RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Rant and Rave => Server Discussion => Hall Of Shame => Topic started by: Pandora on Aug 21, 2008, 10:20 AM

Title: VisageRO advertising on another server
Post by: Pandora on Aug 21, 2008, 10:20 AM
Some lamer came on my server to advertise for VisageRO.webs.com

He was quickly made fun of by players who said how stupid it was to come on another server and do that and how they would never join such a lame server, he was banned and ip banned within about a minute of his arrival so not much harm done to be honest.

Still, now that we have a section just for these kinda reports might as well make use of it.

Advertiser's IP:
Host ool-435752dd.dyn.optonline.net
Location US US, United States
City Bronx, NY 10472
Organization Optimum Online (Cablevision Systems)
ISP Optimum Online (Cablevision Systems)

Their server ( is hosted at systeminplace so I can't check for a comparison, so no idea if it's the server staff doing it or anything, might just be a lamer player or even someone trying to give them a bad name.
Title: Re: VisageRO advertising on another server
Post by: Guest on Aug 21, 2008, 10:33 AM
lol i remeber him x3
it was funny