FairytailRO Copycat -- Duplicated our server everything the same. (OmniRO)

Started by VeilsideGaming, Jun 28, 2011, 07:23 AM

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First let's compare the RMS page. Same rates and some info

FairytailRO - http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=detailedlistserver&serid=12602&itv=6&url_sname=Fairy%20Tail%20Ragnarok%20Online

OmniRO (Original) - http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=detailedlistserver&serid=12086&itv=6&url_sname=Omni%20Ragnarok

They plagiarized as well. They copied our guides or donation info. Here are the screenshots:
FairytailRO's Forum Screenshot

Their forum link: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Fairy_Tail_RO/index.php

OmniRO's Forum: http://forums.omniro.net (Original)
Our donation guides is in the Donation Forum under General Discussion.


Also, if you're going to login in-game, you'll also spot their custom quests the same as ours, as well as the npc locations + map respawns points. Also same WoE and open castles. Everything the same.

So it's up to you guys.  ::)


I don't think there's other ways for someone to use western union etc.  At least they changed the receiver name -.-.  Not much we can do about it.

However, their site is reported as an unsafe site under firefox because they are on a web server where one of the domain host is infected.  I already notified them.


But they copied my format, they just changed the name etc. Isn't plagiarism?

Also I haven't got a screenshot of their items and quests yet but they copied our quests and item effects as well. Might as well see it yourself, I lost their installer and can't download their client since their site is down.


Here are the screenies of them copying my item descriptions and effects. They just changed the name of the item. They copied all my grf files.


This still have my name on it


They also copied my Level effects idea. Hmmph. I don't think they deserve to be listed imo. Try joining their server and joining mine, you'll see. I mean I worked hard for this, they were just jealous of how my server was established and made their own out of mine.


My only point is, how are you going to rate / review a server that is totally copied?


Your case is not covered by the terms of services that govern the site listing.  Once again, we are not the RO Police.  You will have to deal with this problem by contacting them.

QuoteMy only point is, how are you going to rate / review a server that is totally copied?

Almost all servers listed are using the RO official server as their base.  There are servers that claim they are 100% official, so two servers that are 100% identical on items and features already existed.  There are still difference in community quality, staff quality and server quality (network & hardware) that would give a different result to player experience and game play.

I'll move this to the hall of shame.


your server omni should be in hall of shame as well , since you make players donate for mvp cards, thats pretty sad tbh

Chemical Crush

Quote from: Honorbydeath on Sep 11, 2011, 07:13 AM
your server omni should be in hall of shame as well , since you make players donate for mvp cards, thats pretty sad tbh

I don't think you can hall of shame someone for that.


He can't "make" someone donate.  Really, try making me ...

It's sad but true.  I know what you mean.