Joy-RO copied vcryRo Homepage?

Started by Strange, Jun 04, 2013, 07:44 AM

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In few terms, they are somehow similar-ish, like the number of players online, the gif in the logo, the menu but the rest, not really.

And I checked out the footers of JoyRO, there's a link there that will redirect here: and you can see the website design there.


It's one of the pre-made design template out there.  I am sure I saw it available for download (free) from one of our paid section's web-designer.   

/off-topic rant on template site starts below:

The only think I wish these template do is DO NOT put in default working info/links in them, make the person that try to setup the design fill in a form to put in the correct info before the setup can be done.  I hate checking servers with a facebook going to Google or a RMS link going to some other server's page.

There are so many people that setup a server, put up a default flux control panel (with or without template) and just post a server listing.  Problem is no client download, no forum/facebook link as contact/support, no server info such as rates.  Nobody can play it.  Sigh ...   


Yeah, a couple of servers have been using that website template, made by Kamishi's team. It is offered for free on rAthena and RMS in their Paid Services thread.

Sadly, FluxCP doesn't offer a form to fill out in terms of navigation bar links >< - May help a few others if there is such a form.
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I find it worse that Vcry made a server update and still have the same header on the website with "Server will open on May 25, 2013".

And lol, I just noticed this:

@JoyRO website, in the bottom:
QuoteFree Design by, KamiShi, ArkReika.
@VcryRO website, in the bottom:
QuoteCopyright © 2013, Vcry Ragnarok Online. All Rights Reserved.
I just made the topic change to a Rant & Rave topic with my post, go me :(


Oh, i see.
So Sorry to JoyRo to think about stealing.


Actually, VcryRO is claiming the work of someone else as their own which is even worse imo even if I know that the template made by Drawmove, KamiShi and ArReika has this at their code:
<!-- DrawMove copyright, we appreciate if you keep it, but there's no obligation. :D -->
  Free Design by <strong><a href="">[url=][/url]</a></strong>, KamiShi, ArkReika.
<!-- Drawmove Copyright End -->

One thing is to not post it, another is to claim the work of others as 100% yours :\ I can see that probably someone edited the template but claiming the entire work as their own ...