Your ideal server?

Started by KiwiBill, May 26, 2012, 12:30 PM

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So, I'm starting a new RO server to be opened by July, 2012.
I've been out of the RO scene for about 1 year and I'm trying to figure out what seems to be the preference nowadays...

Low, mid, high rate?
3rd jobs, no 3rd jobs?

Just go ahead and tell me a little about how your ideal server would be! Thanks for your input!

Sol Invictus

HR - 5k ~ 10k rate
High item drop rate, card drop 1~5%
God Helms obtained ingame through quests that involve MVP drops maybe even cards to make. Must be somewhat equal in strength if you have a donate valk. God Helms should be the winged helms and not just the valkyrie helms.
Either a MVP room with a 10mil per summon cost or more or maybe a branch trader or a room where you can break branches ans make MVP summoned from DB at low chance.
Many quests for kRO and jRO headgears that are rare.
NO wings! Rings are much better option than wings ie: Day/Night/Snowflake rings.
3rds or renewal doesn't matter as long as max level is 255/whatever job level is max.
NERF for GTB and maybe make LHZ cards REALLY hard to come by. ABSOLUTELY NO MVP cards by donation.

And that's pretty much it.


Mid Rate
No 3rd Jobs
Fully updated but some new mobs are customized to fit non renewal mechanics.
Maybe some new item edits (Unusable Weapons, etc).
Headgear quests are interesting as well, also something that supports PVP, ex. trading in PVP skulls for certain items, etc.


I'm really picky about servers so...

• Rates don't matter as long as MVP/Miniboss cards are 0.01%
• Don't really care about regular card drop rates but somewhere between 1%-5% seems fair
• 99/70 Trans- no 3rd Jobs
• Max ASPD below or equal to 192, Instant Cast 150 DEX
• Extra character slots available per account
• Interconnected donation/voting system (the one on NeuRO from a year ago was interesting but there were some problems with it that I won't go into in this post)
• @main or #main
• Custom quests for official hats
• Custom hairstylesss
• Custom headgears as long as they don't give +10 all stats, +10 DEX, or look really really ugly. Think of it like this: anything custom should look (like literally in terms of look) and give effects as if it was something released by Gravity.
• Wings are okay as long as they are very very small like this; anything the size or larger than the sprite itself = big no no... shouldn't exceed the sprite size of RO's official wings (that uses up the garment spot, interestingly...)
• DB rooms are okay (selling DB as well), but please no pay per credit or zeny for MVP summons. MVPs should be only accessed through: where they normally spawn, Endless Tower, Bloody Branches (quest or big event prizes), MVP events (scheduled and announced... everywhere prior to the event)


Ideal server for me specifically-

Rates between 5/5/5 and 25/25/10. Logarithmic or boosted weak item/card drop rate acceptable..
No rebirth. 99/70 99 max stat 190 aspd 150 dex. Alterations to this take surgical precision to do right.
MVP card drop rate 0.01% or below
Custom maps and dungeons. Any custom mobs used should have rewards comparable to their difficulty. Custom items should not drastically exceed official available items with few exceptions
Blacksmith forging compatible with adding card slots, thus making forged weapons desirable.
No AFK homunculus leveling/feeding
No MVP spawn events. No invasion events.
Donation items should not exceed standard available items. No MVP cards. No obnoxiously huge wings. No headgear more powerful than feather beret. No solar god or orc hero in donation.

However, since I consult for servers, here's a few ideals for any server from LR pre-trans to SHR Oboro/Kagerou plus custom class servers.

Be picky with your GM hiring. Find out what they get from being a GM.
Unless you are on a playaround everyone-gets-everything SHR server, don't give your GMs @item, but don't hire a GM you wouldn't trust with @item.
If you wind up with 50+ merchants on at any time, create a custom vending map.
If you don't know what you're doing, do it on a test server or don't mess with it.
While my advice is detached from my personal ideals, one thing does match. Add custom areas! There are enough "Official feel" servers who are already doing it right. Customization is what gives a server personality and reasons to play it instead of some other server.


My Ideal Server:

- Rates: 5/5/5-100/100/50
- MVP Cards: 1-5x
- Max Level: 99/70 OR 150/50
- Max Level: 99 OR 120
- Max ASPD: 196ish
- Third Jobs: Indifferent
- Episode: Latest
- Original Slots (1 Armour; 1-4 Weapon, as per official)

- Multi-Up Refiner
- Job Changer
- Town Warper
- Healer (with fee)
- Dungeon Warper (entrances; no quests)
- NO SP Items in Store
- DB Rooms + DB Flags on Maps

- Custom Maps
- Custom Monsters
- Custom Pets
- Custom Headgear Sprites
- Custom Quests

- NO Convex Mirror
- NO Bloody Branches
- NO Bubblegum
- NO Wings
- NO Buyable Cards
- Balanced Donations (preferably obtainable in-game)

- NO GMs that Spam @broadcast
- NO Corruption
- NO Battlegrounds OR low badge-win/lose ratio

- Automated Events
- NO Invasion Events
- NO AFK Homunculi
- NO Bots Permitted
- NO Auto-Potting
- NO MVP Spawn Events

- All Languages Permitted (no "Only English" rules; it's unfriendly and discriminatory)

Server does not exist :(


I am fine with no custom just like the iro style.  I have been saying that since forever but when a server like that comes along i don't have the time to play :(

Low rate, 5-25x. 

Mostly default is fine.  In terms of "custom", I think utilizing those unobtainable headgears in the client is good enough.  No need fancy stuff that cover a 3x3 area around you.

No third job because I barely know them lol.


Anything innovative and still fun. New things that aren't well planned usually end up being boring.

The rates can be anything at all as long as it's engaging in one way or another (via community, quests, not just grindy)

Oh, convenience! The little things make a huge difference. Like the advanced warper with the Last Warp function, or the one-click healer. Whisper system NPCs are pretty useful too (the Identifier NPC), a refiner that goes up to a certain limit or only makes a certain # of attempts (in renewal).


Karu would love...

Rates: 1/1/1 - 25/25/25
MVP drops: 1x - 5x
Base level: 99 for trans, 150 for thirds
Job level: 70 for trans/some extendeds, 50 for thirds
Stats: 99 for trans, 120 for thirds

Job Changer (optional, I don't mind doing the quests)
Dungeon Warper (only to entrances and preferably with a fee)
Regular Warper (all towns, preferably with a fee)
Refiner (automatic +4)
DB Rooms
Normal NPC items (as in no SP items, gems, etc)
Balanced donations (for pure cosmetical purposes)

Custom quests
Custom headgears
Custom towns
Custom pets

No bots
No AFKchemists
No 3rd party programs (such as ahk, romedic, etc)

But as if this exists, hurdurrrr.
"Howard, you do know I've got a number of ways to poison you. In your sleep. Your food. You don't want that to happen do you?"


No thirds
Easyish leveling
Limited customisation
When there are custom items, NO WINGS
0 delay proof
RCX/AHK/ROmedix allowed


Low rates
No 3rd classes
No changes in max stats, levels, aspd or instant cast
Job changer
Town warper
Kafra, warper, tool dealer in every town
No skill nerfs or buffs

No more than 1 castle per 100 people in WoE
Better castle drops
Non trans WoE but at different time than real, and only if there's more than one guild who plays it
Official BG rewards unchanged
WoE and BG supplies for badges
eAmod battlegrounds

Statless disguise headgears for donation
Clear set of rules, and GMs who make sure people follow them
GMs can't create items or change their or anyone else's levels and stats
Event GMs who actually do events instead of sitting in town for hours
Automated events but not every hour

Small point decay in rankings (brewing, taekwon) to eventually drop inactive rankers off the list
Zeny sinks, like Comodo gambling but with rewards people might actually want
Custom main town done by someone who knows what they're doing, no gigantic flat maps where you can walk through buildings


I just find that you will have to work on what you are most comfortable with in order to get the best out of it.  Forget what other think as their ideal servers.  You can go with your own ideas, your own ideals and then listen to suggestion as the server progresses.  Otherwise you won't be interested in working on the server that you call it your own.  People will leave when they don't see you put your heart into it.  In the same way if you put effort into the server people will see it.



Having creativity to do something and accept criticism after doing the base > everything.

You can do the best to appeal everybody but you will always think that something "YOU" is missing there.


My ideal server...

Friendly non-corrupt, proffessional, active Staffs
Staff that follow, and uphold the rules in a friendly yet iron gripped way(staff that are hyyprocrits are pointless)
triple strike rule(this counts for all time, and not just that day or time player logs in, as old players should know better)
Courteous Community that takes time to help newcomers, and make newcomers feel at home
extensive yet non OP customizations
No 3rds
No Bots
No AFK chemists except in @autotrade
No Drama
Very few Nerfs
tons of quests
No ugly wings(if wings, at least make them epic and cool looking and not OP and bulky)
I prefer iro stats for equips
Balanced classes
Donate items only for looks, no special advantages that non-donators cant get via quests
Xarale ~ As others have said, I do believe this topic is done now.  Therfore I shall be closing it, because I'm sexy.


I'd probably go with Mid rate / high rate with 3rd jobs + Kagerou / Oboro classes
Custom items that are obtainable by quests
@go @warp commands
automated events
LOTS of headgear quest NPC's
helpful gm team
custom rates like 1% mvp card drop rate or more
costum maps, tired of looking playing the same field on each server.

That's MY ideal server for you,



Non rebirth, non renewal server, no extended classes.

99/50 level and 99 stat caps, auras are completely edited out. (/aura doesnt really work)
rates can be anywhere from 5x to 30x, but I'd be happy with even 1x base xp if job xp was high enough (like, 50-100x).

Drop rate can be whatever, though I think a high card drop rate (5-10%), while keeping the usual hydra, thara frog, and mvp cards low, is great for the game because it would encourage different or even "silly" builds. And really, cards are 1/4 of RO's gameplay affecting customization (stats/skills/equips/cards).

Everything else isn't too important to me. I would definitely play retro if the rates weren't so suffering or it had like, 200 more people playing :/ Midro was/is great, but I can't speak russian. It just seems like there are no english "oldschool" RO servers besides retro.


My Ideal Server is um~

  • *-* A lot of Customs
  • Regular commands (not @storage)
  • No Spawn MvP Rooms
  • Ton of Events
  • No Thirds :c
  • PvP Based Server with a storyline
lawl, I feel like I'm asking for too much.


My ideal server is:

Low Rate 7x/7x/5x

Disguise Headgear



My ideal server

  • Rates: 7/7/5
  • Max Level: 99/70
  • Average Max ASPD
  • No Third Jobs
  • Thanatos Tower/Abyssal Dungeon as the Latest maps
  • Job Quests to change, No Job Changer
  • Warpra NPC, You make your way to dungeons and she remembers them as warp points.
  • Free Healer (Doesn't buff)
  • No Instance Bosses (No Evil Baphomet, Etc)
  • No @go/@warp/@storage
  • No custom maps or NPC's
  • Bloody Branches only obtainable as an event reward
  • No Exp/Drop rate Enhancing items
  • No GMs talking irrelevant nonsense in broadcast
  • No GM's who don't actually know anything about the game, And were only hired because the Head GM is a hormonal teenager trying to get some.
  • Only the trusted Event GM has the ability to spawn monsters & give items
  • No Battlegrounds, Only WoE.
  • No Automated Events, Events Pre-Announced on the forums with at least one days notice, (Explaining the rules & prizes)
  • Stat Resetter, But requiring a lot of Zeny-Worth of items to do it. (Encourages people to stick with the stats they choose)
  • Dye required to recolor hair (Only default Hairstyles & Colours)
  • [1] Sunglasses added back to the Old Blue Box loot table

I can dream, Can't i?


Well, I am more of a collector and a talkative player, so I prefer super high rate servers... or at least a high rate one =D.

Rates: I suppose 5000+. Don't mind the item drop rate.
If the server has a levelling system, arena, etc that would be good as well. Same with instant levelling or high party sharing experience.
Max Level: Don't really mind. The servers I tried are at least 255+ in terms of the base level.
Max ASPD: At least 195 or above.
Necessary commands: @storage, @go, @warp, @who, @whogm, @mi, @ii, @autoloot, @autolootid, and a few others.
-I love custom maps, mobs, headgears, etc. Rarely see a server with custom weapons, but I guess some would be cool. However, I dislike the really huge customs, disguises, etc that would block a huge portion of the screen lol. Collector at heart <3!
-Fun WoE & Active PvP would be great additions.
-A good number of automated and GM-held events, but not excessive!
-Never really tried third jobs, but I guess I prefer none.
-A small to medium-sized community. I prefer not to lag due to people spamming chats, skills, and so on. Furthermore, it is just that much easier to make friends over a smaller community. Larger servers seem to have most of the groups established, which may make it difficult for players to start the server unless they come with their friends. Most of my friends stopped playing RO though XD.
-Pretty website, detailed and updated forums, nice in-game graphics would be awesome. I care for aesthetics in a server quite a bit.
-MvP rooms are not required, but it would be good to make people work for their cards more so (so no to these arenas).
-STORY QUESTS <3! Love them to bits! However, I prefer quests that are doable... and do not require more than a week to accomplish. In fact, I prefer quests that can be achieved within 3-4 days.
-NO to DRAMA. Seriously, players and even staff members can get out of line sometimes. I do not want to see good servers go to waste due to verbal warfare and DDoS attacks/hacking. People just need to get along if they truly love the server!
-No overpowering donation rewards + need balance gears if there are any edits/additions to the item database.
-Dedicated staff members who know what they are suppose to do and would act on their words. In addition, they should be friendly to all sorts of players and learn to deal with pressure.

-Probably got more points, but I guess I should stop spamming haha XD!
Friends are special flowers that bloom from trust.

Free Designs by Me: Here!


Insta 99/70. Classic/vanilla mechanics. Heavy focus on Battlegrounds (conquest) and WoE2. No overpowered donations, no ridiculous customs. No attempts to 'balance' classes that the head GM doesn't like or has some retarded ideas about.


Quote from: Alexx on Jun 16, 2012, 05:58 PM
My ideal server is:

Low Rate 7x/7x/5x

Disguise Headgear

