Guild Packages

Started by Chemical Crush, Sep 03, 2011, 09:57 AM

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Do you like guild packages?  And, if so, how many people do you think the guild should have to receive one?

I always look for guild packages when joining a server
They're nice, but not needed in my opinion
Can't stand guild packages
Prefer for it to be 5 people to receive guild package
Prefer for it to be 10 people to receive guild package
More than 10 to receive guild package


Quote from: Chemical Crush on Nov 28, 2011, 10:05 AM
People who pull the troll category isn't impressing anyone either, just makes you look like a total douche who has no life except to sit here and bring other people down because you find it 'amusing' when usually you just look like a total jackass who isn't welcome on forums.
I'm crushed~

this kindof thread makes you wonder how official servers ever managed to accomodate the varied players they have

Chemical Crush

Quote from: Thoth on Nov 28, 2011, 01:06 PM
I'm crushed~

this kindof thread makes you wonder how official servers ever managed to accomodate the varied players they have

Officials have been around long enough to have good WoE, I assume ( I haven't played them in a while now ).  They've had tons of events which give away hats which are in the market which is stable ( usually ) because of large population.  You REALLY can't compare an official server with most private servers, why?  Cause they've been around longer, they have more people, more competition, usually a steady market, tons of bots to support said market ( at least on International Ragnarok Online ) I mean there honestly just is no comparing. 

This topic has veer'ed way off topic, because this is about guild packages.  Not the official servers, not about pathetic trolls who have no life, not about people stepping on their soap box. 

Guild packages.

So keep on topic, all of us ( including me ).


Some people just ask to be trolled. I can't hold back on numerous stupidity post from a single person.

iRO woe's aren't even fun anymore. 3rd jobs killed it. Just watch some of Afrikans iRO WoE videos and you'll understand. Also lol at there ever being decent comp on officials. Maybe back in 2007 cause all the cash shop crap made woe somewhat interesting for about a year

Back on topic...

I know I've posted in this thread somewhere before, but high teir guild packages like the OP mentioned is just absurd for a low rate. Your either going to cater to the WoE players (which you might as well just make it a high rate, or kill pvm completely), or you cater to the PvM players who probably don't even care about WoE anyways. You can't balance it out decently like you can on a mid rate. Competition hasn't been good on a low rate since eternityRO which tells you WoE players aren't interested in such rates.

You can still offer guild packages just not high rate guild packages. I think an emperium and a few guild lvls would suffice most low rate guilds.


I believe we're all human enough to discuss a topic without having to attack each other with words words words. Try to keep it a bit civil or I'll have to lock this one :/

Chemical Crush

Quote from: leokimah on Nov 28, 2011, 02:27 PM
Some people just ask to be trolled. I can't hold back on numerous stupidity post from a single person.

iRO woe's aren't even fun anymore. 3rd jobs killed it. Just watch some of Afrikans iRO WoE videos and you'll understand. Also lol at there ever being decent comp on officials. Maybe back in 2007 cause all the cash shop crap made woe somewhat interesting for about a year

I honestly wasn't sure, I played back before 3rds were introduced, before they had valkyrie ( the free server ) I just figured maybe guild comp was still decent.   I did play after they made valkyrie, but not much.  Thats when I noticed a lot of bots ( well... there were probably a lot when I played before but I didn't notice ) fueling the market. 

Back on topic...

I know I've posted in this thread somewhere before, but high teir guild packages like the OP mentioned is just absurd for a low rate. Your either going to cater to the WoE players (which you might as well just make it a high rate, or kill pvm completely), or you cater to the PvM players who probably don't even care about WoE anyways. You can't balance it out decently like you can on a mid rate. Competition hasn't been good on a low rate since eternityRO which tells you WoE players aren't interested in such rates.

You can still offer guild packages just not high rate guild packages. I think an emperium and a few guild lvls would suffice most low rate guilds.

Yeah, I think, if anything, the guild package on Low Rates should be more steer'ed to help PvMness, if there even is one.  I still say no guild package and just a small 'starter' package for each player should be fine.  ( Like...some kinda novice package or something I dunno ).  IF there is a guild package just an emp and a few guild levels or maybe 2 ~ 5 Battle Manuals for each player is fine.  But thats really it, since most people play Low Rates to work for their stuff and yada yada.


Thank you Relics. 


Quote from: Relics on Nov 28, 2011, 04:02 PM
I believe we're all human enough to discuss a topic without having to attack each other with words words words. Try to keep it a bit civil or I'll have to lock this one :/
Where I come from this is just another office chat.


Seems like I've missed alot but meh, since I answered enough to topic just lemme answer some interesting posts I've missed.

Quote from: Yusifer on Nov 27, 2011, 03:58 PM
I think we can categorize people.

The WoE Elites
- Dramatizers

The Socializers
- Some dramatizers

The Suppliers
- Not dramatizers

The Kawaii-Mad Hatters
- Not dramatizers, unless they're Socializers, too

The Trolls
- Huge Drama Whores

Pretty much wr0nk. Call me WoE freak or trolls or w/e but the #1 dramatizers are mostly social people for all I've seen. Especially those who loves to hop on to admins/staffs w/e. Best dramatizer, no offense.

I could explain each one of the details on which is right and wrong but this topic is not talking about categorization so I'll just point that one.


I didn't mention a scale :o the dramatizers in the Social section are really bad in comparison, but nonetheless :x I see more people talking smack over #main and broadcast about WoE-related stuff than about friendship issues. WoE people can be Socializers, too, is all mixed up.


Guild Packages need to stay on MRs+, join LRs knowing you need to work for everything.


Guild pack doesn't depend on your server rates, but more to server orientation.

PvM server won't really need a guild pack that contains like MvP gears or w/e. What they need are simple stuff to help them for the beginning like what Aurora is going to offer on her server, but I'd say it's better to make those freebies instead. Every player needs them, as an individual. Being a guild is not a must to get freebies / helping items on lowrate.

WoE server however, needs them more. Because most of WoE players are server hoppers who is looking for competition. It's not really fun for those people to farm all over. That's why they asked for at least some convenience so they could reduce the time for farming and could prepare for WoE faster.

Talk about rates and orientation, most servers are :

Low rate = old school PvM
Mid rate = mostly WoE-oriented which still include PvM features (needs gpack the most)
High rate = random PvP, PvM. a few WoE but easy gearing (doesn't really need gpack with so many items)
Super high rate = wat is dis I dun even...



Quote from: Chemical Crush on Nov 28, 2011, 01:18 PM
This topic has veer'ed way off topic
has it? guild packages are just another feature servers use to raise their population, or steal people away from other servers.
official servers have not needed to use this, because they have other competing features. their population is higher as a result.

Chemical Crush

Quote from: Thoth on Nov 29, 2011, 12:02 PM
has it? guild packages are just another feature servers use to raise their population, or steal people away from other servers.
official servers have not needed to use this, because they have other competing features. their population is higher as a result.

If you don't see how it veer'd off topic then something is wrong with you.  Obviously guild packages are to attract other people but sometimes too much is too much and thats the point in this thread, sharing what you feel is an appropriate guild package for what rate and if its WoE oriented or PvM oriented. 

So yes, for a bit people were getting off topic and ranting at each other or whatever.  And that ends now, either you post about the topic or I will have Relics / yC close it.


A server's rates don't always, necessarily dictate what kind of server it is.  You can have a HR without WoE or BG implemented, thus making it a PVM/MVP HR; you can have a LR with a BG supplier that gives you consumables, cards, gear, even lvls thus making it a WoE+BG LR; you can have MRs with WoE disabled, BG supplier, and boosted MVP drops thus making it a MVP+BG MR; or any combination therein. 

What determines a server's direction is its features more than its rates.  Of course, it doesn't happen often that you get a LR with a PVM Item supplier and instant lvl 99/70 NPC, but what I'm saying is that because that can be implemented completely independent of a server's rates being 3/3/2 or 30k/30k/2k, that rates alone don't mean a server is PVM/WoE+BG/MVP.  In addtion, just being a Low Rate doesn't mean that your drop rates can't be high; a 3/3/1000 server would count as a LR judging by RMS's standards.  1k drops makes it incredibly easier to get high class gear like the Diab set and fueling up various consumables for WoE--but it's still a low rate!

Now that I've said that, Guild Packages are much more alluring to WoE+BG servers.  You can have Guild Packages on LRs, but to include end-game mvp stuff like +7 Diab Gear means that your server has a strong desire to be a WoE+BG LR, which is so weird and uncommon, it'll shock more players than lure them.  It's not entirely a death-stroke for a server to offer MVP gear for Guild Packages--if that server's goal is to be extremely competitve WoE+BG with low rates for lvling or getting gear and discourage PVM/Kawaii Hat Makers from joining the server.  Perhaps this could even encourage more players into BG since you could level there faster than PVM-wise, or something.


I think LRs used to be WoE-orientated back when they were the only ones around.

Most players have suffered so many losses, though, during their playtime on LRs, that WoE enthouists turn to MRs now - which means Guild Packages, etc. LRs are generally for people who aren't as focused towards that aspect of the game. They like it, but PvM > rawr

Chemical Crush

Quote from: Yusifer on Nov 29, 2011, 05:56 PM
I think LRs used to be WoE-orientated back when they were the only ones around.

Most players have suffered so many losses, though, during their playtime on LRs, that WoE enthouists turn to MRs now - which means Guild Packages, etc. LRs are generally for people who aren't as focused towards that aspect of the game. They like it, but PvM > rawr

I have no idea if LR's used to be WoE oriented, I just think they aren't now ( or there is no serious WoE on any of them really ) because people are iffy about joining Low Rates, servers come and go so easily now a days and why would you wanna spend a long time on a server that you don't know will last very long?   I guess thats why I, at least, associate Mid + rates as WoE oreinted servers *usually*.  People don't want to work so hard on a low rate only to have it all shattered randomly one day and have to start over again, so mid rates+ is best for WoE servers, imo.    I like Low Rates cause I prefer the PvM scene, not saying I can't have an enjoyable PvM scene on any other type of rate, but I level too fast and become slightly uninterested.

That being said, if there was a WoE oriented Low Rate ( I mean really serious about some hardcore WoE action? ) then I would like to see a WoE oriented Guild Package, but if it isn't catered to WoE ( the server i mean ) then I wouldn't want to see this. 


Well, if there were ONLY LRs, then there would have had to be a serious WoE scene at one point on 'em.

Even then, the only give-away I'd like to see is an Emp, a couple battle manuals, and maybe a few true-basic equipment such as slotted Chainmail or something.