
Started by jesh462, Feb 20, 2011, 02:05 PM

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My main complain with regal is that stuff is always broken. For everyone. When I first joined it was the player cap. You'd have to login a dozen times hoping to catch someone just logging out or swapping to another character.
That got fixed eventually, after the course of a week maybe. Then it was quitting to the desktop. Randomly RO would close upon warping to the main town. This still hasn't been resolved despite promises to do so.
Another problem is people unable to get the patcher to work. Some people never do and have to manually download grfs etc in order to get on the server.
The server's own customs can cause errors depending on the player's setup.
Now today there was a bug that wiped out all storage.
This includes mvp cards etc.

This brings me to another point. The donation system. Yeah you can get a few select items that compare to donates by voting, if you vote or 5 servers 60 times. This could take a month if you never miss a day or a lot longer if you don't. Your only other option is trying to hunt mvps over and over in hopes you'll get a card that a player that bought donates needs. Forget about actually buying anything. One piece of equipment will set you back twenty bucks. And it might get wiped from storage.  lol

Look at the donation list yourself in the cp if you like. Even with donates supposedly available to non donators, a huge gap has been created between players competitively.

The GMs never have enough time to fix all the issues. The server is restarted at least 6 times a day. I'm done trying to put up with it just so I can play RO. Playing RO or me shouldn't be a trial in patience and waiting for bug fixes. If you can deal with that then by all means sign up for this server.
That's all.  :( I feel a little better now. Off to find something better.


You do you have your reason to rant.  Going to the Regal RO website/cp doesn't tell me this much at least.  There's 52 online (or some vendors?), how can it be playable with so many problems.  

I can only think of it is either the owner is trying his best to fix the problems but is lacking the time and skills.  Or the staff don't care anymore.  You lead me to think the owner is trying, initially at least.  Maybe step back move away and come back again some time later when things settles.


It is always advised to download kRO and Ragnarok Renewal and patch it. I honestly never had a problem (sprite-wise, map-wise) on Regal RO, except for the random crashes on the old Main Town, which was changed.

The player cap was a host problem, and the admin took action immediately, filing a support ticket. And it was solved after 2 days.

The GMs and players always provide solutions in the forums if new players are having problem running the patcher/exe. (I.G. Anti-Viruses, Firewalls, Windows 7 Compatibility crap).

The storage bug (which was almost a month ago), I believe was caused by a src error. And apparently we're lucky the admin caught it before it wiped the player's inventories and carts. After that MVP card drop rates we're doubled, frequent poring events/GM events and all donation items/customs/rebirth items/cards/etc were returned. And I believe you refused to take yours back and just quitted (source: your girlfriend GM Aineko).

Donations, I don't really have a say on this. I believe this depends on a player's PoV or taste. But these items are very easy to acquire. Reaching Rebirth 10 (+4k stats) will give you a donate item of choice. Voting may take 1 month, but the admin implemented Hunting Missions where you can get 25 Vote for Points easily. And the admin often gives donation items as prizes on events (one lucky newbie actually got a set, lucky bastard).

The GM team is actually improving and they're starting to add more quests and other stuff to do in the server. They're already fixing items/bugs/npcs, and I believe the admin and co-admin are teaching the other GMs how to script and such, so they'll be useful.

The only thing I don't like in the server are ugly sprites. Which is pretty common in High Rate servers.

And this is coming from a mere player of the server.

Thank you for playing Regal RO.


The admin didn't include the vendors on the Control Panel count. So I believe w/e number you see in the Control Panel is the live number of players on.


Quote from: Cherry Poppins on Mar 13, 2011, 01:13 AM

The admin didn't include the vendors on the Control Panel count. So I believe w/e number you see in the Control Panel is the live number of players on.

If that is the case, that impresses me.  You know these days even keeping a normal number of vendors is good practice, I can't stand server artificially inflate the player count with vendors of their own.


Well, he has that admin pride. xD

Only thing I want to rant about is...

One of the GMs. He's the admin's foul-mouthed cousin.

There are tons of reports being received in the forums and in-game towards his sucky attitude and blatant racism towards pinoys/black people.

And a week ago he was banned for spawning LHZ MVPs, caught on the act by a co-admin and the head GM. And his ban got extended because one of the players said that he has 9999999 cash points (aka Vote Points) on his GM account, and apparently, this is true. I cannot provide any screenshots but for sure the GMs can, I just happen to be around when the Co-Admin was venting.

And now he's running around freely again, unbanned a few days early.

I dislike it when things like these are getting overlooked at.

Chemical Crush

Wtf he got unbanned early? I'd keep him banned, forever, why would you want that kinda GM runnin around on your server?  Obvious corruption where @commands are concerned and obvious bad attitude, they really need to rethink who they hire as a GM.  I dont care who he's related to.


Well, he's banned now permanently.

Hah, hopefully he won't come back.



Even if the GM is in a bad mood, there should be some boundaries of what he/she cannot say XD. Cash points on a GM account is alright as long as the GM doesn't buy anything and give them to favoured players (or give points to players him/herself). But yeah, that GM should fix his attitude or don't be a GM--it'll be bad for the server.

Good for you and the other players, Cherry ^^.
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