Midgard Legends

Started by 2k2, Oct 22, 2023, 05:23 PM

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Can a moderator please look at this thread and do something about it? This thread might as well be renamed; "Slander and False accusations against p2w, the guild." 

This is seriously not okay.

I've been laying awake all night just feeling absolutely helpless. I think the only reason why these people are doing this is because of jealousy or because someone from p2w said something bad about them. Probably Reborn. And because of that, they are running this smear campaign.

Well guess what? Reborn doesn't represent the guild, okay? He's just one individual who happens to be a part of the group. You're going to hate the guild because of one person or because the guild is doing well?
STOP IT!  /x  /x  /x

If you have an issue with one Samsung employee, are you going to leave a 1-star review for their new smartphone? It's almost the same thing. It's ridiculous and I hope moderators do what is right here.
I am not associated with NovaRO.


Server's final statement:

Once again they're trying to paint the guild they protected so hard as good, while urging people not to believe in the stuff everyone has been posting and discussing for months, claiming it's all "carefully crafted lies".

[ADM]Cyberneko, I ask you, if this is all personal vendetta against you or your server, then can you explain why you allowed p2w members to nonstop attack everyone on Discord and in-game with racism, homophobia and distasteful jokes? Those are all against your ToS and all actual real life crimes too, by the way. Few replies back and there's a screenshot of you clearly protecting Reborn attacking brazillians while you literally muted/timed out 3 different brazillian users that didn't break any of your rules while letting Reborn go when he broke several in the past few minutes. How would you explain that as "carefully crafted lies" or "personal vendetta" or whatever?

Your server is dogsh*t just like your staff is and you're all a bunch of corrupt individuals that deserves no second chances ever. I hope other actual decent admins get many of the ideas or features your server had and implement it on theirs, with proper testing and rebalancing, because many were actually decent ideas that could work under the proper staff, implementation and community.

So long, exposed corrupt a$$hole.
Find me here:


Quote from: Nova on Dec 04, 2023, 11:53 AMCan a moderator please look at this thread and do something about it? This thread might as well be renamed; "Slander and False accusations against p2w, the guild." 

This is seriously not okay.

I've been laying awake all night just feeling absolutely helpless. I think the only reason why these people are doing this is because of jealousy or because someone from p2w said something bad about them. Probably Reborn. And because of that, they are running this smear campaign.

Well guess what? Reborn doesn't represent the guild, okay? He's just one individual who happens to be a part of the group. You're going to hate the guild because of one person or because the guild is doing well?
STOP IT!  /x  /x  /x

If you have an issue with one Samsung employee, are you going to leave a 1-star review for their new smartphone? It's almost the same thing. It's ridiculous and I hope moderators do what is right here.


I had to make an account just to reply to this. P2w members come in two flavors - socially defunct sun avoiders like Reborn, and feeble PR apologists like yourself.

If you don't think Reborn should represent your guild then kick him out. That is how you avoid these problems. As is, he and many others spend their days building the reputation you see for p2w in this and many, many other threads.



Quote from: Beholder on Dec 04, 2023, 12:08 PMIf you don't think Reborn should represent your guild then kick him out. That is how you avoid these problems.

Well said. If you look at the ML discord it's full of p2w members crying about how they "didn't do anything" and others accusing them unjustly. While nothing can be traced back to the guild leader himself, if they as a guild genuinely wanted to clean their hands and stop being complicit in the harassment of other players and various scandals, they would start kicking some of the high profile ones or try to lay some ground rules? I, unfortunately, also know several people bullied out of the RO scene by them.


From my view, the fault is with ML staff.

1. Poor testing and bug issues / exploits.

2. Not enough moderating of player behavior in game and on discord.

3. Not banning / blacklisting players with repeated behavior issues.


Quote from: Nova on Dec 04, 2023, 11:53 AMCan a moderator please look at this thread and do something about it? This thread might as well be renamed; "Slander and False accusations against p2w, the guild." 

This is seriously not okay.

I've been laying awake all night just feeling absolutely helpless. I think the only reason why these people are doing this is because of jealousy or because someone from p2w said something bad about them. Probably Reborn. And because of that, they are running this smear campaign.

Well guess what? Reborn doesn't represent the guild, okay? He's just one individual who happens to be a part of the group. You're going to hate the guild because of one person or because the guild is doing well?
STOP IT!  /x  /x  /x

If you have an issue with one Samsung employee, are you going to leave a 1-star review for their new smartphone? It's almost the same thing. It's ridiculous and I hope moderators do what is right here.

You're joking right? IF p2w was not taking part in any of these things you would think they would kick those that do or that claim/poke fun that they do. As they are well aware of the rep they have gained over the years, if they were really innocent you would think they would do some "in house' cleaning to help fix the issue at hand. But of course you don't see that, just to same big mouth players, same ugly behavior, caught doing the same bug abusing with every server they jump too.

P.s: To those that have talked with Reborn and think "Oh once you get to know the guy he's pretty nice" He loves to manipulate people, will talk about you behind your back, and figure out a why he can use you to his advantage. Enjoy being a puppet  /no1


Quote from: Shuchou on Dec 04, 2023, 02:15 PMYou're joking right? IF p2w was not taking part in any of these things you would think they would kick those that do or that claim/poke fun that they do. As they are well aware of the rep they have gained over the years, if they were really innocent you would think they would do some "in house' cleaning to help fix the issue at hand.

You are probably new if you think that's how they would operate lmao (or most guilds actually). From cheaters to literal pedophiles, anything is fine to have in the guild as long as you occasionally say "x does not represent our guild". /gg


It's impressive how Oathkeeper and more than half of the staff from ML reported suffering from mental health problems after having to deal with these people. I'm glad I listened to the warnings and didn't play there. If you look at a few of the messages in that discord you will understand how a small group of people can make a server unplayable with their attitude. There's no subscription model or legal protection for pserver players. Admins are free to kick this trash out of their server if it's to make it a tolerable experience for everyone else. In the end, ML refused to listen to any of the warnings and even defended them in their closing statement. It's at the very least highly suspicious they would watch their server burn down to the ground to protect these people.


Quote from: dahman on Dec 04, 2023, 01:15 PMplease dont stop those threads.

Worry not! There's still plenty of corruption to expose! This one should be EXTRA spicy too!

Quote from: Devastate on Dec 04, 2023, 01:20 PMFrom my view, the fault is with ML staff.
In the big scheme of things, yes. It was their fault... for being corrupt, protecting and being lenient with guilds or individuals. It was their fault to allow everything scalate this far when they had been warned since before the server launch (page 2 of this thread with the screenshots of the conversation between tl22 and the server's staff regarding the future of the server, bugs, and everything p2w would be doing).

P2w members truly are something else. They really believe their higher ups are clean and aren't drowned in the s*** of the RMT scene:

Also casually admitting their guild was like 1/2 of the server's total players.

This is their excuse for EVERYTHING Reborn does or say.

You read it right: they make a lot of racist comments and "internal jokes", even purposely sharing in the discord server seconds-long clips of them mocking and bad-naming people of color, asians or people living in third-world countries, but "it's all a joke, we're not really racists".

This shows that you should take whatever anyone from this guild/group says with a pinch of salt, as there's always an excuse or explanation for all the bad stuff they're constantly spilling everywhere, especially when they're called out for it. They're starting to reach fanaticism-levels of delusion and acting like a cult, despite everything shown here on this thread and many others over the years. Their RMT actitivies has been exposed for years but their newbie/lower guild members blindly believe in whatever their higher ups tells them.

Some more screenshots that surfaced about the duping, RMT and blatant bug abusing:

Yet the server staff kept claiming "it's hard/nearly impossible to track the RMT in the server, we only caught AppleGirl (who didn't RMT btw, he just bug exploitted A LOT)" and then tried to blame him for all the RMT that happened in the server.

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNxC317wqw0 - I downloaded the video for safety purposes and will reupload if ever taken down or made private.
(By the way, yC, please add embeds for YouTube links)

For those that never messed with/tested/are curious of the results of 100% damage resistance.

And this is how:

REMINDER: 3 years in development.

One of the server's (brazillian?) streamers had a last livestream mostly discussing about everything that happened, the corruption, the p2w involvement with the staff, corruption and RMT, the streamer team, the treatment and promises they got and about [ADM]Loki/Rebelo.

The viewer list was juicy: other Midgard Legends streamers (all sh*tting on the staff), Loki/Rebelo and apparently somebody else on his other account (2 different accounts of him and both were interacting: "MestreRebelo" and "RebelosPlanetGeek"), ataldaovelha (formerly known as "Sheep" by the brazillian WoE community) server owner of RagnaTales, ADM Ornestein from Project Return to Morroc, russians RMTers/exploitters, brazillian RMTers/exploitters, p2w RMTers/exploitters.

SOURCE: https://twitch.tv/saikyoba - still streaming, and still no past transmission VOD, thus I can't download the VOD to save it for safety purposes. I'll record the full time during this with the twitch chat included when he's done streaming.

[ADM]Loki/Rebelo: "I'm here for the drama! People think I'm mad about the server's end? Haha. I don't need RO private server money haha"

[ADM]Loki/Rebelo: "Until my last day as a staff, everything was on the track. I was surprised to know he "didn't know", when I have been talking to him for weeks regarding a monetary value for the streamers"

Here some users had been asking about the streamer pay drama roaming the brazillian community, and then some other streamers also decided to talk this out since now the server is dead: They promised some amount of money (+ a cut from donations using their code) for streamers in exchange for a minimum of total weekly streaming time but never actually paid them anything. Apparently, [ADM]Loki/Rebelo was the one in charge to handle the streamers and firmed the "contracts" with every single one of them, with [ADM]Cyberneko giving the pass with the numbers agreed. Since [ADM]Loki/Rebelo left before the first pay day, the streamers never received anything, but continued to work with the server in the hopes of someday getting paid. Since last week and the server's getting close to an end, the streamers had been pressuring the staff to pay what they're due, with the staff refusing to, claiming none of them filled the agreed minimum weekly time and that "no one used their donation code". One of the streamers, after A LOT of struggle, managed to receive only meres 10 US dollars for WEEKs (over 100 total hours) of work and then got kicked from the streamer team. [ADM]Cyberneko then contacted them and decided to pay them... except it wasn't in real money, he paid them with in-game cash points to spend on costumes, which was never agreed on in the first place.

[ADM]Loki/Rebelo and other streamers confirming to users they paid the streamers with in-game Cash.

Some streamers saying they feel cheated, and people telling them they should look for their rights.

[ADM]Loki/Rebelo claiming he was the one to expose the scam the streamers were falling in, with receipts and documents, and offers himself to help out any of the hurt streamers as he will provide them everything they need to take legal (lol?) actions against Midgard Legends/[ADM]Cyberneko.

[ADM]Loki/Rebelo saying he's on the streamers' side and the chat discussing about allowed RMT x not allowed RMT. Please just use your phone and Google Lens it for translation.

[ADM]Loki/Rebelo saying he helped "aamandamarcondes" (another brazillian streamer) get paid, he also says that [ADM]Cyberneko and [GM]Yuuf changed the program/agreement he made with the streamers without talking to him (while he was still in the server staff) or the streamers. "aamandamarcondes" says she warned the other streamers in the streamer's chat group to warn them about the scam.

This server is like a never-stop-sh*tting-a$$. The pile of sh*t keeps piling on and on. Seems like even more is surfacing now the server is finally in the grave.
Find me here:


Alright, seems like the video was already made private, so I'll be reuploading it and edit this post with a new link.


Here it is: https://youtu.be/YCD8995ByWU

Video of players mocking about the server having bugged enchanted on gears, allowing you to reach damage immunity to specific races or elements.

This explains how p2w has been able to do Bio3 MVPs in Badlands (pvp-flagged open map with pvp mechanics, small damage reduction and no teleport allowed) in the middle of a pvp havoc, tanking with ANY character, including 1/1 Novices.
Find me here:


I think ML made the same mistake Oathkeeper did. They allowed a permissive server and community culture. It's unhealthy and it usually does escalate.

If people acted that way on PS we would just warn/ban them. On occasion we get complaints that our moderating is 'too heavy', but the people that call this server home like the clean atmosphere we have created.


Quote from: Saika911 on Dec 04, 2023, 02:54 PMIt's impressive how Oathkeeper and more than half of the staff from ML reported suffering from mental health problems after having to deal with these people. I'm glad I listened to the warnings and didn't play there. If you look at a few of the messages in that discord you will understand how a small group of people can make a server unplayable with their attitude. There's no subscription model or legal protection for pserver players. Admins are free to kick this trash out of their server if it's to make it a tolerable experience for everyone else. In the end, ML refused to listen to any of the warnings and even defended them in their closing statement. It's at the very least highly suspicious they would watch their server burn down to the ground to protect these people.
You nailed it perfectly. Couldn't have said it any better. Probably the cleanest response and opinion/fact in this entire thread.

People love to joke around and make fun of the situation and some still think people are exaggerating or making up stuff. The reality is what matters, and the results are there to show what's real and what's not: you're correct in your statement that server's staffs of previous servers this guild played on all says they got mentally ill and needed to step out from the internet for some time and seek help after dealing with this guild. This is nothing to joke or laugh about. It's like they're the closest real thing to that common say "you gave me cancer", since everyone that handled them had mental health issues for some time after.

But at the end of the day, it's the servers staff's own fault to allow this situation to happen in the first place. This guild has been doing this for years already, they have a confirmed history and modus operandi, they're not changing or "playing by the rules" on your server or anything. They will do what they have always done and the only way for you to stop it (and save your own server and community), is to fully prevent them from playing your server by pre-emptively instantly ban them as soon as they create an account or join your discord. And even if they come up with VPN and aliases/fake accounts, they can't hide their nature and who they really act by just the way they act in-game, in competition and on discord, making it obvious and easy to track them.
Find me here:


Quote from: 2k2 on Dec 04, 2023, 02:58 PMHere it is: https://youtu.be/YCD8995ByWU
Video of players mocking about the server having bugged enchanted on gears, allowing you to reach damage immunity to specific races or elements.

LMAO. Sorry but that is too funny, dancer new best tank.

Quote from: Devastate on Dec 04, 2023, 03:04 PMblah blah Payon Stories shilling

Why do you Payon Stories GMs feel the need to always give your opinions on everything like you're some beacon of light in the RO community when you yourselves have one of the most active RMT markets, are simultaneously one of the most dead and infrequently updated servers, and also have the very same guild active and running around being menaces?


I wonder which server they are migrating this time. /heh


Quote from: 2k2 on Dec 04, 2023, 02:58 PM@EDIT:

Here it is: https://youtu.be/YCD8995ByWU

Video of players mocking about the server having bugged enchanted on gears, allowing you to reach damage immunity to specific races or elements.

Implementing random option feature on pre-renewal server is the worse bulls*** i ever seen.
Owner of Spirit Online