RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Server Discussion => Topic started by: yC on Sep 23, 2006, 07:40 PM

Title: Why do people open a server?
Post by: yC on Sep 23, 2006, 07:40 PM
I am going to leave this one up to your imagination.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Omg Onoes on Sep 23, 2006, 08:19 PM
feed e-penis
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Sentaku on Sep 24, 2006, 02:06 AM
Personally, I'd open a server for my friends, to have a place we all commonly like, with the rates, items, places, etc that we like. Also, the experience of opening a server probably helps a lot with gaining knowledge and learning things, not to mention, gaining friends =p

But-Thats just me =o

(What August said too-but only for teh servers with admin who doesn't care >: )
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: yC on Sep 24, 2006, 08:13 PM
i dont get what august mean (was about to give him a warning too lol)

maybe someone can help explain
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Unmei on Sep 24, 2006, 10:38 PM
I think it means ego :o
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Kain on Sep 24, 2006, 11:38 PM
I opened my own because the old server me and my friends played on died.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Shmoziku on Sep 25, 2006, 02:09 AM
people probably make an ragnarok server to try and add something to other people ragnarok experence or they thing they can do it better then another server.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Slaw on Sep 26, 2006, 06:21 PM
I've ran a few servers just for fun. In my case, 'cause I enjoy the coding of NPC's, the editing, and the whole setup of a server. I dont care much for actually running it, but scripting and testing stuff's always fun.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: pieman245 on Oct 02, 2006, 12:07 AM
So they can do GM-y stuff that they normally cant do.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Usako on Oct 03, 2006, 03:28 PM
My boyfriend and I opened our server because after playing on a few large servers that had been corrupted and turned to lagfests we just decided we could make our own. We never planned to make it a big server. We just wanted something to do in our free time. He writes the story and scripts and does the events, and I take care of the client side content. I used to sprite a lot in my free time, though not so much anymore (college and work ftl :p). Anyway we got a few dedicated players and we've all become good friends. It's just something we do to have fun. Some couples go to the movies or rock concerts...we own a ragnarok server...though we do some of that other stuff too XD
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: pieman245 on Oct 06, 2006, 03:11 AM
Yea. What she said.

To make a server that isnt a big steaming pile of---
You get the idea. There isnt really any exellent RO server out there that everyone loves >_>
I wish there was <_<
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: El Cid on Oct 13, 2006, 01:54 AM
yC...God told me to do it in a dream.  DO NOT DEFY GOD...he also promised me 77 virgins in heaven if I did (I didn't mean that as rude :))
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Nish on Oct 22, 2006, 12:33 PM
I've always wanted to make one.. i've made some small ones just for ppl i know, bout it.

Some people make them to feel powerful and superior to most aka Niktout.. lol ;p
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Raiku on Oct 22, 2006, 02:16 PM
Hello YC!

For myself and more likely for many others, we open a server to Game Design and Develop. I started out about when Yare first started, I was a total Nub, and it was around 6 years ago. Now today I have open up to many languages because of Yare and Ragnarok. That includes C++, C, PHP, Mysql and Flash Actionscripting. Because of this reovltuion, I am not turning into a Technical Artist in which I am now trying to strive to make my own game. I hope that explains some ideas to you.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Honorbydeath on Oct 25, 2006, 10:05 PM
well most for what others say the fact of the e-penis and the internet ego
what i dont understand is why do they make a server that runs 1 day or so and it sucks or lags or nobody wants to try i mean at least know a bit of what you doing before you turn it on
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Pandora on Nov 13, 2006, 02:51 PM
To me, I guess it was just the natural next step, after playing for a few years, I had tried lots of classes and had been guild leader. I wanted my own server, along with some friends (I could not have made it alone) we just wanted to make a fun ro place.

Being a GM has its perks, but it's a lot of responsability and it can be bothersome too sometimes (lots of PMs from players and complaints too), it's probably why some servers run like 1 day, it's not as fun as it may sound, but I must admit I like it ;)
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Duncan on Nov 26, 2006, 08:14 PM
Very true. Most people that start up a server don't understand how hard it is to be a hoster or a gm. Yes there are those that start servers for their friends and all that, but for those who want to make a great community, it takes a lot of work for that to happen.

I should know because I've been on this ride for over 4 years now. First on DuncanRO and now on Ryushin. As a hoster it takes a lot of commitment and you have to deliver where it counts. And there are times where the hoster has to make hard decisions that could mean the loss of friends or the loss of many players. As for my reason for running a server, its for the sole purpose of getting people together as a community. It doesn't matter how much you costomize your server to make it look interesting or appealing. If there's no community behind it or a sense of togetherness, then that server would be as one of the dead servers out there.

That's the true purpose of online gaming as a whole but most servers seem to forget that and focus more on having power that they can never have or achieve in real life. I'm happy with the way things turn out on my server. There have been many gains and losses but all that has made me more mature and more determined to keep my server running. Anyways enough of my rambling cuz I'm sure other people would want to say their reasons why they run a server. Take care all, and good luck to the hosters and GMs of all the servers out there.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: GoldDean on Nov 26, 2006, 09:44 PM
People are dumb. Its that simple. They don't understand what kind of work and responsibility goes into hosting a real server. I've seen about 10 servers go up due to disputes between a group of players and the staf of MesaRO, not a single one of them lasted more than 2 months, or got more than 15 active users.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Honorbydeath on Dec 06, 2006, 12:20 AM
as i said they wanna make a "cool server" a "friendly server" a "easy server" want to be a "gm" "want to be the best server" "want money"
they are fags and its gonna apear cas theres alot of trash in rl and on the net
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: disnu on Jul 11, 2007, 07:13 PM
Quote from: Duncan on Nov 26, 2006, 08:14 PM
Very true. Most people that start up a server don't understand how hard it is to be a hoster or a gm. Yes there are those that start servers for their friends and all that, but for those who want to make a great community, it takes a lot of work for that to happen.

I should know because I've been on this ride for over 4 years now. First on DuncanRO and now on Ryushin. As a hoster it takes a lot of commitment and you have to deliver where it counts. And there are times where the hoster has to make hard decisions that could mean the loss of friends or the loss of many players. As for my reason for running a server, its for the sole purpose of getting people together as a community. It doesn't matter how much you costomize your server to make it look interesting or appealing. If there's no community behind it or a sense of togetherness, then that server would be as one of the dead servers out there.

That's the true purpose of online gaming as a whole but most servers seem to forget that and focus more on having power that they can never have or achieve in real life. I'm happy with the way things turn out on my server. There have been many gains and losses but all that has made me more mature and more determined to keep my server running. Anyways enough of my rambling cuz I'm sure other people would want to say their reasons why they run a server. Take care all, and good luck to the hosters and GMs of all the servers out there.

i almost cried when i read this, and Duncan is the best admin ive ever known. His server has trully a great community and the player hv alot of respect with each other. Ive been playin on DuncanRO now Ryushin for the 4 years (sice it first began), and ill NEVER go to another server!

Now the reason why ppl make private server is probably cause they think itll b fun, yeah it is fun till the first 3 days, thn u get totally bored, thats y i like to b an admin or head developer. I like it because i like to 
add custom stuff on the servers and talk with the community. As Duncan said the best thing a server can hv is the community!
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Skotlex on Jul 11, 2007, 10:53 PM
Quote from: pieman245 on Oct 06, 2006, 03:11 AM
Yea. What she said.

To make a server that isnt a big steaming pile of---
You get the idea. There isnt really any exellent RO server out there that everyone loves >_>
I wish there was <_<
There's a saying that goes... "no matter what you do, at least half of the world will disagree with it." Your wish is impossible to fullfill. However, that is not the point, as long as only the people that love the server stay (and there's more than.. uhm, 10 of those?) you can consider it a success.

This is another of those 'fun to read' topics. Why people host their own server? Well, let's take a few facts:
1. eAthena has become too damn easy to set up.
2. Lots of young people play RO
3. Said 'lots of young people' will at some point or another think it would be cool to have their own server.
That obviously does not represents the sole reason why people start a server, but it would probably explain why there's SO MANY of them out there, and many of them that don't last much. Fact #1 alone would explain why people would start a server based on a whim... As stated before, running a server is no easy task... hopefully these people at least learn a few valuable lessons from such endeavours!

As for me, I started my server when I got tired of every server closing down. Well, me and my friends, we were a group of four that stuck together from server to server. I have to wonder how would have things been different if I did not start a server... that's what got me interested in learning the code and getting involved with eA... and the rest, as they say, is history.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: bentheexo on Jul 11, 2007, 11:42 PM
I opened my first ro server 3 years ago for my guild mates and myself because our usual server the old WolfRO (now dead) was always going down and we had become accustomed to those rates even though it was connected with LLRO. So while WRO was down we played my server and then some of the gms that we were friends with joined us there and then my first one closed because WRO came back up 4 months later. After that my co-guild leader and i decided to rebuild our old servers and try and create one really good one. So we tried and we used Hamachi cause we would edit things server side for the other because i had a problem that he could fix and he had one that i could fix. That worked well and then after playing serveral servers and seeing how immoral, unforigiving, and vindictive the gms could be we decided to open it full time as a full time server. Now its averaging anywhere from 9 to 20 people at a time. The rates are fair. The customs dont give stats donations are excepted but nothing you get will make your account or character stronger. Donators get a special listing on the forums and I try to keep it very proffessional. It just a place that I like to go and chill and hang out with new people. Also I use it as a training grounds for people who have never been a GM before. I do this because my server is not populated so much that it would really hurt anyone.

Bleh thats all I've got.
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Zurital on Jul 13, 2007, 08:02 AM
some people open it for money ...
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: Abel Vox on Aug 04, 2007, 02:16 AM
I am a big fan if Pokemon and Harvest Moon type games. So that kind of set my mood for making a Ragnarok Online P server (yeah its kinda lame I know XD) Mostly though I love to make people happy. Events/Real life/ etc.. I found players tend to grow bored over time when playing RO. Hack this monster, level up... attack this monster... level up... I decided to make a server that has old style RO, and much more XD, Basically throw in Monster Arena's, Fishing, Minining, Give them Fun events, Story line events. Things that will keep them on their feet for hours.

Anyways, thats it!
Title: Re: Why do people open a server?
Post by: AlviN on Aug 08, 2007, 08:16 PM
i hate servers aims to make money, more on business through donation items... if they can't afford to support their own servers, they suck, no reason for ppl to join... and besides its illegeal...