Hateful review on PoringRO

Started by PoringRO, Oct 29, 2008, 10:43 AM

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This what was reviewed (hateful view by a ex-gm) i would like it removed if possible it was only in the moment of anger.

"Corruptive Server, GMs know nothing about RO and have terrible attitudes. Community was cool, but everyone is disappearing. Only I vended in the entire server; no economy. Event NPC for events, always the same boring invasion. Guild competition is non-exsistant. Server lagged a fair amount aswell." By "Morale"

This guy is a Ex-GM and i told him i didn't need him anymore since i found a new GM that was much more helpful.
Then he was nice about it and stayed, then later on claimed he wanted to quit and i said fine then he left for 2 days came back.
started deleting accounts and logging onto my GM account and giving people free items. Started saying GM's cheat in prontera to our users. Then i decided to ban him, I don't wanna get into anything else he just been a extremely big annoyance to our users.


Wise if you provide link to the review.


It's fine now i didn't know i could reply to peoples comments so i replied to it. I just wanted to defend against such a comment on my servers review page.


I hate players/ex-staff that do that just because they didn't get their way, its quite immature, but then again its the internet we are speaking of.

And I would like if the "Owner's reply" spot to be slightly bigger, by like 50-100 characters? Sometimes you just can't fit everything and simply saying "This is a lie" won't cut it lol.


Yeah I agree, I've told yC before, side that defense need more space to counter properly, especially when we're stating facts against people whose motive just wants to give the server a bad name.

Can you post in suggestion Valkyrie?