Deliverance online

Started by Kurama, Feb 03, 2008, 03:32 PM

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Leeland Jake

Well Kika was involved in this topic because we are afraid she will threaten our life(internet life? lolz), so when anna asked us to reveal our identities, we were/are extremely hesitant.
Also that dumb rule Ana suggested and Crono seemed fond of.


I never admitted to anything, I simply do not think it's right for Hyper to be banned in this case.


The rule that was shot down?

But I understand your hesitance with the death threat possibility.

Although, I'd do it, then try to get her banned if she did threaten me, just because that's the sort of a****** I am.

Leeland Jake

Sigh...Josh already called you out man. Twice even...
It's time to give up.
And yes, sacrifice away. All of your accounts. If Hyper is banned, you should be as well.
So we agree on that point.

And I don't know if the rule was shot down or not. Like i've said several times before, Crono semi-supported it. Whatever the hell that means. Then it was closed. I don't know what he would do.


It was shot down.
Crono jokingly supported it because he was, understandably, angry at those who openly flamed Deliverance on other boards, and yet continued to subtract from his time, his staff's time, and rest of the community's time and patience.

Leeland Jake

Well it was Crono's decision to come and debate with those on the other topic and defend Deliverance's name. I dunno, maybe he could have spent better time working on the svn or removing donations.
Anyways, he has people who will blindly follow Deli without question til its death :D


Quote from: Leeland Jake on Feb 24, 2008, 09:48 PM
Well it was Crono's decision to come and debate with those on the other topic and defend Deliverance's name. I dunno, maybe he could have spent better time working on the svn or removing donations.
Brilliant! You've both made a complete fool of yourself and tried to leave the thread without losing face!
Absolutely brilliant!
QuoteAnyways, he has people who will blindly follow Deli without question til its death :D
Oh look! You've tried to detract value from all of our views by making us seem like blind sheep!

Again, I say, brilliant!


Is there a reason you assume me guilty and Josh's word law, Leeland? Because someone says something is true doesn't make it true. But I suppose truth is subjective and it's very obvious where your bias lies.

At any rate, I need not convince my friends and won't be able to convince my enemies. I'll do what I think is right, and allow you to continue to throw your slants around in peace.

Leeland Jake

@Blue So we are on the same level now then? Both fools?

I'm not going to lie. At one time, I was noobish and I loved Deli. I was once like you Blue. Blind.
Things happened and we began to ask "how" and "why". Those things took away from the fun we had playing.
Ignorance is bliss man.
Oh to be there again....

Hyper and I have been friends for a hella long time. He wouldn't lie to me or to Rai. And you are just covering for yourself. Like Hyper said, everyone has questioned you since you received the other 2 140 accounts. So just all of that doesn't help your case.

Btw, a ton of people think you are guilty. I'm not alone.


Quote from: Remus Senior on Feb 24, 2008, 09:01 PM
Why thank you Melz for the compliment! I think spell checker would work magnificently for you at the very least, no flame war here, just the facts and the abidance of the rules on this end. When the game moderators and GM made rules, I expected the rules to be abided by and not enforced when it is not convenient for them, my posts were in reference to a real game incident that happened that was contrary to the established rule. However it seemed at the time to the Judge that what this well known player did was harmless, which is ok if equal justice was enforced toward all, but it was not, so why not then as opposed to other times against players that did nothing wrong? Can you answer me that "all wise poster"? By the way, your beligerent comments to me, amount to a flea on a Elephant's behind, if you have nothing respectful to say, don't say anything, JUST THE FACTS!

Remus  (senior)   

I know my english is bad. Its the main reason why I dont post much. Its not my main language so I'm sorry and I still wanted to tell my point even if its in wrong grammar. Secondo I just think you feeded that mess alot and you are making a very big deal with it. If you dislike so much how stuff is done and see your effort doesnt do anything xcept ruinning others people fun. If i was you i would stop thats all. I dont think its a good exemple to follow. But yeh like I said do you rly you or the others about people like me? I dont think so. The hurt you do can be very bad for the futur.


I can’t offer intelligence responses to such a large amount of baseless stupidity 8 pages later but I’ll just skim over some.

1.   Level 140s: If you don’t like servers that allow levels over 99, you don’t like more than half the servers that exist today. Why pick on us specifically? Simply select a server better suited to your tastes. Sure, 140s can kick 99s around…but 99s can kick 50s around too. Level up or complain. Still, in order to better satisfy the majority of people we’ve been discussing ways to better balance the playing field, including discussions on the best way to go about this. The most likely outcomes are lowered stat point gain over 99, or delevels to 120. A decision has not yet been reached.

2.   Sticktuna says something about PaDo’s items and @warpto. First, his items are legit. Seriously, if you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever (not even a shred of circumstantial evidence) please keep it to yourself. It’s pathetic. Second, command logs exist. If this situation happened how about reporting it instead of bringing it up two years later? Seriously, sometimes I think you folks just like having something to complain about. This is akin to the following: O HAY A UNICORN GAVE ME SOME CHEEZ 3 YRS AGO. U CANT VERIFY IT NOW SO BELIEVE ME LOL.

3.   About Henhouse and all other accusations of corruption, these were adequately rebutted in the other thread. Repeating the same baseless trash over and over will not change my responses, so please read them there.

4.   re: “Thanks for playing! See ya!". She meant it. This is in no way rude. Regardless of circumstances surrounding a player quitting, they were members of the server for a long time and a thanks for playing was still in order.

5.   re: Over a year without updating. I’d like to know which calendar standard is in use in your countries. The server was upgraded at the end of May, after which I was stuck with a massive amount of work to rectify the exploit which existed between March and May. Had this not happened another upgrade would have been out by now. We usually did one every 4 months. We’re at 8 now, so it’s almost like we had to skip one because of the backlash from the last one.

6.   Events: I’ll accept that there’ve been very few events thrown by myself in awhile. With the amount of incoming messages received on the forums and other crap to deal with, there’s been little to no time. Finally, consider the way everyone’s been acting - would you want to throw an event for you? When I reply in a thread like this saying “this is why the server is not updated” I’m not referring to the time wasted reading the thread, but rather the psychological effect.

7.   I work 60-hour weeks including most weekends, and still fit server work into the vast majority of my free time, as well as some of my sleep time. My overworking has not only cost me most of my friends, whom I see perhaps once or twice a year now, but has caused significant problems with my girlfriend of 6 years. Say what you will about the total amount of time spent working on the server, but don’t dare say it’s due to lack of effort. I even script during my lunch breaks at work, most recently having completed a revamped, more in-depth summoning system there.

8.   re: Nos on page 2. Are you serious? I feel like saying that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read, but my feelings upon reading this are utterly ineffable. Wow. Are you suggesting that I hired people to abuse an exploit for several months causing irreversible damage? Really? Are you suggesting that I orchestrated an event which would force me to roll back the server? Are you suggesting that I orchestrated an event which would force me to spend months on tracking logs to restore whatever items I could in order to reduce the amount of trouble experienced by the users? Are you suggesting that I orchestrated the worst thing that’s happened to the server, which kept me from working on everything I wanted to? Allow me to make a suggestion. An assertion, rather â€" that, sir, was the dumbest thing that has ever been typed and will ever be typed, and I am ashamed to have responded to it.

9.   Nobody who’s posted defamatory BS on other sites has been banned yet, so I don’t see why you’re even discussing that.

10.   Why is Sting a SubGM instead of anyone else who speaks Spanish? How about the fact that he, acting of his own volition, translated every single sticky in every single forum section, and posted them in the then-meager Spanish forum. How about the fact that he then came up with titles for every section and Pmed them to me in a request to create them, then moving all topics to their own section, translating all relevant news posts, and helping everyone who came there and asked a question? I didn’t see anyone else do that.

11.   Why is Hyper’s account banned? A player contacted me saying they bought items from him not knowing it was against the rules and was afraid of punishment. Oh, and his own friend confirmed to me that he did sell his items. I haven’t had time to deal with adjusting the other cases yet. I actually took a weekend to stay with a friend.

12.   Merc not being permabanned for arena PK? At the time, the punishment was 30 days. He was given the full 30 day punishment. I don’t remember right but I think I also increased it because he should have known better. The standard punishment was extended to permanent only months later, and only after an endemic of arena PKs.

13.   Re: Remus. Congratulations, you’ve insulted Melz, a native French speaker, for not using perfect English. A shining example maturity for a 57 year old.

I give up on replying to the rest of this. I see a lot of accusations and no evidence. Most importantly, I see a waste of time. Those of you who don't like how the server is run can just as easily move on instead of annoying those who do.

Remus Senior

The fact of the matter is Melz that I don't have a problem with Crono or Deli, I just have a bad taste for some of the individuals that play on that server. I believe that Crono was a bit hasty in his decision on the infraction that occurred, but what's done is done. By the way I have 14 characters on Deli all 99+ and a LK that is 140 with BL's that can fend for himself, I do believe in equality of player opportunity, but that goes by the wayside when it comes to certain players and they know who they are, which heavily detracts from the good experience of the game. Yes it is only a game, but in my opinion if you make rules abide by them or just have chaos and anything goes. I have never bad mouth Deli in any of my posts, just the actions of the few, so don't put any guilt on me "sonny" as I have only worked for the overall improvement of Deli, not it's distruction, that will be accomplished by others.

Remus  (senior)

PS just had to add after reading DeliRO above, I am sick and tired of hearing the pompous comments of teen/twenty nothing twits about maturity, give it a rest, I get bad mouthed you get bad mouthed, we're using a PC here if you can't handle the english language, use a dictionary and spend a little time in thought before you take a swipe at people. You are the flea on the elephants behind "sonny"

Leeland Jake

Quote from: DeliveranceRO on Feb 24, 2008, 10:19 PM

7.   I work 60-hour weeks including most weekends, and still fit server work into the vast majority of my free time, as well as some of my sleep time. My overworking has not only cost me most of my friends, whom I see perhaps once or twice a year now, but has caused significant problems with my girlfriend of 6 years. Say what you will about the total amount of time spent working on the server, but don’t dare say it’s due to lack of effort. I even script during my lunch breaks at work, most recently having completed a revamped, more in-depth summoning system there.

Well Crono, I've been told by several people that you had a meeting with the subs to see whether or not to continue on with the server or end it. Some subs said stop, some said go. In the end, you made the decision to continue. Honestly, with all this going on in your life, I am very much confused why you continue to do it and hurt the things that really matter to you. I feel no sympathy for you for it is your decision. You decided to continue on.
I would seriously hate it if you continue on for the sole purpose of the money you get because....we all know it's way up there $$$$. And money isn't anything compared to the one you love, your family, and your friends.
Internet friends/pure enjoyment/money the server gets is nothing compared to your personal life. Those 3 things can not be as fulfilling as what you have in your real life.

Back to the Hyper thing, you choose to believe the person without question who sent a PM saying they bought items from Hyper, but yet refuse to believe Hyper and anyone else about Merc trying to buy his account? Something doesn't add up there. You are choosing to believe Merc over Hyper? I know Merc has donated probably a ton to this server and still plays, but let's get real here. Hyper readily admits there was going to be a sale. That Merc wanted to buy his account. And like several people have pointed out here and on other forums, the attempt is enough like in the case with Kamy and Bot who never actually sold anything and got banned. 

Sting: Still doesn't mean he is sub gm worthy when you have at least 1 amazingly talented person in your community who has done way more awesome things than translating topics. It was a shame he was overlooked and you should be very grateful to him for helping you now. I hope you are.


Quote from: Remus Senior on Feb 24, 2008, 10:32 PMThe fact of the matter, Melz, that I don't have a problem with Crono or Deli, I just have a bad taste for some of the individuals that play on that server. I believe that Crono was a bit hasty in his decision on the infraction that occurred, but what's done is done. By the way, I have 14 characters on Deli, all 99+ and a LK that is 140 with BL's No apostrophe should be here that can fend for himself, I do believe in equality of player opportunity, but that goes by the wayside when it comes to certain players and they know who they are, which heavily detracts from the good experience of the game. Your entire sentence is abysmal in both order and grammar. Yes, it is only a game, but in my opinion if you make rules, you should abide by them or just have chaos and anything goes. I have never bad mouthed Deli in any of my posts, just the actions of the few, so don't put any guilt on me "sonny" as I have only worked for the overall improvement of Deli, not it's destruction, that will be accomplished by others.

Remus  (senior)
I missed some corrections, but some of your sentences are near impossible to understand.