AnimaRO a low quality server in disguise?

Started by Senor, Oct 22, 2006, 08:18 PM

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Mmkay, I do admit that my previous posts were...a bit haughty. Ok, scratch that, they were downright rude.

Not to try and pass blame, but I wasn't in the best of moods.

Anyways, even if these things are true, even if I'm wrong, and Gene's wrong, and anyone else wrong about AnimaRO and the GMs, I do not care. The server is fun. I have many friends there, and a great many challenges. I will not attempt to refute your "claims" against aRO anymore, because you have your opinions, and I have mine.

But my main question is this: Why must you slander a server? Hell, why must you even discuss a server if you no longer play? If I ever got banned, I'd just move on and find something else to do. It's an internet game. It holds no significance on your life (as far as living, earning money, etc goes). If all you like to do is be negative towards a server, then you lead a horrible, horrible life.

As far as St. Serenity goes, I could list quite a few things that you've told me (read: lied to me about) to ruin your reputation on YOUR server. However, I choose not to, because...well, you aren't worth the effort.


***Excuse my spelling errors and grammer, im not that great of a writer but i want to tell you all the truth***

Flamkes first post is completel s***, hes just defending AnimaRo cause he likes the GM.

THERE IS IMBALANCE, you know why? because im part of the imblance, i got sick of going into pvp and dieing to one hit from champs and hearing what did i do? Well i live in the us, so i did the ads, i donated, i palyed hard, i got all the items, all the "Super Quest Itmes". And guess what i own flamake, let me see him come and disagree, One tss , 25k total, he's dead, one asura with all reduction , GR+CARNIAL+DEVI, i do 20k, and if u wear devi, my SQI is elemented so my tss will be 50k, and if you dont, my asura is around 50k. No one stands a chance, and guess what ? I DONT LIKE IT. I dont even like champs, but the way the server is and the way its imbalanced , you HAVE to be a champ and have LITERALLY 800+MILLION zeny worth of SQI to own people, OR GET OWNED BY THEM. you want to be a sinx? too bad, ....ASURA ..Bam youre dead, you want to be a Sniper? too bad , TSS .....BAM youre dead.  I play this server, and im not gona leave cause as the saying goes "if you cant beat them , join them" but i WILL NOT sit back and let people tell me that this server ISNT corrupted and imbalanced , because it is. Also i been playing for half a year, Take my words, dont play here.

And to Xennith, theres no conspiracy aginst animaro, this is a "rate a server" forums, everyone is intitles to thier opinions, cause thats what its all about.

Theres so much to say about animaro that i dont even know where to start. First of all, why do i play it if i hate it? Because yes i hate it but this was one of my first servers, and i was dum and i didnt know lota servers excisted, and as i played as a noob i got pushed around so much that i got sick and spend SOOOO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT on it that i cant just walk away and leave. I can only join the corruption and be on top with them. Theres no hiding and dening that the server is f*cked up, its all right in front of your face. I been also meaning to let ALOT of s*** that goes around, clear to the public in forums, but i cant cause harken is a no good GM and she will slam the ban hammer ON ANYONE, ANYTiME, FOR ANY REASON she feels like it. She recently banned azrial for some misunderstanding of what she heard, then she was presented the chat log and felt like an idiot and changed the ban to one week. BUT even though the ban was one week, the annoucement was made that azrial was permently banned, Why? cause gms want respect, how do they want respect? through fear. They know that  its clear to some of the public that the server is corrupted , BUT hell no the people wont speak out, why? cause send harken in to slam the ban hammer on everyone in sight that breathes.

GEARS: hell yes its un even, i have 800+million zeny worth of gears, 2 megs, suiken , and slieps[1].
and ads being 400k at the moment, how much ADs/US$$ is 800Million zeny!!! Unless you can cought up 1600$$+ in donations , when u play this server, be ready to get floored by top tier players.

PVP/FAVORISM: You will get harassed and abused in pvp to all hell, and the gms will do s***, i used to get harassed all the time, and gms didnt do anything, so guess what, i do the harassing now. Nigger, nazi, faggot, w,e you wana call someone , do it, cause no ones gona care. Post about abuse in forums, heres the responce youll get "Its Pvp, its your choice to go, so were not gona do anything". And thats not bad, it creates a certain part of the game with utter freedom, but THEN GUESS WHAT HAPPNED.......Gm eclipse's ex wife has illegit gears spawned and given to her by eclipse, [which is another issue i wont get into] and My friends Heneko and Genshuko both called her out in pvp and told everyone about it, and guess what happed, they both got jailed for weeks for harasment in pvp.....but wait i though there was no punishment in pvp.......WRONG!!!! The gms can do w,e the f*ck they want, its thier server after all. Need less to say , neither Heneko NOR genshuko play this server anymore, from all the friends i started with, i have ONE left that stayed...and that Azrial, who also warned me NOT to post this because hes scared ill get banned because of how harken abused and b*tched him around, But i want the turth to be out there.

GM ABUSE: Many of the gms will do w,e the f*ck they want b/c they can and will abuse and b*tch you around, i know this because its happened to me. Also the fact is alot of animaro palyers are kids and/or foriegn players, so the Gms are used to being able to be in control and not get retaliation. But were not all kids. Heres my Personal experince with gm abuse. Below is a copy and paste of my entire support ticket i send to animaro about gm faith.

2006-12-15 16:16:23 I really belive GM Faith does NOT qualify to be a GM.
There has been several times that she abused her powers and acted immature over small things, She has harassed MANY players and friends. Her idea of being a good Gm is by getting played to respect her over fear, thats not how gms win respect. There have been several times where she inapropriately kills players .....continuously. Today i was sitting in Pvp and she enters and i say "Ew its faith" as a tease, and her response is killing me and ressuructing, and kiling.....over and over....she did it about 5-7 times before she booted me from pvp. And i udnerstand that Pvp is for fighting and killing, but i Dont understand how gms should participiate in that and kill other plays as they can do it instantly and as much as they please. And since all my other support tickets about previous issues of GM Faith were rejected and ingored i didnt think it would make a diffrence if i send one again or even that any of you would care. BUT further more, when i returned, a stalker full striped her and so i killed her, and thats once i killed her and were hardly even and i doubt it even matters that she died once, but apperantly she felt the need to mute me for 10 minutes. I know that players need to be punished and muted when they do wrong things,....but what did i do wrong in this case, that she didnt do to me ten fold. Also it is stated clearly on the front of your home page that gms do not look at us as palyers and dont want as to tihnk of them as gods but its the other way around as we are your customers and we are all treated with respect. And i am not another kid that plays animaro, i am an adult and a veteran player and someone whos contributed to animaro GREATLY, its very heart breaking that i have to consider leaving this geart server, b/c of the way its being ruined by disrespectful and immature GMS. And i cant stand the way all the gms are playing favorism towards each other....b/c i know for a fact that many of my friends have also been abused by gm faith and that they send pictures and support tickets, and all of you simply chose to ignore and reject it.

I know this will make no diffrence to you, b/c why do you care, its your server and you can do w,e you want huh, but i just want to express my opinion. And also as a request i would like Debbie to see this and a responce from her.


Picture of Faith Using Soul Breaker / Muteing.

Thank you.

GM Delphine
2006-12-15 16:44:31 I'll ask Debbie to speak with Faith about this. Thanks for the report. 

2006-12-15 17:47:07 I guess this is how it will end....and noting will be done.
Its not like i expected anytihng more.

My Conversation With Azrial.

The City 0n Film (6:39:20 PM): they wont do s***

The City 0n Film (6:39:28 PM): Faith = Fae, the most respected player ever to play animaro

The City 0n Film (6:39:31 PM): or a friend of faes

The City 0n Film (6:39:39 PM): fae is like the first person to ever make a character on the server

The City 0n Film (6:39:45 PM): hes donated hundreds of dollars

Rincegeosh (6:39:56 PM): so have we

The City 0n Film (6:39:59 PM): he has close ties with the GM's

Rincegeosh (6:40:08 PM): eh

The City 0n Film (6:40:10 PM): he knows them in real life i might even think

Rincegeosh (6:40:20 PM): that favorism

The City 0n Film (6:40:21 PM): theres no way you will get faith in trouble

The City 0n Film (6:40:34 PM): no s*** dude

The City 0n Film (6:40:37 PM): you gotta realize

The City 0n Film (6:40:45 PM): there will always be favoritism on animaro

The City 0n Film (6:40:49 PM): its a private server
The City 0n Film (6:40:52 PM): nonpaid

The City 0n Film (6:41:01 PM): they will always favor the other GM's

The City 0n Film (6:41:05 PM): and players that were here last year

And i guess he was right, i only wish i knew about this before i joined the server and spend so much of my time and effort here. I also belive other players should know about this before having to put there time into a server where they will be abused and disrespected by higher powers. If noting is done , and an apology isnt made by faith, that proves noting but the lack of personality of this server.

Thanks you and i hope this can be resolved in a mature and correct way.
2006-12-15 17:49:32 Edit/Correction.

and an apology isnt made by faith, that proves noting but the lack of professionalism** of this server.
2006-12-15 17:51:55 Also the last time i send a support ticket about Faiths abuse, the response i got was simple "..we like faith"
and i guess thats where it ends, and furthermore my other responses were ignored.

GM Delphine
2006-12-15 18:35:30 I don't see how "I'll ask Debbie to speak with Faith" got translated into "I will ignore you."

I meant it, we will talk to Faith, and if she needs to adjust her attitude towards players, we'll ask her to do that. 

2006-12-15 18:48:33
B/c thats how its been in the past....

GM Delphine
2006-12-15 18:53:44 I'll get back to you on this, stop bumping the ticket. 

2006-12-19 13:56:56 its been 5 days....and no responce....this is exactly a repeat of what happened last time, and its just going to end like this and im NOT going to just ignore it this time. Furhermore Harken banned Azrial for trying to stand up for me, and further more when it was made into a big deal and a big post was made and the truth was coming clear to the public, the gm team CLOSED THE POST! Also , GM faith [to seem innocent] wrote in the forums that she muted me for 2 minutes, in fact she muted me for 10 MINUTES, and the screen shots i presented proves that, also i could not defend my self in that post b/c of the fact that it was closed. This can turn into something really big if Faih tries to sneak her way out b/c me and my friends have plenty of proof and screen shots of her doing this PLENTY times before. She muted Sothe, Pawn, Azrial, & Me for killing her. Shes also Disconnected me and Azrial and my friends SEVERAL times at ONCE. As i said and ill say it again, if she cant take critizim then she doesnt have what it takes to be a GM, and if she cant take dieing in Pvp, Then stay out [NOT disconnect, mute & ban players]. And if not resolved, i DO want to make this into a forum post, with all the information and exactly what happens behind scenes, b/c the public isnt aware of this and it shouldnt be just ignored and never looked back at with just a simple "i'll get back to you". There are ALSO a handful of other issue in animaro, such as players with gm items, and corruption, and GM/Player relations, that i am clearly aware of, but i cared less for in the past b/c it hardly affected me, but now the GM team is takeing a strike at me and my friends and so you tell me how to respond back......

2006-12-23 17:07:09 By dealing with this, we mean that we have spoken to her and made sure this doesn't happen again. She's already been put on probation and anything constituting "abuse" of her powers/position will result in her dismissal.

If you are expecting her to be fired right on the spot, then you are sadly mistaken about how things work here. As long as it doesn't happen again, we will give GM Faith another chance because of her contribution to the server.

As for your threats in the last few sentences, is that a challenge to the GM team?

End of support ticket

- well guess what, they didnt do s***, faith still runs around doing w,e the f*ck she wants, muteing and killing who ever she dislikes.

I would love to tell this all in an animaro forum, but then again comes the issue of Harken and her recklessness, and i probably will be traced into here and be punished but then that will only make things MUCH worse b/c i have oh so much more to say.

If you tyee in you will be given access to debbies directory....well not anymore since she traced my ip and found out i accesed it and that she wasnt even smart enough to lock it.

But what i saw there is more than enough to bring animaro down and out.

This is more than just an issue of corruption, legal issues are invovled, were talking BIG TIME, law suits, copy rights, etc.....with a few lawers and a dedicated indivudial, animaro can be a thing of the past and debbie can face some not gona get into any legal s***, cause i dont want to that much of a pain, since i do play the server after all. i just dont want YOU to play it.

And one thing about sqi, GUESS WHY IT WAS MADE?!?!? FOR MONEYYY
make god items and have a few flying around, everyone wants the hell are you gona make 200million zeny to afford an sqi?? better start donating buddy.

And yes there are a few OLD players that got all there sqis by playing and farming.

but if you had the choice what would you pick?

1)Donate 2000$ get all your sqi, kick donkey of everyone in pvp
2)work you donkey off for a year , pinching every penny and make your sqis.

And i hear this argument OVER AND OVER AND OVER again that donating is option and no one is forced to do it.
WRONG!! in an indirect way people are forced to donate. its either DONATE or FAILLL.
Thats right, walk into pvp, send back to city before you even realize you just got owned and kicked outa pvp.

And if anyone doubt this, come into my pvp your self.

I'll post more s*** later, as of now im tierd.

You Like mmorpgs? You want to play a nice server? ANIMRO IS THE WRONG PLACE!!!
simple as that.


look, the fact of the matter isn't whether the gm team is corrupt or not, its wheterh people want to play on aRO or not. there's absolutely no need fo r all this cloak and dagger s***. if it is true, let the players figure it out for themselves. seeing as you naysayers are veterans, why should the new players be babied? let them figure it out if its so bad, and let the ignorant continue to enjoy it.


Quote from: Emmie on Dec 25, 2006, 03:29 PM
Quote from: St. Serenity on Dec 25, 2006, 03:22 PM
Don't speak unless you have something to back yourself up with, kiddo. You're not even worth proving wrong, time and time again. =P

Lol, that reminds me of a guy called Lord Teo on the forums. He thought he knew everything about Paladins even though he never played one on aRO. Everything he said was just plain stiupid but amusing. Sadly, his account was deleted after some time for annoying Harken. With what exactly, I don't know, he never answered me when I asked.

A little off topic, for I will not participate in this argument.

Clarification: Lord Teo was banned for stalking and harassing me. Not for annoying Harken, though doubtless Harken was severely cheesed off by his belligerence.


And for those who said that lag was the individual's problem, it really wasn't. If it was there wouldnt be a need to use dexter's idea to fix it, there wouldnt be a need to read gms' apologies for it, there wouldn't be a need for a hardware update. Actually because everyone admited there was a lag problem. Even better if it was just my problem there wouldn't be mass disconnections, and gappings everwhere. There WERE lag spikes and noone can deny it. And i don't think getting gapped can be better or worse for someone or that it depends on the connection.

Of course things are way better now and lag is rarely seen


Quote from: Jaymz on Dec 26, 2006, 05:49 AM
Of course things are way better now and lag is rarely seen
this is the most important part of your post for the guys that wanna choose a server to play ragnarok...


Quote from: kikyouinthenuts on Dec 26, 2006, 02:46 AM
Have you played on the server for almost a year have you farmed your own gears and zeny probably not so think before you start flaming and sladering.

Yes, I did. More than you can actually imagine.

Quote from: Flameke on Dec 26, 2006, 03:31 AM

I have many friends there

Not to be rude but I'm totally shocked. With your attitude? No offense though.

Quote from: Flameke on Dec 26, 2006, 03:31 AM

But my main question is this: Why must you slander a server? Hell, why must you even discuss a server if you no longer play?

I wuv and miss aRO's forums *sic*

Quote from: Flameke on Dec 26, 2006, 03:31 AM
If I ever got banned, I'd just move on and find something else to do.

I kinda was banned for saying something that was proven here to be true.

Quote from: kikyouinthenuts on Dec 26, 2006, 02:46 AM
in the end with all my farmed gears and zeny i became one of the top stalker players in the server only 3 other players could play stalker just as well(and even better) then me i can name em all for you right now

Oi, who are you anyway? If you are not []Snow[] than show some modesty.

Quote from: kikyouinthenuts on Dec 26, 2006, 02:46 AM
all the classes are relativley even and balanced.

You are talking now about iRO or kRO, and not about aRO, right?

Quote from: slayertr on Dec 26, 2006, 05:59 AM
Quote from: Jaymz on Dec 26, 2006, 05:49 AM
Of course things are way better now and lag is rarely seen
this is the most important part of your post for the guys that wanna choose a server to play ragnarok...

Quote from: Orguss on Dec 26, 2006, 12:23 AMAs long as the GM's are happy and As long as the GM's are happy and not-bored in PVP/WoE.....all's right with the world

This is the most important part for the guys who wanna choose a server to play Ragnarok ^.^

Quote from: Akishira on Dec 26, 2006, 05:23 AM
Quote from: Emmie on Dec 25, 2006, 03:29 PM
Quote from: St. Serenity on Dec 25, 2006, 03:22 PM
Don't speak unless you have something to back yourself up with, kiddo. You're not even worth proving wrong, time and time again. =P

Lol, that reminds me of a guy called Lord Teo on the forums. He thought he knew everything about Paladins even though he never played one on aRO. Everything he said was just plain stiupid but amusing. Sadly, his account was deleted after some time for annoying Harken. With what exactly, I don't know, he never answered me when I asked.

A little off topic, for I will not participate in this argument.

Clarification: Lord Teo was banned for stalking and harassing me. Not for annoying Harken, though doubtless Harken was severely cheesed off by his belligerence.

Oh, I never actually heard that was the reason, everyone just ignored me whenever I asked. My sincere apologies for my misleading post.


@ Emmie

He became something of a taboo subject to my associates and then to the general populace. My harassment report is still floating around on the forums though, complete with screenies and chatlogs and the like, if you want to dig it up. (Forum search works now, btw.)




Tao Gunka Card.. 17 Dollars
Doppelganger Card.. 27 Dollars
Customized Lord Kaho's Horns.. 130 Dollars
Funding admin's sex change... Priceless


This thread has degenerated into nothing more than a flame war by those who no longer enjoy playing on Anima. Gone is any sign of an attempt (no matter how feeble) at an objective review.

Those loyal to the server came to voice their opinions. Those against it have flamed and then some. From what I have gathered in this thread is that those who left did so because they were not happy with the GMs - for various reasons. However, the MAIN reason I can establish is that you all invested time and probably money and then didn't get the results you expected. Now you're upset, sour and possibly even want revenge. It's too bad, really, since you can dig up as much dirt as you like on the GM team at Anima and nothing will really change. Why? Because those who want to be there will continue to do so despite everything because none of what you say really and truly matters. It doesn't affect your average player. So your flames are pretty much falling on deaf ears and only serving to make you look like you are holding a terrible grudge (this is for you, Tynne) and it does not reflect particularly well on you either, being a GM now and all. You accuse the anima GMs of acting unprofessionally yet you are the first to jump on the flame bandwagon and do the self same thing.

@ Colonel - what does the GMs personal likes, lifestyles or anything they do with the money you donate have to do with you? It has nothing to do with anyone. Your last post was really low since it has no bearing on anything. If you donated money you gave it to them. When you give a gift you do so freely and willingly. If that person chooses to do something other than what YOU want to with the money you gave them, that is entirely up to them. If you are not happy with it - you shouldn't have given it to them in the first place.


AnimaRO used to use terms like "gifts" and "rewards" for donating, but now they even went flat out and made a "Shop".  If this isn't the design of mass-money hoarding I don't know what is.


A few details:

Those are taken from Euphro section of this site:

Played this server for 9 months. 2006-12-26
Don't listen to these people, they're just jealous owners of another server :) It's ok -- their project is dead and Euph is back now and forever! 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 100  Report This Comment  Comment #1

Played this server for less than 1 month. 2006-12-25

Wow xD! This is a great server, just joined today ^__^ -- wonderful! 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 100

Played this server for more than 1 year. 2006-12-25
Perfect! Not a better server out there! 

Noe look at the animaro section:

Played this server for more than 1 year. 2006-12-21
AnimaRO has grown into a pathetic server. Classes are broken, War of Emperium is very boring, no events, unstable AEGIS server running on illegal software, GMs are males who act like females in game, and ban people who tell otherwise. 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 24  Report This Comment  Comment #8

Played this server for 8 months. 2006-12-25
There aren't 2k players on this server. Probably around 700 merchants/dual clienters, 700 bots, probably 400 people who "stay for 1 day and leave". Don't go to this server! You will be sorry! 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 10  Report This Comment  Comment #3

Played this server for 9 months. 2006-12-26
Horrible, don't go here. Broken donation system (Tao Gunko for 17 dollars) money hoarding transexual admin. Corrupt GMs. 90% of the population is bots. Don't go here. 
See Detailed Rating  Rating: 10  Report This Comment  Comment #2

   As even uber-stupid guys can easily see there is something wrong here...Come on people,can any server should really deserve 10?what is the basis of this judgement?For those type of people things are judged 2 way:Very good(100) and terrible(0).That type of black or white logic is sign of low IQ.Sorry guys there is no hope for you...Did your gay gm serenity offered you something in exchange?Also there is another funny thing too just look at this site: ...Sponsored by AnimaRO WHAT? They are paying back very nice way...LOL


Quote from: Brenna on Dec 26, 2006, 10:38 AM
This thread has degenerated into nothing more than a flame war by those who no longer enjoy playing on Anima. Gone is any sign of an attempt (no matter how feeble) at an objective review.

Those loyal to the server came to voice their opinions. Those against it have flamed and then some. From what I have gathered in this thread is that those who left did so because they were not happy with the GMs - for various reasons. However, the MAIN reason I can establish is that you all invested time and probably money and then didn't get the results you expected. Now you're upset, sour and possibly even want revenge. It's too bad, really, since you can dig up as much dirt as you like on the GM team at Anima and nothing will really change. Why? Because those who want to be there will continue to do so despite everything because none of what you say really and truly matters. It doesn't affect your average player. So your flames are pretty much falling on deaf ears and only serving to make you look like you are holding a terrible grudge (this is for you, Tynne) and it does not reflect particularly well on you either, being a GM now and all. You accuse the anima GMs of acting unprofessionally yet you are the first to jump on the flame bandwagon and do the self same thing.

@ Colonel - what does the GMs personal likes, lifestyles or anything they do with the money you donate have to do with you? It has nothing to do with anyone. Your last post was really low since it has no bearing on anything. If you donated money you gave it to them. When you give a gift you do so freely and willingly. If that person chooses to do something other than what YOU want to with the money you gave them, that is entirely up to them. If you are not happy with it - you shouldn't have given it to them in the first place.

   I agree with Brenna that there were posted many posts which could be considered as flaming posts but what she/he tries to say is that only those who are against aRO are evil and those who defend it fight for justice. I don't really like that image, and if you would read through the pages 2-8 (I omitted the first one cause it's some kind of mistake in my opinion) you would notice that both sides flamed as well as shown some level of behaviour.

   I would also like to state that in my case, after I got banned, I don't feel any urge for revange or such. Even more, I still wuv aRO's forums. Altough I would preffer to see myself in this topic as someone neutral who corrects some things and adds additional information as I always did I'm fully aware that for most of you guys there is only black & white and I need to stand on one of the sides. Yeah... I'm not good at defending myself.

   Also, shouldering the blame on Tynne is not the way to go. It was already proven that the GMs are unprofessional, so there is no need to accuse anyone. The problem now is, if proper actions will be taken to punish the guilty ones and make sure such actions won't be repeated in the future (altough, it doesn't seem at the moment that anything like that will happen).

This topic is also worth looking at:,103.0.html


Quote from: Colonel on Dec 26, 2006, 10:16 AM
130 Dollars.. Customized Lord Kaho's Horns
17 Dollars.. Tao Gunka Card
27 Dollars.. Doppelganger Card
Knowing that all your money is going to funding the admin's sex change... Priceless

I was gonig to bring this up earlier, actually. If the owner of the server is gay, feminine.. whatever. If s/he got a sex change, because s/he wanted it, GREAT! If the donations to the server paid for it? Good. Why? People are asked to donate. Since this is not a non-profit organization, nor is it a charity, then people have absolutely no legal right to know exactly where their money goes. Do I think it's moral or ethical? No, but then, I honestly don't care, as long as the server does continue to receive the upgrades it has been (2 since I joined, which is fine by me).

Saying that the person likes yaoi or other forms of homoerotica is all well and good, but since when is it cool to insult someone's sexuality or preference. It's a completely irrelevant part of the discussion.

When did this turn into a board for detailed in game balance issue discussion? Matter at hand. It's a bit unbalanced. Profs get ganked in the back end, and many of the SQIs are up for nerfing because the changes are necessary. There is proactive and reactive change going on to make Anima a better server. People on both sides, please stop flaming and making baseless claims, as it helps nothing. It does nothing but make you look stupid. No, I'm not referring to the OP, or most of what Tynne says. But on the subject of Tynne, Your SS are a bit inconclusive. Really pixelated and hard to decipher.

Honestly, let's look at all the points here. The has been some major corruption and harsh attitudes from the GMs. People were unjustly banned (not Tynne, he left to get greater glory on another server, and to escape the favoritism being shown to him, and was subsequently IP banned, which screwed his family out of their play time), and bad stuff ensued. But there is an honest effort to fix all of the issues now plaguing this server. The bots are being removed. Not just the little people's bots either. The Items that are unbalanced are being tweaked for better performance (much to the chagrin of many players), and the GMs have been keepnig their noses out of WoE (if not PvP).

While not all the problems have been fixed, much of what is wrong or WAS wrong with Anima is being addressed, and that is a simple fact not being fed by the GMs (Most of whom never admitted there was a true problem to begin with).

All I'm saying is the flaming and "You don't know" "NO U" posts are just counter productive to a good discussion. There are always gonig to be small issues, and that's always the case everywhere. I hope that Anima will get a new rebirth. Maybe all the changes are in response to all the attention being brought on them from posts like this one, where the knowledge is getting to wide spread to ban all the offending people and still maintain an income. Maybe they just realized it's time for a change (people do grow up).

You realize even the name Anima suggests a female, trapped in purgatory, bound by chains, in burning torture? You think the Server creator made it up from no where? The server was probably always intended to release the inner woman in them from it's torture. In truth, if people keep donating, what 's really wrong with it?