Deliverance Online Corruption.

Started by NoS, Jan 18, 2008, 02:20 PM

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Yup, I am quitting RO entirely soon.
I already gave my friend my main on AnthemRO.
It's no fun and while the money would be good, I need to focus on PQS and physical fitness so I will be ready for boot camp.
But these e-Soaps are great *grabs popcorn*
Like how Mikka was on AnthemRO advertising and said it was his friend, but when GM Denia looked up the account, it was registered to his msn address.
/sigh Admins like that make me laugh, at them of course.


Yes, yay for Drama and GM curruption. I still remember back at Reincarnation where most of the veteran Deli players came from. Ah it was so peaceful there even with a bad GM. I remember starting it and my friend was already playing it. Then I mean Crono! One of the coolest guy I know because he gave me 300 anolian skins to make a blue bandana my little trade mark. He was one of those people who would be on justice's side. Well... it was cool untill he was promoted to GM. He was a strict GM and a symbol of justice upon the Rein players. But what happened behind the scenes is totally different. Shara like you said before, came from the same group of my word for really really really popular players is "RO Preppys." She was from their little circle.

Heres where I starting finding this out. Back on Rein, a glitch was found that only a few players... namely 6 people knew about. It was a book from the Alchemist NPC that sold for more then you bought it for. You can then shove all that money into a banker which gives interest... and repeat it over... and over... and over... again. Now heres my mistake... I saw a bid on a Turtle Gen card and I do love winning bids knowing I had infinite cash on my hands. The bid reached over 120 billion.... and my opponent... apperently he told me that Sharu was the one benifiting him... now the money was getting wayyyy over the limit of a person was able to hold on one character... Now see.. after I ... ahem... Won the bid Crono started seeing 3 novices filled to the brim with Zenny.. (very bad mistake on my part.) I was caught and the other guy also caught and told who gave the zennys to him. The outcome was... I had a item wiped on my account while sharu got away clean. I asked her about the zenny giltch and she told me "I didn't know it was a glitch." ... Isn't that a bit much I mean.. your milking a NPC for it's own item and selling it back to it for more money? HOW IS THAT NOT A GLITCH?!?!?! Even a nub would noticed that. Ok.. thats over with now..

A few months or was it 1 year... I don't remember it was awhile ago.. people started hating Nasedo the Rein GM... no one liked him and he was apperently going to wipe the server. (I don't know the full detail on this problem but yeah..)

Around that time, words got around about Crono and Jake making their own server, Deliverance. Only a few people were told about this, but it spread... really fast.. it was like their salvation to move to a new server where everybody they knew was going to go there. A few months after the move to Deli, I noticed Crono has been becoming alittle stricter.. I thought, "hey hes a GM, he must be trying to fit into his job and show no favoritism." All was normal for me till a little incident. People starting black listing like crazy. (Black listing is a form of donation that cost 100 USDs... basically the rich's way of getting good on Deli.) Sure some were players who were good before but then some people I noticed that I used to always be able to own suddenly having these BlackListed items were being able to own me. Ok... so the black listing wasn't the problem. Champs and Paladins have a skill they can spam... and it would be totally leatal with a weapon called.... bum bum bum bum... *insert echoey mysterious deep voice* The  MJLONIR!!!!(probably mispelled but who cares..)*end echoey mysterious deep voice*. Pressure the Paladin spell was becoming faster and it was spam able now without a change in build from Vit. Champs became faster in most of their skills like firing Spirit balls at people and charging up Asuras really fast with the use of Berrys to keep up the constant asuras.

After awhile people started seeing how unbalance it was. The Crono apperently I believe said that they were going to take Mjolnir off Champs. But knowingly that Blacklisting is the proper income for him (this I also suspect him using donation money for his own good.. seeing as no matter how much the server gets donated, it never really got better.) He only halved the Dex on the Mjo for Aycolte class, (Champs, monks, Priest, ect.) Believe me... 20 Dex is half of 40 dex but it still... gives a heller lot of advantage to a class that wasn't suppose to have it in the first place.  After that basically around the end of the year I saw this forum thread that had a poll in it that has the vote of "I vote, I vote sometimes, and I don't vote cause I'm a tard." Yes  I take that into offense since I don't vote for a good reason. I posted in on the thread and put in "I don't vote because I don't like the way this server is. I only play cause I only hang out with the few of the RO buddies I have that hasn't quit do to some retarded drama with other people" (Not a direct quote but its close to what I I said.. I think.) Anyways.. Crono comes in after people bash on me saying that the "tard" thing was a joke and was not meant to be taken seriously. He said "Well Vote for more people to join so they can replace the people who left." Now I'm just thinking.. "I said my friends left and hes telling me to vote to replace them???" 

And thats my experience into how Crono sees people as money bags.. Yes I know to some of you it may not sound like a big deal by the way I explain things but you played on the same server for as long as I did.. you'll probably see things my way.. unless you have the GM's favoritism.


Man, all of this is like that game called 'telephone.' No doubt due to your affinities for useless drama, your perceptions of what really happened are warped, over-exaggerated or just plain lies. Not to mention most of the people posting here hate Deliverance for one reason or another. :P Sounds like a fair representation of a server, isn't that right Delivi-Fail, or should I say, Melody-Fail?

Crono hasn't 'stolen' the server from Jake. There were too many offenses Jake committed to remain an active GM of Deliverance, and Melody was a major part of Jake's repetative poor-choice-making. I could list them, but Mewi already explained most of them and was herself a player that experienced his anger first hand. I guess that's karma for you, considering he was the one who banned her out of disrespect. Pity. Anywho, most of this so-called Deliverance corruption ended with his removal.


Hmmm...who paid for the server?


Wow, I've never seen so many lies in my entire life.  I guess you guys haven't bothered to read the ToS, eh?

"You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum."

In response to MoonlightShadow:

First off, Reincarnation was FAR from peaceful.  Crono didn't steal the server from Nas.  Jake didn't steal the server from Nas.  Every month the message of the day was and STAYED, "Cmon guys we need to raise 200 dollars or I'm gonna have to close the server."  The entire time I played there, that message remained.  Well over a year it was there, amount never changed, and every month he claimed he was broke.  However, when he'd come around and talk to his GMs, he'd tell them how he used some of the money to fix his car and buy $500 designer sunglasses.  Not only that, but after he hired Crono, Jake, and Pado, he didn't contribute much of anything to the server or his staff.  They would do the work, they would fix problems, they would be the ones staying up all night dealing with bugs and those who abused them.  Stuff would be fixed and all ready to go and Nas would come back randomly and without consenting anyone, he'd implement something that was NOT working correctly.  Thus causing server instability.  Nas posted, on the forums, for everyone to see that he was going to Japan and some other place, I think Australia for about a year, and wouldn't be on much if at all.  After that Reincarnation was being -hosted- not stolen by Jake and Crono.  Redemption was still under Nasedo's crappy hosting and whatever not.  Jake and Crono hosted it and hosted it damn well.  However... As it turns out, Nas wasn't as well mannered as some believe.  He was harassing young girls for their pictures on the server.  He said he would ban them if he didn't get them.  Not a rumor, I was talking to two of the girls he did it to.  They're both actually good friends of mine.  That being said... He [out of no where] hired a girl as a SubGM.  No one knew who she was really, or where she came from.  That pissed off and confused mass amounts of people, and the things she did didn't help either.  It was later believed [and uh.. confirmed >.>] that this girl gave Nas uh... suggestive pictures of herself in return for items and essentially, the SubGM position.  It pretty much went to s*** right after that happened.  It brought more drama than it was worth.  She and a few others abused their access to the CP and did a few things that subGMs shouldn't do so THEN Nas tries to step in, but made it no better.  A "hacker" or whoever the hell the guy was gets on the server and eats it and Crono and Jake gave well enough warning that they were not going to host the server anymore.  Nas couldn't be bothered to give half a s*** about it anyway.

Yes, a glitch was found of Reincarnation involving Alchemist Books.  You claim a few people new about it... About 6?  I'm sorry sweetheart, but you are terribly wrong.  There were more than 6 people who knew about it.  Back when that happened, they closed the server and deleted all the bank NPCs so all that zeny was gone.  The zeny that was on a person's characters remained, unless of course it was obviously zeny gained from the glitch.  People disliked Nas long before any of that happened.  I joined the server and played for a year.  I was there when the zeny was wiped and people hated him before then so yeah xD

Crono -did- get a bit more strict towards the end of Reincarnation but that's because everyone and their mom/brother/cousin/dad were abusing any and every bug possible.  It ranged from duping items to soul stone bugs, to Ghostring bugs, to having access to a GMs account and making their own items.  Obviously someone had to say enough was enough, and it just so happened that Crono seemed to be the only one to give a damn and do something about it.

Blacklisting at that time was NOT 100 USDs.  It was 100 CAD which was about 80ish USD at the time.  The Mjolnir incident with Champs and Paladins was unfortunate. Yes the spam got out of control but he did do something about instead of ignoring it.  I do not believe Crono EVER said they were going to disable Champs and Pallies from using it.  It was all just a rumor.  However, Crono did say that the problem would be dealt with, which it was.  It sickens me that you even dared to say that Crono only cared about the money income for the Blacklists and that's why he didn't stop the use of it for those classes.  Crono has always tried to do what's best for the players and still keep people satisfied.  And for someone who played on Reincarnation, you should know that to be the truth.

"He said "Well Vote for more people to join so they can replace the people who left." Now I'm just thinking.. "I said my friends left and hes telling me to vote to replace them???"" -- Okay... Don't know how to say this without being rude but.. You really took offense to that?  Him saying to replace those who left?  I'm pretty damn sure he didn't mean it that way.  He's old enough to know that it isn't easy to replace a good friend.  I think he meant replace them as players, NOT replace a friend.

It's nice that you all speak of Jake as a decent individual... How about mentioning the fact that Jake was giving his girlfriend items that weren't released to the public yet.  Let's not mention that he unbanned her at least 3 times even though she's committed quite the number of offenses.  How was the server "stolen" from Jake, when Jake didn't give half a s*** to be bothered to help the players with problems or issues they had?  Jake would ONLY step in when his girlfriend was involved, or someone who was a good friend of his.  Is that not favoritism?  I recall Jake holding about 3 help desks in the entire history of Deliverance and none on Reincarnation.  Crono was always the one holding the help desks.  If Crono wasn't holding them, the subGMs sure as hell were.

Even right now, as half the server is acting like ungrateful, whining, internet junkies, Crono is working to get things done to keep you all happy.  But him trying isn't enough for you all.  It never has been, never will be. *^__^*


Hello. I am a member of Crystal Horizon, the aforementioned, and in many people's eyes, the guild which gets all the favoritism from the GM's, is the source of all corruption, blah blah, all that jazz. Let me just say right now that I am a normal and regular member, not any of the guild leaders (Tomf, Trebor, Hyper Wang GO, Hatsuharu, Stay Frosty) nor am I any of the GM's accused of corruption in the FCP incident (Crono, Henhouse, Sting). I am not even any of the GM's in CH uninvolved in the FCP incident (Jake, Clair, Tipsy, Haisho, Sharu, etc) or the one directly accused and banned for dual clienting(Karma~Sutra). I'm just a regular player with no special powers or identity in the guild.

I have no particular goal nor do I have any hopes of deterring you from your hate towards Crystal Horizon or anything else. I don't believe that I have any amount of charisma. Feel free to prove me wrong, but not in hate please - as I merely wish to know. I will not call people out as to not create a hostile environment.

I also understand completely if your response to this is "tl;dr," and for those of you who take the time to read this reply, I thank you in advance.

In many of these posts, Crono is the only GM related with corruption. That is not to say that he is innocent, but there are plenty of rumors and facts of corruption circling Jake, the former admin.

Jake premmed a non-prem who was his friend from Reincarnation. He suddenly acquired a Thanaos Card, claiming it to be legitimate, when there was no screenshot or witness to prove it. He then proceeded to let several people (mainly from the guild his Star Gladiator character was in, Paw Alliance) borrow it to level themselves, even to 140. He spawned various headgears, lites, blacklists, and other items for his former and current girlfriends. Someone handed in an Earth element-endowed Mjolnir to Crono. He had a seemingly endless supply of berries he continuously used in PvP Izlude or WoE, but he never went hunting.

Are you choosing not to scream persecution onto Jake while giving Crono hell for letting someone who minorly infringed a rule off with a warning? Maybe Crono could have laid down a slight harder punishment, but is this blunder anything compared to the amount of things that Jake has done? Is the reason because Karma is a member of CH, and you think Crono is favoring CH?
I am sure that if this were a member of Divine or Paw Alliance, that he would have let the person off with the same punishment: a warning. And if it was, I am equally sure that CH would certainly not continually make topics that accomplish nothing but drama and flaming.

Crystal Horizon noticed a lot of the things that Jake was doing, namely the Thanatos card he spawned and the items that he had spawned for his girlfriends. But most of us gave Jake the benefit of the doubt, having faith that Crono wouldn't co-own a server with someone who does that kind of stuff.

In return, we got a painful slap to the face as Divine and Paw Alliance refused us that benefit of the doubt we so graciously gave Jake. Yes, Karma was guilty of dual clienting. Yes, it was a minor infringement. Yes, she was warned. Yes, Crono had let people off with a warning before. Yes, maybe instead of just a warning, she should have been banned for a couple of days. No, Sting and Hen did not catch the dual clienting because the heat of WoE was on their backs. Yes, maybe they should have been more attentive and yes, maybe they should be banned along with Karma.

I know it is human nature to assume things. But many of you Divine and Paw Alliance members know what it is like in WoE. It is one of the few parts of the game that I feel adrenaline and contribute my full attention to. The only thing that runs through my mind is killing enemies, WoE strategies, etc. I hardly pay attention to anything else. And by anything else, I mean it. If I get PM's, IM's, or if someone says hello to me in public chat, I will not even notice.

That is what many call "the heat of WoE." Henhouse and Sting were clearly in it, and there was the clear possibility of them, in all truthfulness, not noticing. Henhouse even posted his exact situation at that time confirming this in a post on the forums. But it seemed that most people were blinded by their own bias and initial dislike for CH for whatever reason.

Should you guys even let initial dislike of a group of people cloud your judgment in the first place? Sure, CH and Divine/Paw are rivals in WoE, and maybe sometimes even in Izlude. But why should any of that carry over to other situations? Outside of WoE and Izlude, I am positively inclined towards many people in Divine and Paw, as they are intelligent and funny people. I truly believed it was the same for them, but I was slowly proven wrong as members of Divine and Paw started to ignore me - which of course, may have not been their fault at all - but the whole thing was punctuated with the flurry of seemingly bloodthirsty, illogical attitude of those who posted in topics related to the FCP incident.

My other concern is that wherever you guys go, any new server, many people retain the hate and malice of Deli or CH. Certainly, you have a right to hate, but must you really label us as a****** without us there to defend ourselves? It's over, you guys seem to have moved on from Deli, Karma is banned, and all GM power save for Crono's has been revoked. You basically got what you wanted, so the reasons behind many actions taken by various people are really just.. beyond me.

"Life is too short to waste on hatred." -Melody



I'll just post this as my point of view and then let you guys continue the drama mongering - I'll be no part of it.

I'll go over this topic by topic.

1. Reincarnation: I became a GM here. The server hadn't been updated in months, accounts and data were being deleted nonstop by some odd data-eating bug, and almost nothing worked (ie- woe didn't even work). I recommended Jake to join the team and together we put up a new subversion and fixed all the issues the server was having. I revamped every file; fixed every script (for example, the Slayer coven script alone had 36 separate bugs in it. 36!!!!) In fact, we did pretty much everything at this point. Work being done, the head GM neglected the place entirely and, when he did pop in, overwrote some of our fixes with old files ("lol oops" - true quote). The other active GM, Shozoku, gave items to Bliss/Melody. And the server fell into drama (among other things, but it's in the past so I'll just let it go, plus some of the people above touched on it), so Jake and I left. Jake offered the server database back to Nasedo. I don't know what become of that. Jake was the one with the data. So yeah, we used some customs from there, but guess what - we either made or fixed them all in the first place. We also later returned and helped them patch the ROCP exploit so their server would not be ripped apart by it. This is not the action of malicious people. They held hard feelings still, but we had moved on. We also didn't invite anyone so as not to be peckers about it and steal the players. They found us and followed because they were dissatisfied with their server.

2. SubGM corruption: I don't think any subGM in the history of RO has not been accused of corruption. One of our guys used @follow to get to ice dungeon faster. I banned him for a week and laid out a strict warning. This isn't good enough to some people. And yeah, some people tell me Ando is the only good one. Some people say Clair is the only good one. Some people say Tipsy is the only good one. Etc. See a pattern here? Nobody appeals to everybody. They're all in one guild, yeah. Members of this guild have been punished, if anything, unfairly harshly so as to dismiss claims of favoritism.

3. My corruption: I have purposefully avoided playing the game per se in order to avoid any bias. I don't know what guilds players belong to, and I've banned people of all kinds. I am tough on rulebreakers, but I\'m also sensible. I may have played on the "tough GM" persona a great deal to keep the people happy, but behind the scenes my fist wasn't so iron. I gave people chances. I like to think I'm reasonable. Which is probably what caused the trouble here - I didn't think a permanent ban was a reasonable punishment for someone using dual clients to buff a friend. Honestly, they saved a few seconds. Move on with your lives. If I permanently banned someone of any other guild for such an action people would've said I was being too harsh and revolted anyway. As for 'banning' Jake,  read on.

4. Jake corruption: I have received a lot of complaints about Jake over some time. Inappropriate behavior and item giving sort of stuff. Killing people on his GM because his legit got killed. That sort of s***. He was good at avoiding the logs so mostly it just looked invalid and none of it was confirmed. I trusted him; afterall, none of this would exist without him. But as of late, and especially since getting with Bliss/Melody (lol@historyrepeatingitself) the trust started waning. I personally wrote him to mention my doubts and see if we could work it out somehow. Nothing changed. And just recently, some confirmations of the item giving being true (hats, even a Jake's VVVS Earth Mjolnir). That was the nail in the coffin - undeniable proof. I changed the passwords. He's good with computers; he can break in anytime he wants. I've chosen to trust him not to do this.

So that's that. Move on with your lives folks, arguing accomplishes nothing.


Hoo boy. Lots of hate for Crono in here. For those who don't know already, I'm the leader of this so-called "corrupt" guild, Crystal Horizon, and I'm here to defend both my guild and our server from these outrageous and hateful claims. It's painful for me to see our former friends and allies throwing such negativity about us around. Everyone seems to have this image in their head of Crystal Horizon being a bunch of super prissy and aloof British men smoking around a fire and discussing our latest escapades in corruption while chuckling and adjusting our monocles. Yes, we have most of the sub-GMs in our guild. No, they don't aid our guild, aside from the fact that each and every one of them are very competent players. I'm going to address some of the claims against us:

Quote from: NoS on Jan 18, 2008, 02:20 PM
To start this off this server is a mr server with the max lvl being 140/70, max stats 99 with the rates of  50/50/30 and is partner owned by GM Jake and Crono. GM Jake takes care of all the coding and server issues. While Crono deals more with the people. As of late. the corruption thats been happening behind the scenes is finally coming into light. GM Crono. At first this guy seems alright and the ideal model of what a GM should be. But when you get into a mess with this guild called Crystal Horizon. The corruption starts to show itself. First ill say to him face is everything, He will not respond to questions that have a ligit case to the corruption and will either remove the topic or in this case recently since the corruption has been coming out lock down the forums. Now if that is not all. GM Crono has topped himself by backstabbing his parter GM Jake and taking over the server for himself. The sub GMs Crono has hired are pretty much corrupt cept GM Haisho, GM Clair and GM Tipsy.

I could post alot more but I feel as the disscussion goes on. it will show itself anyway.

So... Discuss ;D

This "ligit" case of corruption that NoS is referring to is a dispute between Divine/Paw and CH regarding one of our members dualclienting. In the past, it was made quite clear that dualclienting to do anything that would net one an advantage over other players was a bannable offense. What happened was one of our sub-GMs(Henhouse) asked in guildchat during WoE for a Full Chemical Protection. Terri, who was at the time sitting in the PVP arena waiting room doing absolutely nothing, agreed to help him. Rather than log out, switch accounts, and log back in, she chose instead to dualclient onto her creator and give Henhouse his FCP. Why not just switch accounts and avoid all this drama in the first place? Terri said it was general laziness. In addition, switching accounts often leads to an extremely annoying error that causes a disconnection and inability to reconnect for a minute or so. So the issue is that while her priest sat in a room and did nothing, her creator gave an FCP to a sub-GM. Ignoring the fact that Henhouse might not have even noticed Terri there in the first place, it's rather obvious that Terri didn't do anything that would net her an advantage aside from saving a few seconds and avoiding the aforementioned error. This falls under the classification of a "Grey area" of the rules. When Crono saw the report, he PMed Terri and asked about it, she explained herself, and he decided that she hadn't gained any special advantage and chose not to ban. He made a judgment call.

Now it should've ended there, but no. These same people who are crying out corruption decided to make not one but three different topics on the forums calling the GMs out for the corrupt individuals they are, instigating massive flame wars. This ended in Crono giving Terri a ban and demoting all of his team to satisfy the mob, at which point they all left and began spamming the entire internet with propaganda about how horrible a place dRO is and how bad of a GM Crono is. So yes, Crono may have "backstabbed" everyone and taken control of the server, but he did it because it was pretty much demanded of him.

Quote from: gallion_percival on Jan 18, 2008, 04:23 PM

all sub-gms got demoted to normal player and the other head gm jake got his account password changed by crono so crono could take over the server. just making that point clear lol.

also crono favors a certain guild that goes by the name crystal horizon. he duz this by letting the guild members of crystal horizon get away with the rule breaking by just giving them a warning or if he punish them (wich is rare/never) he gives them just a slap on the wrist. perfect example of this is the pking by KIKA, a high priest from crystal horizon. she pked a sniper in the arena (arena beeing pk free zone) and screamed OOPS in caps. it took her a good 4 hits to kill the sniper too (she was linked) so no way in the world can you shove that up as accidental pk. she got jailed for a day while pking in the arena is worth a bann.

another example is of a so called harassment report that whent in a private message to crono. the rules state you should be able to defend yourself but this person never saw any evidence of him harassing certain moron LK (moron LK beeing Stay Frosty from crystal horizon). and when he asked why he was banned for a month he got a s*** respond. also for those that want to know why heres a short version of the long story. il call the other LK X LK since you ppl already read who the other LK is.

2 LKs dont like each other moron LK keeps trying to bann other cuz moron LK sucks in pvp and need like 50 buffs to kill X LK. so crono gives them a restain order wich means first to talk to the other gets banned. ok so moron LK comes in the arena on a raondom day attacks X LK to provoke the him into saying something to him so moron LK could go "zomg u talked tu mi i rportz u". but X LK was afk and ppl saw moron LK do that and moron LK shouts OOPS!!! in caps. screen shots were taken and reported and withnesses were asked to vouce for it. they did and crono just lets it go and say report when it happens again (CLEARLY favorism again). so 1 day X LK comes in izlude (pk town) and shouts in the open walmart etc while moron LK isnt even there. moron LK gets in izlude and gets owned like the novie he is (actually a novice is better then him in so many ways....) gets all pissed, sees X LK screaming walmart in the open and talking to his friends about walmart and reports X LK for so called talking to him. srsly now since when is talking in the open and to others talking to him... and when X LK asks for the evidence he gets nothing showed so he cant defend himself nor have ppl vouching for him (go favortism from you crono).

another thing that has been going on are the sub-gms in crystal horizon deleting posts that show crystal horizon look bad or getting owned or w/e. like this 1 topic showing moron LK getting owned by baby classes in screen shot topic. OMG MAKES MI LUK BADZ COCKDEN(cockden beeing sub-gm henhouse) REMOVE NOA he goes and the sub gm removes it.

now i would rant more but i dont feel like it and if any of YOU (you know who you are) think this is all a bluff il be glad to show you all the screenshots all the evidence and crap to backup the story cept for the topic deletion seeing as crono took the forums down to prevent ppl from bringing the truth to light.

P.S: sorry for any typo i will not correct em and i will not type in a formal way cuz im way to fricking lazy.

this part to the poster above me: the reason you never read anything about it was when vayle (banned for no reason cept for cockden sucking d***) complained etc. when he posted all the krupted crap the topic got deleted and he got banned. also ppl dont post cuz they get a warning or banned the minute the sub-gms and gm sees antyhing spilling the truth.

First off: The events surrounding Kika's PKing in the arena were also the result of a judgment call by Crono. Here's how it all played out. First Crystal Horizon recruited this sniper by the name of Frog. We got along pretty well and things were fine until one day he told us he was reported for PKing in the arena. His defense was that he had PKed a member of one of our alliances. At that time Kika went HURR HUR THEN I GUESS THIS OK TOO and PKed him as well. Now while it's not legal to PK at all, it's generally assumed that your own guildmates won't report you if you're screwing around and kill them. Unfortunately this was not the case, as Frog immediately left the guild and reported Kika. Crono saw this and ended up letting them both off(Frog was a member of our rival guild at this point), and took the opportunity to clarify the rules for PKing once and for all. Both members got off with a slap on the wrist, despite being in completely different guilds. No favoritism there.

Second: In regards to the restraining order between NoS and Stay Frosty: These two had a long history of dislike for each other. Frosty took several screenshots of NoS s*** him in public as well as calling him "Wal-mart boy", a derogatory remark aimed at Frosty's job(despite the fact that he's never worked at Wal-Mart). After repeated incidents of harassment, Frosty asked Crono for a restraining order, which is a standard thing on dRO that says you're allowed to kill each other, but not talk to each other. Both parties were made well aware of this, yet NoS continued to call Frosty Wal-Mart boy. And no surprise, he was banned for it.

Crono's far from a corrupt GM. He's put in thousands of man-hours to his server with no reward other than the enjoyment of his players. Do you all remember when Maelstrom f*** over our entire economy by duping hundreds of MVP cards and spreading them around the server? Do you remember what Crono did for everyone who suffered because of the item wipe that ensued? He went through every single player's accounts, one by one, and looked through and restored every single legit item. All by himself. For no other reason than to make us happy. That's the kind of GM he is. And for the record, CH isn't in cohoots with the guy. We don't even speak with him. Care to take a guess as to how many Crystal Horizon members know him on a personal basis? One. And he's pretty new. These rumors have been going around long before he ever joined us, so it begs the question why everyone seems to think we're all buddy-buddy with him. It's all rumors, nothing more.


Nos never talked to frosty after that restrain order. also seeing as you say its all rumors il post the screenshots and all that crap tomorrow when i have time. and sure maybe jake is in the wrong too but when crono was told of his actions he simply shoved them as impossible and ignored it. so crono is in the wrong by not taking action till its to late now. and by giving karma sutra a less bann time now from the original perma bann shows favortism towards CH in my eyes.


Quote from: gallion_percival on Jan 20, 2008, 06:12 PM
and sure maybe jake is in the wrong too but when crono was told of his actions he simply shoved them as impossible and ignored it. so crono is in the wrong by not taking action till its to late now. and by giving karma sutra a less bann time now from the original perma bann shows favortism towards CH in my eyes.
Clearly you aren't even intelligent enough to read everything people have been posting. Crono trusted Jake with the server and his trust was misplaced. His actions didn't appear in the logs. Karma Sutra's ban time was never even supposed to happen. The issue was already dealt with prior to the moron in Divine deciding to stir up the s*** by making it public, which is the cause of this entire ordeal.


Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PM
First off, Reincarnation was FAR from peaceful.  Crono didn't steal the server from Nas.  Jake didn't steal the server from Nas.

I never said they did, I meant that it was peaceful during the beginning I was playing. I did say Nasedo was a ..(insert random generic insult). I said it was pretty much a heaven's calling when Crono and Jake made Deliverance to escape the hell hole... Only problem, dramas followed. That was the only issues I had with the begging of dRO.

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PMHowever... As it turns out, Nas wasn't as well mannered as some believe.  He was harassing young girls for their pictures on the server.  He said he would ban them if he didn't get them.  Not a rumor, I was talking to two of the girls he did it to.

DUH! Most of us knew he was a freak, and I also became a fan of Genra for calling him a fished eye freak right at his face and getting banned for it. No body liked Nasado, out of the 4 GMs he was the most hated while I believe Akihito and Grimio was the most loved. XD

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PMYes, a glitch was found of Reincarnation involving Alchemist Books.  You claim a few people new about it... About 6?  I'm sorry sweetheart, but you are terribly wrong.  There were more than 6 people who knew about it.  Back when that happened, they closed the server and deleted all the bank NPCs so all that zeny was gone.  The zeny that was on a person's characters remained, unless of course it was obviously zeny gained from the glitch.  People disliked Nas long before any of that happened.  I joined the server and played for a year.  I was there when the zeny was wiped and people hated him before then so yeah xD

Yes, I believed there was more.. If you haven't picked up my context clues I pretty much wasn't sure how many people knew. Why would I say "Namely 6" If I was totally sure that it was 6 people? Sure zenny wipe is horrible and all but out of the 2 people it was me and Sharu who was going to get hit the hardest. We both went over the limit of believable into the limit to insanely stupid, and yet... I get the item wiped for it.

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PMCrono -did- get a bit more strict towards the end of Reincarnation but that's because everyone and their mom/brother/cousin/dad were abusing any and every bug possible.  It ranged from duping items to soul stone bugs, to Ghostring bugs, to having access to a GMs account and making their own items.  Obviously someone had to say enough was enough, and it just so happened that Crono seemed to be the only one to give a damn and do something about it.

Yes,yes he did. He was a heller good GM. A modeled GM. The best standards for a GM. But eventually as we keep playing and watching hes been bending corners for those in his little "friend" circle.

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PMBlacklisting at that time was NOT 100 USDs.  It was 100 CAD which was about 80ish USD at the time.  The Mjolnir incident with Champs and Paladins was unfortunate. Yes the spam got out of control but he did do something about instead of ignoring it.  I do not believe Crono EVER said they were going to disable Champs and Pallies from using it.  It was all just a rumor.  However, Crono did say that the problem would be dealt with, which it was.  It sickens me that you even dared to say that Crono only cared about the money income for the Blacklists and that's why he didn't stop the use of it for those classes.  Crono has always tried to do what's best for the players and still keep people satisfied.  And for someone who played on Reincarnation, you should know that to be the truth.

Pardon me... 80ish USD... Which, I still say, EXPENSIVE! And Yes, I believed the GM team did say that. One of my friends heard it from Jake during that time.

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PM"He said "Well Vote for more people to join so they can replace the people who left." Now I'm just thinking.. "I said my friends left and hes telling me to vote to replace them???"" -- Okay... Don't know how to say this without being rude but.. You really took offense to that?  Him saying to replace those who left?  I'm pretty damn sure he didn't mean it that way.  He's old enough to know that it isn't easy to replace a good friend.  I think he meant replace them as players, NOT replace a friend.

You bash me on that? Seriously... how would you feel if someone said to replace the people who left in reply to your post?

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PMIt's nice that you all speak of Jake as a decent individual... How about mentioning the fact that Jake was giving his girlfriend items that weren't released to the public yet.  Let's not mention that he unbanned her at least 3 times even though she's committed quite the number of offenses.  How was the server "stolen" from Jake, when Jake didn't give half a s*** to be bothered to help the players with problems or issues they had?  Jake would ONLY step in when his girlfriend was involved, or someone who was a good friend of his.  Is that not favoritism?  I recall Jake holding about 3 help desks in the entire history of Deliverance and none on Reincarnation.  Crono was always the one holding the help desks.  If Crono wasn't holding them, the subGMs sure as hell were.

But you see... his corruption doesn't effect the balance of the server itself. Now Crono has banned many people for the stupidest reasons sometimes. From insulting someone for insulting them. ect. ect.

Quote from: NMB on Jan 20, 2008, 05:03 PMEven right now, as half the server is acting like ungrateful, whining, internet junkies, Crono is working to get things done to keep you all happy.  But him trying isn't enough for you all.  It never has been, never will be. *^__^*

But you see.. if he has accually done that.. WHY would half of the server acting like "ungrateful, whining, internet junkies"? Answer me that?

Oh BTW, I'm loving this forum. If this was on the dRO forum this thread would be gone by now.


Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:26 PMYes,yes he did. He was a heller good GM. A modeled GM. The best standards for a GM. But eventually as we keep playing and watching hes been bending corners for those in his little "friend" circle.

As far as I've seen, Crono has never cut corners for anyone who was in his "friend" circle, nor did he cut corners for people who were popular. He's made respectful judgements on a case by case basis and has given the boot to people who deserved it, popularity or "friend" circle aside.

Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:26 PMBut you see... his corruption doesn't effect the balance of the server itself. Now Crono has banned many people for the stupidest reasons sometimes. From insulting someone for insulting them. ect. ect.

It doesn't matter if his corruption affected the balance of the server. Corruption is corruption and unbanning people who have been banned without a good reason is STILL corruption and wrong, despite what you may think.

And as for Crono banning people for dumb things, I can't deny that there have been some people that have gotten stronger flak than others for miniscule things, but those have been too far and few to make a huge impact.

Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:26 PMBut you see.. if he has accually done that.. WHY would half of the server acting like "ungrateful, whining, internet junkies"? Answer me that?

Because they're ungrateful, whining internet junkies, that's why.

Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:26 PM
Oh BTW, I'm loving this forum. If this was on the dRO forum this thread would be gone by now.

With good reason. Topics like this that bring s*** aren't good because all it does is create bigger and bigger piles of s*** that do nothing but split people even more than they might be.


Quote from: cupido on Jan 20, 2008, 06:21 PM
Quote from: gallion_percival on Jan 20, 2008, 06:12 PM
and sure maybe jake is in the wrong too but when crono was told of his actions he simply shoved them as impossible and ignored it. so crono is in the wrong by not taking action till its to late now. and by giving karma sutra a less bann time now from the original perma bann shows favortism towards CH in my eyes.
Clearly you aren't even intelligent enough to read everything people have been posting. Crono trusted Jake with the server and his trust was misplaced. His actions didn't appear in the logs. Karma Sutra's ban time was never even supposed to happen. The issue was already dealt with prior to the moron in Divine deciding to stir up the s*** by making it public, which is the cause of this entire ordeal.

no s*** i didnt read any of it. i couldnt be bothered to read all that useless crap before leaving for work


Quote from: KKL on Jan 20, 2008, 06:37 PM
As far as I've seen, Crono has never cut corners for anyone who was in his "friend" circle, nor did he cut corners for people who were popular. He's made respectful judgements on a case by case basis and has given the boot to people who deserved it, popularity or "friend" circle aside.

What about Pado's account? Alot of Pado's stuff isn't illegit and he knows that. Pado sold his account also. And guess what? The person who bought it is currently in CH.

Quote from: KKL on Jan 20, 2008, 06:37 PMIt doesn't matter if his corruption affected the balance of the server. Corruption is corruption and unbanning people who have been banned without a good reason is STILL corruption and wrong, despite what you may think.

And as for Crono banning people for dumb things, I can't deny that there have been some people that have gotten stronger flak than others for miniscule things, but those have been too far and few to make a huge impact.

Yes but I never said it was OK. I'm just saying that theres a differents between them. But saying that its a miniscule things? ITS PEOPLE HERE!! NO BODY IS MINISCULES! Everybody is important to run a server. If one person is gone that effects a group, with in that group theres someone whos part of another group and it wide spreads there.

Quote from: KKL on Jan 20, 2008, 06:37 PM
Because they're ungrateful, whining internet junkies, that's why.

WRONG! Its cause alot of things has been unfairly Judged! 3 of the Sub GMs were brought on by popular depends and not their ability to be a sub GM. Remember Clair? People say she was a non corrupted GM. Well after she became a GM she changed alot!

Quote from: KKL on Jan 20, 2008, 06:37 PMWith good reason. Topics like this that bring s*** aren't good because all it does is create bigger and bigger piles of s*** that do nothing but split people even more than they might be.

Why would you be afraid of something that isn't true? Wow man, thats a stupid reason. Sure it creates a pile of crap, but if he truely has notthing to hide why delete it once someone comes out like this? Why do you think you guys are here trying to defend Crono on a forum that isn't from the Deliverance forum. Why do you think people made a Thread here??? Because people don't wanna be banned or flamed at the Deli Forums. Its an opinion they don't want to get censored by the very people they believe is unfair.


Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:52 PM
What about Pado's account? Alot of Pado's stuff isn't illegit and he knows that. Pado sold his account also. And guess what? The person who bought it is currently in CH.
What does the buyer of Pado's account have to do with any of this?

Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:52 PM
Yes but I never said it was OK. I'm just saying that theres a differents between them. But saying that its a miniscule things? ITS PEOPLE HERE!! NO BODY IS MINISCULES! Everybody is important to run a server. If one person is gone that effects a group, with in that group theres someone whos part of another group and it wide spreads there.

Your statement implied it was okay when you said it didn't impact the balance of the server at all.

Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:52 PM
WRONG! Its cause alot of things has been unfairly Judged! 3 of the Sub GMs were brought on by popular depends and not their ability to be a sub GM. Remember Clair? People say she was a non corrupted GM. Well after she became a GM she changed alot!

Give proof that three of the SubGMs we have now were promoted based solely on the fact that it was popular demand and not based on ability. Also, Clair might have a ridiculously short temper, but I know for a fact that she isn't "corrupt" like you claim she is.

Quote from: MoonlightShadow on Jan 20, 2008, 06:52 PM
Why would you be afraid of something that isn't true? Wow man, thats a stupid reason. Sure it creates a pile of crap, but if he truely has notthing to hide why delete it once someone comes out like this? Why do you think you guys are here trying to defend Crono on a forum that isn't from the Deliverance forum. Why do you think people made a Thread here??? Because people don't wanna be banned or flamed at the Deli Forums. Its an opinion they don't want to get censored by the very people they believe is unfair.

People made a thread here becuase they just want a place to throw s*** on all of dRO and Crono without retaliation from any naysayers that might undermine their crapfest.