the biggest reason not to join talonRO!

Started by Thoth, Jun 08, 2013, 01:58 AM

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so I'm looking at this server, talonro, with 1600 players online  /omg and looking through features
nerfed mvp cards for everyone? sounds a bit wierd, but hey, it could work.

Maya Purple: Detect hidden enemies. Unable to move while wearing this item. huh, ok thats interesting
Garm: DEF + 10. ok that could become op if you upgrade enough...
Fallen Bishop Hibram: Add a 100% chance of auto casting Level 2 Magic Mirror when the user receives Magical Damage. thats an odd direction to take it.
GTB is unchanged. wtf %$#$@$!

are you s*** me? the strongest mvp card of them all, that makes entire classes unplayable, hasnt been nerfed? can they really be serious? are they really that stupid, or did someone just forget to update their wiki? goddamn seriously... *RAGE* *RAGE* *RAGE*

(if they made it only give dispell immunity and still take full dmg from magic, it would still be awesome)


Hello, they have vanilla WoE/PvP where mvp cards and most custom items are disabled.

Also, if people wear gtb 24/7 in unrestricted woe/pvp, have fun tanking other classes' attacks.


I thought the biggest reason not to join TalonRO is that it's fairly shameless in how it'd really like you to buy some TalonCoins.  Look at the Toad Card: it's a better Thara Frog now.  On a Miniboss.  It'll be a pain in the donkey to farm for it, but certainly you could... speed things up?

Even the server when you first join it gives you a "sample" of MVP cards in action and how great they are and oh you can get them with TalonCoins!!!

The Vanilla WoE isn't vanilla because a bunch of vanilla items and cards that would otherwise be acceptable have been changed, which unfortunately means they're out.  This includes such custom items as "Milk", because they changed its weight.  There are a ton of very easy ways to change this to get the desired effect without any of the downsides, but I don't imagine TalonRO is very on the ball with game design in general, so that probably isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Edit: In before Talon staff shows up to post about how much they don't care.


Ohai RoseTea, you again.

Ontopic: there indeed have been many discussions about this card on our forums. But in the end, majority of the people prefer it the way it is. It would indeed be insanely overpowered on a normal server where MVP cards are not all around. But on TalonRO, if you wear a GTB, you may be immune to magic but it gives you an insane disadvantage in terms of physical damage. With higher ASPD rates and damage output in general, not wearing a Toad/Thara card in WoE/PvP means you are extremely vulnerable. Plus, you can't heal or buff yourself, of course. It's a strange way of making things work, but it works. And like Latin said, you can of course join Vanilla WoE/PvP.


It's always been beyond me how anyone can spend more than 10 minutes on that server, it's such a total waste of time.

If you find the MvP cards funny, just look at the SQI (which are like godlikes), it's like they added the most random effects to the items just to make them seem strong.
That server is a joke in general, I don't get why people don't move on to real pre-RE servers.


Quote from: DeePee on Jun 08, 2013, 02:43 AM
Ohai RoseTea, you again.
Hi!  I see you too managed to post within an hour of a TalonRO thread creation.  I won the race this time, though!

We're not so different, you and I.

Quote from: Regret on Jun 08, 2013, 02:45 AMIf you find the MvP cards funny, just look at the SQI (which are like godlikes), it's like they added the most random effects to the items just to make them seem strong.
What's interesting is that the SQIs aren't really that spectacular, and a number of the effects you can customize them with aren't really that exciting or even worthwhile on a typical item, much less something specifically designed to be God-King of Weapons you "work really hard" for.

I like the IDEA of them, and the idea of a customizable weapon is always ripe for interesting, meaningful decisions, but I don't think they were mathed out too well.


Quote from: RoseTea on Jun 08, 2013, 02:52 AM
We're not so different, you and I.

Difference being that I am a GM on the server and am supposed to handle topics about our server while you are someone who played on the server for two days and for some reason like to show up to bash it on every topic that pops up.

As for SQIs: those are always being tweaked. Some bonuses are not so much worth it, indeed! But hey, nothing's perfect. These less-useful bonuses will be tweaked and made into something more useful.


I play ninja and I still get past GTB in PvP and WoE, but it's also fun to get people to take their toad/thara off and watch any other class walk in and stomp them <:
Also, SQIs are strong but they're also quite hard to get~ gotta do seals (a set of difficult quests that involves fighting difficult bosses under different circumstances) and then get all the stuff to make them. Then possibly do seals some more to get 5 of the correct essence and then get the items to get your upgrades. It all balances quite nicely :3

And if the server really wanted you to buy all your TC pretty sure they would not be so easy to get via mini games and voting ;D I know someone who got 10 TC through the monster race minigame over just a few days because it was Minigame of the week.

But to each their own I guess~ Our play style is not for everyone, hopefully you find a server more suited to you!


Who cares if the server has random customs n' s***.  PvM can be played however you like, and they have Vanilla WoE which disables all those crazy stuff.  I just wish WoE supplies were easier to get and no asura delay.  But w/e, no other server is as active or as old as tRO.  Can't trust any server that isn't over 4-5 years old anymore.
Super Smash Brothers 64!



1) TalonCoins are fairly easy to get. ~3 in a week shouldn't be a problem without donating. It does not require you to spent any money. In this matter the server is way more fair than official one's, which do not offer you to get ALL the shop items through ingame ways.

2) GTB was not changed on above mentioned servers, why should it be on privates? 'Cuz you can get it through donation? Don't want to break it on you but so you can on official one's - without any in game way to get the card! It's not broken at all, you can find your way around it, especially since you do have the option to not play with MvP cards by just joining Vanilla.

Quote from: JudgementI just wish WoE supplies were easier to get and no asura delay.  But w/e, no other server is as active or as old as tRO.  Can't trust any server that isn't over 4-5 years old anymore.
Beg to differ.
AnesisRO anyone? Exactly as old as TalonRO.

However, yeah it's probably the only decent private server left out there, at least regarding the low rates (without 3rd Class).



Quote from: Midori on Jun 08, 2013, 01:40 PM
GTB was not changed on above mentioned servers, why should it be on privates?
You're asking why it should be changed on privates when it isn't on officials?  Why don't you ask the TalonRO staff that: they've seen willing to change every other MVP card out there, along with some regular mob cards.  It should be changed because our hands are not tied to Gravity's "official" whims, because we happen to be using an emulator that lets us change anything at all about the game that we please to edit, even down to the most core of the math, and because we should straight-up know better than to let such a blatant class-nullifier go through.

It's curious the go-to answer to the MVP Card/GTB "problem" is to play the game mode that doesn't have them at all.


In Anesis, GTB isn't changed and they seem to do just fine.
Also, Anesis is older than Talon.

Fruit Pie~

Quote from: SukiChii on Jun 08, 2013, 04:45 PM
In Anesis, GTB isn't changed and they seem to do just fine.
Also, Anesis is older than Talon.

Huh. Checked Anesis. That is quite literally the same card changelog as TalonRO (save the fact that Maya P doesn't turn you into Starcraft anti-air defenses). They even have Vanilla WoE!

I'm slightly confused! Which is the actual sequel to Anima/Anthem/whatever? I'm leaning towards Anesis since it seems to be worse than Talon in every possible way and starts with "An".

Also, I've always figured the issue with Talon's card changes is that they make the game less interesting. LK Seyren is a fun card! SinX Eremes too, and Ifrit! Not very powerful, but they're useful and lead to some cool gimmick builds. GTB isn't a very interesting card, it's just powerful. In fact, given infinite GTBs, a third of the game's classes are rendered useless from word go and any precasting mechanics go right out the window, which takes away variety from PVP.

So let's make LK, SinX and Ifrit boring, just like GTB (but not as powerful). We got this!


AnimaRO -> NewAnimaRO (?) and TalonRO

NewAnimaRO -> AnthemRO -> AnimusRO -> AnesisRO
TalonRO -> TalonRO


I swapped from aRO to tRO cus' the GMs were lazy as f*** and weren't making much changes until recently.  I guess I should've used and instead of or.

And seriously, VANILLA WOE.  Who cares if those things look boring in paper for the unrestricted part of the game.  You can choose to not get the gears for PvM (similiar to not going after the godgears in RPGs) and unres WoE is still playable.

People are suggesting you guys play the other type because it seems like you guys just don't like those customs enough to even try it (a lot of people don't).  Vanilla is there for the people who hate those customs in WoE.  Also GTB isn't even that strong in this server because on top of replacing the thara/toad slot there's the power ups in damage some classes get from those SQIs.
Super Smash Brothers 64!