Successfuly Running a Server

Started by Devilanche, Oct 23, 2008, 06:41 PM

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Quote(both successful, but taken down for financial reasons)

In your opinion?

Make this post only when you have a running server with over 500 players at the very least.

If not it's not counted.

That's my opinion.



I'll never understand people who think GMs should be workaholic martyrs who dedicate their existence (in the server) to players alone and they are not even allowed to think of their own enjoyment. Heck, they should just love working for others and it would be blasphemy to... say, even have deviant thoughts about enjoying their server the way their players were meant to do.

Hmm, I am sure there's a Dilbert comic somewhere that depicts my past paragraph.

(RMS reviews)


Quote from: Miya on Oct 24, 2008, 07:12 PM
That why a perfect balance between fair and fear needs to be put in place. I wouldn't want  a GM stalking me every second, yelling at me in all caps, just because my character "walked oddly" and now I'm a bot. Seriously, some GMs take it -too- seriously when it comes to enforcement, and end up banning more innocent people then not. Finding someone willing to play the bad guy on the middle grounds is difficult, but not impossible. Finding people who want to even be a GM and actually have the skills and personality to do it is just as hard. Myself for example, I don't GM but I do a lot for my server I am on. Just because someone provides a server with help doesn't mean they should be automatically dawned on with GM powers, even if they're limited. A player who can help out without being rewarded is also another rare find, but amazingly good for the Team that runs a server.

To make a server even remotely successful takes a lot of time in making sure it's actually something special. Not just another basic-settings server. Make it unique with a few things, get a team that can actually afford to Pay for the server, and a couple GMs able to dedicate time to scripting or eventing. You could have all this and still not lift off because, it might not be "In Season" for RO players to start migrating from their current servers to new homes. With the Player pool getting thinner, it becomes a survival of the fittest. Just hope you get darn lucky when you put up your server and people are looking for something you offer.

I personally agree with person. Unique makes a server successful.
currently playing at raijero


Quote from: Skotlex on Oct 25, 2008, 07:24 AM
I'll never understand people who think GMs should be workaholic martyrs who dedicate their existence (in the server) to players alone and they are not even allowed to think of their own enjoyment. Heck, they should just love working for others and it would be blasphemy to... say, even have deviant thoughts about enjoying their server the way their players were meant to do.

[color=darkblue]heRO is a great friendly, pre-renweal, unique and fun server with a great community, give it a try![/color]

[color=darkblue]Click here to find out more about heRO![/color]


Quote from: Pandora on Oct 25, 2008, 09:42 AM
Quote from: Skotlex on Oct 25, 2008, 07:24 AM
I'll never understand people who think GMs should be workaholic martyrs who dedicate their existence (in the server) to players alone and they are not even allowed to think of their own enjoyment. Heck, they should just love working for others and it would be blasphemy to... say, even have deviant thoughts about enjoying their server the way their players were meant to do.




Quote from: Skotlex on Oct 25, 2008, 07:24 AM
I'll never understand people who think GMs should be workaholic martyrs who dedicate their existence (in the server) to players alone and they are not even allowed to think of their own enjoyment. Heck, they should just love working for others and it would be blasphemy to... say, even have deviant thoughts about enjoying their server the way their players were meant to do.

Hmm, I am sure there's a Dilbert comic somewhere that depicts my past paragraph.

The best post in this thread yet. Amen, Skotlex. Amen.


Quote from: Scars on Oct 24, 2008, 11:29 PM
Quote(both successful, but taken down for financial reasons)

In your opinion?

Make this post only when you have a running server with over 500 players at the very least.

If not it's not counted.

That's my opinion.


You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I had a running, active, popular server with no donations and little or no advertising....You have a popular server with all of the above. I'm successful. So are you. Thats my opinion. Don't be an donkey.


lets not break into flame wars please X.x


Quote from: JJJ on Oct 25, 2008, 01:57 PM
lets not break into flame wars please X.x

I'm not flaming. He is.


how about... everyone stops it now?


Quote from: Skotlex on Oct 25, 2008, 07:24 AM
I'll never understand people who think GMs should be workaholic martyrs who dedicate their existence (in the server) to players alone and they are not even allowed to think of their own enjoyment. Heck, they should just love working for others and it would be blasphemy to... say, even have deviant thoughts about enjoying their server the way their players were meant to do.

everyone can be players but not everyone can be GMs, once you are a GM you are suppose to dedicate your existence to the players.

just my opinion...

btw, thanks JJJ for warning them about the flamings.
Quote from: LaoganmaLover
Lao, you are so cool!!! i beg you, please take all my zennies!!

Quote from: LaoganmaLover
Lao!! i wish i could give you +1 every second!! *cries*

Quote from: LaoganmaLover
omg Lao, your posts are awesome, ignore those internet bullies.


Quote from: laoganma on Oct 25, 2008, 07:19 PM
Quote from: Skotlex on Oct 25, 2008, 07:24 AM
I'll never understand people who think GMs should be workaholic martyrs who dedicate their existence (in the server) to players alone and they are not even allowed to think of their own enjoyment. Heck, they should just love working for others and it would be blasphemy to... say, even have deviant thoughts about enjoying their server the way their players were meant to do.

everyone can be players but not everyone can be GMs, once you are a GM you are suppose to dedicate your existence to the players.

just my opinion...

btw, thanks JJJ for warning them about the flamings.

In regards to this, I'd have to say that on most private servers, they don't have the capacity of players that servers like iRO(where the GMs get PAID) have. GMing becomes a full-time job on a server of that size.

But on a smaller, privately owned server, being a GM isn't exactly a full-time job. Even on the bigger ones. If an Admin told me "Oh yeah, by the way, you're now a slave, no more enjoying RO for you", I'd probably say "Right. Bye." and not bother.

My .02.


Quote from: Descent on Oct 25, 2008, 07:30 PM
But on a smaller, privately owned server, being a GM isn't exactly a full-time job. Even on the bigger ones. If an Admin told me "Oh yeah, by the way, you're now a slave, no more enjoying RO for you", I'd probably say "Right. Bye." and not bother.

any server, big or small, once you are a GM helping players out becomes your priority, not easy, that is why you suppose to have GMs with diff responsibilities.

if you think you are a slave then maybe you are not fit to be a GM. a good GM wouldnt have any time to spare (play) if he/she is really doing all his/her duties.
Quote from: LaoganmaLover
Lao, you are so cool!!! i beg you, please take all my zennies!!

Quote from: LaoganmaLover
Lao!! i wish i could give you +1 every second!! *cries*

Quote from: LaoganmaLover
omg Lao, your posts are awesome, ignore those internet bullies.


Quote from: laoganma on Oct 25, 2008, 07:56 PM
any server, big or small, once you are a GM helping players out becomes your priority, not easy, that is why you suppose to have GMs with diff responsibilities.

if you think you are a slave then maybe you are not fit to be a GM. a good GM wouldnt have any time to spare (play) if he/she is really doing all his/her duties.

Well, I'm not saying that I think I'm a slave, per se. I run my own server and still have time to play. Just how I do things.

Opinions. Not speculation. Have you ever been a GM before? Or an Admin?


I love GM'ing. On every server I've GM'ed for....I never had a regular account.

Why? Because if you want to be a GM, you should be a game MASTER, not a game PLAYER. If you are a GM, you should know everything there is to know, or close it. You should have experienced RO, and now you want to take it to Level 2 and experience RO in a new way.

You come up with ideas and through motivation and scripting ability, they come to life in the server. Thats what being a GM is about. Not just moderating, asking people how they like the server, keeping the site updated....No. It's not just about work. It's making making a work of art. Server's are a work of art, and so are games in general.

As a GM, your job...Your PRIORITY, is to help further your server so that it stands out and becomes unique. It's fun to do that. It's fun to help people and create new things and see how they play out. That is why GM'ing is fun. If you don't want to GM because you can't be a player....Then why GM at all? What exactly do you get from being a GM AND a player that you wouldn't get from just being one or the other? If you combine the two, the only thing you'll get is corruption, unfair advantages, and greed.

So for those of you who think GM'ing is all work and no play, you're just wrong. GM'ing is fun and I- and many like me- enjoy it. If you don't find GM's like that for your server...Your server is doomed.