Jynx-Online STEALS

Started by Usako, Aug 15, 2006, 03:56 PM

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the thing is that this thread is no longer who is right or wrong casue it has no become just a pissing match..

the main subject has been lost and this is know pointless in everyway.

50% of the evidence has been shown and thats the main and only truth


50% is showing whom created the sprite ( but it is another he said she said)

50% is showing that effort was put in to contact the accussed ( which has not been shown)

so continue on with this physco bable it makes no difference who is right or wrong

100% of the proof on the accussed has not been shown plan and simple
Gm- DeMoN - Jynx-online


Stop making stuff up. Jynx and Vash are at fault in this whole matter. It's as simple as that. Just get them to write a damn apology and we'll be done with this. Until then I'm going to have fun reading/posting in this topic.


Quote from: Usako on Sep 27, 2006, 10:56 AM
as for not trying to contact you. i PMed you on the eAthena boards some months ago. you denied ever being involved with jynx online. if it weren't for the new eA forums being wiped of my PMs i would paste them here for everyone to see. sharing your account is a bad idea anyway...and i'm sure the people you share it with all know you're with jynx online...so i dont see why they wouldn't say "i'm not actually vash, i'm using his account, but yes he's from jynx online". unless you share it with random people.

this is for Slaw that cant read I guess

It plainly says in her own words she does not have any proof of messages

You mis read my whole post

Let me spell it out for you casue apparently you can figure it out on your own

This is for anything in general meaning any arrgument ever

1.if you claim something show proof ( am i right )

She says she made them fine for this example lets say she did

2.If you plainly state like she did in here post from begining of these thread to the end that you have tried to contact them then you need to show that right?

3.If you have only one part of this then how is it 100% legit fer say...

Come on ppl i know that you ppl are not dum and i am not trying to say that Usako is innocent nor am i saying jynx/vash is all i am saying is that if you say somthing you better back it up and if you want to state that Jynx has not backed up anything fine but neither has Usako

Thats all i am saying . u keep mis reading my posts and they are not hard to read nor understand

Gm- DeMoN - Jynx-online


No need for insults there. But whatever. See, what matters isnt if she did or didnt contact Vash/Jynx. What matters is that they never gave her credit nor asked for permission, right? I couldnt care less if Usako tried contacting Vash or not. Because really, that shouldnt be needed. Fact is that sprites got stolen, and fake "proof" (those photoshopped pics) was presented to cover it all up. Also, let's say she never did contact Vash. As soon as this topic was made, people from Jynx-Online started showing up and posted about it. There's no way in hell Vash/Jynx wouldnt find out about this. Especially not if 5 of you live in the same house (Yeah right). And, seeing as this topic's been around for quite some time, and there still havent been a proper apology from Vash/Jynx's side, Usako PM'ing Vash a long time ago shouldnt really matter. See, the only thing that would change would be that Vash/Jynx had yet another chance to apologize.


u know Slaw that was a very intelligent post

and i understand what u r saying but also look at it this way as well

what IF they found the sprite on the internet without knowing it was a sprite that is not to be used by anyone without permission?

in that asspect she would try to contact jynx/vash to find out whats going on right ?

thats all...

this has gotten to a point that is alittle riddulous.

Lets just sit back and see what transpirers in this matter..

and I am srry for insulting u in that manner i was alittle pissed from a customer that i just had and had to vent alittle LOL
Gm- DeMoN - Jynx-online


If they did find the sprite or sprites on the net without knowing it's Usako's, I still think they should apologize to her. Even if they didnt know it at first, they're still stealing in the end. And she did say she contacted Vash, just 'cause you say she may not have, doesnt mean she didnt.


i understand but it is not me that said she didnt contact them

she just doesnt have proof that she did

In the end I feel that both sides needs to say srry and i will tell u y

Usako needs to apologize for not trying harder or whatever, if it was this much of a big deal to her she would have gotten a hold of them or evern part of the Gm staff to clear this up

Jynx/Vash needs to apologize for having the sprite with possible intent but i assure you it is not being used in the server....

And both needs to apologize for insulting each other

they dont have to like each other but they just have to respect each other u know.

Know wether either side apologizes is another question LMAO

But in no way shape or form am I saying that they have too
Gm- DeMoN - Jynx-online


Dude... Usako has nothing to apologize for.


you missed the point Slaw

if the accussed was unknowingly using someone elses item and was never confronted about it

but later a forum thread was made of flames or what not later without even trying to contact the accussed dont u think that the person putting the blame on the other person just needs to say srry for not ask you if you could etc.......

thats all

from a 3rd person point of view she has a good case BUT still doesnt prove where they got the sprite from but thats not even the case and we are far behond this know

she stated that she doesnt have that type of proof in the contact part

So in all fairness that is why they both should.. thats all

I am not taking sides if you think i am, i my be a Gm on Jynx-online but I am also a peace maker fer say and very good at it and that is y i am a Gm

And to clear something as well I am the easiest person to get a hold of on Jynx-Online so she could have easily contacted me if she couldnt get a hold of them but thats neither here nor there right
Gm- DeMoN - Jynx-online


"-The post you made was edited, you continued to flame, therefore you were banned. That is common sense, get banned for flaming. Funny how you don't post about all the flaming you did on our forums. Why otherwise would we close the forums?"

See see no no, People on IRC (namely Usako, erKURITA and possibly Riotblade) can vouch for me on the chain of events about my registering on your forums:

1. Registered.
2. Posted my topic here: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b5/jmanfffreak/jynxfails.jpg (This post can be found in your topic about how you got banned from RMS).
3. I refreshed the page about 5 minutes later, and found the message that I was banned. When I had reregistered, I went to the same topic, only to find that my post was gone, and Jynx' reply was similar to "I didn't want anyone seeing that link because it has 20 sprites on it". Unfortunetly, you guys are digging a hole with the whole deleing your forums and redoing them thing. Why would you delete that kind of post outright?
4. I tehn posted in the same topic, a link to that screenie mentioned above, THAT post was deleted as well, and my SECOND account was banned, and quite possibly my entire IP range with it, which is just immature. The topic was closed, and that was the end of it, I posted no more.

So my post WAS NOT edited, and I was wrongfully banned. Lets see what else.

In your post Vash, in here, you state that we should come up with proof. Okay, let's go.


There's all your proof, right there, from our party. Lets see, I can't find a SOLID piece of evidence to backup your claims, and to make a rebuttal against our claims and evidence.

Vash: All you did was post WORDS, just like you said we did, when we have provided links to topics, pictures, and even your data folder, for evidence against you, and all you can do is form a rebuttal with words. Words are not going to tell us anything. And that personal insult towards Usako has just put you on my s*** list, because that was VERY VERY uncalled for, and you are no better than the rapists that go to jail in my eyes right now.

Oh, and thinking about taking us to court? Don't bother. the signature by Usako still exists in your data folder/GRF/dll. that's a losing battle for you. What else? You hexed Gravity's client. Another losing battle for you. that's strike two. How many more can we get? Like erKURITA said, if you plan to go to courts with this, you better come up with just more than words, because a jury will want proof, not just words, like you said, it's the internet, anything can be said and someone will believe it. you believe that Freya was published and released BEFORE RC4? GO LOOK IT UP, AND PROVIDE PROOF AS WE HAVE. You will find that Freya was released very shortly after eAthena's RC4 was released. and your claims don't prove anything about you NOT using eAthena as an amulator. If you are NOT using eAthena as an emulator, again, PROVE IT. Post up a small section of your coding from your src folder, so we can compare it with eA's. We're waiting.

Rageful Zen

well, i was brought back in after someone had called the gm staff -- whatever..

anyways... even though i have no power in what to say since, its pretty much gotten into flaming.. i will still keep my head up.

This is for Usako only btw:

I'd like to personally apologize for any misactions I or other people have done, If you claim for whatever you claim, then i wont stop your claim. you can have it free of will.. The pimp hat is not on the server, i gaurantee you.. if im lying then there's no such thing as the four noble truths..

I do not mean to be harsh, i am not looking forward from a response, i know your waiting for a response from vash (since jynx cant register) about his situation and/or apology..

I am a fair person, if you dont believe me.. i dont know who will..
my best bet is that if vash/jynx apologizes and say the pimp hat is yours, then this topic will be dropped..
seeing you have MANY friends supporting,flaming,scavenging for evidence... its hard for even me to get out to you..
seeing that nobody would listen to someone they dont know and rather listen to their friends.. i understand..

well in the end.. on my opinion, id like to think of things as it doesnt even matter... if, ofcoarse, nothing did happen..
I am still willing to be a friendly or alliable person.. i mean no harm, and i dont flame, if you ever do want to talk to me.. i wont refuse and deny you.

I cant think of anything else to say.. and i hope you accept what i have to say.. if at all, i will add to whatever needs to be added
A playful wind never stops.. flowing through and dancing, it stops only when it wants to....


I have nothing much to say, it's all been said, proof has shown, if you want to see you are able to see all you want other than those links whose content were destroyed by a third party.

I just had one question come into my mind, recapping this:

Quote from: Jynx
This Usako, has never come to me and told me these are her sprites. It wasnt until recently when she just posted a review on my ratemyserver page that I even knew anything about her claiming these sprites.

I got the sprites from a Japanese Custom Online site. Here are two links to prove I got them on this site.

And of course the link from ragcan: http://www.ragcan.com/ori.html

As we all admitted, including Vash himself, that the links Jynx gave were photoshoped and there were two different explanations given, one to their players and another to us, which I found both were merely excuses (what you believe is up to you).

and I'll quote myself in my first email to Jynx-Online about their server suspension (content can be found here: http://ratemyserver.org/jynx.txt):

Quote from: yC
In fact, Usako, one of the very respectful spriter in the eAthena community has filed and backed-up her complaint about Jynx-Online stolen her sprite and did not give credit for it.

I didn't say specifically which sprite were stolen from Usako on Jynx-Online in the email.  Now if you look at the forged images sent from Jynx to me in the email (listed above), out of all 200++ custom sprites in her wonderful server, which sprite you see forged on the images?  We see only two, and both of them are made by Usako (pimp hat and floppy bunny).

What does this tell me after I realized this "coincidence", is that Jynx is well aware of which sprite on her server is made by Usako? because I mentioned the complain were from Usako in my first email so Jynx replied with images  (photoshoped) to explain where she got Usako's sprite from?

From all the above put together, I came up with 3 possible answers:

1) Jynx is well aware of which sprite on her server were made by Usako yet, she never attempt to give credit,


2) Usako did approached Jynx/Vash to notify them specifically which sprite(s) she made were on Jynx-Online


3) Jynx, after gotten my email with the name Usako on it, she go look in her server's custom sprite, did some research with Usako's work.  Came up with those two sprites (pimp hat and floppy bunny) that she found is made by Usako AND also on her server, then Jynx cannot find the source site she claimed these sprites were taken from, seeing the admin of RMS is not a spriter, assumed I am stupid.  She decided to photoshop Usako's sprites that were also on Jynx-Online onto some japanese site (ragcan) and emailed me back with links to the forged image as "proof".  Yes, if you think this is the most likely case, then I don't understand one thing.  Like you gentlemen and ladies from Jynx-Online said it multiple times, "the pimp hat was never on Jynx-Online" or being the truthful R.Zen he said "It was there for a while and removed a long time ago" (something like that can't find the exact).  If that is the case, let's assume the Pimp hat AND the floppy bunny were never used on Jynx-Online (i am giving her the benefits of the doubt here), and that Jynx should be not guilty of any act of stealing.  Then why Jynx would waste her valuable GM/Admin/Wife time, find out which sprite on her server is made by Usako (assume she doesn't know, otherwise go back to case#1 or case#2), make up forged screenshots to show me where she got *Usako*'s sprites.  If the sprites weren't even on Jynx-Online to begin with, she can just deny the claim, tell me it was never on her server in the reply to my email, she really don't have to show any "proof" where she got them from unless they are really on her server.  Now that she showed "proof", we have a contradiction, so now can we safely assume that those sprite were in fact on her server (at some point in time and still is, otherwise why does she have to "prove" for them, this was just 3 days ago), and after her little research she should be well aware of that those sprites on her server (at least pimp hat and floppy bunny) are made by Usako.  Now where is the credit given?  and what about the claim that "the pimp hat was never on Jynx-Online" said by Jynx-Online people in this forum.  Now, which is right? Ladies and Gentlemen from Jynx-Online is giving us mixed answers.  Your server mistress "proved" to me that she got Usako's sprites from bleh bleh (whatever it wasn't from there anyway), doesn't that already tell everyone that she did have Usako's sprite on her server?

Ok, 3 cases, pick which one that suits your taste, I don't know but all 3 seems guilty already.  Because no credits were given at any point in time and in all cases it showed that Jynx know who made those sprites, if you still need prove that those sprite were made by Usako, I believe she welcome you to approach her.


Uhmm dude this topic is kinda dead now everythings been resolved its been for a while but no one listens vash even admitted he forged that if you bothered to read his long post and teh sprites arent on his server anymore for the last time


Quote from: Justinb52 on Sep 27, 2006, 07:03 PM
Uhmm dude this topic is kinda dead now everythings been resolved its been for a while but no one listens vash even admitted he forged that if you bothered to read his long post and teh sprites arent on his server anymore for the last time

i am staying on topic, i am taking about "Jynx-Online STEALS" obviously, in my previous post.  Of course i read he admitted he forged the screen, i mentioned that in my previous post too, bother to read?  and i am doubting what you said:  "teh sprites arent on his server anymore for the last time" (apply this to 3 days ago), bother to read and give some support on your side?


I 100% understand where u r coming from Yc and to tell you the truth I am just to tired to even think lol (12 hr day at work and the dumbest customers u can imagine alive)

I think Rage and I understand and like he says he apologizes for any misunderstand any any claims that are brought to anyones attention.

If i may say 1 think.. I keep saying that there is always 100% for evidence right and I am not denying anything at all..

in this case it is 50% to prove the sprites right and

50% to prove that contact was atempted ( yes i know speller is horrible)

the sprite case was pleaded but the proof of trying to contact anyone is still out there but thats niether here nor there..

I have personally not seen the hat ( even tho a Pimp Hat would be sweet LOL) and i am not sure of the bunny hat that u are speaking of and I am not being dum about it.

But anyway

I personally apologize for any flaming for anything i have said to offend anyone and I know that I said a disrespectful thing to Slaw and I apologized for that already
Gm- DeMoN - Jynx-online