Pre-Ro news

Started by ZOMFGAPORING, Sep 27, 2007, 06:35 PM

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Cant beilieve the pre ro gm got arrested :(


maybe it's not true?


Apparently not.

"amemeep" is tearbleu, he changed his username and details to a 98 year old female (yeah right).

Same personal photo of four RO characters.

Same location description of "Var()=".

Person claims not to be tearbleu, and somehow they knew it would be exactly 2 days after he was "arrested" to get the server wiped and up.

Quoteunlike tearbleu, i do not tolerate rule breakers. i will update a set of rules in just a min

Exact same comments posted on his profile referring to this person as tear.


i think you are right, look at the google cached page for the link:

note the user name is tearbleu

and if you click on the "This is G o o g l e's cache of as retrieved on 24 Jul 2007 03:58:17 GMT." at the top of the google cached page, you see the link now shows user name amemeep ... lol