Suggestions for a Better, Stable, Working, Growing Server

Started by Yravonne, Mar 27, 2015, 05:13 AM

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Hello fellow Ragnarok Players. As an Old-Fashioned Ragnarok Player, I would like to ask you a question, or a bit more of a survey or both of them. Let's skip these introduction and move on.

As my birthday is getting near, and I do "HOPE" that someone will give me a server for free and let me handle it, before that "SERVER" will be given unto me, I would like to ask these questions, but before that, if you have any questions then I'll answer it first. There are some questions below that most likely people who are so "FLAME" Lovers would like to ask:

1. I don't have Suggestions to give so what are you going to do now?
- You may leave.

2. Why do you even want a Suggestions Running a Server?
- As a fellow Ragnarok Player, I pledged that I'll host a server that'll live for decade. So let's go straight to the point, I want your suggestions on my server so that it'll at least satisfy other players and might satisfy you if your "SUGGESTIONS" be heard or implemented. (Just because you gave a suggestions doesn't mean you'll automatically become a GM. No.)

3. Have you handled a Server before?
- To be honest, yes of course, but as soon as it opened it turned down. That's why I don't want to make the same mistake twice and I would like to make a "SUCCESSFUL" server through your "SUGGESTIONS".

4. Will we get credits if the server runs smoothly because of our suggestions?
- No, all credits will go to the server itself, so no one will take a credits but the server.

5. Do we get rewards if our suggestions work?
- Yes, all players who helped giving suggestions will be given a Token of Appreciation. - Token of Appreciation: A Token of Appreciation for the people who helped with the server. This is worth --- points -

6. If my suggestion works, will I become automatically a Game-Master?
- Stated from above, it's a no. You give suggestions because you are willing to help the server, and not for yourself.


So that's all, now for the suggestions and etc. Here are the things you need to suggest and other things you want to suggest.
If ever you want to suggest, please send a mail in my Google Account - [email protected] or if you don't have any Google Account you may freely leave me a message in my profile.
Once you suggest, I'll be sharing my suggestions on that server.
Higher experienced players, please do suggest too.
Thank you and enjoy suggesting!


What would you suggest:

Low Rate

Medium Rate

High Rate


Low Rate Server:

Things you want to suggest:

- Level
- Job (Transcendent or Non-Transcendent)
- Rates (Base/Job/Drop)
- Items (Customized or Without Custom items)
- Events
- Others


Medium Rate Server:

- Level
- Job (Transcendent or Non-Transcendent)
- Rates (Base/Job/Drop)
- Items (Customized or Without Custom Items)
- Events
- Others


High Rate Server:

- Level
- Job (Transcendent or Non-Transcendent)
- Rates (Base/Job/Drop)
- Items (Customized or Without Custom Items)
- Event
- Others


I would like to hear from you! Your suggestions, ideas, and plans are special to me!
Please, freely message me if you have suggestions! Thank you!

/no1 I would like to hear from you!


It doesn't matter whether it is low, mid or high, people have different opinions and you'll get bizarre suggestions if they will be responding to your thread. A long-lasting server depends on how you manage the community, how active you are and how you will advertise the server. Poor creativity is another factor that keeps the players away from your server. As a player, I always check the server's site, forum and how they create posters, when I see s*** posters with s*** choice of colors and fonts, I immediately closes the tab. Good luck on your server!
solacero rip


That is why I need some suggestions  /no1 to make a better server and fits everyone in it. However, about the rates, I have already chose the rates but I'm still in need for suggestions that fits in my server. Would you mind giving out suggestions? I would like to hear from you!



Most of the players today are into mid rate servers so lr or mr will do then spice it up with the features that you desire.
solacero rip


Oh yes, I already have ideas in my mind and new added features however, I still need some hot ideas, and plans  /no1

I love to hear from you! Share your ideas and plans with me!


Quote from: Yravonne on Mar 29, 2015, 03:06 AM
Oh yes, I already have ideas in my mind and new added features however, I still need some hot ideas, and plans  /no1

I love to hear from you! Share your ideas and plans with me!

Players usually gets bored after reaching the max level and getting decent equipment. You should implement something that will keep them occupied such as story line quest, fun events and other stuff that will promote teamwork and both newbies and veterans can participate :)
solacero rip


Yes, of course that is why "we" or uhmm... "I"? I don't know... That is why I need to hear from other people's needs, but overall, I have found some interesting things that might hit them up after reaching the max level.


Quote from: Yravonne on Mar 29, 2015, 09:51 AM
Yes, of course that is why "we" or uhmm... "I"? I don't know... That is why I need to hear from other people's needs, but overall, I have found some interesting things that might hit them up after reaching the max level.

As a player of different private servers, gathering quests are boring. So if you're thinking about adding tons of gathering quests then that's a bad idea.
solacero rip


I see, thank you! I'll be thinking more ideas for now.


1. do it for the love of RO, not money.

2. listen to genuine player suggestions.

3. make sure the server is free from bug exploits.

4. manage the economy.

5. a high population is key, so advertise your donkey off.


You want a server that will last a decade? You need to be prepared to stay active in your own community for however long you plan to keep the server (10 years lol). This means things like frequent updates, events, forum posts, etc. Go MIA for a few weeks and people start asking questions about the longevity of the server. Maybe you have IRL issues, but RO players don't understand that. They've had their hearts broken by too many servers in the past. Maybe after showing a year's worth of constant activity you can give yourself a small break and players trust you're not going to close the server.

This guy was pretty spot on with his response:
Quote from: bstosnbata on Mar 30, 2015, 03:46 PM
1. do it for the love of RO, not money.

2. listen to genuine player suggestions.

3. make sure the server is free from bug exploits.

4. manage the economy.

5. a high population is key, so advertise your donkey off.

I'm going to say that you need to do it for the love of RO regardless of population though. RO players will likely leave your server at some point for whatever reason and you need to stay with it no matter how low the number goes. If you never falter in your activity players will eventually start to come back and stay over time because you're actually following through with your words about server longevity.

And of course, low rates have the longest lifetime of any server type. It's a double edged sword though. Your players will stick around longer because it takes longer to do the things they want to do. The downside is that the longer you're open, the more of a gap there is between veteran and new players on the server.


Looking at landscape of midrate servers, I would recommend you to not touch this field. Most midrate nowadays are hosted from teams which have had a couple servers before.
Also many midrate just have the same scheme; focus on BG, SE castles, couple of guilds come and go. Doesnt matter if its called woonro, talisro or estlandro. Some have more badges and different woe times. But thats basicly the only difference.
I personally miss a very unique spice in all of these midrates since years.

But what I really miss is a highrate (I mean max lvl 200+) for more professional woes. 99% of these fags using the rAthena 2011+ client which makes playing with competitive standart sheet like rcx completely impossible yet (until the day comes when tokeiburu-senpai decides to crack the encrypt packet s*** to re-enable rcx, unfortunely that day never will come :c).
Playrps actually is the only server which can be used with rcx but they basicly suck at the rest of their settings.

I personally bet highrates have the highest potential in general. But taking a look at these dumbf*cks which calling theirselves as admin, I dont need to mind about why these kind of servers losing more and more attractivity every single day.

But another point why highrates arent that popular anymore are the really bad setups which depressing me hardly. Logical mistakes in balancing wherever Im looking at.
You need a very stable concept for highrates if you want to be successful. Keep in mind that some players want fast action but you also need to have a decent amout of long term motivation targets which binds players for at least a couple of month onto your server. But this is counting for every kind of rates.

As you can see, I personally would wish to see highrate which differs from the sh*tty rest, but at the end of the day you should open something you have experience with (as player or as admin). If you have no idea of midrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of highrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of lowrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of any kind of server, why the heck do you want to open a server then besides profit reasons?

So you now might realize that standart question about rates, max level and other things are completely nonsense. A good server is a matter of everything around these things. You need GMs like on woon, scripts like from x-ro (f*ck you cookie, you still suck), and an eye for details like on kitsune.
Btw: why did you asked about costums or not on highrates? Can you give me a target what I could hunt after 2 hours if there are no costums? This also depressing me and now I need to retreat into a dark corner to cure my cancer which that question gave me :c
exii - leader of the nonsense army

finest low quality gw2 streams:


Quote from: exii on Mar 30, 2015, 07:49 PM
Looking at landscape of midrate servers, I would recommend you to not touch this field. Most midrate nowadays are hosted from teams which have had a couple servers before.
Also many midrate just have the same scheme; focus on BG, SE castles, couple of guilds come and go. Doesnt matter if its called woonro, talisro or estlandro. Some have more badges and different woe times. But thats basicly the only difference.
I personally miss a very unique spice in all of these midrates since years.

But what I really miss is a highrate (I mean max lvl 200+) for more professional woes. 99% of these fags using the rAthena 2011+ client which makes playing with competitive standart sheet like rcx completely impossible yet (until the day comes when tokeiburu-senpai decides to crack the encrypt packet s*** to re-enable rcx, unfortunely that day never will come :c).
Playrps actually is the only server which can be used with rcx but they basicly suck at the rest of their settings.

I personally bet highrates have the highest potential in general. But taking a look at these dumbf*cks which calling theirselves as admin, I dont need to mind about why these kind of servers losing more and more attractivity every single day.

But another point why highrates arent that popular anymore are the really bad setups which depressing me hardly. Logical mistakes in balancing wherever Im looking at.
You need a very stable concept for highrates if you want to be successful. Keep in mind that some players want fast action but you also need to have a decent amout of long term motivation targets which binds players for at least a couple of month onto your server. But this is counting for every kind of rates.

As you can see, I personally would wish to see highrate which differs from the sh*tty rest, but at the end of the day you should open something you have experience with (as player or as admin). If you have no idea of midrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of highrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of lowrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of any kind of server, why the heck do you want to open a server then besides profit reasons?

So you now might realize that standart question about rates, max level and other things are completely nonsense. A good server is a matter of everything around these things. You need GMs like on woon, scripts like from x-ro (f*ck you cookie, you still suck), and an eye for details like on kitsune.
Btw: why did you asked about costums or not on highrates? Can you give me a target what I could hunt after 2 hours if there are no costums? This also depressing me and now I need to retreat into a dark corner to cure my cancer which that question gave me :c
This is very detailed. Especially on this part
but at the end of the day you should open something you have experience with (as player or as admin).
It touched my heart lol

High rates are not attractive anymore because of these retarded servers that give anything to their players just to make them stay. I personally hate HR/SHR server that has these information on their advertisement.

^ wtf is a frost server?

I constantly check facebook advertisement groups if there are any good high rate servers to play and to pvp but sadly there isn't any.

Exii, you can be a good server admin (based on how you responded to this thread). Why don't you open yours and fulfill your 'high rate' dream? lol

solacero rip


Quote from: bstosnbata on Mar 30, 2015, 03:46 PM
1. do it for the love of RO, not money.

2. listen to genuine player suggestions.

3. make sure the server is free from bug exploits.

4. manage the economy.

5. a high population is key, so advertise your donkey off.

I do it for love, but people don't love it.  /pif

Thank you too, I'll highly remember that!  /no1

I like to hear from you!


Quote from: exii on Mar 30, 2015, 07:49 PM
Looking at landscape of midrate servers, I would recommend you to not touch this field. Most midrate nowadays are hosted from teams which have had a couple servers before.
Also many midrate just have the same scheme; focus on BG, SE castles, couple of guilds come and go. Doesnt matter if its called woonro, talisro or estlandro. Some have more badges and different woe times. But thats basicly the only difference.
I personally miss a very unique spice in all of these midrates since years.

But what I really miss is a highrate (I mean max lvl 200+) for more professional woes. 99% of these fags using the rAthena 2011+ client which makes playing with competitive standart sheet like rcx completely impossible yet (until the day comes when tokeiburu-senpai decides to crack the encrypt packet s*** to re-enable rcx, unfortunely that day never will come :c).
Playrps actually is the only server which can be used with rcx but they basicly suck at the rest of their settings.

I personally bet highrates have the highest potential in general. But taking a look at these dumbf*cks which calling theirselves as admin, I dont need to mind about why these kind of servers losing more and more attractivity every single day.

But another point why highrates arent that popular anymore are the really bad setups which depressing me hardly. Logical mistakes in balancing wherever Im looking at.
You need a very stable concept for highrates if you want to be successful. Keep in mind that some players want fast action but you also need to have a decent amout of long term motivation targets which binds players for at least a couple of month onto your server. But this is counting for every kind of rates.

As you can see, I personally would wish to see highrate which differs from the sh*tty rest, but at the end of the day you should open something you have experience with (as player or as admin). If you have no idea of midrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of highrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of lowrate, dont open it. If you have no idea of any kind of server, why the heck do you want to open a server then besides profit reasons?

So you now might realize that standart question about rates, max level and other things are completely nonsense. A good server is a matter of everything around these things. You need GMs like on woon, scripts like from x-ro (f*ck you cookie, you still suck), and an eye for details like on kitsune.
Btw: why did you asked about costums or not on highrates? Can you give me a target what I could hunt after 2 hours if there are no costums? This also depressing me and now I need to retreat into a dark corner to cure my cancer which that question gave me :c

I was about to you know, think about the mid-rate until I saw this post, well, to be honest I already have plans on both rates.
And about that mid-rate scheme, yes! I agree on that, always the same scheme!
Anywaaay, back to the topic, we do have similar commons at all...
You like HR, I like HR, and I'm more experienced on HR, and I do believe that HRs have the highest potential at all! However most "administrators" just stupidly add what they can to satisfy their player's needs and not knowing that they're already destroying their server. Everytime I'm searching for a HR server I keep on finding these annoying ads like "All items free except LHZ" like what.
Anyway I'm on the field of HR and both MR. I have a question for you too, did you play VanRO before? It seems like it. And for the question of "Customs or not" I want it to be "Back to the days RO" thingy. That is why. And anyway, it seems my grammar is omg.

Anyway thank you for your suggestion! I would like to hear from you!