So I'm pickled...

Started by sineas, Nov 21, 2007, 11:39 AM

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Guys... sorry for being out for quite a longer time than I expected. I just had too much things to do with work and projects but non the less, all is well except for one thing....

I'm sad to say that my dedicated server was too much to my right hand man who I left everything to handle. It was doing so awsomely well but now is left barren but still online and running. It was just too much responsibility for the person I left the server to (handling everything including the dedicated server box itself).

Here's what I'm into right now... I'm still shouldering all the bills from all monthly fees including separate web hosting, email boxes etc etc etc which is costing in and around the $300+ monthly.
I could just shut the dedi-box down but the deal I have for it is just a shame if I'll shut it down (double the memory and stepup processor deal).... I mean don't get me wrong, that's one burden I don't have to worry about if I terminate it.

Here's what I think now... if my server is in a pickle, then that's just one thing I'll accept and deal with. It's such a tragedy but hey what's done was done and it's nothing I can cry over and put blame into... it was good while it lasted I guess...

Here's my planned proposal... if anyone of you is interested of fusing and or joining me on reviving my server then I'm openning doors to any of your server who has been trying to expand your player count and load and give your players a true dedicated server (non-shared) that can amount into a better playing experience... I'm open to talks.

I'm paving the way only to serious server owners. Note this... I'm not laying down any demands but whatever terms you want, let's deal with it, surely we can work things out...

If any are interested... and think your server needs a "non-shared" dedicated you can just reply here so we can make things in transparent.

I hate to shut my dedicated box only because if I'll do... I can't have the same dedicated box at this rate. I'm keeping it and in turn sharing it to serious folks only.

Fact about what I'm offering:
A true non-shared dedicated box 100% we control
A full featured and owned domain, website, domain email, forum etc etc 100% we control
An in-game realtime live video feed

As you can see, my server's still up, running and online... (realtime status can be seen in my signature)

Thanx for all who helped put up RK-RO and thank you to all who supported it... it was a great time but now it's time to move one...

[color=red]RK-RO[/color] - 10k/10k/10k WILD WEST Inspired [color=red]TRUE[/color] Dedicated Server
Unmetered Bandwidth - [color=red]1000 Mbps[/color] ([color=red]1Gb[/color]) Port Uplink - 24/7/365

Cisco Public & Private 10G Networks - Security IDS/IPS/DDoS


iAM so sorry if you are so pickled. please accept my concern. iWOULD like you to move on and bring back that sprakle in your life. yay, this is so gay... lol! don't ya worry man, everything is gonna be just fine! aight...!


it's very nice that you put concern on the future of your players.

cost of $300 seems too much, what's your server spec and what kind of population it's holding? maybe you can find a cheaper server to host the game.


LOL@fead45 no emos here so far ;D

Quote from: yC on Nov 21, 2007, 03:12 PM
it's very nice that you put concern on the future of your players.
I try to one-up myself and alway try put a smile on faces  to anyone who I deal with (my line of work and biz involves alot of people skills so I guess it's just second nature ;D

Quote from: yC on Nov 21, 2007, 03:12 PM
cost of $300 seems too much, what's your server spec and what kind of population it's holding? maybe you can find a cheaper server to host the game.
There's a ton of dedicated server offering that would offer half the price that I'm paying... better still, I could have just went with a shared hosting. Don't get me wrong, I would have gone with a "moonlight-server" but that's already a third or fourth party hosters that's only buying a portion of bandwidths from it's source... plus you'll never know what to expect after they handed you your server ;D I honestly believe in the saying "you get what you pay for" especially on server hosting biz, you need to have a reputable, proven host and has solid and reliable boxes and connection.

My dedi-box's hardware can be seen on my signature. A more detailed specs can be seen at

I'm keeping the server tho even if it wouldn't be used as a ro server... ;)
Posted on: Nov 21, 2007, 08:30 pm

No takers yet? This is an awsome propasal... don't you think?
Could always do a test run using your "test server" on my dedi-box... I wouldn't mind... I'll let you try it for 3 days with a temporary access.

Admin yC... wanna take it for a spin? ;)
[color=red]RK-RO[/color] - 10k/10k/10k WILD WEST Inspired [color=red]TRUE[/color] Dedicated Server
Unmetered Bandwidth - [color=red]1000 Mbps[/color] ([color=red]1Gb[/color]) Port Uplink - 24/7/365

Cisco Public & Private 10G Networks - Security IDS/IPS/DDoS


>_> Don't look at me, got no time for server.  Otherwise mine (the rms test server) wouldn't be so unmanaged lol.


What exactly are you proposing?

Btw, Softlayer is doing that double RAM and HDD promo right now. You can basically get a dedicated box with the same specs as you listed in your sig for 179 a month.

If you want to tone the costs down, I suggest you get a opteron 170. They usually have it on spot special for 119 a month; damn good deal IMO. Knowing a bit of C helps. Ditch the noobie standard Visual Studio compiler and use the actual AMD or Intel libraries (ICC) and utilizing full SSE3 optimizations can bring CPU and Ram usage of eAthena down by 40%.

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.


lol alright no emos


Itakou is right:

Single Processor Dual Core AMD Opteron 1216
ï,§ Processor: 1216 â€" 2.4GHz
ï,§ 2 x 1MB CPU Cache
ï,§ 4GB DDR2 RAM
ï,§ KVM over IP Access / Reboot
ï,§ 2000GB Public Bandwidth
ï,§ Unmetered Private Network Bandwidth
ï,§ 5 Public IP Addresses
ï,§ Windows / RHEL / CentOS

ï,§ 2 x 250GB SATAII HDD
ï,§ $179/mo NO SETUP

$179/mo u get 2x 250gb hd too.  Comes with Windows Standard Server 2003 R2 free of charge.
+$10 for 100mbit I guess.

Wonder why you paid like $100 extra for 1000gb extra bandwidth (cuz I see that you have 3000Gb/mo), RO server barely uses any unless it's other things but 2000gb seems more than reasonable.


hes rich , who cares lol
A true non-shared dedicated box 100% we control
A full featured and owned domain, website, domain email, forum etc etc 100% we control
An in-game realtime live video feed
Another thing , nobody is going to let you control everything , plus dedicated server is cheap , you can get one at $49.00/month but is some crappy Celeron D with 512MB ram but its way better than let other to control everything.


it's nothing about being rich, average or poor... I guess I'm a firm believer of "something you can get away with buying cheap and something you can't"  ;D none the less... we always get what we pay for :D

so anyway... anyone would like to move their server with mine?
[color=red]RK-RO[/color] - 10k/10k/10k WILD WEST Inspired [color=red]TRUE[/color] Dedicated Server
Unmetered Bandwidth - [color=red]1000 Mbps[/color] ([color=red]1Gb[/color]) Port Uplink - 24/7/365

Cisco Public & Private 10G Networks - Security IDS/IPS/DDoS