adding homunclus to your server more then you currnetly got

Started by denoyah, May 26, 2007, 12:35 PM

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Guide by Denoyah
ok this requires some source editing
for more development guides by me and extra updates that ea doesnt got go to my community forum and go to ragnarok dev our updates expand ro to the limits eathena will never finish

first off the homun db

is the setup for a homun
here is a example
ok ?
so now open homun skill db

//CLass,Skill-ID,MaxLV,Prerequisite Skill-ID-1,Prerequisite Skill-ID-1-Lv,PrereqSkill-ID-2,PrereqSkill-ID-2-Lv,PrereqSkill-ID-3,PrereqSkill-ID-3-Lv,PrereqSkill-ID-4,PrereqSkill-ID-4-Lv,PrereqSkill-ID-5,PrereqSkill-ID-5-Lv//CLASS_SKILLNAME#Skill Name#

for the skill
6016,8013,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //HVAN_CAPRICE,
6016,8014,5,8013,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //HVAN_CHAOTIC
6016,8015,5,8013,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //HVAN_INSTRUCT
6016,8016,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //HVAN_EXPLOSION

now for the source editing

open src\common
open mmo.h

search for
//Base Homun skill.
#define HM_SKILLBASE 8000
#define MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS 16 //[orn]
#define HM_CLASS_BASE 6001

now for editing edit the red
so lets say you wanna make the max homun 100 and to add alot of skills

//Base Homun skill.
#define HM_SKILLBASE 8000
#define MAX_HOMUNSKILL 100
#define MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS 99 //[orn]
#define HM_CLASS_BASE 6001
#define HM_CLASS_MAX  6100

green is the edited
so now you can have upto 99 homuns

it is recommended you put them in the mob_db so you can spawn as mobs/use them as summons
i have quit ro due to being f*** over to many times cya guys