Pokemon Ragnarok

Started by PokemonAscension, Apr 18, 2022, 01:28 PM

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Launch: April 27, 2022

Server Information:
Max level: 99 / 70
Max stats: 99
Max ASPD: 193
Rates: 1x
Gepard Shield 3.0
LGP Plugin
2019 Client

Pokemon System:

Pokemon have a full stats system along with a leveling and evolution system

Learnable TM System:

With 492 TM Skills added from Pokemon Games, players can teach Pokemon different skills to power them up

Elemental Types:

Pokemons complete type system has been imported into the server to ensure accuracy and balancing when it comes to Pokemon VS Pokemon events

PokemonNAV System:

Find and locate Pokemon using PokeNAV system. Using command @pokenav when you reach the correct map will utilize RO's navigation system and provide arrows to the location.

Pokemon Zones

While searching maps/farming, players can stumble upon Pokemon Zones which spawn specific Pokemon types. There are 18 zones total as there are 18 total Pokemon Types.

Pre-registration has now started, come join our growing community today!

99/70 | 1000+ Pokemon | Gym Leaders | Daily Instances | Random Options (All Items)