RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Server Discussion => Topic started by: Transcend on Aug 05, 2007, 01:23 PM

Title: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 05, 2007, 01:23 PM
Yep,if a potential server rose with 1X1X1X rates.that will provide everything like at Kro and even the event quests from iRo at the same time,aka : a iro free copy :q
would you play it?
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Pandora on Aug 06, 2007, 09:34 AM
1/1/1 is painfully low, even for people who like low rates. Lots of RO players have been on this game for a few years by now, have proven themselves capable of grinding/leveling/hunting. But I understand your concept of a free iro copy, which is what private servers were at the start.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Rbread on Aug 06, 2007, 12:57 PM
The lowest I would play on is 2x/2x/2x.  I dont have years to spend on a game that takes years to level up and advance.  I'm only saying this because my first server was 2x/2x/2x and I found it more enjoyable than any server today.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 06, 2007, 04:36 PM
But,the point isn t to be always a lvl 99/70 Char
in a 1X server,any random hunter can rock xD
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Slaw on Aug 07, 2007, 04:25 PM
I wouldn't play. I've redone my characters way too many times, and grinding on a 1x server once again is... not very tempting at all.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Skotlex on Aug 07, 2007, 04:37 PM
The only way a 1x experience would last is if it were a server that is guaranteed to be up for like, all of eternity... then you'd hang out with people and enjoy the MANY MONTHS that you will be a 1st class.
It is not such a bad thing, you will collect many memories with other lowly people and the fights against "relatively easy" monsters. But the thing is... this is only alright if it is your first time playing! When you've "already been there, already done that", it is hard to want to go through that again... unless you totally don't care about leveling or getting good equips, and you just try to have fun and hang out with others.

But then comes problems because some people level faster than others, and then your previous friends can't party with you anymore. And well... I dunno, I am just rambling here now, aren't I? In any case.. I doubt anyone who has played before RO will want to play again from the beginning with such low rates... the server would need a LARGE community for that to be enjoyable, but a NEW server will NOT attract any players using such low rates, kind of a paradox, you see?

Personally I would hate the idea of going without skills for a few days (or is it weeks? Just how long are you supposed to remain a novice class at 1x rates??) what the heck is up with that anyway... where's the fun in having nothing but "attack" for 10 job levels? D:
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Slaw on Aug 08, 2007, 06:14 AM
Skotlex, I agree with you to some point (As you can see in my previous post), but... a 1x server isn't -that- slow. Novice to first class will take a few hours, first class to second class will take a few weeks, and second class to 99 will take a month or two. That's assuming you spend that time leveling, though.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 08, 2007, 12:05 PM
in 4months youd be 99/60...
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Skotlex on Aug 08, 2007, 12:24 PM
But is this from the point of view of a casual player? or a veteran that knows WHERE and WHAT to bash? And thats assuming you play how many hours a day? I am speaking mostly from a relaxed player point of view... it is true that these MMORPGs are designed so it takes TIME for the hardcore players to reach the max... but by doing so, things become painfully slow to the less dedicated people who just want to enjoy their time... well, that's my stance on the issue.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: yC on Aug 08, 2007, 01:32 PM
looking at the average life-spend of a server in general (1-6 months), I wouldn't dare to risk my valuable time on a 1x1x1x server.  Lacking of confidence is the issue.  If it goes down/shut/rollback it will hurt a lot.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Assassin Cross Angel on Aug 08, 2007, 01:54 PM
i would play it.. =p if the max level nd stats are 1000.. =p starting money must at least be 100m and everything can be bought through the npc.. like level seller.. =p hahaha!
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Emeralda on Aug 08, 2007, 02:19 PM
Quote from: Assassin Cross Angel on Aug 08, 2007, 01:54 PM
i would play it.. =p if the max level nd stats are 1000.. =p starting money must at least be 100m and everything can be bought through the npc.. like level seller.. =p hahaha!

Would it be even possible to reach level 110 in a less than a year?

Quote from: Skotlex on Aug 08, 2007, 12:24 PM
it is true that these MMORPGs are designed so it takes TIME for the hardcore players to reach the max... but by doing so, things become painfully slow to the less dedicated people who just want to enjoy their time... well, that's my stance on the issue.

Ragnarok is a Korean MMORPG. If you aren't into a grindfest, you shouldn't have picked a Korean one.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 08, 2007, 02:21 PM
My view comes from someone who knows what to bash and Shield boom :l
And it was way more amusing when i didn t...
i remember the day i asked a BS to forge a fire weapon,
sexy times ;D
Posted on: 08-08-2007, 20:21:53
Well i got to this idea when i saw the work of the Aurora team...
So i tought...
Im sure that with their emu
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: AlviN on Aug 08, 2007, 07:57 PM
all 1s is a pain in the... i like low rate servers but not that too low...
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Guest on Aug 14, 2007, 04:02 AM
=D I live for low low rates like iro and such i'd still be playing on those kinda servers if i had the cash to pay for them ^^;;;

so ya i'd play there if it weren't for the fact i quit RO
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Winnin813 on Aug 14, 2007, 09:40 PM
If you had talked to us about 3-4 years ago I bet you we all woulda said yes xD
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Gryphin on Aug 15, 2007, 08:15 AM
he was 9 at that time hahaha
but id be up for it if we use burning RO's server (the computer)
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Guest on Aug 15, 2007, 11:12 AM
=o so what i played this game since i was 7 >=D
and lol wat Winnin says its most likely true XD
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Crashy on Aug 15, 2007, 11:28 AM
Well, from the server listings I see 4 1/1/1 servers. One hungarian, one french, one english and one that allows bots.

So there seems to be some kind of interest afterall, but many players want higher rates.

I myself play on one of the 1x rates, but it was a pain to find it ^_^'
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: cheese on Aug 15, 2007, 02:16 PM
i cant survive that.... it would take months of commitment for your character to transcend or whatever. And what if the server wipes???
I wouldn't invest too much of my time on a 1/1/1 server...

oh yeah years ago i found a server with 0.5/0.5/1 rates  :o ... i wonder if it clicked.... 
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: dook on Aug 18, 2007, 12:50 PM
i played iRO for a long time and you really need a big community to make those rates work. for starters u need a huge merchant population with 1x drops, you will very rarely find any good items (whenever a card drops its always a crap one you dont want :D) also u need to party for good exp, buying pots is a big drain on zeny. i managed to get to lvl 96 but it was alot of work and once you have experienced getting lvls that slowly you really dont want to do it again. imo iRO would be alot better if it wasnt completely ruined by bots, which is why i left.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 18, 2007, 01:13 PM
How about a 1x 1x 1x but with no death penalty?
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: pupu on Aug 19, 2007, 02:37 AM
This is why Gravity's creating new dungeons that require a party of 20+ players. New, difficult monsters with insane experience.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Winnin813 on Aug 20, 2007, 12:15 AM
Quote from: pupu on Aug 19, 2007, 02:37 AM
This is why Gravity's creating new dungeons that require a party of 20+ players. New, difficult monsters with insane experience.
20+!? What the heo? Max party size was like 12 or 15 I thought. Unless they raise the max, which would own. 35 maximum please.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: superja on Aug 20, 2007, 06:20 PM
I just saw that server on a top list a couple months ago. I'm assuming it's the same one (who in their right mind would start a 0.5x?)

I've played 1x before. But low population kills that. I don't mind leveling on ANY rate as long as i'm in a group, but by myself, 1x is waaaayy too low.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 21, 2007, 07:08 AM
Max party can be raised by us easily,no need for gravity :O
But where would we get ppl.
If i were to start such a project,i would need ppl to sign in firstly and some long dedicated tests.
For my 10x server,i did a test on 500 Skill,100 of them didn t work properly as in Aegis / official . So i guess eA is a no for a 1x
Ultimatively Aegis.
Im realy interested in this so feedback please.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Kirlay on Aug 25, 2007, 11:03 PM
Well, ive experienced this with other games,
it takes so long to level that you have to FORCE yourself to level up and be the best.
Not have fun, FORCE.

And when your finally done your sick of the game and leave.

Unless you just hang out with people... thats a different story.

Well personally. I change what i play every 2 months or so.
Ive gone back to RO 4 times.

So yeah, thats what i think.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Guest on Aug 26, 2007, 02:37 AM
Well in my case i did lots of things to make my leveling harder <-------(not being sarcastic)
it just seems that for me i liked leveling in this game it's almost as fun as hanging out and bugging ppl

yes i no i am weird
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: devow on Aug 26, 2007, 07:16 AM
very low rates makes sense on official server, because that is how they (used to) make their money. the more time you spend on the game, the more you pay ($/hr). that business model has changed a bit. but still, the goal of the game is to keep the player playing (and paying).

some people think playing on low is better in terms of enjoyment or whatever. but that only applies to people who have tons of free time to waste. also, fun is subjective. what is fun to you (low rate,lvling,hunting,etc) might not be fun to somebody else. that is why we see lots of high (or stupidly high) rates. people have different views on how they want their ro experience.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Aug 28, 2007, 01:24 PM
hmm, This is more adressed to the big guilds out there who will have no problem with making a 30 man double party and exp in the hardest places.
Plus i think that the fun in a 1x would be to have guilds (sily? sometimes) politics and a real attachement to their characters.
What does your lvl 99 SinX in a 15x represent for you? im sure you could ditch him anytime.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Angelic Rose on Sep 11, 2007, 06:03 PM
I agree with most of you in that 1/1/1 would make it a more memorable experience and thus make it more fun to play rather than simply aiming at 99/70 reborn. Making it a free iRO really isn't that bad of an idea but won't work at the same time if you can't get the population to match.

Higher rates = less group work, I mean on a 13/13/5 server I hit reborn before a week was up by playing alone... You lack that connection with people except the random strangers you talk to out of boredom of leveling or some guild connection who forgets about you two days later. 1/1/1 you tend to find people needing a little more help or offering it, one of the key factors I miss from iRO on these servers.

I suppose if you could find the population to kick it off and keep it going without corrupting GM's, ruining the economy or having some other problem destroying the point of it... yeah, I'd join.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Sep 13, 2007, 11:12 AM
Quote from: Angelic Rose on Sep 11, 2007, 06:03 PM
I agree with most of you in that 1/1/1 would make it a more memorable experience and thus make it more fun to play rather than simply aiming at 99/70 reborn. Making it a free iRO really isn't that bad of an idea but won't work at the same time if you can't get the population to match.

Higher rates = less group work, I mean on a 13/13/5 server I hit reborn before a week was up by playing alone... You lack that connection with people except the random strangers you talk to out of boredom of leveling or some guild connection who forgets about you two days later. 1/1/1 you tend to find people needing a little more help or offering it, one of the key factors I miss from iRO on these servers.

I suppose if you could find the population to kick it off and keep it going without corrupting GM's, ruining the economy or having some other problem destroying the point of it... yeah, I'd join.
*oki :3
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Krystalx on Sep 15, 2007, 09:11 PM
Wouldnt join, 3/3/2 and 5/5/3 are my thing.
Too much time and too much grinding, yeah I know RO is like grind party but not THAT low ....
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: KunKun on Sep 18, 2007, 12:34 AM
I would play a 1/1/1 if it was done successfully and was Aegis.

I think Ragnarok developers put a lot of thought in drop rates and modified rates change the gameplay in several ways. If the drop rate is too high, its impact on rare drops is substantially higher than on common drops. For example on a 5x rate server a 50% drop jumps to 300% yet you still can only get the drop once so its the same as 2x rate; on the other hand a .01% drop rises the full five times to .05% thus creating an imbalance. If the drop rate is too low compared to the exp rates like a 3/3/2 server then you end up with people leveling quickly but not making much money (since 99.999% of zeny is earned by selling loot) and the economy becomes ridiculous.

The problem with an official rate server is population. There would need to be a very large population and it would have to be there even at the server opening. I don't think that this would ever happen unless every low rate private server died on the same day and this 1/1/1 server opened the next; and even then its success is questionable since there's no was to guarantee longtime stability.

Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Sep 19, 2007, 07:12 PM
How could one guarantee long time stability?
As players,what would be  a proff for you.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: KunKun on Sep 19, 2007, 07:34 PM
Sorry that was a typo. I meant to say, "no way to guarantee longtime stability", which is a problem that plagues all servers.

In any case it responding to an earlier poster it takes less than an hour to reach 1st class.  Simply talk to the 1st NPC you see for exp. Then take the training course for novices. At the personality quiz make sure you answer for "merchant" result. Sell the battle axe[3]. Buy Blade and overup to +7. Go kill Rockers. Should take around 25-30 mins even on 1x rate.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Sep 20, 2007, 01:43 PM
I would love if someone answered my question xd
As to playing in a 1x it will be lots of fun x]
Btw : Yes it will be Aegis!
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Toztie on Sep 22, 2007, 06:32 AM
id play we there is a decent player amouth
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Sep 22, 2007, 01:05 PM
As to longetivity.
The only way i found was to put the finance case online for players to see...
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Impulse on Sep 22, 2007, 05:40 PM
I'd play it, but only if it was very well done. Every little thing should be perfect, like website, information, and GMs. And the server owner would have to be very very very dedicated.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Sep 29, 2007, 05:34 AM
Well now that it is done what do you think?
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Johnny Dangerously on Oct 02, 2007, 06:07 AM
1x/1x and all updates rolled back to before Amatsu and I'd be there so fast you'd find my account name already in the character database when you created the server.

In fact ANY experience rate and rolled back updates I'd be there just as fast, although this update mindset doesn't fit in well with the highrate mentality.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Oct 02, 2007, 01:30 PM
well right now for balance reasons we decided to use episode 10.2 +
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Raruri on Oct 02, 2007, 02:18 PM
I actually enjoy 1/1/1 servers that are customized, and have good quests and if have donations, the donation gifts aren't broken. (like $5 gets you an OPB and db x3 or w/e)

Though 1/1/1 servers (private) are almost non existent now, and servers that were 1/1/1 have changed their rates to 3/3/3 etc.
Title: Re: Who would play a 1X1X1X?
Post by: Transcend on Oct 03, 2007, 08:28 AM
no there is one :p
and customized how so?