COPYCAT?!!! Screaming RO?

Started by ragnazorg, Dec 07, 2009, 08:55 AM

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..sigh Irrelevant..buddy..why are you doing this? let it go..I hear they have some new Tiger woods and his mistresses videos on the internet now.


cause after all the drama, I still slain em.

Need a site done? contact me.


They're not just his...*goes to the doctor to get checked*

I don't see why they should even bother coming to defend themselves. It's quite clear that they intended to use their site.
You don't take someone's website design and then put your name on the top as if  you are going to use the design for your own website, and not plan on using their site.

That is called stealing. And even though I don't care about piracy, I do care about people taking complete website designs and using them as their own.
Granted, it could be the same thing, who cares? Sue them. They are in another country where U.S. laws do not apply. But that isn't what this is about here.
It's about shedding light on them, showing that they stole someone else's design and were in the midst of trying to pass it off as their own.