Appropriate Job Class for a New Server - some Pro's opinion needed.

Started by bbq~, Dec 15, 2010, 06:41 PM

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This topic adresses to skilled and experienced players only, since I want some clear statements here, so just answer if you're certain about what you're saying please :).
I'm about to start on a freshly opened server with the rates (7/7/5) [this server does not contain renewal, so no 3rd jobs, only trans]. Since I'm unsure of what job class I want to play and as I don't have alot of experience with different classes I request some help on this. My character should be able to rock WoE and PvP as well if possible. PvM is not that important as I can make another character just for farming purposes. An extra candy would be if he would be useful for MvP as well.
Of course there are some classes I do not want to play under any  circumstances so I have a few jobs in a closer selection which are the following:
- Lord Knight. I like berserk. I'm sure he's great for farming, maybe even MvPing. Yet, ppl told me he's rather useless in WoE? What's up with that?
- Whitesmith. Never played this job class, but I like his skills e.g. he can deal great damage with cart termination. I heard he's really expansive to equip though.
- Assassin Cross. Never really played him either, but with hydra carded Infi there's some great sonic blow damage which certainly would rock as hell in WoE and Pvp, right? =D. Still there's always so many of them and I'd rather play a class which is rare than 0815, you see.

So, please do me the favour and point out pros and cons about these classes. Don't worry about leveling these characters, I will have parties that will make it easier, so no argument like "ws is pretty hard to level". I hope some experienced players read this and can give me some hints, maybe also with some stat and equip advices.

Thanks says mr. bbq~


Quote from: bbq~ on Dec 15, 2010, 06:41 PM

This topic adresses to skilled and experienced players only, since I want some clear statements here, so just answer if you're certain about what you're saying please :).
I'm about to start on a freshly opened server with the rates (7/7/5) [this server does not contain renewal, so no 3rd jobs, only trans]. Since I'm unsure of what job class I want to play and as I don't have alot of experience with different classes I request some help on this. My character should be able to rock WoE and PvP as well if possible. PvM is not that important as I can make another character just for farming purposes. An extra candy would be if he would be useful for MvP as well.
Of course there are some classes I do not want to play under any  circumstances so I have a few jobs in a closer selection which are the following:
- Lord Knight. I like berserk. I'm sure he's great for farming, maybe even MvPing. Yet, ppl told me he's rather useless in WoE? What's up with that?
- Whitesmith. Never played this job class, but I like his skills e.g. he can deal great damage with cart termination. I heard he's really expansive to equip though.
- Assassin Cross. Never really played him either, but with hydra carded Infi there's some great sonic blow damage which certainly would rock as hell in WoE and Pvp, right? =D. Still there's always so many of them and I'd rather play a class which is rare than 0815, you see.

So, please do me the favour and point out pros and cons about these classes. Don't worry about leveling these characters, I will have parties that will make it easier, so no argument like "ws is pretty hard to level". I hope some experienced players read this and can give me some hints, maybe also with some stat and equip advices.

Thanks says mr. bbq~

There's already a thread about this on the servers forum.  It's no secret you are talking about Celestia.
'effective now, ***** is butthurt because his server sucks without competent players to make things interesting'


Well sure it's no secret, it says it right below my name...
Where is that thread supposed to be then? Haven't found anything like it.


People say LK sucks, that's...well, not exactly true. Average LK sucks hard, but if you got some thingies and know how to use them, LK can be pretty powerful. But I wouldn't recommend that build to anyone without good RO experience, as it can be hard to play right, and you need really rare stuff. And it's still pretty much PvP char, not WoE.

For same reason, I wouldn't recommend playing Champion. Again, average quite sucks as champ that relies on Asura spamming can be neutralized quite easily, but top champs can be powerful.
Assassin Cross is easy to make into average SB spammer, and lots of people start with it. Well placed SB can kill almost anyone, but you need link for that...

Anyway. This is really not a good question. What you should try is what char fits you with its playing style.


idk why you picked the worst classes in the game for WoE purposes...

Anyway I'll list some pro's and cons for all purposes:

Whitesmith isn't a killer in WoE; It's only job is to repair equipment/guardian stones and occasionally inflict status effects with cart revo.
Lord Knight is terrible in WoE for all purposes; It's emp breaking ability is easily nullified with 1 quagmire/agi down. It's DPS is low and it has no supportive skills whatsoever.
Assassin Cross; While able to do ground control, it's ability to ground control isn't as high as a champ. In GvG's/field battles they're somewhat useless. The only purpose they usually serve is as emp breaker, guardian stone repairing and occasionally ground control.

Whitesmith is pretty damn great in PvP; It has pretty decent DPS and is hard to kill 1 on 1 when well played.
LK is decent for PvPing; Their bowling bash DPS and tanking ability makes them pretty decent but they're not great for PvPing at all..
Assassin Cross is ofcourse the king of the PvP; They deal out enough burst damage in PvP to one shot almost any character, not to mention their backslide and cloak prevents them from being easily killed. But idk why anyone would like playing it though unless you get off on going on killing sprees.

Whitesmith is awesome for MvPing; It can solo most minor MvPs and it can take on higher-tier MvPs such as Beelze when partied.
LK is average for MvPing; It can solo low-tier MvPs such as Eddga and the like, however a Whitesmith, Sniper and Champ do that better...
Assassin Cross is terrible for MvPing

Seems like you want a melee killer for WoE - Go champ.



What you say might be true for high-pop WoE SE, but keep in mind not all servers are high population. On lower population, and especially in WoE FE, WS and SinX are good killers. LK can be good status dealer/coma spammer if played correctly, while capable of surviving pretty much anything.


Quote from: Sarin on Dec 16, 2010, 07:24 AM

What you say might be true for high-pop WoE SE, but keep in mind not all servers are high population. On lower population, and especially in WoE FE, WS and SinX are good killers. LK can be good status dealer/coma spammer if played correctly, while capable of surviving pretty much anything.
Ofcourse. But bear in mind he probably wants a killing melee class. WS and SinX are definitely capable for that in WoE FE[Although WS still not really when opponent is decently geared] while LK still isn't.

SinX is probably the best killing melee class in WoE FE though.