Anyone from EternityRO?

Started by Akasuna, Aug 11, 2011, 07:23 PM

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I am playing at PureRO too. That server has a great potential for players who liked EternityRO. No customs aside from warper. I highly recommend it.

By the way, I am a former EternityRO player :)


purero has default mvp cards at 1x rates. if it survives long enough, it will die the instant someone gets gtb card
people should not copy eternityro but learn from it...


I don't think a single person having an MVP card will be a huge problem. GTB card also means that you can't be buffed or healed and you are probably pretty weak to physical attacks and status changes.

Also EternityRO didn't die because someone got a GTB card. The last time it died it was because of a staff member going a bit psycho.

Thoth, you are indicating that any server that actually has MVP cards will die once they drop. Are you indicating that to host a successful server, the cards should be removed from drops altogether? I wouldn't actually mind that honestly.


There are some former players from EternityRO that are gonna join EvolveRO (myself included).

By the way, saying that the server pretty much died when Sachi decided to go full mad is s***. I remember how things started to deteriorate when Amnesia + Sinergy left the server, and then a big part from the WoE community was enraged when Karei's "tweaks" went public. It wasn't so much about how he tried to regulate the economy, but by the crap he did with his WoE professor. That's not some minor manual change, it was very heavy. I don't remember who I was playing with (I think after Amnesia left I went with 3 other people to One Night Stand), but I remember very well that 2 or 3 guilds altogether were targetting Karei's professor (ofc no one knew it was him) who was potting Cold Medicine (which was not obtainable in the game, as you probably remember) and equipping gears with +4 (!) stat enchantement. When he realized the players weren't as dumb as he thought he closed the forums, posted some charts trying to make people believe his character was legit, etc.
Then Sachi came. While the server was only living from some events, Failboat and mostly pvm players, it "lasted" some months until s*** hit the fan.

Playtester, I don't think you ever participated in competitive WoE. If you didn't, please don't give an opinion about "manual corrections" in WoE.

One reason which quickly brings private low rate servers to die is that the admins and developers think they have an idea of the metagame, when in reality they are lacking it due to never having participated in competitive WoE. I don't judge anyone that plays for the casual, the social or even the hat collector (lol) aspects of the game, but every staff should have at least one person that is not only developer but also actually knows how the metagame works.


EternityROv3 survived for over a good year after those events, though.

I have no idea about WoE or PVP myself, but I've read Karei's explanations on it and they seemed reasonable to me. Also I think Karei knows a lot about WoE since he did a lot adjustments to it that were very welcome by players.


Yeah sure, you can say "lasted", but most of the players had already left. Of course there was still some thing going on with the pvm community, but from what I remember it wasn't that relevant anymore after a few months. It's a blurry term in my opinion, but I guess for the people that were still there the server wasn't "dead".

Quote from: Playtester on Apr 09, 2013, 09:31 AM
I have no idea about WoE or PVP myself, but I've read Karei's explanations on it and they seemed reasonable to me.
Well, that's the problem, they weren't reasonable. I'm not making this up. He tried to justify the survival of his professor with VIT/AD charts and some rough builds. When players still didn't believe him and Steve checked his logs, there was the stuff I already listed and probably more. He lied to the players and treated them like a bunch of stupid people.

Quote from: Playtester on Apr 09, 2013, 09:31 AMAlso I think Karei knows a lot about WoE since he did a lot adjustments to it that were very welcome by players.
Please refresh my memory because I can't remember any specific WoE adjustements that were welcome, except for offering BG consumables for WoE/PvP and increasing the drop rate of relevant cards and we know what that led to.

PS: I'm not saying Karei didn't know s*** of the metagame, otherwise he wouldn't have tried to do what he did. I'm saying that the vast majority of p-servers (I can only speak for low rates, since it's what I mostly played) out there are led by people that lack that background/knowledge.


Honestly, I didn't even play before that event occured, I joined in later. But for me that server had a stable 300-500 people population, many people loving to party up and two rivaling guilds fighting each other in every WoE. It was quite nice for me.

With Karei's decision on PVP I meant: Updated treasure box drops, BG consumables, HP modifications of all BG/WoE units (cades, emp, storages) to make them more balanced, etc.
I think all those were really welcome by everyone.

And yeah, Karei thinks everyone is stupid and he even writes books about it, and still, he both had the skill to accumulate a high playerbase that ended up with a stable 300~500 population even after the "magical first three months" and the skill to do some quite high-level adjustments (improved Harmony protection). Also he really knew well how to handle SVN, he designed the whole system so that he could get all the latest SVN updates without much additional work.

Certainly he isn't really all that great, but I still hardly see admins of which I really feel they actually can handle a server further than just checking out SVN from rA and then compiling and double-clicking the executable.


Quote from: Playtester on Apr 09, 2013, 12:02 PM
With Karei's decision on PVP I meant: Updated treasure box drops, BG consumables, HP modifications of all BG/WoE units (cades, emp, storages) to make them more balanced, etc.
I think all those were really welcome by everyone.
Such changes are cookie cutter. Bar Emperium/Cade HP, about every server out there modifies treasure boxes, as they're quite worthless otherwise.


Quote from: Playtester on Apr 06, 2013, 04:33 AM
Thoth, you are indicating that any server that actually has MVP cards will die once they drop. Are you indicating that to host a successful server, the cards should be removed from drops altogether? I wouldn't actually mind that honestly.
its not just the power of mvp cards that makes them poisonous- indeed half of them aren't that powerful at all. its also the rarity. if you have just power, then someone can compete with you by getting the same stupidly powerful item and going at your face to face. but with extreme rarity, they have to camp an mvp for months to do that... who the hell wants to do that? better just to find a server that doesn't have the mvp card! then the ones who have the cards are kings of a wasteland.
and then theres junk like gtb, which is so outrageous plenty of servers only have only disabled this one card.

I'm saying that you either have to completely remove the mvp cards, or greatly increase card drop while nerfing them to be only barely more desireable than regular cards (or an alternative to them). people will do alot for a 1% increase in power. the second option requires you understand game balance though and is alot more work.



Been like that for a couple of months now. Does anyone still believe anything Karei says?  /hmm


Well i have hope that someday someone will make an epic low rate like eternityRO was. Even with all the drama, best experience ever.


Definitely playing v4 if it ever comes out. I quit v3 way before all that drama happened so i have no clue what went down
Many server, Very play, Wow
mobRO,DiscoveryRO,AndzRO,ViciousRO,projectRO, eternityROv1/2/3, etc.


I would play the s*** out of a new eternityRO


Quote from: Sophia on Feb 24, 2014, 02:16 PM
I would play the s*** out of a new eternityRO
