Project alfheim server stabilities, never fixed for months.

Started by betwixtbetween, Mar 05, 2023, 07:26 PM

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Project Alfheim has been dealing this server issues for months now without any fix. They claim every patch the lag spikes and disconnects that brings the server down would be fixed but time and time again they just get brushed off.

But this week was different, the server down that was plaguing the server happened during woe.
Even the admin was streaming it!

Downtime was almost a day, then it happened just a few minutes ago again.

Months of promises of fix and stability, nothing happened. Endless alibis. I still wonder why people give money to this server.


"I still wonder why people give money to this server."  /heh

because its a good server. its been having lag issues lately but great current and upcoming contents. sounds like youre just mad because you cant play right now while theyre doing maintenance.

"I still wonder why people give money to this server."  /heh

yet here you are, too invested, writing butthurt reviews. dont worry youll be able to play soon kid

P.S. your screenshots looks like theyre doing things to fix it and not just "getting brushed off", so that doesnt support your arguement well


If you read the screenshots without charlie's nuts in your mouth you'll see the crashes have been going on for months and clearly never fixed.

Even he admitted it in his stream that they don't know how to fix it.

But I'm sure he's very grateful with all the money you're throwing at him.


if you also read it and try to understand it without your own nuts in your own mouth, youll see that theyre doing something about it. is it taking a while? yes. but to say its bRusHed oFf herp derp is just wrong..
and again, youre too invested kid. only allowed to play vidya gemes by your mom on weekends? too madge that the server went down when you dont have classes? sad. it happens


How about you give project alfheim admin some accountability instead sucking their nuts dry.

Charlie doesn't even have to post here to defend his mess of a server. You're doing all the PR work for them for free!


you like to bring up nuts a lot dont ya /heh ok then, you do you, no judgement here /heh

because youre making it seem like it happens all the time, forever. no, it happens sometimes. lag is constant for a few weeks now. but not enough for me to complain and rant about a free server.
if things doesnt change, people will quit. so yes theyre already accountable.
charlie doesnt even have to post here coz hes busy fixing the server so entitled cry babies like you can play your favorite server /no1


This is rant and rave, it seems appropriate to post what's happening in alfheim in this forum. You on the other hand are mindlessly defending them for no reason. Are you Alfheim staff? Why do you even care about this.

You seem so defensive that you attacked me right away in your first reply. It's not like I murdered your family or anything. I was being critical (deservedly so) about the stability of Alfheim then you start being all defensive about it.


It is great that he admits it was a server crash; many servers I know will claim it was a DDoS attack. And, from past experience, server crashes are difficult to resolve. When you fix one problem, another one appears, which is why I ran SolaceRO in GDB when it was still up, so that if the server crashes, I will know why.

As a player, I understand how frustrating it is, but new servers, particularly this one, will have issues at first. I do not think it is a problem as long as he communicates about it and sets the right expectations.

The OP is not wrong for posting; as a player (customer), he has the right to complain about the service. However, it should have been more objective by posting the number of days it was down, as well as the time between the last downtime and the most recent one, so that it is more credible that it occurs frequently and is not just a form of exaggeration.
solacero rip


Quote from: Neffletics on Mar 06, 2023, 11:53 AM
It is great that he admits it was a server crash; many servers I know will claim it was a DDoS attack. And, from past experience, server crashes are difficult to resolve. When you fix one problem, another one appears.

Adding to this: more custom source code, more crashes. Servers that just run straight from rAthena with minimal changes to only NPCs, items, and conf settings won't have nearly as many crashes as servers making tons of changes to the source code. Consider also that most server owners/devs are very amateur and probably don't work as a dev as their profession IRL.

It's definitely frustrating to have the server be down for such a long time, but at the very least transparent communication is going. It's a server crash, they aren't professionals, they can't figure it out, and they are doing their best. Without hiring someone else to come in and fix it, I'm not sure what else you can do.

Quote from: Neffletics on Mar 06, 2023, 11:53 AM
which is why I ran SolaceRO in GDB when it was still up, so that if the server crashes, I will know why.
This definitely helps and I hope they are at least doing this already lol. Sometimes it is more tricky to solve though.


Update, server issues are still happening. New players beware!


Another update: Server died again! No one was online!