Is highrate fun?

Started by MasterFlex, Apr 03, 2011, 05:40 PM

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no offense, but i beg to differ on the notion that "you should woe or quit".

I understand that every person has their own play style, but for me, i have played RO for around 2.5-3 yrs now in one server, and i find it enjoyable. I don't WOE or pvp, but the customized BG (a recent addition) is somewhat enjoyable for me. I guess it has more to do with finding real mates to party with and well i enjoy doing things with my gf-now-wife though her main is an LK and mine is a monk (so we don't party all that much), but we get things done, we party up when possible/necessary, and it's all fun. Then there's that monthly major event that's enjoyable to do together for 4-8 hours on a stretch.

So imho, if you play on average 1-2 hours a day for 3 years, RO is still fun (well depends on server too, i guess). But if you wanna play 4+ hours a day then perhaps it will get old real quick...



Yeah WOE or quit may not be true, but BG is really enjoyable, especially deathmatch. I also BG for about 2-3 hours on Sunday or Wednesday (WOE days, depends on the number of people logged on).
I'm considering joining a WOE guild but for now I'm going to stick to BG.


Only if they left mechanics unchanged.


IMHO this is a simple answer to the question: HR is fun, you will be able to maxed out your level for just an hour or less plus its much easier to hunt for items. yes on some servers, after doing all the level up and hunting, theres no more life after that. so if youre going to look for a HR server, better choose a server wherein droprate will not exceed 100x.


The jump from low rate to high rate is kinda weird because you level ALOT faster and the game might become too easy for you and ofcourse you'll get bored.

So if you are hardcore and enjoy grind, questing etc then I wouldn't go above a midrate maybe 50/50/50 rate but If you don't have alot of time to play like me
and wan't to be able to pvp etc then high rates are fine.

I guess you just need to try and see how you like it.. I started with low rates aswell then slowly switched to mid rates then high then SHR, I must say the higher I went the lazier I became heh.


sure they can be fun, if you're into a "i want it and i want it now without any work" sort of mentality. i'm sure they can be very fun if you like pvp.

Charity Case

Well i just think HR are a nice source for WOE. The old style mid rate servers for WOE are kinda over now days so i guess ppl who are into WOE just kinda fancy themselves a HR and wala.

Quote from: DarkPrince666 on Aug 18, 2011, 05:29 PM
sure they can be fun, if you're into a "i want it and i want it now without any work" sort of mentality. i'm sure they can be very fun if you like pvp.

+1? xD


I think decent highrate servers are hard to come by, but when you find the right one it can be fun.  :)


Highrate servers are fun sometimes, but always get overrun by idiots and imbalanced donations =/


Yes and no. >.<

At first I really liked HR servers since you just need little effort to level up. XD I was very lazy when it comes to leveling back then(Well I still kinda am... =.=) same with hunting. But I got bored soon since it's too easy to obtain almost everything you need and want. Party leveling which is a fun group activity in RO rarely exists in this kind of servers. You can do a lot of things just by yourself. >.>::

Mid rate and low rate servers seem to last longer than High rates. Probably because players who play in MRs and LRs develop great bonds because they work together more in those kinds of servers.