AxelRO's is now HIRING

Started by Dups, Sep 14, 2012, 04:39 AM

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We need a dedicated Event Game Master & Recruiter for our server.
Here is the site.

Site :
Forum/Fanpage :

Just reply here or message us in private @ facebook.

Sincerely yours,


Name : Jojo Berin
Nickname : Jojo
Age : 16

Q : I wish to serve the community as a...
A : Event GM

Q : I had been playing RO for...
A : 3 years

By submitting the form above, I had agreed to the rules, terms and conditions of becoming a GM, and will be notified once shortlisted.

Contact Method :
1: Email : [email protected]
/kis /kis /kis /kis /kis /kis

Mr Chow

Name: Ashiyano Laventine Ceres
Gender: Female
Nickname: Vylet/Laven/Yan-Yan
Birthday: September 24, 1990
Age: 21
Language/s I can speak: English, Pilipino, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and French
From: The Philippines
Email: [email protected]
Years of playing RO: 8years+

GM Experience: 2year as Developer in TwitterRO,  and 5years event/support in RebelRO

Applying for: Event/Support/Recruiter GM

Availability: @weekdays-> 4-6 @weekends-> 12-16 hours

About Me:
I been playing RO for 8years non-stop, and I can say that RO has been part of my life ever since. I am quite experienced in handling events and I can make up a new event in a snap to avoid event boredom. I'm a really nice guy so they say and I can't resist helping out new players. That's all I can say for now.

Reason Why I wanna be a GM:
Ok, I'll make this straight forward and not gonna use long and fancy words to impress you. The main reason why I want to be GM is to help balance out classes. I also want to make the server more fun seeing though that it's already very fun :D And also I'll try to prevent the sad experience of other players(including me) who are not helped/assisted/guided by GM's and other players if they are new to the server.

How can I help the server:
Same as above I'll cut to the chase and make it simple but meaningful. I'll host events to help prevent boredom which leads to population loss and suggest some new wild but helpful ideas that can help the server grow and be the best! Also as stated in the previous question, I'll help balance out classes(if there are any imbalances which ill try to find /no1).
