Rift RO

Started by Sethram, Mar 14, 2007, 11:52 PM

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I fail to see the similarity...


Quote from: dravokivich on Mar 15, 2007, 06:17 AM
I fail to see the similarity...

He meant the copied text, not the design.


Quote from: Emmie on Mar 15, 2007, 06:35 AM
Quote from: dravokivich on Mar 15, 2007, 06:17 AM
I fail to see the similarity...

He meant the copied text, not the design.

aw right so.

well, with the first topic, im not going to bother signing up for an account to read that link.

But in relation to the rules, most people just copy them from other servers. no big shock there.

Also, anyone know if Rift used to work with DeRO? That kinda call i recon should be made by some1 from the DeRO staff.


Seems they took down the first page upon our request but won't say anything about the rules.  I'm not completely bothered by it, it's just that we spent about a good night hammering out both those pages to include all nuances that we could think of.  Hell, it's the fact that the rules page is VERBATIM except replacing der with rift.

and uhh...


*points to GM list.


You know what... not only is other things stolen from websites... I notice ANOTHER stolen thing,


They stole the forum layout from Deliverance-Online and changed the colour and banner.


well the layout might be a shared skin for that kind of invision (???) portal i have seen it a few times at differnet sites ...

but the text ... yea looks the same

Edit: when I said the layout i don't mean the color and everything the same, but you can tell it is based on the same template plus self-modification


I've surfed alot of sites and I have never seen that on any other forum before with the exception of deliverance-online o.O"  I believe it was created by their graphic designer, named PaDo  I could be wrong... but I dunno...

But arent...


Representing porings?  Which would mean ragnarok online... both sites with identical layouts o.O

I also dont think   These buttons on their main page are part of any invision theme I've seen...

Edit:  This is a resposne made by Crono the Admin of Deliverance after I asked a player to post a question about it on Deliverance forums,  cause well I was curious and had to make sure no stealing was going on here :X.


Quote from: Crono @ RiftRO ForumsMy suggestion is that you not blatantly copy and recolor copyrighted images created by the DeliveranceRO staff over at www.deliverance-online.com, not to mention the exact same stylistic CSS edits to Webber. It's kinda f***' pathetic. Just a bit.

For a second there, I thought we changed my website brown, alas, I was not on my site!

Now'd be a great time to read over the Digital Millenium Copyright Act over at http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf

Unless of course you got permission from our artist tongue.gif Have a nice day.

I hate plagiarizers more than anything -.-


Just thought I'd drop by.
The layout on Deliverance is approximately half a year old made by Pado. I wouldn't be surprised if he based it on an existing template, but the graphics are mostly made by him. I can vouch for that.

For further proof, look at the header. In Deliverance, it is mostly white and blue. On RiftRO, they just ran it through Photoshop and used the Hue/Saturation tool. This made the grey portion appear....yellow brownish. If anything, it just looks like our layout was just urinated on. Literally.

Additionally, the original Webber template for IPB : http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/5355/size/lg

Our website theme (Modified Webber) : http://www.deliverance-online.com/invision/index.php?
Their website theme called "Webber Enhanced" : http://riftro.com/board/upload/index.php?autocom=portal

Actual Webber Enhanced IPB skin in use : http://www.pinoygaming.net/forums/index.php
Another site using the actual Webber Enhanced IPB skin : http://www.nanoreefs.co.uk/forums/index.php
Third site using the actual Webber Enhanced IPB skin : http://www.enchantingstarz.com/

I don't think I can call this coincidence. In fact, the actual Webber Enhanced theme looks all too different from what their site says.

...I should tell Pado to incorporate a few more colours into the layout so this doesn't happen again :s


Indeed, I can confirm that while IPB Portal and the Webber skins are public domain:

- Images for the basic Webber skin were edited by dRO staff, and their skin images are simple hue edits of OUR versions (not Webber Skin stock images)
- Layout is an exact copy, including CSS edits to make the fonts the same, same navigation boxes, in the same place
- 100% custom images in custom boxes also copies of ours ran through photoshop for hue edits (NOT included with forum skin)

Not to mention the content they took from der. Blatant copying.


Lol, RiftRO staff banned me for being civil and making a calm suggestion ( I only posted ONCE ).  Corrupt much?

I think the only thing that was remotely insulting was "stealing = corrupt = against your stolen policy and rules ( lol )"


Lots of sites use webber.
Our version is webber enhanced .. the difference is our works with ipb 2.2, your old version only works with 2.1, our version was modified by these these guys for 2.2: http://rhqclan.com/forum/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=60
Their site says that it has been downloaded 159 times .. so using webber enhanced and ipb is not unique.
On the other hand the basic webber that d-online uses for the older version of ipb was downloaded 6,355 times. (http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/5355)
We have removed the links bar on the portal .. the only thing that looked even remotely like it may have come from d-online .. and while on that topic, though I could not find it quickly, those link buttons for the portal were not originally from d-online either, they were/are available as a add-on at invisionize.com (a site that offers gpl'd downloadable mods for ipb)
So next time before you balk DMCA and you stole our s*** do some checking first .. and no I am not changing the banner because you didn't originally create that either.


Oh, for f***'s sake. Screenshot of Webber enhanced: http://rhqclan.com/clanfiles/webberpreview.png

Look at the title bar and its (lack of) gradient carefully. Other than the gloss, it is a solid blue.

Deliverance uses an edited version, very much stylized over the boring original, with a clear gradient. Yours has the exact same edit. Yours uses (surprise) OUR version run through the photoshop Hue tool. Any moron can see it.

Lessee, what else.... Webber default has small blue text on the tabs, you've copied our large white bold with identical CSS edits. Another magical coincidence pulled out of your posterior?

Also, we never asked you to change banner. Keep it. But don't try to pretend you didn't steal the Webber edits. And yes, those link buttons were created by us. Why would Invisionize offer RO-themed buttons for precisely the sections our server needed them for (Home/Forums/Control Panel/Downloads/Registration/Rules/Search/GM Team/Story Line/Card List/Items/NPC/Customs/Donation)? Why then do I also have preliminary versions of these files from pre-release that still need touch-ups? Give me a damn break.

I might also add that you look left of the tab bars. Original Webber has a very specific scheme. Your image uses our scheme with the hue edits (Original Webber doesn't have that white section like we do. Much of it is darker. Your site? Lighter, because you just hue edited ours. You lose.)

And the little poring left of Rift Board? Custom too, nothing even CLOSE to it in Webber's stock images. There's NO way to explain your having that other than having saved it from us. Give the faking innocence bull a rest, all of it was stolen and you damn well know it. Own up to it and make your own style, pathetic leeches.


ok i see it now, the shade and stuff is from your modified version.

so now it's up to you to take action, we can't help with much obviously. 

being a third party here, this forum can use as an neutral ground for discussion but i doubt they want to discuss.


Yeah, pretty sure they don't want to either. We did what we could and gave them 31 days notice. The rest is up to them.


But still what do they risk if they don t take that page down
i doubt a pserver can complain to justice about such thing!


They have nothing to counter over, they're not exactly the makers of RO.

And if all else fails, their reputation is shattered because they don't do anything themselves.


Well you've been on their server, so you can legitimately rate against it as I have ;o

I know Deliverance and I have not always gotten along, but one thing I think we can both agree on is that... plagiarizers are cowards and obviously corrupted.


Wow that's rich Deliverance is complaining about people stealing their work? I vividly remember a post in eAthena on how deliverance online's GM staff stole everything off another server.


Quote from: Mewi on Mar 16, 2007, 04:02 PM
Lol, RiftRO staff banned me for being civil and making a calm suggestion ( I only posted ONCE ).  Corrupt much?

I think the only thing that was remotely insulting was "stealing = corrupt = against your stolen policy and rules ( lol )"

They are like that. In the last year they have changed their server name and reset at least 3 times due to the population catching on to their abusive gms. A few months ago the server was called "AsguardRO" and previously it was called raftRO. After myself and some other former members caught on to their abuse and left after outing them in the forums, they changed the name back to riftro. They also never took down the "AsguardRO" advertisement, but instead made it redirect to the new rift server. Dont know if thats considered legal for RMS.

Basicly they have a few gms that are scrubs at ro so they need to spawn their "legit" chars gear and money and so on. If the gm "Siia" is still there then shes the biggest culprit. The head GMs didnt seem to do it(during asguard but older players told me they abused in the original "Raftrp" which caused it to shut down and become asguard) but they took their abusive gms side even after she insulted all of the players on the server vigorously on the forum and even advertised another server after being outed as a cheating scrub. I in turn verbally abused her on the forum(i bully bullys) until people realised what was going on and the server became so unpopulated that they had to name change again.

In the begining i liked the server cus the stats of it is everything i was looking for.. I tried hard to help the hgms fix certain things that were imbalanced with some success but when their corrupt gms were outed(after i had brought many ppl to the server, some who had quit ro and i had to beg to play  ::) ) I was of course pissed at the wasted time and effort i put into the server. If you look at asguardros reviews youll see that i even defended the server from "Siia" the abusive gms attacks and gave it a good review(this was when i thought the hgm was going to fix the abuse and ban her). Eventually they took her back on the gm team and made rift again. Apparently shes hot irl.  :D

Anyway sorry to those who have wasted time on another incarnation of the same pos server.