Guides Anti-Stun, Confusion external Bleeding etc.

Started by Friendly Fire, May 05, 2011, 08:12 PM

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Friendly Fire

I have searched since a time ago a formule that says me how to earn inmunity to stun effect.  :-\

Since a time ago, I know very well some details that give me some view of this thing, I mean, for example
I know that if you have Vit in your Character you earn certain percentage of resistence to stun effect. But the objective of this
Guide is to create a formule that can explain us very well how to earn resistence to stun effect even if we do not have Vit in our Character
If you have Vit 50 in your character it means that you will have 50% of resistence to stun effect even the duration os this effect will be reduced
I know just that, but the question is this (well there are many question about this effect):

Firstable, I want to create, with all the people with a like of writting on this topic, one guide capable of giving us the correct formule to calculate our resistence to stun effect, without taking care about Vit equipment etc etc. I want to say to build a "build" with equipment being Anti-Stun.
I want to search some answers that I could not to answer to my self. Question like these:

What does the valky armor's effect do exactly respect to stun effect with Swordman, thief and merchant class?? ::) ???
I can not comprenhend this very well because I have read in several pages of internet things like:

- Valkyria armor gives us 50% of resistence depending of our vit. This means that if we have Vit 50, Valkyria armor will give us 25% more. It means that the valky armor will give the 50% of resistence aditional depending of our vit. Is that correct?  ???

- Other point: I have read this too. The Hat named as: Dark Bacilium refined + 5 with the stalactic golem card in this helmet plus the valkyria armor will give us inmunity to stun effect even if you have Vit 1 in your base. Is that correct? I WANT TO ASK WHY?????????? this is a little to complicate to understand because I read that valkyria armor gives us 50% of resistencia depending of oue vit but in this case we do not have vit how it can be posible to have inmunity to stun if we do not have Vit in our character D:¡¡¡¡¡  I saw this in a calculator and the result was horrible.... that was totally truth.... Dark Bacilium + 5 with stalactic golem card + Valkyria armor give us 100% of resistencia to stun effect.... but WHY??? D: this is the calcualtor where I saw this: I probed this build because I had noticed that the most of Woe-Creator did not have any VIT in theirs build, then I noticed this equipment.

I know too that the resistence given for our equipment can not be added to our ressitence given for our vit.

  Important POINTS
  Dark bacilium gives us 20% of resistence to stun, freeze and stone effect. And each grade of refine in this helmet will give us 2 % more. It means that a Dark Bacilium refined + 5 will give us 30% to resistencia to these effects. If we put in this helmet a Stalactic golem card will give us 50% of resistencia to stun effect.
  Valkyria armor says that will give us 50% of resistencia to stun effect but depending of our vit is that correct? or not? to swordman merchant and thief class

According to this calculator
it does not give us the resistence according to our vit

The reason that makes me to start to search a perfect formule to calcualte states is this:

I have a Paladin 99 Base level and 68 Job level but the build is the next:

STR 99
VIT 47 + 10
AGI 40
DEX 63
INT 33

This apparently is a little strange, but this is very helpful to my porposes. I am playing a server where the rates are the next: 5x5x5
I will say the name of this server if someone aplay it. It is not a Woe-Paladin as you can notice. I have found very well as collector of zeny a Paladin  ;D but I want to arrive to equipment to be anti stun. The paladin has the skill of Shield boomerang and shield Chain as main.
My damage sith shield boom and Crusader Spirit are tremendous :D.

But I have found a very bad disadvantage in my build... there is a horrible stun effect x.x     ........

My HP is near to 14k-17k, It depends of my equipment. Without equipment I have 14k of HP and equipment, talking about Diablos set is 17k, It´s enough to support a Sonic blow With EDP and assasain Spirit :D

The problem starts when I have to fight with a Master Smith D:¡¡¡ the stun effect MAKES ME CRY /sob. this is a big problem in my build because It enters to my self rapidly. So I wanted to fight this problem... The Master smith fights with FLEE and being anti stun.  :-\
With the AGI that I have I can reach near of 300 of FLEE Rate. My equipment is the next:

Accesories: 2 Vesper Core 03 (flee + 16 I think so xD)
Garmet: Skin of ventus + whisper card (flee + 30)
Shoes: It does not matter in my build but if you want and you have zeny (much zeny) you can buy a Balck letter boots + 9 with Thanatos Odium card. You will reach near of 9 of Flee more eith these whoes
Shield: I recomend to use a Cross shield with tamruam to attack with shield chain and a Bradium shield with tamruan card to attack with shield boom
Weapon: Assaulter Spear with refine + 5 at least. This is a item of BG (Battle Ground).
Armor: Meteor Plate with alicel card ( FLEE + 10 )
Upper: advanced minipropeller
Mid: Sunglasses with stalatic golem card
With this equipment and some consumables you will reach near of 303 of FLEE RATE.

I think that this is a perfect build to eliminate Master Smith. At least in my server, the most of Master Smith have a DEX of 38 in due to the fact 303 and being anti stun is a perfect situation to me to eliminate Master Smith easy and fast. ;D. But I face a Master Smith with enough DEX or consumables of HIT I will lose. The point is to eliminate Master Smith not-preapared with flee and being anti-stun. I know very well that with DEX 38 you will have 180 of HIT (in my server) if you have a Master Smith. If we add to this build Food DEX + 10 HIT = 190, and a Orcish Axe with 4 Mummy card you will have 270 of HIT that´s enough to reach a flee of 303 and i will be OWNED XD. Therefore I want to know very well how to calculate my resistence to stun effect to make different builds not just this. I want to know to calculate this according to my VIT and equipment of resistence. VIT and equipment.

Formule according to the base VIT and equipment of resistence. In this way I make the request for put in this topic the formule of calculate resistence of Freeze, External bleeding, Sleep, Silence and the different states. Thank you

Finally, one last point, I have a Assassain Cross 99/70 the build is:

STR 90
AGI 90
VIT 40
DEX 47 I think so xD  ::)

my equipment to be Anti stun is:

Valkyria armor, Sunglasses with Gemini-S58 card and a Deporte Doll with Gemini-S58 card. It does not matter what you have like Doll taking care that it has a Slot to put a card. I chose Gemini for 30% resistence to stun if you have Base AGI >= 90. According to a calculator I have 108% of resistence. But I want to know Why 108% because I calculated that I would have 120%.

40 % for my VIT
20 % for my Valkyria armor
30 % for one Gemini
30 % for the other Gemini.

But as I said before the resistence given for VIT can not be added to the resistence given for Equipment... so I would like to Know What our people say about :D  ;D


50% anti-stun from valk plus 50% from anti-stun from +5 Dark Bacilium with stalactic golem card = 50%+30%+20%=100%

You need to have 100% total resistance from some stat to be anti-it, anti-stuff like that adds since the script is the same so just stack them until you've 100% total resistance.

Simple math, if you're 100% anti-it, you're immune to it.

Friendly Fire

Now, You are saying that I can get inmunity to stun effect if I get a equipment on that it all together gives me a adition of 100% to stun effect. But How can I calculate my resistence taking as base my equipment and my vit. For example I said that my Paladin has 47 + 10 of VIT
then taking reference to my knowledge 47+10 of VIT plus a meteor plate that gives me 30% plus a stalactic golem in sunglasses I have a total resistence to stun effect of Stun 79% and the question is how can I calculate this 79%? It´s according to the calculator that I mentioned in the present topic


The system works more or less like this[taking again stun as example but works for many other aspects and don't forget that roratio way to show immunity is not the same as in eathena since kro/jro/etc is aegis and eathena is eathena neither maybe is the formula i will show but is pretty near that i'm sure since it gives me pretty much same values as in game tests].

NOTE -> 1 vit = -1% stun/many other s*** that you ignore for now:

A = ((3 + total vit) * 100) / 100
B = ((100 - A) *  gear/cards stat resistance) /100
C = A + B

If total vit = 50

A = ((3+50)*100)/100
A = (53*100)/100
A = 53% anti-stun using vit

Adding a valk armor on a paladin

B = ((100-53)*50)/100
B = (47*50)/100
B = 23.5

C = 53+23.5 = 76.5 ~77% anti-stun

Friendly Fire

Quote from: Triper on May 06, 2011, 11:51 AM
The system works more or less like this[taking again stun as example but works for many other aspects and don't forget that roratio way to show immunity is not the same as in eathena since kro/jro/etc is aegis and eathena is eathena neither maybe is the formula i will show but is pretty near that i'm sure since it gives me pretty much same values as in game tests].

NOTE -> 1 vit = -1% stun/many other s*** that you ignore for now:

A = ((3 + total vit) * 100) / 100
B = ((100 - A) *  gear/cards stat resistance) /100
C = A + B

If total vit = 50

A = ((3+50)*100)/100
A = (53*100)/100
A = 53% anti-stun using vit

Adding a valk armor on a paladin

B = ((100-53)*50)/100
B = (47*50)/100
B = 23.5

C = 53+23.5 = 76.5 ~77% anti-stun

wow Thanks to God. There is somebody to know this *-*

Well several points that I want to explain:

- According to the part where it says: "total Vit" Are you refering to Food vit too? or Base Vit? or the amount total Explain by (Base Vit + any numer).

- I probed this formule using a dark bacilium + 5 with a stalactic golem card and a valkyria armor in a Assasain cross with Vit = 1 + 4 and the result is 92% of resistence to stun effect. I can suppose when my Base Vit is 1 or 0 the letter "A" has as a result a 0 (zero).

- Well I am thanked you for this formule.

- I have noticed that the most of the builds used in my server are very vulnerable to several states like

Poison - Altough this is a state very easy to eliminate Green potion
Stun 100% This was the result given by a calculator using Vit 1 DB + 5 (stalactic) + Valkyria armor
Freeze 30% - A state that almost nobody falls for having marc or evil druid card
Curse 10% - A state that can be very annoying because you are very slow in your movements and your flee and hit get a fall. Although the duration is reduced by your VIT
Blind 1.33% - This is the same case to the poison state :/
Sleep 2% - this can be very useful taking care that many people use a nightmare in sunglases so They have to switch. I mean when they are Anti stun you have a probability to sleep them (sorry for my very bad English I'm a student of this language still)
Silence 54% - This is the same case to the poison state :/
Chaos 1.33% - a State not very useful just in some cases like BG.
Bleeding 54% - A state that I would like to probe in my server because the bleeding is horrible and almost nobody has cards for avoiding this state ;)
Stone 30% - This is the same case to the poison state :/ but this is cure by a Medusa card in shield, and evil druid or a seeker card gives you certain amount of resistence to this.


Ups, just saw now what I posted, didn't noticed some details since I just copy/pasted it from the source of my calc and deleted the math.floor things >.<

Yep, total vit = your total vit[base vit+equip vit+food vit...], it's the total of X+Y at VIT.

The thing is this to clarify stuff:

A = 3 + total vit
B = ((100 - A) *  stat resistance stuff) /100
C = A + B

Using the stuff you said it goes like this:
A= 3+5 = 8
B= ((100-8)*100)/100=92
C= 92+8=100

Friendly Fire

Quote from: Triper on May 08, 2011, 09:30 AM
Ups, just saw now what I posted, didn't noticed some details since I just copy/pasted it from the source of my calc and deleted the math.floor things >.<

Yep, total vit = your total vit[base vit+equip vit+food vit...], it's the total of X+Y at VIT.

The thing is this to clarify stuff:

A = 3 + total vit
B = ((100 - A) *  stat resistance stuff) /100
C = A + B

Using the stuff you said it goes like this:
A= 3+5 = 8
B= ((100-8)*100)/100=92
C= 92+8=100


thanks for your help

Now I am seeing that there are many things very cheap that you can use like equipment better than other thins like DS + 7 (DS = Diablos set) . In my server most of people want to have DS + 7, but DS + 7 is not so good. It is very usefel to atacks like Sonic Blow or something like this but long range atacks not :/. Now I am seeing more thing of equipment that i could not see before :D. Today I see a Gypsy that She ate magical atacks. Magic damage reached near of 70 and long range atacks near of 200; falcon assault 1000 of damage, and bombs from creator 500. I asked how much vit she had and I noticed that she was a Woe Gypsy then she told me that she had Vit 97 with a lot of reduction of long range, 99% of reduction to be exact. :D thanks for the answers Tripper now is time to discover more information that can help me to be a tank :D like the gypsy that i saw today. I am going to discover how to calculate long range damage. I think that this guide will help to many people. I was searching in many forums this formule but nobody could answer me :/ I do not know if it was for envy or something like that... well ...


Thank you for this one!

Now, I can own those stunners /gg