Your favorite maps

Started by L2Play, Jul 01, 2011, 10:42 AM

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Jawaii hehehehe.

But for more practical maps....



best of the rest!

Izlude, Geffen, Aldebaran

fields: lhz_fild01, xmas_fild01, prt_fild08 under prontera

dungeons: pay_dun00-05, and idk other dungeons too. doesnt really matter  ;)
[color=#FF8C00]Top 3 Town BGMs[/color] -[color=#DDA0DD] Theme of Al De Baran, Izlude and Geffen [/color]
[color=#FF0000]Top 3 RO BGMs[/color] - [color=#FF00FF]One Step Closer(@go 15's BGM), Yetit Petit (ice dungeon BGM), Rose of Sharon (Veins field 3 BGM)[/color]
[color=#9932CC]TOP 4 GMs[/color] - [color=#FF0000]GM Meep, tearbleu, GM Amemeep, GM Castiel[/color] - [color=#FFC0CB]Honorable Mention - GM Fite, GM BlueDrops, GM Fite, GM Nicholas[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]Top 3 Hardest MVPs[/color]- [color=#FFC0CB]Naght Seiger, Entweihen Crothen, Satan Morroc[/color]
[color=#98FB98]Top 3 buffs[/color]- [color=#4B0082]Assumptio, gloria, aspersio[/color]
[color=#00BFFF]Top 3 NBA Teams[/color]- [color=#0000FF]Cleveland Cavaliers, Lakers, Denver Nuggets
[color=#0000FF]Me and Squishy love tearbleu/GM Meep/GM BlueDrops![/color]
[color=#FF0000]Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Champions '10~[/color]


Hmm.... Maps I like...

I like Maps that have the BGM I like lol. xD

Prontera - I always hangout here. Well I hang out a lot. *-* Like 95% of the time I'm online I'm hanging out with friend chatting~ 8D I really love Prontera's BGM.

Prontera field 8 - Calming BGM. :>
Amatsu - So Japanese ! ♥ :D


Nothing beats the serenity of que_moon. :D

Well, Its like an auxiliary map. Great BGM, Relaxing views. Cool Wind ( As if I can feel it lawl)