has complained about the new quests,or else we would have discussed it in forums,I'm always there to listen to my players. I'd also like to state that hat of the sun god is not the best STR gear combinaison possible,you can get more with STR with tarou/cramp combos. I have no wish to unbalance my server and prefer to stick to cosmetic donations we are not doing this for the money I'm paying the server fees from my own pocket and I'm not complaining to anyone about it.

I appreciate everyone's feedback,if you are a player of EarlyRO please voice them in the forums Opinion section so we can discuss them,if not I wish you the best of luck in finding a server to suit your style and need.

Customless pre-trans low rate: EarlyRO - Opened March 6th 2009! - Join the good old days!


From experience I do know that classic servers take a bunch of effort to set up, and earlyro seems to have a good approach from what I've gathered. A GM team comprised solely of members aged 20+ is such a good decision for any server to have!

Hopefully you can prevent people eventually getting bored by the lack of content on a classic server, as that's what has taken down most I've seen in the past.


This isn't an age discussion topic.  Deleted unnecessary posts.  Don't start.

Edit: If this message is not here who know why the other posts were deleted.  It is to prevent the same kind of discussion to come back.


the modifcatations u have mentioned are free to download and add if you know what you r doing (-npc) i estimate 4-8 hours.

but from the looks of it. you also been adding customs. this is by deffinition makes you a custom server. please pick a follow one side or the other. the line i believe is very clear. since u clearly have customs its a lie to call urself not. its also could be considered deceptive. also now that you have proved you are a "custom server" lets compare you mods to voidro or essencero. how many have they done and how many have u done. i recommend if custom advertise it if not then advertise that. doing both make me question the server more.

again, dont direct stuff at me im entitled to my oppions(i believe anyone reading has already established that u dissagree). sorry yC but i must question thier maturity since they keep pushing the subject. no matter what you say i have my oppions, you can try as hard as u want and fail as much as you want if thats your goal. my recommendation is accept it and move on. plus if u keep bringing it up i would think it reflects badly on you (again another oppion, man got to love it).

also out you should pratice economics.... release your "custom" hat at reasonable stats of ur choseing. if anlot of people start buying and unbalancing the server raise the price... or in ur item_db2.txt copy the item weaken it and let all donors from that point on by that one. i would recommend set a time and date in advance that this will change to not piss people off.


now that kind of grammar is just self-defeating.

customs become a problem as soon as they're overpowering items obtainable in game by default, which isn't the case here. Ro is about cute headgears to a decent extent, and the number of headgears that was available in 02/03 was pitiful, so I see no wrong in making newer ones available to players if they don't change how the game was played back then by providing better stats/effects.


Quote from: Riotblade on May 24, 2007, 04:00 PM

  • Try to keep debates off of your review topics.  The only time a debate is to challenge a false FACT.  Facts being things that are provable to non-players.
  • Flaming and Trolling are big no-no's.  Don't post in these topics if you have an urge to just annoy people.


That is actually what made me join at 1st; no mvp cards at all. There are mini boss drops, so you still got the "all almighty" peeps, there is none yet lol.
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