
Started by Patapon, Feb 17, 2009, 01:52 PM

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Descent: He gave him an extra warning. How is that immature?

My god your logic runs more circles than a Merry-Go-Round. For just a second, let's assume that Touchdown deserved what he got, (oh boy is that hard to believe[heavy sarcasm]). Now think about it from a point of view different from your high-and-mighty chairs of ROGodhood and ask yourselves if a 10-second Nuke/Res Spam is even a bad punishment. Seriously? It's not that bad.

And yes, had he banned Touchdown right away that would have solved a lot of problems, but what kind of serve would that make us? "Server Bans New Member For Being Irritating One Time" sounds even worse than "Server Admin Gets Mad at New Member For Being Irritating."


sigh this is already getting out of hand, lets behave because im handing out warns soon....

oh and, if you guys want to dispute it why not start by disputing if its 100% true or not, aka give screen shots / chat logs please?


Quote from: Hassurunous on Feb 21, 2009, 06:23 PM
Descent: He gave him an extra warning. How is that immature?

My god your logic runs more circles than a Merry-Go-Round. For just a second, let's assume that Touchdown deserved what he got, (oh boy is that hard to believe[heavy sarcasm]). Now think about it from a point of view different from your high-and-mighty chairs of ROGodhood and ask yourselves if a 10-second Nuke/Res Spam is even a bad punishment. Seriously? It's not that bad.

Care to explain how it's a warning? I see it as immaturity.


Quote from: Descent on Feb 21, 2009, 06:17 PM
Quote from: Lige on Feb 21, 2009, 06:13 PM
It's called a way to get an attention, and it's not immature. If just doing it for no reason, that's immature. If repeatedly asking a player to listen/follow rules isn't working, that's a good way to warn a 2nd time -before- banning.

If you think my tactics are immature, so be it. I personally see it as effective.

JJJ: Yeah, I edited a post and apologized already. Again though, sorry. Got mixed up. ;x (I left message in users other topic regarding that)

Descent: Read top part of this post...

Rule breakers: Warned.
Continue: Nuke.
Continue: Ban.

It's an EXTRA warning. How is that immature? If anything that's kind...

Note: Leaving for work now. Bye bye all. Please play nice and don't flame anyone on either side of this "argument". Mods on forums this big have enough to deal with ;x

I've read every post you have in here. And yet, I still come to the same conclusion that anybody with more than one braincell can come up with: This could have been avoided by simply banning Touchdown when he got out of hand. If he broke rules, fine, but now, you've incriminated yourself and have made yourself look bad. That is the point I am trying to get across to you.

Descent, first of all can you not be so ambigous? Because when you say braincells, I think of three types of neurons and I dont know which one you're talking about. Also, are you calling the rest of us dumbasses? Because that would put you in no better position than the person you're criticizing right now. Anyways, second of all, like i said in my post above, if the players on your server is watching and you simply ban him because of immaturity, what would they think? As far as I know, most people can't read other people's minds, so like Lige said the killing serves as a warning. Plus, you don't lose EXP and I'd rather take 20 nukes than a ban anyday.


Quote from: Kozua Nekiem on Feb 21, 2009, 06:25 PM
Care to explain how it's a warning? I see it as immaturity.

i was banned within literally one second of that last screenshot so it was more of a reskill spam before the ban

this image copyright 2009 Patapon


Nekeim: How is it not a warning? He said he was going to do it, and he did. There, that's your warning. Kids in elementary school get a sticker taken away, it's the same concept.


Sigh. This is quickly becoming a pissing contest.

I still stand by my previous statement: This could have been avoided. But it wasn't. Lige made himself(and WolfRO) look bad with his actions. That is all I'm saying and that's all I have said. The reskilling makes him look horrible, as does his language. And yes, even though it was in four screenshots, you're missing the point, it is now a hardcopy of evidence that everybody can clearly see. Whatever judgements anybody makes is their call from here on out, but his words and actions(and that of your own, WolfRO cheerleaders) are clearly not helping your case in the slightest.

I'll ask you to not start playing the "big words" game with me, because it won't get you anywhere. Stick to the topic at hand.


Quote from: Hassurunous on Feb 21, 2009, 06:26 PM
Nekeim: How is it not a warning? He said he was going to do it, and he did. There, that's your warning. Kids in elementary school get a sticker taken away, it's the same concept.

i was never told "I am going to reskill spam you if you keep this up" or anything indicating it would even happen.  it just happened then i got banned

this image copyright 2009 Patapon


You were warned though. He said he wouldn't put up with it, if not in so many words. Most people understand that if you push people's buttons, you're going to piss them off. You just seem to enjoy making our lives hell. Thanks for that.

As far as this whole injustice goes, I don't think I'll ever change your minds, but that doesn't mean I won't try to make you see reason. Unfortunately, you must come down off your high horse to see the situation as it truly is. Again, the microscope is in your eyes.


This is the risk of acting in such behavior, whatever the circumstances, people will criticize your unprofessional behavior.

Maybe you got unlucky that the guy brought it here, I do agree its a small issue, its just too bad now its here.

But hitting RMS for it proves you're childish, JJJ said you got delisted from RMS for giving incentive for reviews and nothing to do with this, I sure believe that, and I believe you know that but you chose to mix the two as you see fit.

QuoteYes, Lige had gone through many troubles and faced many hardships during that period of time, so the next time you critisize him, try to place yourself in his shoes and think what you would do if everything around you went really wrong and you've got this immatature two year old making trouble and causing you r life to be more miserable. If you think you can still keep a cool head, then we know what kind of person you are.

Are we in barbie land? No, its life, there's consequences for all your behavior, live with it. Asking for sympathy is absurd.

Quoteit is now a hardcopy of evidence that everybody can clearly see. Whatever judgements anybody makes is their call from here on out, but his words and actions(and that of your own, WolfRO cheerleaders) are clearly not helping your case in the slightest.



since this isn't really going any where.... *i mean really all thats happening is people are calling each other childish / immature / etc* im just going to go ahead and lock this and let it fade away ^^;;;;