Creative Editing: Most Valuable Player (MVP)

Started by bleu, Mar 31, 2009, 02:32 AM

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i cant see the names of lhz_boses please help me i want to change their sprites so i can identify them easily
any help would be appreciated ;D


Only if you edit your post so that it does not have 'plz' in it.


i think i figured it out
eremes guile and assasin cross eremes
their file name is eremes right??
but if this would be the case then the mvp and eremes guile would have the same look
what i want is for only lhz mvp to be different

am i on the right track??

EDITED: they different by  ?_eremes right?


From what I know, some mobs use already existing sprites, like the first form of Beelzebub actually uses the green chonchon fly.. and some of its mobs use the already existing hunter fly sprites while they're in fact hell flies.

So yes, the bio3 eremes MvP could be using the mob sprite, just trial and error some more.


i just checked the folder where they are located and to my dissapointment i only found one file that is eremes only
any tips so that the mvp itself will change i tried to find their name in RMS it say that
mob = EREMES

i dont think that i found b_eremes



Edit the eremes sprite you found, see if it works. Like I said before, some monsters use the same sprite.


i tried to edit the sprite of a pupa to a randgris but it didn't work
and also i cant find the file ¸ó½ºÃ...Í
where all the ro monster are located in my comp it file name is ¸ó½ºÅÍ
i created C:\Program Files\Dark RO\data\sprite\¸ó½ºÅÍ
but when i pasted the sprite of the pupa there and renamed it to randgris nothing happened
what am i doing wrong??



Located at\sprite\¸ó½ºÅÍ. I just changed them to a Pupa sprite.

randgris.spr Valkyrie Randgris [Mob ID# 1751]

seyren.spr Lord Knight Seyren [Mob ID# 1646]

p/s: about the ¸ó½ºÃ...Í, for some strange reason, the "Unicode format" was modified subsequent to my original post. I will need to correct that but I was not sure was I the only one noticing it (i.e. only on my screen). So, I was waiting for someone to say something. Anyways, I will amend them during the week.

edit: Amended.

Quote from: vash_021 on Jun 24, 2009, 10:34 PM
what am i doing wrong??

which server are you from? According to RMS, DarkRO Force has been delisted. I need a snapshot of your RO directory. You may PM me if you prefer privacy. I suspect you need to edit the data.ini file to tell the computer the order of reading the grf files. [Reminds me... I will need to write a guide to overcome that]


Quote from: bleu on Jun 25, 2009, 12:10 AM
which server are you from? According to RMS, DarkRO Force has been delisted. I need a snapshot of your RO directory. You may PM me if you prefer privacy. I suspect you need to edit the data.ini file to tell the computer the order of reading the grf files. [Reminds me... I will need to write a guide to overcome that]

yes i am from dark-ro force
just figured out that the opposite thing happened instead od eremes being the poporing the poporing became the eremes

now i just want to figure out to only change the lhz mvp not the mobs

and am about the mobs
will seyren windsor and lord knight seyren have a different sprite?

scenario: you're hunting mvp's in lhz i suddenly see a big golem which is a lk seyren and not the normal mob


Quote from: vash_021 on Jun 25, 2009, 03:11 AM
now i just want to figure out to only change the lhz mvp not the mobs

and am about the mobs
will seyren windsor and lord knight seyren have a different sprite?

scenario: you're hunting mvp's in lhz i suddenly see a big golem which is a lk seyren and not the normal mob

Unfortunately, the sprite seyren.spr is being used by:

Lord Knight Seyren   (G_SEYREN_)   Mob ID# 1799 (not a natural spawn)
Lord Knight Seyren   (G_SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1640
Lord Knight Seyren   (B_SEYREN_)   Mob ID# 1805 (not a natural spawn)
Lord Knight Seyren   (B_SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1646
Seyren / Seyren Windsor   (SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1634
Seyren / Seyren Windsor   (EVENT_SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1895 (not a natural spawn)

So, in the case above, if I were to summon a Seyren / Seyren Windsor   (SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1634; it will look like a Pupa. Similar to the MVP Lord Knight Seyren   (B_SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1646. However, there can only be one MVP in Bio Lab 3 at any one time. If the MVP Lord Knight Seyren   (B_SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1646 has spawned, no other MVP will appear. On top of that, the MVP cannot summon a slave of itself. I.e.; it does not summon a slave which would look like a Lord Knight (or Pupa). So, there will not be any confusion. Having said that, there will be several Seyren / Seyren Windsor   (SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1634 and Lord Knight Seyren   (G_SEYREN)   Mob ID# 1640 scattered around Bio Lab 3 dungeon. They may or may not be near the MVP, but they will look like a Pupa none the less.


i guess there's no other way
can i change the lay out of the text of the lhzmvps??
like making them bigger and boulder or will the mobs be affected too


Hey Mr, Bleu

Nid help

Beacuse i canot see some names it shows a BOX names

I can't See Names., & also i dont know if is already the folder for MVP monsters

i already try to use CP1252 or Korean But Nothings happen,

i dont know w/c folder is ¸ó½ºÅÍ or the MVP monster Names.,

Need Help for this prob.


Quote from: K586495 on Jun 25, 2009, 11:44 AM
Beacuse i canot see some names it shows a BOX names

i already try to use CP1252 or Korean But Nothings happen,

i dont know w/c folder is ¸ó½ºÅÍ or the MVP monster Names.,

Need Help for this prob.

Make sure your Windows support Asian Language

Quote from: bleu on Mar 31, 2009, 02:32 AM
* If you do not see Korean characters, then you will require some setup to be able to display the characters. For Windows Vista (it should already support Korean language by default). For Windows XP, check this. For other platforms, check this.


i had a problem., i dont have the CD., dat asking for me before i instal it., wer can i find? the language installer?
i dont have the check of korea every time i lick it asking me a CD.,


Quote from: K586495 on Jun 25, 2009, 01:58 PM
i had a problem., i dont have the CD., dat asking for me before i instal it., wer can i find? the language installer?
i dont have the check of korea every time i lick it asking me a CD.,

Try looking for i386 (no guarantee)