Ragnarok Travels! U.S-based, pre-re server. No multi-clienting, no cash rewards

Started by distilled1, Sep 02, 2020, 12:16 AM

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I feel honored and hyped to announce this well-needed breath of fresh air for the RO community called "Ragnarok Travels".
The server is not quite released yet, but it will be very soon. /no1
You can find the website here for more information and the date of opening: https://www.ragnaroktravels.com/
You can also join the discord server, which has been steadily growing more and more recently: https://discord.gg/bKnC3dt

There are too many positive aspects planned for this server for me to even bother listing, but you can read them all on the website. A few noteworthy ones are:
-The server will be based in the United States of America for once, allowing fantastic ping for North American players!
-Complete and total multi-clienting ban, giving players a real feeling of community. No more wondering if someone you run into is a slave or bot. It will be a real human.
-English language ONLY.
-No over-powered God items.
-No rewards for donating or voting what so ever!! A completely fair playing experience for everyone. No paying for any kind of advantage.
-No renewal (episodic progression, stopping before renewal).
-No game breaking/ruining commands or NPCs like @autoloot or job changers.
-Official like emulation that isn't run on rAthena or Hercules emulators.

Ready for a trip back in time to when RO was actually a good game? When it actually required fun social interactions and group play?
I know I am.... HYPED!