Lapaco mod from Project Alfheim

Started by Kushiro, Oct 05, 2023, 02:02 PM

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Let me tell you that you are a f*** clown.

You mute me for 24 hours when I defend myself from a person that is putting words in my mouth.

This is the whole conversation you inbreed:

This piece of garbage is putting words on my mouth and just because I made him accountable for what he is doing I'm muted? GET THE f*** OUTA HERE CLOWN.

He knows fully what he is doing , he was so embarrassed that he blocked me because he couldn't quote me saying what he said I was saying, he knows it and I am being muted for defending myself because someone else puts words in my mouth?

You are a clown, oh and you can ban me if you want, I can make another account just fine, I don't give a s***, you think I will actually endure your 24 hour ban? LMAO, clown.


Bro you've been complaining about every server you play for the past week. Take a break.


Dude only said "chill out. Or I'll chill you out" and "See you tomorrow". You get offended by that? Try to manage your emotion better.
PS. When everyone is against you, we can clearly see who is the problem there.


Quote from: Names on Oct 05, 2023, 05:10 PMBro you've been complaining about every server you play for the past week. Take a break.

False equivalence fallacy:

  • I made a post about UARO because I have been informed that they don't enforce the "No multi account policy" specially on their biggest donators, I don't play on that server, I made some low level chars but the server is basically a bad copy of project Alfheim and the only thing they had over it "No multi account" isn't even enforced.
  • I added a REPLY to the Payon stories/Oath RO situation, never played on that server at all because it is even worse than UARO they have multiple bad practices and multiple red flags.
  • I made this post about a moderator of a discord of P. Alfheim, I didn't made a post (recently at least) to say anything about the server, I just don't agree with that imbecile moderator, I do play in P.Alfheim but I haven't been very active lately because I'm burned of RO.

The conclusion is: I am not making posts complaining of every server I play becuase of the servers I made posts of I don't play them, I only made some low level characeters a few weeks ago in UARO before even knowing that they don't enforce their no multi account policy and even back then I wasn't really motivated because it is just a bad P.Alfheim server. And in the case of Payon stories It isn't even a post is a reply to an existin post.

I do play in P.Alfheim but I'm not complaining about the server but about a stupid af moderator and this is why I put the post in the "Rant and rave" section not on the "server discussion" section because this is just a rant about a discord moderator not about a server.

That is why this is a false equivallence fallacy, each case is not remotely the same thing.


Quote from: Iamyourfriend on Oct 05, 2023, 06:03 PMYeah, a permanent one.  Imagine not having the mental capacity to handle a single RO server. Lol what a loser.

First of all a permanent what? a perma ban on the discord? go ahead, that account is already not in use, I don't give a f***, the moment you ban one I have already 5 or 6 on the same server.

Secondly you are using Adhominem fallacy litterally just attacking and insulting me, thats not an argument and in fact it makes you a loser because nobody wins a debate or discussion with petty insults.


Quote from: sate on Oct 05, 2023, 06:14 PMDude only said "chill out. Or I'll chill you out" and "See you tomorrow". You get offended by that? Try to manage your emotion better.
PS. When everyone is against you, we can clearly see who is the problem there.

First of all what bothers me is that defending myself from someone putting words in my mouth grants me a 24 hours mute and that person putting words in my mouth gets a free pass, IRL you can actually have a case for defamation against someone doing that, granted it is a more complicated question but I believe a moderator should not allow someone to put words in someone else mouth and not punish the person defending himself. It's not about being offended it's about an injustice.

You say: "PS. When everyone is against you, we can clearly see who is the problem there"

Thats an adpopullum fallacy, the majority is not always right, in fact it is more plausible that they are wrong because the majority tend to follow, not many people have unique thoughts or personal criteria, most people just go with the herd or what their in turn "leader" (shepherd) says, facts are not a democracy, and even if as you say (without even showing numbers to prove your statement) the "majority" is against me it doesn't matter because that just means the majority is wrong.


It's like I'm taking a class in Politics, Philosophy or some sorts...
From what I can see, the people at the discord didn't put words in your mouth, I don't know how you come to that conclusion. Making that small friction as something of an injustice or even a defamation is borderline ridiculous IMO. You insult the said person as "inbreed", "a piece of garbage", and "clown" in a public platform, isn't that also a defamation on your case? Let's not dawdle on this, put this to rest and move on. Oh, I'm not going to involve myself anymore in this ridiculous banter. Good day :)


You just know he's posting while tabbing back and forth to lol


If 3k is too much for 30 mins of endow, and you won't use an elemental weapon, I'm sure that the hats would be too hard for you to make too - so maybe post about that next.

I'll save you the alt-tab, I just posted a slippery slope fallacy.
Quote from: Aurus on Feb 13, 2024, 07:44 PMp.s. you are such a bad and toxic player I hope to never see you or your guild again


Quote from: sate on Oct 05, 2023, 07:28 PMIt's like I'm taking a class in Politics, Philosophy or some sorts...
From what I can see, the people at the discord didn't put words in your mouth

Either you didn't read the screenshots or you are not understanding because you are either too lazy to read, too stupid or too damn evil.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are too lazy or too stupid so I will explain to you:

There you go, read the before and after images, never said that, my only argument was that it wasn't as easy and sometimes the endow materials are scarse, somehow that equate me saying I want something for free, whcih isn't true, why would I need something for free anyway if I am millionare ingame, I was just expressing myself without expecting anything from anybody and somehow that was twisted like I was asking for free s*** and even when pointing out I never said that this evil person acted as a victim as if I am doing something bad because I don't appreciate someone twisting my words into something I never said and acting as if I am the toxic person just because I don't like people twisting my words, get the f*** outa here with that s*** (him, not you).


Quote from: Metan on Oct 05, 2023, 08:25 PMYou just know he's posting while tabbing back and forth to lol

Thinking that says more about you than about me, it is pure projection.

Oh and this is an appeal to ridicule fallacy.


Quote from: Xellie on Oct 05, 2023, 10:13 PMIf 3k is too much for 30 mins of endow, and you won't use an elemental weapon, I'm sure that the hats would be too hard for you to make too - so maybe post about that next.

I'll save you the alt-tab, I just posted a slippery slope fallacy.

It was never about the money, I was just expressing an opinion I wasn't making "activism" for getting something changed.

I'm millionare in game, it wasn't about me changing something I was just saying than an endow slave can be a bit of a problem not only because you actually have to level another character and making one of the most if not the most painful job quests in RO but also dealing with the possibility that the endow materials aren't available, it wasn't about the price but availibility of them because I remember I sometimes didn't saw all of them for sale specially wind ones.

Yeah I did mentioned the hats because I like their effects and I already own 2 of them so I want the other two to be available at some point and even if as you said I would be so "lazy" to make them I would just buy them.

Again I wasn't making activism, or a stand or some s*** I was just saying that making an endow slave can carry some inconvinience that for some it maybe not much for for others could be a bit much, also was more talking about new players not about people that already have 30 characters and millions in zenny.


Quote from: Kushiro on Oct 05, 2023, 11:22 PMEither you didn't read the screenshots or you are not understanding because you are either too lazy to read, too stupid or to damn evil.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are too lazy or too stupid so I will explain to you:

I did not attack you at any point, I just pointed out my own opinion yet you dare to insult me as an evil person? Stupid is okay I guess, Lazy sure, but evil? C'mon man, that's going too far. A healthy discussion should not be accompanied with profanities yet all your arguments are all about insults and profanities. I see that you're not backing down so there is nothing more for me to discuss with you. Have a nice day.

Oh, btw...
Quote from: Kushiro on Oct 05, 2023, 06:42 PMSecondly you are using Adhominem fallacy litterally just attacking and insulting me, thats not an argument and in fact it makes you a loser because nobody wins a debate or discussion with petty insults.
I guess you are a loser too.


Quote from: sate on Oct 05, 2023, 11:39 PMI did not attack you at any point, I just pointed out my own opinion yet you dare to insult me as an evil person? Stupid is okay I guess, Lazy sure, but evil? C'mon man, that's going too far. A healthy discussion should not be accompanied with profanities yet all your arguments are all about insults and profanities. I see that you're not backing down so there is nothing more for me to discuss with you. Have a nice day.

I have to agree with you with you being too stupid because if you read my post I said: I will give you the benefit of the doubt about you being evil hence why I took the time to explain to you, even added a screenshot and edited it so it would be more easier to understand.

Read again.

About your edit about me being a loser, it doesn't apply, saying someone is stupid is actually a description of a behavior that shows lack of intelligence and it is perfectly valid to call someone stupid if they keep not understanding what you mean or missrepresenting what you say because of their lack of intelligence.



This is the cringest thing I think I've seen playing on this server and I've been trought alot. It is exactly the point that if you die 2 or 3 times in the period of 60 minutes you will use about 5 wind of verdure or whatver elemental stone you need and that is not more than 30k. a lvl 15 thief can farm 30k in a few minutes killing spores for strawberries or even selling sewer/ payon cave loot.

You keep calling it a falacy but this whole interaction is absurd and the fault lies in your hards OP. Your point was blatently wrong and people politely tried to argue with you and you went and became progressively toxic dying in a hill of idiocy.