
Started by Pomegranate, Aug 25, 2010, 07:55 PM

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Well I'm afraid this is going to be a veeeery long topic and for that I apologise.
To begin, I'm going to post links to other topics regarding the same person, just so we are all clear on what kind of person we're dealing with here  ;) Also for this, I'd like to point out that SkinnyBoy, Funsized, Colin and crgarv are all the same person. In addition, Pinkx, Roxxie and GM-Orihime are also, the same person.

Topic 1:,15625.0.html
Proves that Funsized is corrupt. Also, Roxxie, aka Pinkx posting a lovely response to someone with the following "Go lose some weight girlfraaand, maybe hit up Jenny Craig or SlimFast even. Hell, try them all! Or just spare yourself trouble and OD ^^". Such lovely people we hired.
Topic 2:,12344.0.html
This one proves that Colin, aka SkinnyBoy, aka Funsized stole money from someone. Again, shock factor 4000 right there.
Topic 3:,1037.0.html
Another topic about Colin's awful corruption abilities.
Topic 4:,5706.0.html
Even more drama mongering from Colin and corruption regarding his legit accounts.

So where can I add fuel to this fire? Oh loads of places. And where does all good stories start out? With a romance!
Saga 1: Hiring and the Love Story
So our Chief GM left the building I'm afraid and we hired a new one named SkinnyBoy. He seemed like a nice guy to start with, a bit camp, overly gay and in your face but that's his personal life, nothing to do with GMing at all. Despite this, he decided to make it everyone's business by constantly referring to it. Constantly. When he found out that I was gay, not that that's anyone's personal business because I kept it to myself, he started to overtly flirt with me. Leading to the point that he married us in-game. He was sending me constant PMs on the forums telling me he liked me. Obviously I can't screenshot this cause he hacked the forums  :-\ I was decidely uncomfortable with his flirting because A. I didn't like him, B. I don't do online relationships and C. He was a spoiled child. When it eventually came out I didn't like him, he totally flipped out and started getting all b**** with me. He then proceeded to ignore me and act like a child, and then publically humiliate me. He started flirting with a fellow GM to make me jealous and when it got so bad that Adhelle had to hold a Staff Meeting, he @divorce'd me. Not that I was bothered.

* Screenshots of chats we've had about how he was upset because I didn't e-like him.

* Screenshots of chats we've had about how he was b**** to me because he liked me and I didn't like him.

Saga 2: Professionalism and Co.
So one of his most important things is professionalism. Something he himself lacks. He has broadcasted a player's sexuality with /b, actually asked me to b**** out a fellow GM because I was Head GM, broadcasted over the entire server asking everyone if I was a good GM or not and got personally involved with people in-game. He's been married in-game more times than Elizabeth Taylor. He would @recall me whilst I was in the middle of helping someone, @recall his friends and then spawn MVPs or 2000 Porings and repeatedly use @kill on players and GMs. In addition to this, he also banned and unbanned a player for 22 seconds. For fun I presume?

* Screenshot of him asking me to b**** out GM Legion.

* Log screenshot proving the @divorce.

* Log screenshot of him @spawning MVPs and then @killing a player.

* Log screenshot of him abusing @kill and @recall. Arie (myself), Rebel and Elissa are all GMs.

* Log screenshot of him @recalling his two friends and summoning 2000 Porings. Server lag much?

* Log screenshot of him using /b to compare one of our players to Ellen Degeneres because she's a lesbian.

* Log screenshot of him banning and unbanning a player.

When it came to criticism, Colin quite honestly can't handle it. He freaks out like a child and takes a temper tantrum. He was criticised on the forums by someone and he deleted their post, so his powers were removed by Adhelle. His @produce power was also revoked. I have 4 pages of logs where he spams @effect 410, which is a rainbow which I'm sure by my earlier statements that this doesn't surprise anyone. For someone who screams about how important it is to be professional, he seems to lack this capability himself. Bear in mind he is only 19, so still acts a lot like a child.

* Screenshot of him asking the server if I'm good at my job.

Saga 3: GM or Friends? Or is it both?
SkinnyBoy/Colin's way of hiring people was through the "friendship scheme". Basically, anyone who was close to him was given an interview and a promised GM position. It started off innocently enough with his best friend Pinkx being hired as a Support GM because she has "Administrated" many servers along with Colin. She remained as a Support GM but failed to log in for several days. Apparently this was because there was a death in her family and if this is true then I'm very sorry to hear that, however, a simple note of absence would have been muchly appreciated. Regardless, she's back active on the web again because she posted in the other dramatastic thread earlier.

It then proceeded that Amnesti, Kieron and Gadget were all offered GM positions. Kieron was Colin's in-game husband, Amnesti was Kieron's best friend and Gadget was a good friend of Colin's. The simple application process had been removed and replaced with the simple "Let's Get Acquainted" scheme. It then continued that when he was re-shuffling the staff that Pinkx was being promoted to Head GM after being inactive for two weeks and not being part of the staff for anytime longer. It seems the duo come as a pair, and when one is in power, the other one must be too.

* Screenshot of him telling us Pinkx/Roxxie was going to be the new Head GM.

Saga 4: To be Nice or not to be Nice?
One thing Colin really struggled with was being nice, don't get me wrong as much as he slated me in his thread, he told me to my face that he trusted me and that he loved me. He was a horrible, horrible individual who spilled foul bile about people quite freely. He hated Legion for having contrasting views on his sexuality, which fair dues, Legion's views are a bit medieval but I too am gay and have never had a problem with Legion and he seems to respect me as both a person and his senior authority. There was a period where Colin was giving Legion a warning about his attitude and then made it personal by ranting and raving about how his views on sexuality were wrong. Often he would make disgusting and degrading comments on MSN about players and other GMs and then laugh about it.

* Screenshot of him being quite nasty about Legion.

* Another evil bile-filled comment.

* Discussing a player, how lovely.

* Him saying how much he trusted us.

* For the most part, he trusted in us. Although he slated me on his own thread. Two-faced much?

Saga 5: Conclusion
In conclusion, it seems that Colin has had many a run in the past with relations to RO servers that he has worked on simply because he cannot keep his personal feelings out of the way. He has been known to be corrupt, foul and nasty. Why oh why isn't he listed on the Hall of Shame? How many times does one person need reported? He has openly admitted he got the LuminaRO Forums hacked, which is a downright disgusting thing to do. He can't handle the fact he was fired. I have a screenshot of him asking for access on the 23/08/10. Which was last Monday. According to him, he quit on Friday. Why would he be asking for access to the server on Monday the 23rd if he quit on Friday the 20th? There was no notice of Pinkx quitting weeks ago, which is also strange considering she was only hired weeks ago. Did she quit immediately after being hired?

Adhelle was taken into hospital with sight loss in one eye. She was still able to see from the other eye quite clearly. She managed to message me only twice. Still, whilst she was lying in a hospital bed, Colin was asking me to message her to give him access to the server.

* Him asking for access to the server on the 23rd, 3 days after he allegedly resigned.

* Colin talking about resigning on the 23rd, again, 3 days after he allegedly resigned.

With all this evidence I have provided, I'd like to also point out the total path of destruction this twisted individual has left behind him. Server's inexplicably close or get hacked after he gets fired. He cannot handle rejection or criticism of any kind. He is nothing but a needy, inescure, whiney, immature child. I highly recommend to anyone out there not to hire this person if at all possible. If you do, on your server's life be it.

I also like to place a formal request that SkinnyBoy/Colin/Funsized be officially placed in the Hall of Shame.
Thank you for your time and patience with regards to this matter,




24-08-2010  15:53:50  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  Just letting you know you are fired for multiple reasons. I'm really not in condition to deal with your situation right now. I hope you accept this. Sincerely, Adhelle.
25-08-2010  01:15:31  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  But thanks for changing what I said. lol.
25-08-2010  01:15:31  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  o.o;
25-08-2010  01:15:32  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  I resigned already?
25-08-2010  01:15:32  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  Just so you are aware.
25-08-2010  01:23:44  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  Also, I will be posting proof of you using donations for personal gain
25-08-2010  01:23:51  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  and your huge meeting that was hugely innapropriate
25-08-2010  01:23:55  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  and all the s*** you f*** up
25-08-2010  01:24:00  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  while I was in power on Lumina.
25-08-2010  01:24:02  Coliflower  New High Rate RO Server!  Be warned.
25-08-2010  11:20:34  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  Gee, exactly what I needed. Another person that cant be fired.
25-08-2010  11:20:47  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  B\ecause he is a moron.
25-08-2010  11:31:00  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  You are a son of a b****! You deleted personal files I had there
25-08-2010  11:35:26  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  give me my stuff back you
25-08-2010  11:35:27  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  ...
25-08-2010  12:28:38  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  speak on my face, you moron
25-08-2010  12:35:44  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  whats wrong with you
25-08-2010  12:35:51  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower  what have I done to you?
25-08-2010  15:55:15  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  o_O; CHILL BRO.
25-08-2010  16:01:15  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  chill bro?
25-08-2010  16:01:22  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  you are are an idiot!
25-08-2010  16:01:25  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  xDD
25-08-2010  16:01:28  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  I'm posting a thread.
25-08-2010  16:01:29  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  you have deleted personal stuff
25-08-2010  16:01:31  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  Please be patient.
25-08-2010  16:01:34  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  AFKCHURCH
25-08-2010  16:01:59  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  ADHELLE. Please, go work on things. You have OVER 9000 issues in Lumina.
25-08-2010  16:02:04  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  my fiancees music website was under that directory
25-08-2010  16:02:10  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  retarded
25-08-2010  16:02:44  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  it wont change the fact you are immature and you are gonna keep getting screwed over on various aspects of your life
25-08-2010  16:03:04  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  why are you doing this? cant handle being fired? stupid.
25-08-2010  16:03:23  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  return me my files
25-08-2010  16:10:01  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  Why are you acting rude?
25-08-2010  16:10:19  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  lol
25-08-2010  16:10:22  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  I resigned on Friday.
25-08-2010  16:10:23  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  o.o
25-08-2010  16:10:26  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  you didnt
25-08-2010  16:10:33  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  Uh, yes I did. I told all of the staff.
25-08-2010  16:10:36  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  You just were AFKHOSPITAL.
25-08-2010  16:10:43  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  none of them confirm this
25-08-2010  16:11:00  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  Yes! I was in damn hospital.
25-08-2010  16:11:12  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  You are a truly son of a b**** for doing this to me right now.
25-08-2010  16:18:01  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  Return me my files. My fiancee's website was under that directory.
25-08-2010  16:26:14  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!
25-08-2010  16:26:14  Coliflower [Making RMS topic. WHAT HAVE I DONE 2 U? SAY IT ON MY FACE. WHY DONT WE HAVE SPELL CHECK FROM GOOGLE f***?]  New High Rate RO Server!  ^_^
25-08-2010  16:29:35  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  WHOOPS! Updated with the part about the huge HR lie.
25-08-2010  16:29:40  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  and the screeny.
25-08-2010  16:30:04  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower say whatever you want. just give my personal files back
25-08-2010  17:07:28  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower you know, you should get a treatment. noone does all of this and makes up that much crap only for being fired. cant really feel anything else but sympathy.
25-08-2010  17:07:46  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  Fired? I resigned.
25-08-2010  17:07:47  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  o.o;
25-08-2010  17:07:57  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  Sometimes I just don't understand you.
25-08-2010  17:08:45  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  Makes up things? It is the truth, lol. I had nothing against anyone when I came here. This is all drama due to unstable people.
25-08-2010  17:09:55  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower Lol, why cant you handle being fired?
25-08-2010  17:10:05  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower I didnt even said all the crap you did when I fired you.
25-08-2010  17:10:16  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower When players asked why I only said it was because GM Secret was now back.
25-08-2010  17:10:40  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower You are just mental. You text me 5 times 2 in the morning and expect me to like you.
25-08-2010  17:11:01  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower Half of what you posted is made up. And the other hald is twisted.
25-08-2010  17:11:05  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower I dont get you.
25-08-2010  17:11:14  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower Again, I really hope one day you seek for treatment.
25-08-2010  17:22:26  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower The only person showing to be unstable is you. By your behavior on deleting the forums.
25-08-2010  17:22:36  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  Wow, I NEVER!
25-08-2010  17:22:40  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  What in tarnation!
25-08-2010  17:22:49  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  That was not my actions, dear Etiene.
25-08-2010  17:22:57  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  That was my friend Aisha Mohammad.
25-08-2010  17:51:34  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  Wow.
25-08-2010  17:51:39  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  You say I have problems adhelle.
25-08-2010  17:51:42  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server! What is this?
25-08-2010  18:52:23  New High Rate RO Server!  Coliflower You are sick...
25-08-2010  18:53:53  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  I'm bringing my friend in here adhelle, to resolve this
25-08-2010  18:54:00  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  and my other friend Matt will get your
25-08-2010  18:54:01  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  files back.
25-08-2010  18:54:05  Coliflower New High Rate RO Server!  We need to have a discussion.
25-08-2010  18:54:13  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Yes, we do.
25-08-2010  18:54:13      Lexi está na conversa.
25-08-2010  18:54:36  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I am awkward for a few reasons...
25-08-2010  18:54:50  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Because this was NOT appropriate way to act liek you fired someone.
25-08-2010  18:54:55  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I resigned two days before.
25-08-2010  18:55:12  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower stop making this s*** up
25-08-2010  18:55:15  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower you never resigned
25-08-2010  18:55:18  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower stop telling this to people
25-08-2010  18:55:22  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi is my SCRIBE
25-08-2010  18:55:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WATCH what you say.
25-08-2010  18:55:28  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  She will write it down :/
25-08-2010  18:55:32  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower I am.  
25-08-2010  18:55:33  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower /ok
25-08-2010  18:55:38  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server! s*** is a curse word.
25-08-2010  18:55:40  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I never curse at you.
25-08-2010  18:55:42  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Seriusly, I dont know who lexi is.
25-08-2010  18:55:47  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower But go to hell you too.
25-08-2010  18:55:49  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower This is sick
25-08-2010  18:55:53  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Colin, you are sick.
25-08-2010  18:55:55  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Sick is what sick does.
25-08-2010  18:56:02  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower A person that does that over being fired is not normal.
25-08-2010  18:56:07  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  You told us
25-08-2010  18:56:09  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  you were blind.
25-08-2010  18:56:12  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I did not
25-08-2010  18:56:14  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  :/
25-08-2010  18:56:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Arie posted that.
25-08-2010  18:56:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  THat's a lie then?
25-08-2010  18:56:21  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  That's*
25-08-2010  18:56:22  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower He did not
25-08-2010  18:56:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Why do you always LIE?
25-08-2010  18:56:25  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  YOU SAID
25-08-2010  18:56:28  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower NO
25-08-2010  18:56:29  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  You have bad vision
25-08-2010  18:56:30  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Sick? You're the one who recovered after a DAY. Even less. 'illness'
25-08-2010  18:56:34  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Which I do.
25-08-2010  18:56:40  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I cant see with my right eye,
25-08-2010  18:56:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Pirate mode.
25-08-2010  18:56:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ?
25-08-2010  18:56:47  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I MEAN.
25-08-2010  18:56:48  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Seriously.
25-08-2010  18:56:53  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  On a serious note...
25-08-2010  18:56:58  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  You couldn't disable a castle

Posted on: Aug 25, 2010, 12:22 pm
25-08-2010  18:57:00  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  so you escaped?
25-08-2010  18:57:05  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Like wtf.
25-08-2010  18:57:13  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  AND THEN, FIRED ME LOL.
25-08-2010  18:57:18  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I cant foresee things happened.
25-08-2010  18:57:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHAT DID U FIRE ME FOR ADHELLE? BECAUSE I TOLD YOUR SECRETS
25-08-2010  18:57:22  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHEN I RESIGNED.
25-08-2010  18:57:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  XDDD
25-08-2010  18:57:34  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I couldnt know I wouldnt be home 2 hours later
25-08-2010  18:57:38  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Lol.
25-08-2010  18:57:38  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  What.
25-08-2010  18:57:39  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Did.
25-08-2010  18:57:40  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  You.
25-08-2010  18:57:41  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Fire.
25-08-2010  18:57:41  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Me.
25-08-2010  18:57:42  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  For.
25-08-2010  18:57:45  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower +1.
25-08-2010  18:57:47  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower when I was going to the doctor for a pink eye.
25-08-2010  18:57:51  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower LOL
25-08-2010  18:57:57  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I've got red eyes.
25-08-2010  18:57:59  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I'm mad.
25-08-2010  18:58:00  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower which was what I thought it was
25-08-2010  18:58:07  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  No.
25-08-2010  18:58:08  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Tell me
25-08-2010  18:58:10  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Why did you fire me?
25-08-2010  18:58:14  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  as you said you did.
25-08-2010  18:58:18  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Because I found your posts on RMS
25-08-2010  18:58:21  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL.
25-08-2010  18:58:23  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I mean, other people's posts.
25-08-2010  18:58:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  YOU KNEW I WAS FUNSIZED.
25-08-2010  18:58:28  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower And because secret was back
25-08-2010  18:58:29  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL.
25-08-2010  18:58:34  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SECRET?
25-08-2010  18:58:38  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  The one who spams threads to attack the OP
25-08-2010  18:58:39  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Yes, but I didnt see that.
25-08-2010  18:58:42  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  when he ressurects a party?
25-08-2010  18:58:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  That f***?
25-08-2010  18:58:45  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL.
25-08-2010  18:58:49  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I've never been corrupt.
25-08-2010  18:58:52  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  on lumina.
25-08-2010  18:58:54  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower What what you say :)
25-08-2010  18:58:54  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  BUT HE SURE HAS.
25-08-2010  18:58:57  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  xDDDD
25-08-2010  18:58:59  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Pink eye does not disable you from work. dude. I went to college when I had pink eye. That is such a BS excuse.  
25-08-2010  18:59:00  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Also.
25-08-2010  18:59:09  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Lexi, as I said. it was NOT a pink eye.
25-08-2010  18:59:17  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower if you read his reviews, he hasn't been corrupt. c:
25-08-2010  18:59:23  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I thought it was, I went to the doctor, it was something serious, I had to stay there.
25-08-2010  18:59:33  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower OHMAHGOD. You should have died }:<
25-08-2010  18:59:39  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower f*** you.
25-08-2010  18:59:45  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower You dont play with others health
25-08-2010  18:59:50  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower You guys are sick.
25-08-2010  18:59:54  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ADHELLE.
25-08-2010  18:59:59  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Slap a franger on your fiancee's donger.
25-08-2010  19:00:03  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  That will fix problems.
25-08-2010  19:00:03  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower get the hell out my life
25-08-2010  19:00:10  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Excuse me? I'm not playing. You are sick. You twist people's words and lie.
25-08-2010  19:00:12  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ETIENE DARCOL.
25-08-2010  19:00:14  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WILL YOU MARRY ME?
25-08-2010  19:00:18  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower and return my personal files
25-08-2010  19:00:23  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WILL.
25-08-2010  19:00:23  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  YOU.
25-08-2010  19:00:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  MARRY.
25-08-2010  19:00:25  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ME
25-08-2010  19:00:26  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  :D
25-08-2010  19:00:28  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Nome
25-08-2010  19:00:36  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Pls wear a condom
25-08-2010  19:00:37  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  on yiour eye
25-08-2010  19:00:38  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  your*
25-08-2010  19:00:56  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  HERE.
25-08-2010  19:00:56  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Probably already is.
25-08-2010  19:01:01  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!
25-08-2010  19:01:08  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Beast.
25-08-2010  19:01:12  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ADHELLE.
25-08-2010  19:01:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I am awkward for two reasons.
25-08-2010  19:01:32  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  1. Your avatar. 2. You're phony. You're a clown. Everything YOU is a lie or fake.
25-08-2010  19:01:37  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower this is so funny
25-08-2010  19:01:43  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  HOW SO?
25-08-2010  19:01:45  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower actually delicious
25-08-2010  19:01:47  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  It's funny YOU STOLE
25-08-2010  19:01:49  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server! f*** MOENY?
25-08-2010  19:01:49  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower shows how miserable you are
25-08-2010  19:01:56  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  NO.
25-08-2010  19:02:01  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  You are the one who gets butt hurt
25-08-2010  19:02:03  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  when Brazil loses
25-08-2010  19:02:04  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  a f*** game.
25-08-2010  19:02:08  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHO THE f*** CARES ABOUT BR.
25-08-2010  19:02:14  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  THEY COULD GO BYEBYE AND IT WOULDN'T MATTER
25-08-2010  19:02:16  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  TO THE WORLDDD.
25-08-2010  19:02:22  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Miserable? I'm laughing. Ripping people off is a offense. Coughcough.
25-08-2010  19:02:28  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Yeah.
25-08-2010  19:02:30  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  It's fraud in the US.
25-08-2010  19:02:33  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  That's why PayPal audited.
25-08-2010  19:02:35  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  And I sent reports
25-08-2010  19:02:36  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  to them today.
25-08-2010  19:02:40  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  To confirm all of this to them.
25-08-2010  19:02:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Regarding the donation scam.
25-08-2010  19:02:46  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower lol
25-08-2010  19:02:51  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SAY GUDBY3 2 DONATION $$$.
25-08-2010  19:02:51  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower there is no donation scam your idiot.
25-08-2010  19:02:55  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  & HELLO DIVORCe.
25-08-2010  19:03:01  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower lol
25-08-2010  19:03:08  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  "your idiot" adhelle.
25-08-2010  19:03:12  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower lol
25-08-2010  19:03:15  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower right
25-08-2010  19:03:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  EX DEE.
25-08-2010  19:03:23  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SHOULDN'T YOU BE FIXING WOE?
25-08-2010  19:03:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WTF?
25-08-2010  19:03:25  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Slacker.
25-08-2010  19:03:32  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  200 online the first day!?
25-08-2010  19:03:33  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL
25-08-2010  19:03:34  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower I'm still mystified on who could date her. You get him drunk Adhelle? Kill his family? So confusing.
25-08-2010  19:03:36  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  150s now
25-08-2010  19:03:39  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  THEY GOT BORED
25-08-2010  19:03:45  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  CRAZY BORIS IS JACKIN ALL THE ZENIES.
25-08-2010  19:03:47  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  QQ
25-08-2010  19:03:50  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  FFF
25-08-2010  19:03:55  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower :D
25-08-2010  19:04:01  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I keep my premise
25-08-2010  19:04:05  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ok123
25-08-2010  19:04:06  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Its funny watching you say all this stuff
25-08-2010  19:04:09  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ^You gave me that one.
25-08-2010  19:04:13  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower It's*
25-08-2010  19:04:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  She's a f*** BR*
25-08-2010  19:04:24  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower *+1.
25-08-2010  19:04:47  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Mensagens instantâneas manuscritas não podem ser exibidas em seu histórico de mensagens.
25-08-2010  19:05:01  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  BR stands for bathroom in English.
25-08-2010  19:05:05  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  That's a pity for you guys.
25-08-2010  19:05:05  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  D:
25-08-2010  19:05:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Adhelle.
25-08-2010  19:05:48  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Show us hospital records
25-08-2010  19:05:51  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  proving you were there.
25-08-2010  19:05:54  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Then, it's all dropped
25-08-2010  19:05:56  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  and you get your files back.
25-08-2010  19:06:22  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Judging by your silence, you farted and suffocated yourself
25-08-2010  19:06:22  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OR.
25-08-2010  19:06:25  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  You know it's a lie.
25-08-2010  19:07:40  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower I'll be pleasured to email you them as soon as I have them back :)
25-08-2010  19:08:12  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Yes, because I feel like you're an evil doer.
25-08-2010  19:08:40  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  AND.
25-08-2010  19:08:46  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHY WERE YOU TEXTING ARIE IN THE HOSPITAL?
25-08-2010  19:09:37  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower seriously
25-08-2010  19:09:45  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower why are you still talking to me, lol?

Posted on: Aug 25, 2010, 12:24 pm
25-08-2010  19:10:06  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I am concerned what you contracted is refered to as Condyloma Acuminata.
25-08-2010  19:10:35  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower If it was actually serious, you would be contained longer in the hospital, they remove personal items for you to get better rest, excluding the few visitors, I highly doubt if it was serious via your eyes, they would let you use the phone.
25-08-2010  19:10:45  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Wouldn't* q-q
25-08-2010  19:11:06  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower So. Learn more about hospitals before you attempt to play s*** off.
25-08-2010  19:11:14  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  In Adhelle's defense...
25-08-2010  19:11:16  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  it is Brazil.
25-08-2010  19:11:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Aren't they undeveloped?
25-08-2010  19:11:30  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  O U CAN BRING ALL FRIENDS
25-08-2010  19:11:37  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  2 CUM IN HOSPI7@L
25-08-2010  19:11:43  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ^ Thanks Ke$sha.
25-08-2010  19:11:44  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower ES A FIESTAAAA
25-08-2010  19:11:47  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Ke$ha*
25-08-2010  19:11:52  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Quinciniera
25-08-2010  19:11:54  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ;D
25-08-2010  19:11:55  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower lol
25-08-2010  19:11:56  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower ]:
25-08-2010  19:12:02  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  My mom says that is when
25-08-2010  19:12:05  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  a bunch of beaners gather
25-08-2010  19:12:15  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  to celebrate daughters at 15
25-08-2010  19:12:17  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  and it's time for them
25-08-2010  19:12:19  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  to get knocked up
25-08-2010  19:12:21  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  so they invite a lot of mens
25-08-2010  19:12:25  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Pretty much sums it up.
25-08-2010  19:12:32  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Appearent;y you should be the one to learn more about hospitals, and I hope you do. I hope you meet hospitals for a long while, so you know how its awesome in there:)
25-08-2010  19:12:50  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Lindsey Lohan...
25-08-2010  19:12:52  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower I don't 'meet' hospitals.
25-08-2010  19:13:11  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SHE MEANS THE MENTAL HOSPITALS.
25-08-2010  19:13:15  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  /ok
25-08-2010  19:13:21  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  She did call Aisha's dad retarded
25-08-2010  19:13:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  in that email.
25-08-2010  19:13:31  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Well, yeah. Her wording is.. so..
25-08-2010  19:13:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I AM AWKWARD FOR 2 REASONS...
25-08-2010  19:15:49  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHAT KIND OF LAST NAME IS
25-08-2010  19:15:52  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  DARCHARCOAL.
25-08-2010  19:17:08  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Feeling happy now :)
25-08-2010  19:19:00  New High Rate RO Server!  Lexi, Coliflower Well, I hope you have a good eveinng, mr. miserable. I have better things to do, although it was funny as hell being here! Cya :)
25-08-2010  19:19:12  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Excuse me ho, you forgot me
25-08-2010  19:19:29  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Proho Administrator f***-Me-Hard-BR-Style adhelle.
25-08-2010  19:19:36  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower And it's spelled 'Evening' Lern2spel.
25-08-2010  19:19:43  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server! f***.
25-08-2010  19:19:47  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  HOOKED*
25-08-2010  19:19:56  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WAIT WAIT WAIT.
25-08-2010  19:19:59  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WE HAVE TO BE NICE.
25-08-2010  19:20:02  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SHE'S A f*** FOREIGNER.
25-08-2010  19:20:06  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower She has better things to do, like cry in a corner, or get fatter. GO EAT MORE.
25-08-2010  19:20:10  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OR.
25-08-2010  19:20:12  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OR.
25-08-2010  19:20:13  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  BREAK s***
25-08-2010  19:20:15  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OR MAKE IT
25-08-2010  19:20:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  HAVE CRAP DIALOG.
25-08-2010  19:20:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OR f*** THE SERVER DOWNHILL
25-08-2010  19:20:26  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  MORE THEN IT ALREADY IS.
25-08-2010  19:20:28  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  :D
25-08-2010  19:21:50  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower I love how her responses are the same thing over and over, ' I;m so happy' I never knew a computer could bring so much happiness. Just proves she has no life.
25-08-2010  19:25:15  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  AND.
25-08-2010  19:25:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  How she has no proof
25-08-2010  19:25:19  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  in her topic.
25-08-2010  19:25:23  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  And how Arie is so full of shiet.
25-08-2010  19:25:24  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  XDDD
25-08-2010  19:25:30  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  HE IS THE ANNOYEST GAY DUDE
25-08-2010  19:25:33  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I need to post his facebook.
25-08-2010  19:25:36  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  That s*** was fuuuunnny.
25-08-2010  19:27:40  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower o-o What's his FB?
25-08-2010  19:27:50  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL
25-08-2010  19:27:54  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Elissa thinks this is hilarious.
25-08-2010  19:27:55  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  <3 Elissa.
25-08-2010  19:27:57  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  xDDDD
25-08-2010  19:28:01  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  EVEN YOUR "MOST TRUSTED GM"
25-08-2010  19:28:04  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  knows your f*** FAKE b****
25-08-2010  19:28:07  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOOOLLLLL!L!O!O!O
25-08-2010  19:31:50  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  . says: lol Awesome. "We apologize for the unconveniance." "UNCONVENIANCE" <-- Wow.
25-08-2010  19:37:06  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower It doesn't make sense. If she's poor, why the f*** would you have a server in the first place? Go out, get a life, and focus on getting a f*** job. It's clear that you are incapable of managing a server.
25-08-2010  19:38:12  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOl
25-08-2010  19:38:13  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL
25-08-2010  19:38:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  +OVER 9000.
25-08-2010  19:38:59  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OH LOL.
25-08-2010  19:39:01  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  The other funny thing is
25-08-2010  19:39:04  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  she gives chat logs
25-08-2010  19:39:06  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  to her best friend Adam
25-08-2010  19:39:08  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  to let him read.
25-08-2010  19:39:12  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  "My best friend of 15 years"
25-08-2010  19:39:16  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LIKE OUR f*** IN GAME PMs.
25-08-2010  19:39:17  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I'm like...
25-08-2010  19:39:22  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  So he jacks off to the chat logs?
25-08-2010  19:41:10  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower LOL
25-08-2010  19:42:58  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  MY FAV PART
25-08-2010  19:43:00  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  IS WHEN ADHELLE
25-08-2010  19:43:02  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  BRINGS THE FORUMS BACK
25-08-2010  19:43:04  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  AND TRASH TALKS
25-08-2010  19:43:06  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  IN AN ANNOUNCEMENT
25-08-2010  19:43:11  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I HOPE SHE MAKES THE s***
25-08-2010  19:43:14  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOOK REALLLLL UNPRO.
25-08-2010  19:43:18  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SHE GUD @ TAHT.
25-08-2010  19:43:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  THAT.*
25-08-2010  19:43:25  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server! f*** THAT b**** donkey SUCCUBUS HO!
25-08-2010  19:43:30  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower LOL
25-08-2010  19:43:35  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower She's f*** stupid.
25-08-2010  19:44:11  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Do Brazilians ride Elephants?
25-08-2010  19:44:31  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  CUZ U KNO
25-08-2010  19:44:32  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WE DRIVE CARS
25-08-2010  19:44:34  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  BUT.,
25-08-2010  19:44:37  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  JUST SAYIN'
25-08-2010  19:45:08  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower When I hear Brazil, I think of some poor made, people stabbing others, dirt roads of hell.
25-08-2010  19:45:29  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Yes.
25-08-2010  19:45:42  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Dude. Let's go get her fiancee's number.
25-08-2010  19:45:48  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  We'll give him a nice pity f***.
25-08-2010  19:46:00  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Since he has adhelle's penis
25-08-2010  19:46:03  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  up his butt all the time.
25-08-2010  19:46:05  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Pfft. Give me 5 minutes, and he'll leave her.
25-08-2010  19:46:33  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  If he hasn't already.
25-08-2010  19:46:34  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower But,... more I think about it.
25-08-2010  19:46:34  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LOL.
25-08-2010  19:46:35  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower the more..
25-08-2010  19:46:38  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower you know like,
25-08-2010  19:46:48  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower She's fat and ugly.. makes me wonder how.. he is
25-08-2010  19:46:50  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  IS ADHELEL REAL?
25-08-2010  19:46:52  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ADHELLE*
25-08-2010  19:46:53  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WAIT NO.
25-08-2010  19:46:55  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  SHE IS RICH
25-08-2010  19:46:57  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  BECAUSE OF DONATIONS
25-08-2010  19:46:58  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server! s***
25-08-2010  19:47:00  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  1000$ in BR
25-08-2010  19:47:01  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  is like
25-08-2010  19:47:04  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  GOVERNMENT.
25-08-2010  19:47:08  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower LOL
25-08-2010  19:47:19  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  LIKE.
25-08-2010  19:47:23  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHICH BEGS THE QUESTION
25-08-2010  19:47:29  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHO'S GONNA RUN THIS TOWN TONIGHTTTTT?
25-08-2010  19:47:42  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WE ARE, YEAA I SAID IT WE ARE
25-08-2010  19:47:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  THIS IS ROCK NATION
25-08-2010  19:47:48  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
25-08-2010  19:48:17  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  OMG. EW. BRAZILIAN MEN
25-08-2010  19:48:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  DON'T GET THEIR FORESKIN CUT
25-08-2010  19:48:23  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  *THROWS UP*
25-08-2010  19:48:27  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  And that song was from Rihanna.
25-08-2010  19:48:33  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  WHOS GUNNA RUN THIS TOWN TONIGHT!?
25-08-2010  19:48:33  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower That''s awkward ; D
25-08-2010  19:48:39  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  YEAH.
25-08-2010  19:48:42  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  It's like a SNAKE
25-08-2010  19:48:44  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  peeping out
25-08-2010  19:48:48  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  EW.
25-08-2010  19:48:48  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower LOL FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
25-08-2010  19:48:51  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I'd be like
25-08-2010  19:48:52  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server! f***.
25-08-2010  19:49:00  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  CAN U TAKE OFF TEH SKIN?
25-08-2010  19:49:03  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  FOR 30 MINUTES?
25-08-2010  19:49:07  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  30 f*** MINUTES!!!
25-08-2010  19:49:14  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower One of things I make guys have done before I do anything.
25-08-2010  19:49:20  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower Shave, and that. Otherwise, gtfo.
25-08-2010  19:49:25  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  YEAH.
25-08-2010  19:49:26  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  EW.
25-08-2010  19:49:28  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  FORREST OF HELL
25-08-2010  19:49:30  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I SHAVE DAILY
25-08-2010  19:49:31  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  EJWAOGO
25-08-2010  19:49:32  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  EW.
25-08-2010  19:49:32  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower LOL
25-08-2010  19:49:33  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  I WOULD GAG. 

Posted on: Aug 25, 2010, 12:24 pm
You are probably asking why I didn't ban him. It was funny as hell.
Posted on: Aug 25, 2010, 12:25 pm
Correction: block*


What the hell? It's like watching two dim-witted high school cheerleaders continue to talk smack while following the person they're talking about...when that person has already stopped listening 10 minutes ago.

Edit: Still cracks me up when they make fun of Adhelle's English when the things they write are filled with typos.

Seo Ji Soo

The logs. Are. HILARIOUS. Very entertaining.

And yes, Gadget, it's probably just lack of things to pick on, so they do it despite being horrible themselves.


Change the 10 minutes for over half an hour, plus the fact he needed a friend to help with the insulting and you get how miserable he must be! I mean, this was probably the best minutes of his month for him to keep it going like that. I'm still amused in how far he went. A person needs to be very unhappy to reach this. Indeed delicious & entertaining. Mainly the fat ugly stuff. I really lol'ed hard.


Wow, There was some time spent typing this. I'll read it and get back to you on it X3


Wow, he needed to get another person to help insulting? he's so pro. 


Gj Arie and Adhelle, this compilation just showed me what he really is.

Ahahaha and yea this was hilarious.

Might want to think harder on who to hire and who to give power. Much harder.



Quote from: Lulsdoctor on Aug 25, 2010, 09:22 PM
Wow, he needed to get another person to help insulting? he's so pro. 

Quote from: Pomegranate on Aug 25, 2010, 07:55 PM
...I also like to place a formal request that SkinnyBoy/Colin/Funsized be officially placed in the Hall of Shame.


Poor Pomegranate :(


25-08-2010  19:11:16  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  it is Brazil.
25-08-2010  19:11:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Aren't they undeveloped?
25-08-2010  19:11:30  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  O U CAN BRING ALL FRIENDS
25-08-2010  19:11:37  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  2 CUM IN HOSPI7@L
25-08-2010  19:11:43  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ^ Thanks Ke$sha.
25-08-2010  19:11:44  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower ES A FIESTAAAA

There goes another child that says things without even knowing any information... I wonder if "es a fiestaa" was referring to the native language, which is not spanish, but portuguese...

I wonder where the professionalism and all culture he claimed he had has gone to...


The Quotes from adhelle are just... zwow.
Well, the first one. The others Ima have to DL;DR

Quote from: jessinham on Aug 25, 2010, 09:40 PM
25-08-2010  19:11:16  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  it is Brazil.
25-08-2010  19:11:20  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  Aren't they undeveloped?
25-08-2010  19:11:30  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  O U CAN BRING ALL FRIENDS
25-08-2010  19:11:37  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  2 CUM IN HOSPI7@L
25-08-2010  19:11:43  Coliflower Lexi, New High Rate RO Server!  ^ Thanks Ke$sha.
25-08-2010  19:11:44  Lexi  New High Rate RO Server!, Coliflower ES A FIESTAAAA

There goes another child that says things without even knowing any information... I wonder if "es a fiestaa" was referring to the native language, which is not spanish, but portuguese...

I wonder where the professionalism and all culture he claimed he had has gone to...


Moving to HoS & added him to the GM HoS.

This topic is being linked beside his name on the GM HoS, so you might want to make sure those images won't expire over time.


they won't :) we have plenty of copies of them :)


Does that effect this thread?
(since the reality was exposed)


This has been driven to a high degree of success.

1) Funsize reveals staff-only information regarding the condition of LuminaRO and Adhelle's performance.
- Suspended paypal account that pays for Lumina's expenses.
- Prove of Adhelle using donation for personal gains and cutting corners regarding her new server.
- Adhelle's lack of appreciation for her staff members, who volunteers as a staff member without pay. Excluding Funsize perhaps.
- Lack of server development on the charges of incomplete scripts, broken events, and incoherent staff.
2) Both sides are now attacking each other personally, which has proven both individuals to be complete d-bags.
- If you have to side with someone, don't.

"The school of the undefeated East!"
"The winds of the king!"
"Look! The East is burning red!"