Revival of Ragnarok Online [The evolution of RO is here] (Opens July 1st, 2015!)

Started by Blinzer, Jun 24, 2015, 06:30 PM

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Revival of Ragnarok Online

Hello all, and welcome to the greatest revolution to the game known as Ragnarok Online. After months of effort, the server that is going to bring back a game once forgotten is finally beginning to take shape before our very eyes, unveiling a world unexplored for adventurers who seek the greatest of dangers and altitudes.

Landing links


Basic Server Info

Max Job: Trans 2nd Class
Max Base Level: 99
Max Job Level (Trans 1st): 70
Max Job Level (Trans 2nd): 255
Base Exp: ??x
Job Exp: ??x
Quest Exp: ??x
Item Drop Rate: ??x
Card Drop Rate: 25x
MVP Card Drop Rate: ??x
Max Aspd: 190
Instant Cast: 150 Dex
Languages Supported: English
Host: Dedicated, Stable, 99.9% uptime

Note: although the server has custom experience tables and drop tables, the overall feel will be between 5x and 25x for newcomers.


This server features a completely different take on the world of Ragnarok Online as we once knew it. By analyzing the depths of the game's limits and intuitivity, we have reconstructed the game on various levels to achieve a new level of balance, variety and customization previously unmatched.

Ragnarok has always been a very unique game of its kind, bringing mixing the speed of an FPS game with an extremely high skill cap and knowledge base, which has what kept people playing it for so many years. There really is no other game like it, but there has been one constant thing throughout all of these years: no server has ever had the courage to tackle any of the fundamental flaws of the game. Every server has copy pasted the same thing, added a few extra features to make the server seem "customized", and called it easy money; it's no surprise that all of these servers get ruined, dull, broken/unbalanced or corrupt all for the same reason. To break a similar cycle a great will is required, both from those playing the game and those making it. The will to find something greater, to seek answers, and to not be afraid to try.

The customizations of this server are on a different level than any customizations you have encountered thus far. In essence, the game will not feel different to a veteran ragnarok player because the qualities of Ragnarok that made the game good have been preserved; however, a veteran player of the game will be just as lost as any new player because of the vast amounts of new content and interactions in the game. In other words, I have created a new world for you to explore: a spiritual successor. This doesn't mean that a bunch of fancy custom monsters or items have been added on top like you're used to: it means what you already know is no longer there.

With no further ado, I present to you the result of months of work put into reworking the game:


- Cards:

+ Cards have been moved, changed, and many new card effects have been added to the game. A lot of cards in the current Ragnarok Online are counterintuitive: some are extremely powerful and easy to get, others are hard/rare to get and are weak. To top this off, most card abilities are not fitting with their monster counterpart. In what way does a frog look suited to resist the damage of demi human monsters? Why does a bug who is a thief AND takes damage from magic grant immunity to all magic damage? Why does a card from a monster as powerful as atroce or beelzebub do(arguably) nothing? Not anymore.

+ MVP Cards are no longer random. With a lot of MVP cards being extremely powerful and chased after, it can get quite frustrating to continously hunt them down with no results. By normalizing the rate of MVP cards, two goals are achieved: rarer MVP cards won't just appear out of nowhere and the flow of MVP cards will be constant throughout time. It's never fun when someone gets a lucky MVP card really early on in a server, and it completely shifts the balance for months to come.

- Equipment:

+ Equipment now drops from monsters which reflect its use and power. A lot of equipment drops are from seemingly random and unfitting monsters, similar to cards. I have moved the equipment around so that the power and type of your equipment more effectively represents what you've hunted.

+ Armor has been reworked to now grant class specific bonuses, mainly specializing in protection. Armor in the current Ragnarok Online is mainly used for two things: status effect resistance and stats. This is, needless to say, not the main job of an armor; an armor's job is to protect and facilitate its wearer, so I made it so they can accomplish said goal.
+ Garment has been reworked to now grant bonus resilience to races and elements. The primary use of garments up until this point has been to reduce damage: with the proxy fragment in the game, it has taken the throne over all other manteaus for protection. The role of the garment is fine, but I wanted to make it so different types of garments specialize in protecting their wearer from different types of things, and not just have one cloak to rule them all right off the bat.
+ Footgear no longer grants bonuses to health, but now grants different types of enhancements to movement related stats. Has anyone ever heard of boots that increase your health? Don't you ever wonder what the creators of RO were thinking when they decided it was a good idea to make it so that boots have the main role in increasing your vitality? The bonuses armors give is now a spiritual successor to the bonuses boots used to give, and now boots grant mobility bonuses of different kinds(as it should be).
+ Accessories are no longer the main source of additional stats, but instead provide utility of various kinds. Accessories have two main purposes in Ragnarok Online: to grant stats(AHEMdex) for ranged classes and to grant skills(sight, hiding, cloak) to melee classes. Seeing the potential in the ladder, we decided to shift accessories' role into granting additional skills to players, allowing more customization in builds. Accessories themselves now grant small bonuses of various kinds, and a few even have some special effects which will come in handy.
+ Shields now specialize in different kinds of damage reduction. Valkyrie shield has been the dominant shield in PvP because of its elemental reduction and overall utility. By tweaking and adjusting various types of shields, I have made it so shields have more overall potential in damage reduction so that a single shield doesn't dominate the field. To add on to this, more shields now grant bonuses to skills to help some classes improve the practicality of their skills.
+ Headgears are now vanity items and no longer grant bonuses. Headgears have been the main source for damage reduction in pvp since the beginning of time. By shifting over this damage reduction to shields, we can allow for headgears to have a more appropriate role. Headgears will now drop from the appropriate monsters at an extremely low percents, allowing you to show off to your friends the monsters you hunted with style. At the moment they are purely vanity(and provide slots for certain types of cards), but that may change as the game progresses.
+ Weapons have been reworked to specialize in certain types of power. Needless to say, combat knife has been the dominating force for a long time in the scene: by specializing other kinds of weapons, I'm looking to give more options for classes to take a more offensive stance so that the game isn't all about tanking things out.

Note: cards will now compound accordingly to follow this format.

- Potions

+ Potions have been shifted over to heal over time. Potions in the original ragnarok make the difference between night and day, but everyone can agree that nobody likes spamming potions 12 times a second to be optimal. It is redundant, and for this reason over the years potion bots have been created so that players no longer have to worry about such a pointless task which requires no skill. No more of this nonsense: potions will now heal the player over time so that players can focus on the part of the game which distinguishes the good from the great: movement, choosing ins and outs, clutch.


- Countless skills have been tweaked to increase class versatility(In particular, the less practical offensive skills have been tweaked to bring them closer to par with the more common skills).
- Cooldowns of most skills have been added, and delays have been removed(Closer to the older RO, but without the same skill spamming).
- Masteries are now more effective overall.
- Certain buffs are now less vulnerable to being removed by skills.
- Most of the luck factor in the game has been removed.
- A lot of buffs last longer and have been made more useful.

- Misc.

+ Many items have been moved and had their selling prices tweaked. One of the main issues with Ragnarok has always been that the nature of its selling prices eventually inflates the economy with billions, and it really creates this sense of worthlessness to zeny. In order to renew and create a strong and durable economy that can last, it was necessary to shift the buying and selling prices of items to give zeny a real value.

- Refinement System

+ Refining equipment now requires many different materials, including copies of the equipment. When you refine in Ragnarok, it really doesn't feel like you're adding anything to the equipment itself. It feels more along the lines of you playing a bingo(insert ball, win a prize!) because the material cost is so low other than the piece of equipment itself
+ Refining is no longer luck based. Don't you just hate it when your +8 keeps breaking? Following the new refinement system, you will never have to worry about losing the item you need to use next WoE again.


- Monsters have had their AI updated to be more challenging. In the current Ragnarok, kiting is the only way to deal with monsters because of their insane autoattack damage which provides no real way to be challenged, and there is little to no thought behind the way a monster acts. By making monsters more intelligent, it will provide a new and exciting challenge from a different direction for players to look forward to.
- A lot of MVP class monsters have had their power increased. MVPs have lost their title throughout the years: the feeling of an extremely powerful boss monster that you set out to defeat has now just become another grindfest. By improving their behaviour and strength, I am aiming to revive the feeling of fighting a boss monster.
- Monsters HP and difficulty now more accurately represent the experience you will gain. The places to efficiently level up in RO are limited, such to the point where people rarely level up outside of those 3 or 4 places. By increasing the experience of more difficult monsters, I want to encourage variety in levelling up, as well as reward players who have what it takes to fight the strongest monsters.
- Certain monsters have had their power increased. Following the experience increase, certain monsters are going to be too easy to farm for such high exp rates. By increasing the power of certain monsters, it will be more difficult to easily gain massive amounts of experience.


- HP has now been significantly increased for all classes through the use of new items. Following all of these modifications, overall damage potential has been significantly increased for both player and monster alike. By increasing the max health, we're looking to accomplish two goals: reduce the efficiency of potions by transferring it onto the base HP and increase the overall durability of a player in sticky situations.

- Player stats have gone up significantly. The new items and the nature of the skills grant a much higher potential to players than what was once allowed, and this applies to nearly every aspect. This means that the feeling of progression in the game will be much more real, while at the same creating a bigger gap between skilled players and average ones because of the high potential of a single character. This applies to all scenarios: PvM, PvP, GvG.


Although this covers the general changes behind the server, the number of changes are innumerable and I cannot post them all here. If you want more detailed information on what is going on with this server, please visit our forums. I also am creating spotlights so that players can see some of the changes from a more practical point of view, and will link them below as I make them.

High Wizard Spotlight:
Assassin Cross Spotlight:

"But how can you make so many drastic modifications to the game all in one go? Surely there will be a great imbalance!"

Fear not young adventurer, for some of the greatest of their time have gathered to test each and every one of these changes to assure the world of midgard is not thrown astray. Closed and open beta testing have already been completed, allowing me to see that the results greatly exceeded my expectations. This project has proven to all of us that the potential of the game we know as Ragnarok Online is much greater than what has been done with it.

Everything you knew about Ragnarok Online is now of the past. Do you have what it takes to rise from the ashes and stand above all?


Pre-register package

All pre-registers on our server will be greeted with a starter kit to help you adventure in this unexplored world. The starter kit features:

- A set of starter cards
- A set of starter equipment

You will also be granted a "Veteran" forum rank as proof that you were with us since the beginning.

Tell your friends and be rewarded!

We want this to be huge, so we want to encourage players to inform and invite their friends to play in this all new experience. If you help our server succeed we will be eternally grateful and will show our gratitude by rewarding you with equipment, cards and more! See our forums for more information on referral prizes.