
Started by chrisg, May 25, 2023, 03:21 PM

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When you talk about the primary GM, Fluxion, being unpredictable, this screenshot is exactly what we are talking about.

"No explanation of any kind needs to be given", is a terrible approach to community building. If you suddenly change rules so that you can ban players as a knee-jerk reaction to an issue -- you should probably not be in a position where you interact with your community / server population.

Please hire a Community Manager. The server deserves better than you can provide.


A player has been banned for breaking server rules.

After several warnings, the sanction has been applied
Because you try to justify yourself with screenshots, i will give screenshots too.
People who do not have the context can then make their own opinion.


Perfect, I love that you added the photos.

Let's break this down:

The announcement was put out that anyone discussing "dead server" opinions in #main (a server-wide channel for all discussions) or as a party-name (a public-facing suffix to your name). Nowhere in your post does it say that players discussing an opinion in proximity chat or private messages could be banned.

Based on the evidence provided: you specifically sought out a message in proximity chat between players --> for the purpose of banning a player as the message was not in a main channel.

Right now based on the posted, "How to make a failed ro-pserver" thread -- you are at step 13.


QuoteStep Thirteen
Ban the people who play

Well, maybe the reason your community isn't growing is because the few people who actually play on your server are a bunch of cheaters, or jerks! Ban them. Make up silly rules that you don't post anywhere. Ask your cousin who only knows Python to mess with the client and make an "anti-hack" system.

I guess in our case we need you to ask your Cousin that knows how to build and run a community.


totally normal rule and not an emotional GM lashing out  /ok


It doesn't take long when looking through his chat history on Discord to find gems like this: How he moderated a misunderstanding between players very early on:

Anyone who disagrees with Fluxion is always receiving these aggressive remarks.

You can see this behavior as early as December of last year and it has only gotten worse the longer the server has been up.




I appreciate your time to write a response Tern, however I think you may have misunderstood some things.

QuoteI thought to stay away, but my conscience does not allow me to silently look at what is happening. And there is an attack on the server and a brazen forgery of facts. I repeat: impudent, unscrupulous, shameless forgery of facts. The person who created the topic takes the phrases out of context twice and tries to present the GM server as bad, and I will show the context: one of the server players in the discord wrote to the other that he is a dog and barking as a dog (screenshot attached), to which he received an adequate and only possible answer from the GM in such a situation. But the creator of the topic deliberately cropped the screenshot so that it was not visible to show that the GM throws such threats "just like that."

I have attached the complete conversation above. So the player (AkoSiJim5) was insulted (being called Peenoise), and called people a dog back. This was entirely a misunderstanding and everyone apologized. After all that happened, Fluxion (the GM) essentially called them toxic and a retard. Another player disagreed with him in support of the person and quickly started getting wrath back from Fluxion. This is all there in the full screenshot.

I don't know the banned player, I could not care less if they are banned, but how they were banned is the issue. I did not see anyone asking for them to be unbanned. They do deserve to be punished in some way, even if they didn't strictly fall foul of the rule by posting in public chat. The actual issue is the rule to perma ban someone for typing something is extremely authoritarian. Perma bans should be saved for macros/cheaters/RMT etc. Imagine that you invested into a server for half a year and you can get permanently banned for saying something so non-offensive. You will even get a perma ban for mentioning old RO servers that don't exist any more (yes this is a rule...).

People honestly fear interacting with Fluxion, even posting suggestions because of his response. Genuinely good suggestions and quality of life improvements are denied (without reason) because Fluxion doesn't consider it a community, he considers it "his server". I am genuinely concerned about the longevity of the server, every day I wonder if Fluxion might just flip out over something trivial and turn the server off.

I appreciate you are heavily invested in the server Tern, as are many people, but Fluxion's actions are often indefensible. He does not take responsibility for his mistakes or learn from them, only blames others and the community. His response to the review bombing is simply that the reviewers must be in cahoots with the banned player, therefore he can ignore everything they said. He does not seek to address any of the issues raised by anyone there, here, or on Discord. This is the problem and why I am concerned for the server.




Let's make something completely clear:

If we introduce ourselves here our in-game characters will receive bans for new rules Fluxion will suddenly make. Just because the largest guild on the server has decided to leave does not mean that everyone has. In fact, asking for a community manager only benefits me if I stay

There's an explicit reason we are choosing to use a public forum that can't be moderated directly by Fluxion in order to open this topic further.

Side note: The longevity of your posts do not increase their legitimacy. Let's keep discussions to the point.

Clarence Parents

Hello everyone reading this,

Tern, You can keep writing paragraphs and even a book, but you know you're wrong and you know how Flux treats people and/or their suggestions. I would send you screenshots but you are on Discord and of course, you can read it yourself. :)
"And you constantly demand that the administration return the pleasure of the game to you."  - The admin does nothing, no method. I was here for 6 months and nothing happened. The only thing that happened was the way he implanted the last UPDATE [which was surprisingly bad even for Flux] and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'd rather you not respond here with nonsense and paragraphs.
(And no, I didn't read what you wrote, but I can assume what you claim from my acquaintance with you.)
Oh, and please stop ruining the server's economy @Tern. that would help the server.

- I just want to warn people before they join to expect a dictator


Hey. Ignite here. I do not have the energy or way with words that Tern has, so I'll keep it short.

He is completely right. The person that made this post in dishonest in the way he created the post. The GM made an official post on Discord and then you complain when you got punished the exact way the GM told he was going to. Let's be grown ups and face the repercutions of our own actions, yes?

To the guild: Grow up. If you threat in any way to leave bad reviews and complain like little children then good riddence. Your member broke the rules, and he got punished, that is all.

To the over all Flux critizism: He is only human, and he is doing his best. And he has a passion for this game and this project which really gives him some leeway. He is French though... haha jkjk. =)

What a silly retaliation post. No real arguments at all.


Hey I G N I T E, this you?

The people who don't care how their actions or words affect other people would never feel the need to keep track of anything. That's why you never do. It is also why Fluxion failed to provide evidence he had himself for the Ban issue since at no point would he feel that someone could possibly question his actions. Hiding things and banning anyone asking has always been his game-plan from the start for these issues and it has finally hit an undeniable, indefensible head.

I also really appreciate you helping bump this topic so it stays visible to everyone. Please continue supporting our cause to have a real Server Manager added to the team.

PS: It may be time to take your own advice sweetie.


Quote from: chrisg on May 26, 2023, 04:24 PM
Hey I G N I T E, this you?

The people who don't care how their actions or words affect other people would never feel the need to keep track of anything. That's why you never do. It is also why Fluxion failed to provide evidence he had himself for the Ban issue since at no point would he feel that someone could possibly question his actions. Hiding things and banning anyone asking has always been his game-plan from the start for these issues and it has finally hit an undeniable, indefensible head.

I also really appreciate you helping bump this topic so it stays visible to everyone. Please continue supporting our cause to have a real Server Manager added to the team.

PS: It may be time to take your own advice sweetie.

Imagine looking at the general discord log and select the perfect out of context post to prove a point and doesn't need to be proven at all because it has nothing to do with the post.
I don't know who you are in game. I've probably never interacted with you but that is ok. You are just a sore loser that got mad because you got the ban hammer. Rules are rules. It is a private server, no one pays a subscription, you get what you get.